idiom > Such as sitting cloud and mist
Such as the clouds sit
  Explanation: Like sitting in foggy. Metaphor of the mind confused, not Discrimination affair.
  Usage: Verb-object type; as predicate; containing derogatory
  Source: Qi Yan Zhitui "Yanshijiaxun Mian study": "Luck and have a major event, talk gains and losses, then open mouth mask, such as sitting clouds."
Metaphor of darkness of ignorance, not Discrimination
  Metaphor of darkness of ignorance, not Discrimination. Qi tui "Family Instructions Mian School": "and there are good and bad events, discuss pros and cons, kept in mouth, such as sitting cloud."
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No. 3
  发音 rú zuò yún wù
  释义 象坐在云里雾里。比喻头脑糊涂,不能辨析事理。
  出处 北齐·颜之推《颜氏家训·勉学》:“及有凶吉大事,议论得失,蒙然张口,如坐云雾。”
  用法 作谓语;指糊涂
all at sea