province : China East : China > Anhui
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安徽 旅游
安徽 旅游
安徽 旅游
  Anhui Tourism complaints Tel: Anhui Tourism complaints Tel :0551 -2,821,763
  National Tourist Complaint Phone :010-65275315 Anhui Best Travel Time: Anhui Province in subtropical to warm the turn of the transition zone, the climate mild and humid, with four distinct seasons, the province's average annual temperature is 13 ℃ -16 ℃. Abundant precipitation, annual precipitation 700-1200 mm, but regional differences are significant, the east than the west, the south than the north.
  Map of the city of Anhui: Anhui cuisine: Anhui Cuisine Anhui cuisine is the main representative of Anhui Province, Anhui cuisine is known for delicacies cooked to order. It is characterized by often ham Sami, rock sugar to mention fresh, good burn, stewing, pay attention to fire workers. "Stewed head and tail," "stewed the water," "marinated fresh mandarin fish" and other traditional dishes are popular.
  To Wuhu, Anqing, Hefei, represented along the food to cook freshwater fishes, poultry known. Representative dishes include the Yangtze River shad, Wuwei smoked duck.
  To Bengbu, Su County, Fuyang formed along the Huai River and other local flavor dishes, salty and spicy, thick soup Kouzhong color, flavor and color preferred coriander Sato. Undoubtedly the most famous "Fuliji chicken" and the "king of fish, milk fat," the. Anhui Shopping: promotion pen, Hui ink, rice paper, She Inkstone four treasures of the treasures of China from the Tang and Five Dynasties period to Mingzao Yilin, has been known so far, called the "four treasures of Anhui."
  In addition, Wuhu iron picture, Shucheng mat, Gujing wine, tea QI, Tuen Green is also a gift to share. Anhui Transportation: Although landlocked Anhui Province, East China provinces compared to the economy is relatively underdeveloped transportation infrastructure late start, but rapid development, the province has formed a relatively well-developed water, land and air transportation network, especially in the most developed rail transport, railway traffic mileage of 2,500 kilometers, ranking first in east China.
  Highway: The hub of the provincial capital of Hefei is the total, and Huainan, Fuyang, Bengbu, Su County, Wuhu, Anqing, Xuanzhou, Huangshan City and other places as the main connection lines to form the province's cities and counties access to the highway network. The existing State Road 9, 66 provincial highway, with a total length of 12,200 km. The province has been built in Hefei - Nanjing, Hefei - Wuhu, Hefei - Tongling Highway and Tongling 3 Yangtze River Bridge, Wuhu Yangtze River Highway, railway bridge (opened in late 2000.)
  Waterways: the Yangtze River in Anhui Province Waterway routes and Huaihe River main routes. Wuhu Yangtze River route, Tongling, Ma On Shan, Hong Kong for the country a class of Anqing, open ports, open ports Chizhou Kong as second-class. Wuhu Foreign Trade AKB-ton wharf can accommodate ocean-going vessel, Yu Xikou the Yangtze River Coal Terminal, the main coal output port. Huaihe River Channel west Sanhejian by Zhengyangguan, Fengtai, Huainan, Bengbu, five rivers, to the red hills into the Lake, 370 km length, from the Zhengyangguan, issued the Yangtze River, navigable throughout the year, River Ferry to Bengbu, Huainan as the main port.
  Entertainment Anhui: Anhui northern margin of the Yellow River, Huaihe River south of the Chinese nation and cultural origins of the intersection of the two areas, local opera has a long history, rich. Available in more than 20 operas, of which a greater impact, are very popular in a ceramic bar, emblem of drama, House drama, Sizhou Drama, Anhui Flower Drum Opera, Huaibei Flower Drum Opera, Huaibei clapper and so on.
  Abbreviations: Anhui
  Location: Located in east China, across the Yangtze River, Huaihe River, is the intersection of north-south geographical transition zone. From the East China Sea about 300 km inland areas are offshore. Neighboring Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hubei, Henan, Shandong and other provinces bordering.
  Area: 139,400 square kilometers.
  Population: 64,610,000
  Capital City: Hefei
  Divisions: 17 provinces and cities located across the province, under the jurisdiction of five county-level cities, 56 counties, 45 municipal districts.
  "Sandwiched two chopsticks bowl, also in the South barrier in the West, the north east of uneven levels, Huangshan Sheng Guo Jiuhuashan." This folk song summed up the image of the geographical landscape of tourism in Anhui Province. Two rivers (the Yangtze River and Huaihe River) like two chopsticks, Chaohu, such as bowls, west and south-east of Mount Dabie Mountains, such as screen, north Yimapingchuan Jianghuai Great Plains. The southern Anhui, Huangshan, Anhui Jiuhuashan is the most famous scenic spots.
  Anhui Province began in the early years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi, take the old Anqing, Huizhou, two governments, named after the first word. Anhui Yangtze River as the boundary, forming two regions in Northern and Southern Anhui: Hefei, Suzhou, Huaibei, Bozhou, Fuyang, Huainan, Bengbu, Chuzhou, Chaohu, Anqing City in northern Anhui Luan 11; Huangshan, Chizhou, Tongling, Xuancheng, Wuhu, Maanshan 6 City in Anhui.
  Anhui rich and unique cultural relics, Shexian, Shou, Bozhou for the state historical and cultural city. Shexian Huizhou is the history of the location of Xin'an school of painting, Xin'an medicine, Xi sent sculpture, printmaking Anhui, Anhui landscape architecture, Anhui cuisine and the emblem of the birthplace of drama in this. Concentrated in Shexian, Yixian County in the Ming and Qing Dynasty houses, ancestral halls and stone boat, thousands, survived many vicissitudes Gumao still exist, their number, the idea of the Kit Kat, stone, wood, brick of the fine, the whole country rare, is a masterpiece of civil architecture, as Anhui Folklore Tour itinerary. There are four provincial provincial historical and cultural cities: Anqing, Yixian County, Tong Cheng, Fengyang.
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Province Name Origin
安徽 省名由来
  Anhui Province in the Qing Emperor Kangxi six years (1667 AD) was founded Province (formerly southern provinces are divided into Anhui and Jiangsu provinces), administrative commissioner for the first left south to jurisdiction of Anqing, Huizhou, Ningguo, Chizhou, Taiping, Luzhou, Fengyang seven government, and Chu, and widely (Germany) three states, official documents will be referred to as "Anhui Lu Feng Ning Chu and pool too wide administrative commissioner Cheng Xuan, etc.", which later became "lieutenant-governor of Anhui Secretary ", and finally from Anqing, Huizhou depicting the two first words, referred to as" Anhui. " Thus the names of Anhui. Anhui Anqing is an ancient Eastern Zhou period the country location, "Wan" is "better" meaning, "Wan Shan Wan Shui" means "Beautiful Country", Anhui "Wan" is resulting.
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The current leadership
  Party Secretary: Wang Jinshan
  Anhui Length: Wang Sanyun
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  2008 GDP (GDP) 8874.2 billion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, an increase of 12.7%. Sub-industries, the primary industry was 141.81 billion yuan, an increase of 6.2%; the secondary industry 413.74 billion yuan, up 16.4%; the tertiary industry was 331.87 billion yuan, an increase of 11%. Sub-quarter view, in the first quarter increased 13.5%, 14.2% growth in the first half of the first three quarters increased by 13.4%. Structure 16:46.6:37.4 three industries. By the resident population, per capita GDP 14,485 yuan (U.S. $ 2,085), 2,440 yuan more than last year. Overall Labor Productivity 22,949 yuan / person, an increase of 3464 yuan.
  First half of 2009, the province's GDP 451.29 billion yuan, up 11.8% over last year, 4.7 percentage points higher than the national.
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  Anhui is an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, one of the prehistoric. Hole found in the word Fanchang County dating back about 250 million years ago the site of human activity. Longtan Cave excavations in and the county's three or four hundred thousand years ago the Old Stone Age "and the county Ape Man" site, that lives and breeds ancient times human beings have this land in Anhui. Cheng Tang of the Shang dynasty who have Bozhou Department, the ancient Shouchun (now Shou) for the state of Chu in the Warring States had the capital.
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Anhui Climate
  First, the monsoon was, four seasons
  Anhui around the four seasons, "SPRING", "Summer Yan", "Autumn cool", "cold winter" climate obvious. If the average temperature divided by the four seasons climate, climate average temperature <10 ℃ in winter,> 22 ℃ in summer, 10 ─ 22 ℃ between the Spring and Autumn, then the distribution of the province are generally around the Four Seasons: Spring and Autumn each 2 months of the summer and winter 4 months, long summer and winter, spring and short. North-South differences are significant because of the climate, Huaibei longer than the summer and winter, southern summer is longer than the winter. Season start date, after the spring Xiaxian Nan North, autumn and winter after the first North and South differences before and after 5 ─ 15 days, the biggest difference in spring, summer, the smallest difference.
  Second, mild climate, moderate rainfall
  Third, the changing temperature in spring, autumn
  9 ─ 11 monthly precipitation in autumn only the annual precipitation is about 15 ─ 20%, little difference between north and south. Therefore, often appear around the folder autumn drought in Anhui Province and autumn drought. Few years, in the summer and winter monsoon winds during the withdrawal, the cyclone, front, bring autumn autumn, autumn harvest species on the negative.
  Fourth, the rainy significant summer rain concentrated
  Rainy periods of up to (1954) to 57 days, rainy precipitation in a normal year more than 1 ─ 2 times, there have been rare floods. 1958,1959,1966,1967,1978 and 1994, etc., due to the rainy season is very short or empty Mei, resulting in a severe drought and even the drought not seen in years. The amount of visible Meiyu drought and flood in Anhui Province and the relationship between agricultural production significantly.
  Summer concentration is one of the characteristics of monsoon climate, the rain belt from south to north Postponed results. Summer in our province the degree of concentration increased gradually from south to north, 6,7,8 about three months, the annual precipitation of rain 33 ─ 60%.
  Along the river, Jason Jiang, Xia Yu amount almost equal, between the summer rain accounted for JAC 40 ─ 50%, Huaibei more than 50% in most areas. Summer is the season of crop growth strong, large water demand, summer rain focus on the favorable crop growth, but too concentrated, excessive rain, then prone to waterlogging on agricultural production and people's lives are hazards.
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安徽 地理位置
  Anhui is located in the hinterland of East China, is China's eastern coastal waters of the inland provinces, Jin Jiang, across the Yangtze River, Huaihe River, east Jiangsu, Zhejiang, west Hubei, Henan, Jiangxi south, north of Shandong.
  Area ranks No. 3 East, 22 in the country. Of which: 67,000 square km Huaihe River, Yangtze River basin 66,000 km2, 06,500 km2 Xin'anjiang River.
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Administrative Division
安徽 行政区划
  Hefei, the provincial capital, a total of 17 prefecture-level cities, 44 municipal districts, 5 county-level cities, 56 counties.
  1. Hefei Code: 0551 Zip: 230000 registration number: Anhui A
  The total area of 7266 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Luyang District, Yaohai, Shushan, including the river area in four districts and Changfeng County, Feidong, Feixi County, the city's total population of 4,867,400.
  National Garden City, National Sanitary City, National Class open city, the city's comprehensive strength of 50 National City, National Excellent City for comprehensive improvement of urban environment, one of the four bases in science and education, the National Highway Traffic hub 45, one of the country Construction of the railway transportation hub. Hefei is the province's political, economic, cultural, trade, transportation and information center.
  2. Bengbu City No.: 0552 Postal Code: 233000 registration number: Wan C
  The total area of 5917 square kilometers, administered Bengshan, Dragon Lake, Yuhui District, Huai and Huai four districts on the county district, Guzhen, Wuhe County, the city's total population of 352.4 million.
  3. Wuhu City No.: 0553 Postal Code: 241000 registration number: Anhui B
  Now under the three counties (Wuhu, Fanchang, Nanling), four districts (Mirror Lake, Yi Jiang, Dove River, Three Hills). The city area of 3317 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 720 square kilometers. The end of 2005, the city's registered population of 226.88 million, an increase of 2.32 million, an increase of 1.0%. The city's population, male population of 117.48 million, 109.40 million in the female population. According to a sample survey, the annual birth rate is 9.2 ‰, mortality rate was 4.5 ‰, the natural growth rate of 4.7 ‰.
  4. Huainan City No.: 0554 Code: 232000 registration number: Wan D
  5. Maanshan City. Code: 0555: Zip Code: 243000 registration number: Anhui E
  Ma On Shan is the new China was founded and developed the construction of a new industrial city. Rain dominates the city's mountains, mountain flowers, Jinjiazhuang District, District and Dangtu County, with a total area of 1,686 square kilometers, the total population of 120 million, of which the urban area of 301 square km, population 53 million. The city is one of the top ten iron and steel base, the National Environmental Protection Model City, National Civilized City National Sanitary City Garden City of China National Excellent Tourism City in China Habitat Environment Award The United Nations International Award for improving the living environment of a good example.
  Huaibei City No. 6: 0561 Code: 235000 registration number: Anhui F
  The total area of 2725 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of the phase mountains, Du pool, three mountain areas and Suixi strong, the city's total population of 213.7 million.
  7. Tongling City No.: 0562 Code: 244000 registration number: Anhui G
  The total area of 1113 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Tongguanshan mountains, mountain lion, three districts and the Tongling County suburbs, the city's total population of 740,000
  8. Anqing City No.: 0556 Code: 246000 registration number: Wan H
  Anqing is the national garden city, the state historical and cultural city, a tourist city. Human and cultural Anqing, Anqing, Hometown of drama, opera is the birthplace of Anqing, Anqing is Tongcheng the birthplace of Chinese Zen Anqing is the Holy Land, Anqing, China earlier accepted one of the cities of modern civilization. Anqing, location advantages, Anhui, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces located in the junction of three provinces is communication and connection in Shanghai, Wuhan, link two major economic zones.
  The source of Anhui Province of China's first scenic spots, national AAAA level scenic spots, national forest park, one of Chinese famous, China's first Five Sacred Mountains of Southern Mountain (ancient Nanyue )-------- Tianzhu Mountain, the world famous wetlands, wetland nature reserve ---- Anqing China along the Yangtze River wetlands. Zhen Jiang Ying Temple wind towers, Taying Yokoe, the "do not say the tower had a Anqing" reputation. The total area of 15,398 square kilometers, of which the urban area of 821 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Yingjiang District, Grand View area, should show the three areas and Huaining County area, hill county, Zongyang County, Susong County, Lake County, Wangjiang, Yuexi County seven counties and one county-level cities Tongcheng, the city's total population of about 610 million, of which about 75 million people in urban areas.
  9. Huangshan City No.: 0559 Postal Code: 245000 registration number: Wan J
  Jurisdiction three municipal districts, four counties. Municipal People's Government in Tunxi. Tunxi District Huangshan District (the town of Kom Tong Hall) Huizhou (Temple Town) Xiuning (sea xiangyangzhen) Shexian (emblem town) Qimen County (Qishan town) in Yi County (Bi xiangyangzhen)
  10. Fuyang City No.: 0558 Code: 236100 registration number: Anhui K
  The total area of 9775 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Yingzhou Qu, Ying Eastern Yingquan District, District and Jieshou City, Taihe County, Linquan, Funan, Yingshang County, the city's total population of 955 million people. Fuyang to create "integrated transport hub, billions of JAC barn, waterfront garden city, human resources, big city, Metro coal energy, trade and logistics center" of six cards. Ecological park with the city of Fuyang, Yingshang Bali River Scenic Area, Ying Di Gully scenic spot in the three countries on the 4A level scenic spots and other famous tourist attractions, beautiful scenery.
  11 Suzhou City Code: 0557 Zip: 234000 registration number: Wan L
  The total area of 9787 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of district and Dangshan County Yongqiao, Xiaoxian, Lingbi, Sixian, the city's total population of 604.52 million. Chinese circus town, the hometown of Chinese calligraphy.
  Chuzhou City No. 12: 0550 Code: 239000 registration number: Anhui M
  The total area of 13,987 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Langya, Southern District, the two areas and Tianchang Qiao, Mingguang City, Fengyang County, Dingyuan, Quanjiao, Lai'an, the city's total population of 440 million.
  13. Lu'an City No.: 0564 Code: 237000 registration number: Anhui N
  The total area of 17,976 square kilometers, under the jurisdiction of Jin An District, the two areas and Shou Yu'an District, Huoqiu County, Shucheng, Jinzhai County, Huoshan County, the city's total population of 695.5 million.
  Luan Ministry of Construction has been awarded the "China Habitat Environment Prize," "an excellent example of urban water environment", the Chamber of Commerce and Zhejiang, Anhui, Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce as "Best Service City, Zhejiang Investment" and "Zhejiang (province ) the best investment the city, "the honorary title. In 2007, the Anhui provincial government officially put forward the "planning and construction of Hefei as the center, Luan and Chaohu Lake for the two wings of the capital economic circle", marking the Anhui Luan will become an important part of the economic cycle.
  14. Sun City. Code: 0563 Zip: 242000 registration number: Anhui P
  Jurisdiction of a municipal districts, 5 counties, hosted a county-level city. Municipal People's Government in Xuanzhou District. Ningguo Xuanzhou District (River Lek River Street) Guangde (peach Zhou Zhen) Langxi (Jianping town) Jing County (Jingchuan town) Jingde County (POSTS town) Jixi County (Huayang) city The total population of 2,737,800
  15. Chaohu City. Postcode: 0565 Postal Code: 238000 registration number: Wan Q
  The total area of 9423 square kilometers, and the Juchao District under the jurisdiction of Wuwei County, Lujiang County, and county, Hanshan, the city's total population of 453.06 million. Longitude 117 ° 00 '~ 118 ° 29', latitude 30 ° 56 '~ 32 ° 02'
  Originally known South nest. Is located in Anhui, the lapel Lake with Jiang, Anhui "Golden Triangle" of the hinterland, known as the "Oriental Geneva" reputation.
  16. Chizhou City Code: 0566 Zip Code: 47100 license plate number: Anhui R
  Jurisdiction of a municipal districts and 3 counties. Guichi City People's Government in the area. Guichi District east county (Yao Duzhen) stone county (ren town) Qingyang County (Rong town)
  Total population of 154.9124 million.
  17. Bozhou City. Postcode: 0558 Postal Code: 236800 S license plate Anhui
  The total area of 8522.58 square kilometers and under Qiaocheng and Guoyang County, Mengcheng County, Lixin County, the city's total population of 576 million people.
  The five county-level city directly under the provincial level:
  Jieshou (Fuyang City hosted) MAKE (Anqing City hosted) Tianchang (Chuzhou escrow) Mingguang City (Chuzhou hosting) Ningguo (Sun City hosted)
  【Transportation】 Anhui
  Road transport
  Highway bus lines operating 14 857 classes, including inter-provincial class lines 1714, cross-class line 2567, total operating mileage of 2,716,710 km. Highway passenger meteoric rise, and large LTL, container freight transport to meet the different needs. Hefei as the center of the city as the hub inline village outreach inter-provincial passenger and freight transport network shape. Container cargo growth year after year, large transportation and production take shape.
  Since 1986, total investment of 187.91 million yuan to build Huangshan, Anqing, Wuhu and other 14 municipal bus terminal, built Tongcheng, Jinzhai, Mengcheng other 65 county-level terminal, cargo terminal 20 and completed social utility-type bus 65. Traveling environment for passengers, transportation and production conditions greatly improved.
  Rail transport
  There are the Beijing-Shanghai railway line line, Longhai line, Beijing-Kowloon line, Fu Huai line, Xuan Hang line Wangan Line, Ningxi lines.
  Water transport
  Dredging Hefei - Yu Xikou channel, the formation of water channels in Hefei through rivers and seas; lock as soon as possible Huaihe River Pipeline project, as soon as possible to reverse the high end of the existing gate locks due to navigation, flight delay status; implementation Shayinghe resume service projects, Recovery Zhengzhou - Fuyang - Huai River water transportation; construction Wutai Canal, the formation of Wuhu - Lake - Shanghai waterway transport shortcut. Huai River to carry out the shipping issues related to research work. Wuhu Port transform the existing container terminal, construction of additional 10 million TEU container terminal, Container Port to build Anhui Province; construction of bulk cement wharf in Wuhu, Anhui cement to form molten iron transport channel; expansion, renovation Pier 9 Ma On Shan to Hong Kong to expand the general cargo and container handling capacity; building mud Chizhou Hong Kong Port Area Phase I project the state to form a new bulk cargo port Chizhou, break-bulk cargo and container operations area; transformation of Anqing Kong Temple an engineering and Wuli 19, Pier 20, an increase of groceries , containers and bulk cargo handling capacity; Zongyang cement wharf building, cement production base constitutes Jiangbei transport facilities to the system; expansion of Terminal Phosphate and Sulfur Tongling Port Terminal, Tongling City-related industrial enterprises to adapt to development needs.
  Air Transport
  Main civilian airport: Hefei Luogang Airport, Anqing Tianzhu Airport, Huangshan Airport, Fuyang airport, another under construction in Hefei Xinqiao International Airport and Chizhou Jiuhuashan travel airport.
  Huangshan Airport expansion project completed, the formation of the National Tourism Route airport; complete relocation of the Air Force Bengbu Airport, Terminal Building Extension civilian; built Fuyang Airport Refueling project implementation functions supporting the airport. Hefei Airport terminal expansion project to carry out preliminary work. To do everything possible to increase the density of air routes and flights as soon as possible to resolve air traffic bottlenecks, improve the investment environment. At the same time around the "Two Mountains and One Lake" to develop regional aviation.
  Pipeline transportation
  With the national natural gas projects, construction of natural gas pipeline in Anhui Province, simultaneous construction of the province branch pipeline, pipeline transportation of Anhui Province to achieve "zero" breakthrough. Anqing Petrochemical Industry under development, to carry out the Nanjing - Anqing pipeline preparatory work.
  Transport hub
  Key construction of Hefei, Wuhu, Bengbu, Fuyang, Anqing, Huangshan Mountain and other central hub, so pay close attention to Huangshan train station building, simultaneous transformation of the province's municipal highway express bus terminal building.
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Anhui Masters history
  Qin Dynasty
  Gan Luo Chensheng Fanzeng Ying Guan Zi Tan cloth Zhangliang Huan Huan Liu Rong Zuo Ci Hua Tuo Fu Fan Pang Lao
  Three Kingdoms
  Fancao Hong Cao Ren Cao Zhou Yu Xiao Qiao Huan Lu Su Lu Meng Cao Zhen Ji Cao Pi Cao Zhi Liu Ling Kang Fan
  Huan Wen Huan Yi Dai Kui
  Geng consultation Zhang Ji Wang Hua Wang Lun Li Shen Du Xun Chen Tuan Cao Ba
  Southern and Northern Dynasties
  He Jingrong
  Five Dynasties and Ten States
  Zhu Wen Zhu Youzhen Yanghang Mi
  Chen Zhu Bao Zheng Fang La Lu Li Gonglin in case the Zuqian Gao Yuan Luo Yuan Zhang Xiaoxiang
  Zhu Sheng Li Shan Tang and Chang Yuchun Hu Weiyong long
  The right of the emperor Zhu Di Zhu Wang Cheng Fan political machine more HE Zhen Qi Tang
  Xiaoyun Yang Guang from the first Hong Ren Tang Peng Hou zhi Liu Ming-chuan Wu Jingzi of Qian Hu Li Jia-Nai
  Modern (Republic of)
  Lun Yang Zhou Fu Yang will be on floor Sun Valley Hanbo Tang Wu Dothan
  Li Jing Fang Zhou Xuexi Duan Xu Qian Xu Shiying Yechun Shan Hu Shi Tao Feng Chen Bowen Wei Yang Xiaolou
  Hu Jintao, Wu Bangguo, Wang Yang Yang Li Chu Bo Liu Qibao
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  World Cultural and Natural double inheritance - Huangshan
  Huangshan Huangshan Xiong living in the scenic mountains of southern Anhui, she three-odd, four no (pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs) and singular style were the highest the world. And the pyramids of Egypt, in the mysterious Bermuda Delta with thirty degrees north latitude line. Huangshan has been the masterpiece of nature, Xiongjunguiqi, see hung in odd, odd in the possession of quiet, odd in the arms show, odd in insurance. _Set_ the majestic Mount Huangshan Jing, Huashan steep, Emei cool, Kuang waterfall, Wild Goose of Qiao Shi, Mountain of the smoke. Qi stands within the area, 36 major peaks, 36 small peaks, including Lotus Peak, Heavenly Capital Peak, Bright Summit three main peak, 1800 meters above sea level are. Xu Ming Dynasty II Huangshan Mountain Travel, sighed and said: "not at home and abroad such as the emblem of thin Huangshan, Huangshan Gordon World Without Hill, view only carry on." Huangshan to change to win, different scenery all year round, the mountain foot of the mountain in different days. Unique granite peaks, the peaks around the sink, mix taiwanensis, lifelike rocks, the vagaries of the sea of clouds, form Huangshan Jing in action, moving in a static and a huge picture. This picture style magic, magical and spiritual eternity. Previous proper way: outrageous, and said not believe; real Miaojue, this knows.
  Huangshan, Huangshan City in Anhui Province, across the city Yixian County, Xiuning County and Huangshan District, Huizhou District, an area of 1078 square km. Huangshan Mountain is one of the Three Sanshanwuyue. Beautiful natural scenery of Huangshan Mountain, pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs, Huangshan winter snows Su said the "five no", so that overseas visitors to the Festival. 82 peaks of Huangshan, or Cui Wei powerful, or sheer beauty, the layout of patchwork, into a natural coincidence, and Heavenly Capital Peak, Lotus Peak, Bright Summit three weeks spread to the main peak as the center, falling for the deep valleys and deep valleys into the mountainous uplift cliffs.
  Huangshan has a long history, far away in six to seven years ago, that 51 century BC, the late matriarchal society in China, humans have been in this beautiful mountain labored and lived a rich. In the back three or four years of the Shang period, here called a mountain inhabited by the ancestors of Vietnam. Bai Yue Yue is the one. In the Spring and Autumn period, here is the first Wu, Wu is more death, more death is Chu. Qin Shi Huang, after unifying the six states, the implementation of prefectures and counties, where the Hueiji County possessions. Southern begins to _set_ new gun, Junfu Xin'anjiang relocation has never been out of the upstream, Xin Gu Cheng Huizhou, the source of cover for this. Song Huizong Vision and three round-May Day (AD 1121), Xi Zhou were recalled to Huizhou. On the origin of the name of Huizhou, a territory that its emblem Ridge, the emblem of water, large emblem of the village and so on, the state due to its name; the other is to take the Song Dynasty Zhao said, "Hui who, goodness is also" intended to show off his recovered in this region. The coexistence of these two that eight hundred years, State has also been used since ages, the Qing Emperor Kangxi six years (AD 1667) when the province is the removal of Anqing, Huizhou two words as the provincial government's first name.
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Huangshan Scenic Area
安徽 黄山风景区
安徽 黄山风景区
安徽 黄山风景区
  Huangshan is one of famous scenic spot in China, the world's tourist attractions, scenic Huangshan (Huangshan Mountain) in southern Anhui Province, Huangshan City. The main peak of the Lotus Peak, elevation 1873m. Huangshan in the subtropical monsoon climate, high mountain and deep valley, vertical changes in climate. At the same time by the North Slope and the southern slope of the difference of the sun's radiation, local topography plays a dominant role in its climate, the formation of more clouds, humidity, precipitation, climate and more. _Set_ the length of Huangshan Mountain. The majestic Mount Tai, the steep Huashan, Hengshan the clouds, the waterfall of Lushan, Hill of Qiao Shi, the beautiful Mt Huangshan all of both. Ming travelers, geographers, Xu two Huangshan Mountain, praise, said: "Gordon World Without Huangshan Mountain View only now!" And stay "five mountains fell down the mountain, Huangshan Guilaibukan past." More "best in the world Church Hill," said. Can be said that no peak is not stone, no stone is not loose, no loose is not surprising, and pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot springs Huangshan four no known world. Second Lake, three waterfalls, springs sixteen, twenty of the Four Rivers matched Zhenghui. Spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons varied scenery. Also, Mount Huangshan "natural zoo and botanical garden," the name, there are nearly 1,500 species of plants, animals, 500. Huangshan pleasant climate, is a unique summer resort, is a national scenic spot and summer resort for convalescence. 1985, _select_ed the top ten scenic spots, in December 1990 by UNESCO as "World Cultural and Natural Heritage List", is also China's first cultural and natural heritage inscribed double. February 2004 was _select_ed world geological park. Known in the world, the world would forget. There are many ancient and modern poems spread in the world of Huangshan. May 8, 2007, Huangshan Scenic Area formally approved by the National Tourism Administration for the state 5A class tourist attractions.
  The beauty of Huangshan is a can not use language to express the mood of the United States, has produced too many people think of the human beauty. Whether the sun is shining out of the steel frame under the lofty show of masculine beauty, or under the looming cloud cover of fog around the charming beauty of the mountains and plains are or spring flowers in full bloom in March, revealing the romantic beauty, even in the snow or rain winter everywhere dressed in white under the beauty of holiness.
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  Huangshan in southern Anhui Province, in Shexian, Yixian County, Pacific County, Xiuning, belonging to the traditional Huizhou area, Huangshan Mountains east of the big peaks Jixi County mountains, west of Yixian County flock Ling, north latitude, south of Huizhou mountainous area. East of Zhejiang, south Jiangxi Province, North and Xuancheng, Chizhou bordering cities. The Yangtze River and Qiantang River System watershed. Specifically located at longitude 118 ° 1 'degrees north latitude and 30 ° 1', north and south about 40 kilometers west width of 30 km, an area of about 1205 square kilometers, of which 153 square kilometers scenic essence.
  Huangshan City, Huangshan City, Huangshan District, Huangshan Scenic Area of the distinction between
  Huangshan City was founded, due to historical reasons, the formation of the same three names, Huangshan is divided into: Huangshan City, Huangshan District, Huangshan Scenic Area.
  Huizhou District Huangshan City, originally named, is one of the three local school, "Hui Studies" (the other two are "Tibetan studies," "Dunhuang") originated. In 1987, changes for the development of Huangshan Huangshan City Huizhou region, while the original Huangshan City (county-level city, the former Pacific County) to Huangshan area, so there are three different kinds of "Yellow Mountain": Huangshan City (Tuen River), Huangshan District (Taiping, north gate of Huangshan Mountain), Huangshan Scenic Area (Tang Town, Huangshan Scenic Area south gate).
  Now the sense of Tunxi District, Huangshan City is, Huizhou and Huangshan District (including the former county of Huangshan City, Huangshan Scenic Area and the present.) However, the weather station in Anhui referred to only refer to Tunxi District, Huangshan City.
  Huangshan Scenic Area (that is, to the foot of Huangshan Tour) is currently in the political area of Huangshan District, Huangshan City is not in the district, Huangshan and Huangshan city station where the district, Huangshan Airport about 70 km from Huangshan Scenic Area.
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Origin of the name of Huangshan
  Huangshan Mountain in ancient Yi Qin said, according to legend minister Kung-sun Huangdi rate of men into the sub-volume, Fuqiu the public to this alchemy, and finally attain the heaven, Tang Tianbao six years (AD 747), and so the legend, Emperor Yi amnesty changes Huangshan mountain.
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Geological features
  Huangshan mountain building through a long and crustal uplift, and ice and natural weathering, it formed its unique peaks structure. Huangshan peaks everywhere, there are seventy peaks known as the "three Shiliu Tai Fung, XXXVI small peak," said Lotus Peak, the main peak as high as 1864 meters above sea level, and Pingkuang the Bright Summit, together with the steep peak of the Heavenly Capital Peak, the male Habitat Centre in the scenic area, surrounded by 77 km or more peaks, the peaks Pinnacle, organically combined into a rhythmic melody, magnificent, majestic horizontal three-dimensional picture.
  Huangshan mountain mainly by Mesozoic granite, vertical joint development, strongly eroded cut, fracture, and cracks criss-cross, long-term erosion by water to form a magnificent and beautiful granite caves and channels, so that the weight Ridge Canyon, crossing everywhere, the whole mountain Ridge 30, Rock 22, 7, off 2. Jointed rock mass pre Hill sparse, rocky spherical weathering, deep and spectacular mountain; the mountain rock joints-intensive, multi-vertical-like weathering, steep mountains, forming a "former Hill majestic, the mountain scenery," the landscape features.
  Quaternary glacial remains of Huangshan Mountain in southeastern mainly in the former, a typical glacial landforms are: bitter Zhuxi, Happy River is formed glaciers create eclipse "U" shaped valley; eyebrow peak, the fish are two back, etc. "V" shaped valley and the edge plane residual ridge erosion corrosion; Heavenly Capital Peak is the third top surface erosion cirque plane left horn; Baizhang spring, the word waterfall valley glaciers and glacial valley relative to evolve into supporting the glaciers hanging valley; Happy Creek to the soup mouth, black mud off, yellow lion Dang and other river terraces, the distribution of glaciers moving the accumulation of moraine rock; pass for the Yellow Emperor alchemy with the "Dan Well", "medicine mortar", but also by the glaciation formed Moulin.
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  Huangshan's climate is subtropical monsoon climate, is located in the Subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, red yellow zone. Huangshan more rainy days, clouds more days, close to the maritime climate, summer heat and winter cold less, the average temperature difference between seasons only 20 degrees Celsius. Summer maximum temperature 27 ℃, winter minimum temperature of -22 ℃, the average annual temperature of 7.8 ° C, average summer temperature is 25 ℃, the average winter temperature is above 0 ℃. The average number of rainy days in 183 days, mostly concentrated in the April-June, the annual precipitation as the mountains 2395mm. Southwest, northwest wind frequency greater number of days the average snowfall of 49 days.
  While visiting Huangshan March 16 ~ November 15 for the season, but winter is the most beautiful tourist season called Huangshan. Huangshan in winter is longer, about a year will snow in late October, and November to next March the whole mountain snow, in December to next February the snow was the most prosperous period, Dong You are also the best season.
  In short, we will see snow in late October, if not also see the beautiful snow, "Rime" (also known as the fog hanging), it and the snow to trees, rocks, houses covered with a layer of glistening white, and whiter than snow, more transparent, more magnificent, and thus richer flavor.
  The most frequent in winter season or the sea of clouds, and sometimes clouds sustainable for three days or be square. But we know that the Heavenly Capital Peak, clouds closing hillsides to facilitate river at this time.
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  Which belong to the state of a class protected animals are: clouded leopard, leopard, black deer, sika deer, Elliot's pheasant, the white stork.
  Which belong to the state second-class protected animals are:
  Mammals: Huangshan macaques, Huangshan monkeys, pangolins, jackals, bears, big civet, small Indian Civet, deer, Su Ling.
  Birds: ducks, white pheasant, spoon chicken, kite, goshawk, sparrowhawk, common mad, mad hair pin, bird carving, Red Falcon.
  Amphibian: salamander.
  Buddhist mountains - Jiuhuashan
  Tianzhu Mountain
  Tianzhu Mountain in Anhui Tianzhu famous since ancient times, is the Chinese history and culture, 106 BC, the Han dynasty board Tianzhu title "Southern Mountain." Taoism as the first of its 14 Cave, 57 blessed; three ancestral temple is the birthplace of Zen Buddhism, one of the legendary Buddhist master of the three ancestral Sengcan promote Buddhism in the monasteries there is a feeling lonely tower, but unfortunately fell into disrepair, Today, tourists are no longer as open. Tianzhu Mountain, also known as Wan Shan, Anhui "Wan" resulting. Tang Dynasty poet, the poem "Tianzhu a peak engine sun and the moon, thunder cloud lock Chihiro Portal" is a magnificent sight of the wonderful Miao Xu Tianzhu Mountain.
  Tianzhu Mountain is a granite peak and landscape, rich geological heritage, is the world's attention the importance of the Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt in the lot, also has the first national key scenic spots, the State AAAA-class tourist area, National Forest Park civilization, Chinese famous and so on. September 2005, the expert review, the Ministry for the approval of Tianzhu Mountain National Geological Park, an area of 135.12 square kilometers. World Heritage - Xidi Hongcun
  Jidi Wei Dynasty emperor after the capital of Nanjing, and the Pro Ho (now Fengyang) for both. Both built in the Hongwu years (AD 1369), to the Hongwu years (AD 1375) cease, due to the construction and use of short duration, did not form the political center, but it is some of the layout of urban planning thought , including its layout of the city's palaces, but the planning of the next Beijing.
  Hongwu years (1369) in September, the emperor Zhao Yi Ho is both temporary home. _Set_ the country name materials and hundreds of hands skills, non-commissioned officers, porters, criminals nearly a million people, after six years of construction, the Hongwu April, suddenly the "labor cost" ground stop construction. But this time, a grand luxurious capital has been standing in Fengyang above the earth.
  Are built in the inner, middle and outer city of three. Medium outside the capital, the perimeter more than 60 years, open 9. For the forbidden wall, the perimeter more than 15 years, opened four, said the Meridian Gate, East, West, Xuanwu. The city has the main hall, two Hall of Mandarin and valiant, Wen, Wu F, East, West, after three palaces, Jinshui, Golden Water Bridge and so on. South of the afternoon outside, left for the executive secretariat, the Imperial Ancestral Temple, the right is a large Military Government and Imperial, a large boat. Inside and outside the capital, as well as Temple, Imperial College, in conjunction with Hall, 历代帝王庙, hero Temple, Observatory, and millions of warehouses, barracks sergeant, princes Dizhai, Bell Tower, Drum Tower and so on. "In all records," said the "Regulation of Sheng, real world crown."
  Contained more than six years experience, inside and outside the building in the capital were destroyed, and remaining Imperial Meridian Gate, West Gate Pedestals and 1100-meter-long wall, but the view of the site and relics, still see majestic spectacle of the evident.
  Phoenix Mountain in the north of the city at Fengyang refined peak, was built in sixteen years of Hongwu (AD 1383) of the Ming imperial temples. Its predecessor was the emperor of the imperial monk Buddha Temple, the monastery as a result of Ming emperor's birthplace of the emperor, Zhu Ming Dynasty and the history and relationship with, a number of years has been one of the domestic temple. 1981 as a national key cultural relics protection units wau Lake
  Wau Lake Fengyang county 20 kilometers away from the south and Buddhist Cave Temple, dependency, connecting West and leek cave area, with a total area of 29 square kilometers. Is rolling hills, open lake, winding coastline and sandy beaches to visit the mud flat area content.
  Wau Lake Scenic Area in Anhui Province is now - Fengyang an important part of the Mountain. Allium Mountain National Forest Park is the main scenic spots. Cruise ship terminal has been built, the purchase of a yacht, carrying out water recreation. Wau around the lake is becoming JAC water recreation.
  】 【Tai Chi Tung
  Tai Scenic Spot is located in Sun City, 35 km northeast Guangde, while the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces to. Tai Chi ancient name of many holes, or tai chi real environment, or Guangde buried, or Changle hole. Far away in the Han Dynasty which has become a tourist destination. Song Yi was when the reputation is regarded as world wonders.
  Tai Chi for the limestone cave hole, 5.4 km from the hole, the next hole, tunnel, cave days, the composition. And holes have holes, hole interlinked to form a spectacular steep, big beautiful magical Wonderland. 19 is now open hall, more than 160 attractions, including the most famous as the "Ten landscape." The so-called sixteen landscape, namely: Lord Lao Zi, the stone, Huaiyin trees, hanging fairy boat cover, twin towers Peak, dragon plate column, the holes Huangshan, Vientiane Rover, tai chi mural, pot YORK head. Most of them have the "images' names, see name to know these forms. Just some of the" single image "name, some of the" group as "name only. Such as" Lao Zi "like white-haired, clap your hands together chanting of the elderly; "Huaiyin trees" like the trunk upright, leafy trees; "fairy boat cover hung" like the bottom up, hanging half-empty boat; "Peak towers" like upside down, the base The ancient tower into the clouds; "dragon plate column" like clouds and wind around, bind up our wounds of Yuzhu queue; "hole Huangshan" like the majestic craggy, beautiful fantasy of Huangshan. more than "six qi" that is "single image" name. "Vientiane pay homage" to the Hall of Tai Chi Tung, "Vientiane Palace" spectacle, and its blend of scenery, spectacular. "tai chi mural" for the rock walls on both sides of Tai Chi-dong gallery spectacle, which, like Assembly of Immortals party, mighty war and the battlefield at war, fighting and other hedge. "pot YORK eye" for the Tai Chi hole "pot Temple" wonders of stalactites, its ceiling suspended, attitude thousands. These "three odd" that the "group as" name. only "Dishuichuanshi" exception, the name reveals the rabbit-shaped holes on the stone causes, is "cause" name.
  Tai Chi is also a strange cave tunnel, the open water, can accommodate boat Strolling the meantime, any thing. Travel by boat as water tunnel, saw the rocks on the wall, illuminated in colored light, illuminating as heavenly stars, giving a sense of exposure to the Galaxy. Water tunnel of the most famous landscape "Atlas Yu-zhu", "Bat God silkworm," "mouth hanging pass," etc., or they are "single image" name, or "group as" name, see name known by all forms .
  February 2004, Tai Chi hole scenic area by the State Council approved the inclusion of the fifth installment of the list of state-level scenic spots.
  Tai Chi outside the cave and beautiful scenery and heritage. Landscape has rolling hills, rustic charm will occur in the bamboo forest, cottage and other cock barking. Xiu Han monuments asylum "Wolong bridge," Lu Meng issued three orders "General Taiwan," Fan Zhongyan Di Yan Song's "Di inkstone" Southern Song Yuefei chi to the "Sword Stone Gap," and so on.
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  Major newspapers have "Anhui Daily", "Xinan Evening News," "Digest magazine," "World News" "Modern Rural News", "Anhui Daily" "Jianghuai Morning" "JAC Times", "Anhui Economic News", "Anhui Legal News" " Anhui market "," Anhui Science and Technology News "," Anhui Youth Daily "," Anhui Old News "," Anhui Radio and Television "" Huai Morning Post "and so on.
  Major publications include "love marriage and family" and so on.
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Food Culture
安徽 饮食文化
  Anhui famous flavor dishes are: Xiao County lamb, duck inaction, Mao Feng smoked shad, Fuliji chicken, stewed chicken Umbilicaria, Fang La fish, shellfish meat curry, clouds meat, shepherd's purse maroon, Geng Fuxing fried crisp, green bean pancake butterfly face, Wo board, Fuyang Article Glasgow, will be far from halogen old geese.
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Anhui University
  Many of Anhui University, Hefei, the provincial capital is one of the four bases in science and education. A total of 985 engineering schools across the province one, 211 three institutions, dozens of college or above.
  More important in the Anhui University (Undergraduate) are:
  Colleges and universities located in Hefei: China University of Science and Technology, Hefei University, Anhui University, Anhui Medical University, Anhui Agricultural University, Anhui Construction Industry Institute, Anhui Medical College, Hefei Teachers College, Hefei Institute of Electronic Engineering Institute of PLA, Hefei Artillery Academy, Anhui Xinhua University.
  The University is located in Wuhu: Anhui Normal University, Anhui University of Technology, Wannan Medical College.
  The University is located in Bengbu: Automotive Management Institute of the PLA, the PLA, Bengbu Tank Institute, Thirteenth Air Force Flying College, Naval Officer School in Bengbu, Anhui University of Finance, Bengbu Medical College, Anhui Electronic Information Vocational Technology College, Bengbu College.
  In Lu'an: the West Anhui University.
  The University is located in Huainan: Anhui University of Technology, Huainan Normal College, Huainan Union University.
  Ma On Shan University: Journal of Anhui University.
  The University is located in Chuzhou: Chuzhou University, Anhui University of Technology.
  The University is located in Fuyang: Fuyang Teachers College.
  In Anqing: Anqing Teachers College.
  In Huaibei: Huaibei Coal Normal College.
  Located in Tongling: Anhui Tongling Polytechnic Institute of Vocational and Technical College Tongling, Tongling, Radio and TV University
  The remaining colleges: Chaohu College, Huangshan College, Chizhou College, Suzhou University.
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Anhui Famous Brand
  ▆ Wuhu Chery - Chery
  Chinese Brand Meaning: odd, there is particular meaning; Switzerland, the "good luck" means, together is particularly auspicious.
  English brand Interpretation: CHERY the English word CHEERY (in Chinese means "cheers to, happily,") less an "e" came to express the company to pursue the idea of never complacent.
  Overheating of the economy in the period 1992-1993, a village-run factory in Wuhu City, beat hundreds of cars a year, is a multi-billion value. This phenomenon is caused by the economic backward areas suffer from the attention of government leaders, the resulting dry the car idea. Original plan was to cooperate and FAW, but found himself looked down on the other side does not, the final decision myself. Looking back at history, Wuhu car project evolved into the largest independent development company driven by ignorance (to dry the car difficult to easy), but 无知者无畏. Today's Chery leaders no longer ignorant, and fearless spirit of the enterprise organization already in-depth genetic, and continue to flourish.
  ▆ Maanshan Iron and Steel
  Maanshan Iron and Steel is one of China's large iron and steel, the largest industrial enterprise in Anhui Province, located in the Yangtze River, and strategic location, efficient and convenient, known as "a flower of Jiangnan" in the world, focusing on rich H beam. The existing 7 million active employees, retired employees 3.3 million people. In 1993, Maanshan Iron and Steel as one of the first nine standardized pilot joint-stock enterprises, successfully carried out joint-stock restructuring, reorganization and separation of the Ma On Shan Ma Steel Corporation, Maanshan Iron & Steel Corporation, Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Limited at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In 1998, Maanshan Iron and Steel Corporation, Maanshan Iron and Steel restructuring (Group) Holdings Limited. After 50 years of hard work, self-accumulation and rolling development, Maanshan Iron and Steel shaped iron, steel, wood supporting the production scale of 800 million tons, the total as_set_s of nearly 300 billion yuan. Has the world advanced level of cold rolled sheet production lines, high speed wire production line, China's most advanced hot-rolled H section steel production line and a large Asia's largest professional manufacturer of wheel and tire, forming a unique "panels, profiles, wire, wheel "product mix, according to international standards of production of steel products reached 80% of the total steel products, 38 products have won national, provincial quality products title. The main production lines all passed the ISO9001 quality system certification, production line in which the wheel in North America through the AAR certification. Products exported to 48 countries and regions.
  ▆ JAC Group
  Anhui JAC Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the JAC) predecessor was founded in 1964, JAC Hefei factory, in September 1999 as a joint-stock enterprise restructuring, part of Anhui JAC Group Limited. 2001, listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the stock name of "G Jiang steam" (formerly known as "JAC"), stock code 600418.
  JAC is a commercial vehicle, passenger cars and powertrain research and development, manufacturing, sales and services in an integrated automobile manufacturer with state-level enterprise technical centers, high-tech enterprise of national Torch Program, and employs 12,000 people. The company covers an area of 460 square meters, with annual output of 500,000 vehicles, 200,000 engines of production capacity. In 2008 the company sold nearly 20 types of vehicles and chassis units, sales revenue of 14.8 billion, leading products continue to maintain industry leadership.
  ▆ MAK
  "National Wind" is the "Book of Songs" in essence, is a treasure house of ancient art in the bright pearl. "National Style" in folk songs with colorful pictures of Zhou Dynasty, reflecting the real life of working people, expressed their exploitation and oppression of the situation of injustice and fight for a better life in the faith, is the source of realist poetry .
  Simple language to describe things, to draw the simple life is reflected in social reality Realistic creation, in the "National Style" in the manifestation of good, and became its artistic characteristics significantly. To shape the image of the "National Style" also has a realistic art features. The authors talk through the lyrical hero's heart and express their joy and sorrow, depicts the hero's actions and character traits. "National Style" in the form of a majority of four words, every sentence with a rhyme, but not uniformity. It often broke through the provisions of four words, and miscellaneous two words, three words, Wu Yan, Seven or eight words of the sentence.
  ▆ Meiling
  "Meiling" China is a well-known trademarks in Anhui Province, Meiling Group has won the "National Labor Award", "National Advanced Enterprise in Quality and Efficiency", "outstanding enterprises (Golden Horse)", "building of spiritual civilization Advanced Unit "," advanced unit in the National Professional Ethics "," national high-tech enterprise "and more than 500 honorary titles. The third generation of the CPC Central Committee and the State, the fourth generation of leaders Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, Hu Jintao went to inspect Meiling Group, visit the guidance of Meiling spoke highly of the development and full recognition.
  ▆ Gujing
  "Water into Wine Blood", "there must be good wine springs." Peony wine Gujing Distillery reason "color clear as crystal, aroma, such as orchids, demographic sweet alcohol aftertaste Prolonged" well known at home and abroad, is to draw the water with the wine of the old well inseparable.
  History has shown such a picture. AD 532, the chilly wind gusts, and horses neighing. Qiao Wei to recapture the city (now Bozhou), and South beams guarding the general-tree fight will fight to the death. Wei believed the generals were ordered to play Tokgo. After a battle, but both fail miserably, his death will be golden mace Hercules into a well in the nearby castles. Later, the water quality of this well have a great change. Wells are salty near the hard drinking, only the well Qinglie sweet. Thousands of years, local people have well water with this port wine. Now the old well who is specialized in the above _set_ up the "old well Pavilion", "Furui Park" to show the protection and commemoration.
  ▆ welcome contribution to the wine drive
  Emperor Yuan Feng years, about BC ○ six years, Emperor Liu Che Hunting Huoshan, when the Government and the public to meet Emperor Dajia, and holding a water craft the wines Pi twenty miles out of town to greet. Emperor after drinking large Yuet, Chan Road, the "welcome wine Fantasy fluid drive" also! Ying Gong drive wine its name.
  Department of Anhui Province, Anhui Ying driving large enterprise group, located in the famous Huoshan of Reservoir Scenic Area, yard, beautiful scenery. Group under the jurisdiction of wine, color printing, beverages, metal products, ceramics, and other 20 large-scale corporations, an area of 100 square meters and employs 8,000 people.
  There are also:
  Tongling Nonferrous Metals, six (lù) countries, hole in the pit, gold seeds of wine, Fengyuan, Huamao, together, Changjiang Machinery, Hefei Department Store Group Co., Ltd. and so on.
  ▆ Anhui Huang Mei
  Anhui is one local operas, formerly Huangmei or tea-picking opera, and opera, Peking Opera, Shaoxing Opera, Opera claimed that China's five major operas. It originated in Hubei, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces Susong junction area, because the main melody originated in Hubei Province Huangmei named. And the eastern part of Hubei and northeastern Jiangxi tea-picking opera from the same source, its original form in the vicinity of Hubei apricot tea song. It absorbed the folk songs of tea, Fishermen, firewood and minor coloratura songs, mature, light and beautiful melody. Before and after the Qing dynasty, generation and spread in Anhui, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces transferred between the apricot tea, Jiangxi tone, Tongcheng tune, Fengyang song, by the chamber opera Qingyang, Anhui tone effects, and Lin Xiang, stilts, etc. Hanchuan the combination of folk art, gradually formed a small drama. After a period of development, but also in the absorption of "Ocean piles", Qingyang cavity, the emblem shows the content and tone based on the performances, resulting in the complete story of the play. The transition from small to play in the course of the play, there had been an old artist has been called the "string game" of performance. The so-called "string game" are those that separate but connected to each other a group of opera. Some of these short plays to do, "string", some people "string" "." String Play "movie plot than the small rich appearance of the characters also broke the clown, young actresses putting, three small-scale niche. Some of the age the characters need a large positive 旦, older students, the old ugly to play. This created a generation of movie-based conditions. Huangmei originally called "apricot picking tune", originated from the early Tang dynasty, the late eighteenth century, Anhui, Hubei, Susong Jiangxi provinces adjacent areas, apricot formation of a folk opera. in which a gradual move to the East as the center of Anqing City, Anhui Province, Anqing area, combined with local folk art, singing in local languages, says White, formed their own characteristics, known as the "pregnant cavity" or "Huangmei." This is the predecessor of today's ceramic bar.
  Huangmei by folk songs, Yangko, tea song, tea lights, hub adjustment, first in rural areas into the city after, gradually developed a drama. But the formation of a complete opera, that is the modern thing. During this time, he absorbed the Han Ju Chu Drama, Gao Qiang, tea-picking opera, Peking Opera, and many other sisters, the essence of art, which is gradually being established himself as a famous play. Representative plays a "Goddess Marriage."
  Huangmei in terms of repertoire, known as "the drama thirty-six, opera seventy fold." Drama performance was mainly the people of class oppression, the wealth gap is satisfied and yearning for a better life for freedom. Such as "buckwheat mind," "food official report," "Goddess Marriage," and so on. Most opera performance clips of life of rural workers, such as the "point of barley", "Cotton spinning" and "selling bucket basket."
  After the liberation, has adapted finishing the "Goddess Marriage", "Female consort prince", "Ropa mind", "Zhao Guiying," "Mother Tears", "three search State House husband" and a number of size of the traditional repertoire, creating a drama of God "Legend of Love," historical drama "Criminal lost cut", "Jade River" modern opera "spring", "shop Chunzao", "bud beginning to open." The "Goddess Marriage", "Female consort prince," "Jade River" and "Legend of Love" have been filmed at home and abroad had a greater impact.
  Huangmei singing three forms: the main cavity, coloratura, three-chamber ("color chamber," "Sin cavity", "nether cavity" referred to the three chamber).
  Sizhou the four operas in one of the drama in Anhui Province, formerly known as La Hun, popular Huaihe sides, dating back more than two hundred years of history. It Liuqin drama Shandong, Jiangsu Huaihai from the same opera, "La Hun," developed from each other there is a certain kinship. Hui Sizhou Drama is drama, Huang Mei, Lu play alongside the four best operas in Anhui, one of the people she has a solid foundation and rich cultural heritage, with beautiful vocals, beautiful melodies, sing the Huaihe River on both sides of the river north and south.
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Huizhou Culture
安徽 徽商文化
安徽 徽商文化
安徽 徽商文化
  Huizhou land of the ancient Ming and Qing era of merchants who became well-known business more than 300 years, Confucianism as well because of merchants formed the prime minister and his son's situation with the DPRK, "ten of the family, all reading." Merchants of economic strength and political background, to create a brilliant Huizhou culture.
  The origin and status of merchants
  Hui is one of China's top ten business group, from the strength point of view can compete with the Shanxi Merchants. Merchants, the Huizhou merchants, began in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127 -1279), the development of the Yuan (1271 -1368) of the late Ming (1368 -1644) of the early formed in the mid-Ming Dynasty and flourished in the Qing Dynasty (1644 Year -1840 years) in the early to late in the growing decline, before and after 600 years, dominated the 300 years in China, occupies an important position in business history.
  The formation of long-standing merchants, mainly contributed by the following aspects:
  First, increasing population and the mountain less objective and more pressure on the environment. Huangshan Huizhou in the side, people will be less, and only going out to find a way to survive.
  Second, the rich natural resources, convenient transportation by sea of people to stimulate business logo. Reflects environment Everyday by water draft. Against the Yangtze River, making the convenience of water transport on Merchants has great advantages.
  Third, the longing for change spirit merchants. Merchants to break the "Restraining Commerce," the traditional concept, the courage to struggle in the sea, creating a legendary Merchants.
  Merchants for hundreds of years the business has been able to rule the roost, and Business Culture inseparable, which also created --- the essence of Confucian merchants. Merchants good performance in their ideas of Confucianism on Confucius and Confucianism weight, many traders get rich, or on industry Jia Ru abandoned, or abandoned to Shi Jia, many merchants and even chose a tax official of the road.
  Like Confucianism's historical origins Merchants
  Commensurate with the economic status in order to obtain the social status, need to be refined to package yourself, even if the merchants dare to break the "Restraining Commerce," the traditional concept, but the world wind too hard, just bursting with the career, in order to better business Therefore, an official must be official position. To enter the career, in addition to tax officials but also to pass the imperial examinations, and want to pass the exam to be read, so merchants in the wealthy, began to cultivate the children reading, reading the wind and slowly spread around the merchants, the formation of a trend, it created a refined manner Merchants, achievements in the name of Confucian Merchants generation.
  Merchants was the generation of businessmen and the representatives of
  Huizhou culture, the epitome of Huizhou culture. In Huizhou, Huizhou business inherited from generation to generation predecessors business idea generation merchants also use refined education of their offspring, Huizhou Chinese business history as a miracle, worthy of our future generations to inquire and research.
  Merchants was a rise of ancient China business, business culture is a revolution; merchants initiated a unique business ethics; merchants to create a complete business concept.
  Huangmei main characters: Zheng Xiao-Jiao, Han fun, Zhu Yao-Kun, Chengchanggeng
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English Expression
  1. n.:  Anhui,  Anhui (province)
French Expression
  1. n.  Anhui (Province)
Anhui, Anhui Province
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Kamiyama country park forestWenfeng ParkTongling Tomb Atria Lake Park
Tongling Tomb Thread mountain springer ParkHengshan country park forestAnhuifengqingxiao Town
galaxy Parkwhite Rock Mountain park forestLangyashan country park forest
aigrette ParkQing Ying ParkYao Jin Park
Dai Zhen ParkDragon Lake Park
University of Science and TechnologyGongye University
Hefei Railway engineering SchoolAnhui Ligong School
Anhui chemical industry SchoolAnhui medicine academy
Xiao County Middle SchoolAnhui province chiefly gently technical schools
Hefei city Luan Road Elementary SchoolHefei city The huaihe river Road Third Elementary School
Hefei city Yangtze Road Third Elementary SchoolAnhui Technology boycott School
Anhui economics collegefinance and economics University
Anhui province Mountain Middle SchoolAnhui province Xiao county Pengcheng Middle School
Easy City Middle SchoolShe County Middle School
Lake Ferry Middle SchoolAnhui Energy college
Anhui engineering collegeAnhui Machinery technical schools
Tan house Elementary SchoolFlower Building Elementary School
Dasi Elementary SchoolIshikawa Elementary School
Lingchuan Elementary SchoolHefei city Tunxi Road Elementary School
Hefei city Springer Road Elementary SchoolHefei City Bozhou Road Elementary School
Hefei City Chuzhou Road Elementary SchoolHefei City Triumph Road Elementary School
Hefei city Anqing, capitalof anhui province road third Elementary SchoolHefei city Yong Lu Elementary School
Railway engineering Schoolchiefly gently technical schools
Anhui province Construction cadre SchoolAnhui Electromechanical engineering School
Province Medicine academyAnhui Province Family planning School
Anhui Province A federation of labor unions cadre SchoolAnhui province springer convention School
dragon Assert mountain Village Elementary SchoolHefei city 5-1 (May 1st) Elementary School
Hefei city Tanhua Middle SchoolWuli village Temple Elementary School
Lu Yang Middle SchoolIn sharp International School
Province Movie SchoolWang name of an ancient city Elementary School
Electrical engineering SchoolSteel North Elementary School
Forge and press factory sons Elementary Schoolscience and technology University
Energy collegeTechnology School
Machinery technical schoolsBengbu Yan'an road Elementary School
Bengbu Road Secondly Elementary SchoolBengbu Road Fourthly Elementary School
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