idiom > in a great state
  Explanation: Awe-inspiring majesty of the spirit; stern seriousness, can be awe look. Describe the momentum or style awe.
  Usage: The main predicate; as predicate, object, adverbial; with a compliment for people
  Source: Ming Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of Three Kingdoms," the seventh back to watch the boy, he's eight feet in length, Nongmeidayan, wide face re-aging, majestic. "
wēi fēng lǐn lǐn
  Describe the power outstanding, awesome. Also known as "Wei murderous"
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Describe the momentum awesome style
  Describe the momentum style awesome. Element Sa "hurt thinking song": "General Yung, cinnabar red; majestic male guise." "Water Margin" 13th back: "Yang Look people, the body length ... ... more majestic seven-foot, Xiangmaotangtang. "Sha Ting" hedge mind "23:" He bristled make way up. "
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Means the growth momentum style
  Means the growth momentum style. Liu Zhen, "Spring Big Sister": "Children and women are automatically added to this majestic team."
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No. 5
  wēi fēng lǐn lǐn
  【单词释义】 威风:威严的气概;凛凛:严肃,可敬畏的样子。
  【出 处】 宋·吴自牧《梦粱录·州府节制诸军》:“亲从对对,衫帽新鲜,士卒威风,凛凛可畏。”
  【示 例】明朝·罗贯中《三国演义》第七回:“看那少年,生得身长八尺,浓眉大眼,阔面重颐,威风凛凛。”
  【用 法】 主谓式;作谓语、宾语、状语;含褒义,用于人。
  【近义词】 英姿勃勃、气势汹汹
  【反义词】 文质彬彬
  【歇后语】 官老爷升堂;穆桂英挂帅
  wēi fēng lǐn lǐn
English Expression
  1. n.:  in a great state,  majestic-looking,  with great dignity,  awe-inspiring,  imposing
look cold and indifferent, cold, disdain to recognize one's kin, with a murderous look on one's face, treason and heresy; worst offcnse, rebel against the orthodoxy, storm in(to), heroic bearing thriving, Save the sheep are marked by, Marked by swallowing sheep, Marked by capture sheep, See the sheep are marked by, Marked by every sheep, Ehupushi, fierce tiger go down the hill, straighten the eyebrow and raise the eyes, callosity nonsense, arrogance haughty, fierce, sever friendship Unrighteous, watch in safety while others fight,then reap the spoils when both sides are exhausted, From The River Road
Containing Phrases
awfulin a great state marchIn a great state Xiaobiaotou
awful north goatdraw oneself up to one's full heightIn a great state and be in for it
Awful Lumao cuckoldhead Wear Violet gold casque in a great state