idiom > That's all there's to it.
Nothing more
  Explanation: So: like this; it: nothing more. This is nothing more.
  Usage: Supplemental; as adverbial; for the end of a sentence for concluding remarks
  Source: Qin Meng Ke, "Mencius on": "Inaction is not it, no desire they do not want to, so just carry on."
rú cǐ ér yǐ
  So: like this. Only: Bale. Is such Bale
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No. 3
  It is not doing nothing, no desire it does not want, just say so. - "Committed on Mencius"
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Is it fills no other
  就是这样罢了,再没有别的。《孟子·尽心上》:“无为其所不为,无欲其所不欲,如此而已矣。” 唐 韩愈 《祭十二郎文》:“当求数顷之田於 伊 潁 之上,以待餘年,教吾子与汝子,幸其成长,吾女与汝女,待其嫁,如此而已。”
No. 5
  That's all (rú cǐ ér yǐ)
  Explain this: like this; it: nothing more. In this way fills, then nothing else.
  Source Qin Meng Ke, "Mencius on": "Inaction is not it, no desire they do not want to, so just carry on."
  Use of supplemental; as adverbial; for end of a sentence for concluding remarks
  Han Yu Tang example, "the essays in": "Wu Zi and teach your son, the good fortune of its growth, I F and Ru F, wait until marriage, ~."
  This is the only synonym
  English: that's what it all adds up to
  Japanese: こ う な の だ け だ よ
  French: c'est comme ceci et c'est tout comme cela
  German: Das ist alles.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  That's all there's to it.,  that's what it all adds up to
no more