Placebo (placebo) refers to the components without any pharmacological agents or formulations, similar shape with the real drug, such as distilled water, starch tablets or capsules.
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Placebo placebo Pharmacologically inert material such as starch, lactose and the like. In clinical trials of the drug, in order to properly evaluate the efficacy of the drug, the patient's response is the difference between the therapeutic effect of the drug, or the environment, the language implies, rest, due to patient trust in doctors and automatic remission of the disease itself and other non-drug factors, placebo control group should be _set_ up, usually oral lactose, injectable saline as control. Placebo formulations comprising the appearance, shape, color, odor, and should be similar to the experimental drug. Generally use the double-blind, let doctors and patients know what drugs are used. Although the pharmacological placebo inert substance, but under certain medical conditions, for patients with a soothing psychological effect on pain, general malaise, fatigue and other symptoms, there is some relief effect.
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English Expression
n.: placebo, harmless substance given as if it were medicine to calm a patient who mistakenly believes he is ill