knowledge > discipline
No. 1
  】 【Words: discipline
  【Phonetic】: xué kē
  _Set_ phrase: ① academic classification. Refers to a certain field of science or a branch of science. Such as the Natural Sciences in chemistry, physics; social sciences in the law, and sociology.
  ② "teaching subject" of the short, also called "subjects." Teaching program organized by the logic of knowledge and skills in certain areas of the units. Such as primary and secondary school mathematics, physics, language, music, etc.; the Department of Psychology College of General Psychology, child psychology, educational psychology.
  And the analogy】 【Subject: Primary generally have language, mathematics, English, science, nature, society, art, music, sports, according to local and possibly other subjects. These things like bricks, to lay the foundation for later development.
  Middle school will increase the general politics, history, geography, biology, physics, chemistry. Such as design drawings, plans to _set_ later in life.
  High school compulsory and elective subjects will be divided, such as starting building like (basic nature has been finalized).
  University is the special function, like post-renovation building. Bachelor's degree after graduation.
  Graduate (Master) and PhD are a few people willing to do, in the building is the second phase, after the construction of propaganda, life will be so meaningful!
  Undergraduate Education in China _set_ by "disciplines", "subject categories (a subject)", "professional" (2 subjects) to _set_ three levels.
  Accordance with the state in 1997 issued the "doctoral, master's degree and the Graduate Students of the discipline, professional catalogs" into philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science and management class 12 gates, each gate consists of a number of one class of subjects, such as the categories of Science consists of mathematics, physics, chemistry, a subject 12.
  A subject and then divided into several two disciplines, such as mathematics consists of basic mathematics, computational mathematics 5 2 subjects. Doctoral and master's degrees were awarded to two subjects, a general sense refers to Bo master points can be awarded Ph.D. and Master of the number of secondary subjects.
  Subjects received a doctorate in the so-called mandate, which entails that a subject in all secondary disciplines are under the power conferred doctorate, which means that a student chose this subject as long as any one of the professional, into the gate could have been read from the undergraduate to PhD. This could reflect a university or research institutes in the discipline and level. But depends on whether the national leader in this subject, we should see it inside two disciplines have no national key disciplines and the number of key disciplines.
  Point of University Degree (Master's) declaration is generally carried out relying on two subjects, the degree the success of the declaration, but also under many disciplines in two. Are 2 key disciplines of basic subject areas.
  Specific categories as follows:
  4 yards as a discipline
  6 yards for the two disciplines
  01 Philosophy
  0101 1 Subject: Philosophy
  010 101 010 102 Marxist Philosophy in China
  010 103 010 104 Foreign philosophy of logic
  010 105 010 106 Aesthetics and Ethics
  010 107 010 108 Religion Philosophy of Science and Technology
  02 Economics
  0201 1 Subject: Theory of Economics
  020 101 020 102 Political Economy History of Economic Thought
  020 103 020 104 Economic History of the Western Economics
  020 105 020 106 population in the world economy, resource and environmental economics
  0202-level subjects: Applied Economics
  020 201 020 202 National Economics Regional Economics
  020 203 020 204 Finance Finance
  ☆ 020206 020205 Industrial Economics International Trade
  020 207 020 208 Labor Economics Statistics
  020 209 020 210 the number of defense economics economy
  03 Law
  0301 1 Subject: Law
  030 101 030 102 Legal Theory Legal History
  030 103 030 104 Constitutional and Administrative Law Criminal Law
  030 105 Commercial Law (including: Labor Law, Social Security Law)
  030 106 030 107 Economic Law Litigation Law
  030 108 030 108 Environment and Resources Protection Law of Environment and Resources Protection Law
  030 110 of Military Law
  0302 1 Subject: Political Science
  030 201 030 202 Foreign Political Theory Political System
  030 203 Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement
  030,204 Chinese Communist Party (the party's theory and the party building)
  030 205 Marxist theory and ideological education
  International relations, international politics 030 207 030 206
  030 208 Diplomacy
  Note: 0,300,206 Administration (part) to the Public Administration
  0303 1 Subject: Sociology
  Demography Sociology 030 302 030 301
  030 303 030 304 Anthropological Folklore (including: Chinese Folk Literature)
  0304 1 Subject: Ethnology
  Ethnology 030 402 030 401 Marxist Theory and Policy
  030 403 030 404 China's Ethnic Minority Economic History
  030 405 Minority Arts
  04 Education
  0401 1 Subject: Education
  040 101 040 102 Principles of Education Curriculum and Instruction
  Comparative Education History of Education 040 104 040 103
  040 105 040 106 Higher Education Pre-primary Education
  040 107 040 108 Vocational and Technical Education Adult Education
  040 109 040 110 Educational Technology Special Education
  0402 Psychology
  040 201 040 202 Basic Psychology Development and Educational Psychology
  040 203 Applied Psychology
  0403 Physical Education
  Sports Sociology 040 302 040 301 Human Movement Science
  (May be granted education, science, medical degree)
  040 303 040 304 Physical Education and Training National Traditional Sports
  05 Literature
  0501 1 Subject: Chinese Language and Literature
  050 101 050 102 Literature Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  Chinese Language School 050 104 050 103 Classical Chinese Philology
  050 105 050 106 Ancient Chinese Literature Modern Chinese Literature
  050 107 050 108 Chinese Minority Language and Literature Comparative Literature and World Literature
  0502 1 Subject: Foreign Language and Literature
  050 201 050 202 English Language and Literature in Russian Language and Literature
  050 203 050 204 German Language and Literature French Language and Literature
  050 205 050 206 Japanese Language and Literature Language and Literature in India
  050 207 050 208 Spanish Language and Literature Arabic Language and Literature
  Europe, Asia and Africa 050 209 050 210 Language and Literature Language and Literature
  050 211 Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
  0503 1 Subject: Journalism and Communication
  Communication Journalism 050 302 050 301
  0504 1 Subject: Art
  050 401 050 402 Art Music
  050 403 050 404 Fine Arts, Design Arts
  050 405 050 406 drama of theater, film school
  050 407 050 408 Radio and Television Art of Dance
  06 History
  0601 1 Subject: History
  060 101 060 102 Historiography and History Archaeology and Museology
  060 103 060 104 Historical Geography History Literature (including: Dunhuang, the ancient literature)
  History of Ancient China, specifically 060 105 060 106
  060 107 060 108 World History of Modern Chinese History
  07 Science
  0701 1 Subject: Mathematics
  Computational Mathematics, Foundation Mathematics 070 102 070 101
  070 103 Probability and Statistics Applied Mathematics 070 104
  070 105 operations research and control theory
  0702 1 Subject: Physics
  070 201 070 202 Theoretical Physics Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics
  070 203 070 204 Atomic and Molecular Physics Plasma Physics
  070 205 070 206 Condensed Matter Physics Acoustics
  070 207 070 208 Wireless Optical Science
  0703 1 Subject: Chemistry
  070 301 070 302 Analytical Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry
  070 303 070 304 Physical Chemistry Organic Chemistry (with: Chemical Physics)
  070 305 Polymer Chemistry and Physics
  0704 1 Subject: Astronomy
  070 401 070 402 Astrophysics Astrometry and celestial mechanics
  0705 1 Subject: Geography
  070 501 070 502 Physical Geography Human Geography
  070 503 Cartography and Geographic Information System
  0706 1 Subject: Atmospheric Sciences
  070 601 070 602 Meteorology Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment
  0707 1 Subject: Marine Science
  070 701 070 702 Marine Chemistry Physical Oceanography
  Marine Geology, Marine Biology 070 704 070 703
  0708 1 Subject: Geophysics
  070 801 070 802 Space Physics of Solid Earth Physics
  0709 1 Subject: Geology
  070 901 mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry of mineral deposits 070 902
  070 903 070 904 Paleontology and Stratigraphy Structural Geology
  070 903 Quaternary Geology
  0710 1 Subject: Biology
  071001 Botany 071002 Zoology
  071 003 071 004 Physiology Aquatic Biology
  071 005 071 006 Microbiology Neurobiology
  Developmental Biology, Genetics 071 008 071 007
  071 009 071 010 Cell Biology Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  071 011 071 012 Ecology of biological physics
  0711 1 Subject: System Sciences
  071 101 071 102 Systems Analysis and Integration Theory
  08 Engineering
  0801 080 103 Solid Mechanics Fluid Mechanics 080 102 080 104 Engineering Mechanics
  0802 Mechanical Engineering 080202 Mechanical and Electronic Engineering 080204 Vehicle Engineering
  080203 Machine Design and Theory
  0803 Optical Engineering (no two subjects) 0804 Instrument Science and Technology
  0805 Materials Science and Engineering, Material Physics and Chemistry 080 501
  0806 Metallurgical Engineering
  Power Engineering and Engineering 0807 080 703 Thermal Power Machinery and Engineering Physics
  0808 Electrical Engineering 080 801 080 802 motor and electrical power systems and automation
  080 804 Power Electronics and Power Drives
  Science and Technology 080 902 0809 electronics circuits and systems 080 904 Field and Microwave Technology
  0810 081 001 Information and Communication Engineering Communication and Information System ☆ 081002 ☆ Signal and Information Processing
  0811 Control Systems Science and Engineering 081 103 081 104 Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems
  Computer Science and Technology 081 202 0812 Computer Software and Theory
  081 203 Computer Application Technology
  0813 Architecture
  0814 Civil Engineering 081401 Geotechnical Engineering 081402 Structural Engineering
  Municipal engineering 081 404 081 403 Heating, Gas Supply, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective 081 405 081 406 bridge and tunnel construction projects
  0815 Water
  0816 Surveying and Mapping 081602 Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
  0817 Chemical Engineering and Technology 0818 Geological Resources and Geological Engineering
  0819 081 903 Mining Safety Technology and Engineering
  0820 Petroleum and Natural Gas
  0821 Textile Science and Engineering 0822 Industry Technology and Engineering
  0823 Transportation Engineering 082 301 Road and Railway Engineering
  082 302 Traffic Information Engineering & Control ☆ 082303 ☆ Transportation Planning and Management
  082 304 Vehicle Operation Engineering
  0824 Ships and Ocean Engineering
  0825 Aerospace Science and Technology, Science and Technology 0826 Ordnance
  0827 Nuclear Science and Technology 0828 Agricultural Engineering
  0829 Forestry Project
  Environmental Science and Engineering 083 002 0830 Environmental Engineering
  0831 Biomedical Engineering of Food Science and Engineering, 0832
  09 Agriculture
  0901 Horticultural Crops 0902
  0903 0904 Plant Protection, Agricultural Resource Utilization
  0905 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science 0906
  0907 0908 Fisheries Forestry
  10 Medical
  Basic Medical Clinic 1001 1002
  1003 Oral Medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine 1004
  1005 1006 Integrated Traditional and Western medicine
  Pharmacy 1008 1007 Pharmacy
  11 Military Science
  1101 1102 military thinking and military history, strategy learning
  Science 1104 campaign tactics, 1103
  1105 Army Command School 1106 Military System
  1107 1108 army military logistics Political and Military Equipment
  12 Management
  1201 Management Science and Engineering
  1202 Business Administration
  120 201 120 202 Management Accounting
  Technology Economy and Management 120 204
  1203 1204 Agricultural Economics and Management Public Management
  1205 Library, Archive and Information
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学科 百科辞典
  Teaching subjects, also known as subjects. Some teaching theory based on the scientific basis of organized knowledge system. The need for teaching a science of the contents of voluminous to be the appropriate choice, rational organization and arrangement, making it suitable for students the level of physical and mental development and should reach a certain level, the degree of school education. This form corresponding with this science disciplines.
  Discipline and its corresponding with both connections and differences between science. Disciplines should be recognized scientific concepts, principles, laws, and to teach students basic facts, and to reflect the latest scientific research results that door. Its content should be a scientific conclusion, more stable, an important basic knowledge. Disciplinary system should not only reflect the scientific system, but also complies with the requirements of teaching.
  Subject-centered curriculum to compile programs called subjects. Compilation of curriculum and also take into account the links between different disciplines. For example, there is no definite mathematical knowledge, no solution on the use of chemical equations and physical formulas. The mathematical knowledge of teaching than, chemistry, physics, teaching first. Therefore, the subject _set_ the sequence, in particular the intrinsic link between the various disciplines, is the curriculum _set_ need to carefully consider.
  Specialist classroom _set_ting, is to improve the curriculum and teaching quality and efficiency of essential conditions. Display classroom teaching specialties are teaching aids needed in this discipline, which will also include modern micro-computer. Teaching methods with modern equipment, language laboratories, that is, teaching foreign language training classroom. Science classroom, a teacher and student demonstration experiment with the various equipment used in experimental operation. Specialist equipment to enrich classroom training using various equipment, training good teachers, improve curriculum and teaching quality is an important measure.
  (Chen Xia)
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. :  discipline,  faculty,  SUBJECT DISCIPLINES
  2. n.:  knowledge,  study,  subject,  branches of knowledge,  branch of learning,  course,  branch of knowledge,  subject of instruction,  branch of knowledge studied in a school, etc,  a course (of study or instruction at school)
  3. adj.:  academic subjects
French Expression
  1. n.  discipline, branche d'étude; cours; sujet
discipline ramification, branch of such knowledge
doctrine account
problem, title, leader, title, catalog, contents, concentration, volume, investigated, theme, ground, thesis
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