idiom > One man, no man.
  Explanation: One takes two to tango. Analogy forces alone, it is difficult to succeed.
  Usage: The main predicate; as the predicate attribute; for forces thin
  Source: Han Fei, "Han Fei fame": "to take charge of the patients in the Mo should be, twenty years before: the primary independent film, though silent disease."
  Examples: To view Jane, the solution Po is a hero, determined to save him, history is not a single wire line, ~, only reported a letter by him. (Ming Shinai "Tales of" forty-ninth back)
  Riddle: Child does not ring a hand shot
gū zhǎng nán míng
  Hard to beat a hand ring. Analogy forces thin, hard to succeed.
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gū zhǎng nán míng
  One takes two to tango. Analogy helpless and can not be done. Extended metaphor of things related to both parties
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No. 4
  Ruan Xiaoqi: "The form is my experience, not amnesty day, brothers combined concentric lamps, break in Tokyo, it not fun at all! Now brothers were dead, and scattered scattered takes two to tango, but also do something! - "Water Margin"
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No. 5
  One hand hard to beat sound. Analogy forces thin, hard to succeed. Language of the "Han Fei fame": "to take charge of the patients in Mozambique should be, twenty years before: the primary independent film, though silent disease." Ting Yuan Palace days, "Seven-Mile Beach," the third section: "Although your heart out holy, if also argued that the hero is not a head, you own a tango. "" Ancient and Modern Fiction Linan woman to stay in the money fortune ":" ﹝ ﹞ Qian Liu has been prepared to see the city, after his army without following takes two to tango, only steers the first flag and return to the old way. "" Three Kingdoms "the sixth of a return:" The wind so smooth anxious, looking away mid-stream. Zhao Yun takes two to tango, retaining only be fools, On Near shore boat can move. "Guo" Revolution Spring Look Today, the Chiang Kai-shek ":" I myself find itself isolated, so I had to deaf, blind installation, install dumb, do not see the presence of visible, audible in the presence of not hearing. "
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No. 6
  孤掌难鸣 ( gū zhǎng nán míng )
  解 释 孤:单独;鸣:叫。一个巴掌难以拍响,比喻力量孤单,难以成事。
  出 处 韩非《韩非子·功名》:“人主之患在莫之应,故曰:一手独拍,虽疾无声。”
  用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语;用于势力单薄
  示 例 郭沫若《革命春秋·请看今日之蒋介石》:“我一个人~,所以我也只好装聋、装瞎、装哑。”
  近义词 难鸣孤掌、孤家寡人、孤立无援
  反义词 众志成城、众擎易举
  灯 谜 一只手儿拍不响
  成语名称 孤掌难鸣 汉语拼音 gū zhǎng nán míng 成语释义 一个巴掌拍不响。比喻力量孤单,难以成事。 成语出处 《韩非子·功名》:“人主之患在莫之应,故曰:一手独拍,虽疾无声。” 使用例句 为见解珍、解宝是个好汉,有心要救他,史是单丝不线,孤掌难鸣,只报得他一个信。
English Expression
  1. n.:  One man, no man.,  It takes two to make a quarrel.,  A single hand cannot do clapping,  Two can play the game,  (literally) A single hand cannot produce clapping sounds.--unabe to,  cope with a situation or accomplish something without help
French Expression
  1.   Une seule main ne peut résonner ./ Il est difficile d'obtenir le succès snas appui, Un homme isolé est voué à l'échec.
eclipse, overshadow, one log cannot prop up a tottering building, Dwarf colour, Dwarf overshadow, the moon is not seen where the sun shines, Dwarfs