Municipalities : north China : China > Tianjin
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  Star name. Seven places in the north of female residents in the north, where Jiuxing. Branch office in the Galaxy, it said.
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  Galaxy. "Chu Li Sao": "North Korea began in earnest in Tianjin, Xi, Xi Yu Zhihu West pole." Wang Yi Note: "Tianjin, east of busy most of Skip, Han-chun, also." Tang Li Shen, "Feng pay Lotte beginning of autumn Xi are pregnant, see Send "Poetry:" Tianjin off the Galaxy, a reed encore flight. "Ouyang Song," Magpie Fairies "word:" Que welcome bridge access Tianjin, Ying Jia An, star embellishment elm. "
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That Tianjin Bridge
  That Tianjin Bridge. Tang Li Bai "Fufeng hou brothers song": "Tianjin water wave Chixue, bones with support such as the mess." Song Zhang Lei, "and Zhou Lian Yan": "repair purification Luo Bin of a drunk, Tianjin spring wave green floating breakwater." See "Tianjin Bridge."
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City Brief Introduction
  Tianjin - Tianjin short.
  Pinyin: Tiānjīn Shì
  English: Tientsin / Municipality of Tianjin
  Latitude and longitude
  Located at latitude 38 ° 33 'to 40 ° 15', longitude 116 ° 42 'to 118 ° 03' between. Center located at latitude 39 degrees 10 minutes east longitude 117 degrees 10 minutes.
  Republic of China (the People's Republic of China)
  16. Tianjin comprises the 13 districts and 3 counties (Jinghai County, Ninghe, Jixian).
  Villages and towns
  Is located in Heping District, Tianjin Municipal Government. Party Secretary Zhang Gaoli, Mayor Huang Xingguo.
  Map of Tianjin area
  The city area of 11,760.26 square kilometers (the first province in China 30.) The urban area of 4334.72 square km. Built area of 500 square kilometers. Tianjin, 189 km north to south and east-west width of 117 km, 156 km long coastline.
  The lowest elevation of Tianjin city in China, the city's general elevation of 2-5 meters. South of the northern hilly area of Yanshan at 100-500 meters above sea level. Kowloon Peak is the highest point in Tianjin, 1078.5 meters above sea level.
  The city's resident population of 1,115 million (2007, 27th province in China), of which 9.48 million the city residence. Population density is 861 persons / sq km (the first province in China 5.) Urban population of 783.06 million, accounting for 75.11% population of the city. The city's birth rate 7.91 ‰, the mortality rate 5.86 ‰, the natural population growth rate of 2.05 ‰ (2007 years).
  The proportion of local young people in Tianjin
  Tianjin: Tianjin outsiders in = 9:11, 45% of Tianjin
  Tianjin has 56 ethnic groups in China 52. Most of the Han population, accounting for 97% of the city's population. Minority population 26.38 million people, mainly Muslim ethnic minority (2%, 172,358 people), Manchu (0.6%, 56,555 people), Mongolian (11,331 people), Korean (11,041 people). 50 people a total of 28 minorities.
  Tianjin main religions of Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity. A total of 26.7 million people in the city's Catholics, religious professional staff of nearly 200 people.
  Beijing (China Standard Time). UTC +8.
  Zip code
  Phone Number
  (+86) 022
  Car number plate
  Jin A, B, C, D, E (taxi), F, G, H, J, K, O (government license).
  Tianjin words (Tianjinese)
  According to preliminary accounting, validation and evaluation by the National Bureau of Statistics, Tianjin's GDP in 2008 635.438 billion yuan, an increase of 130.398 billion yuan, the first increment of over 100 billion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, an increase of 16.5% , an increase of 1.3 percentage points over the previous year. Three times industries, the primary industry was 12.258 billion yuan, an increase of 3.1%. The secondary industry was 382.107 billion yuan, up 18.2%. Tertiary industry 241.073 billion yuan, an increase of 14.7%. By resident population count, 2008 per capita GDP55473 yuan in Tianjin, over 8300 U.S. dollars (the first province in China 3).
  According to preliminary accounts, Tianjin, the first three quarters of 2009, GDP of 499.702 billion yuan, calculated at comparable prices, an increase of 16.3%, an increase of 0.1 percentage point higher than the first half to continue in the country. Three times industries, the primary industry was 8.61 billion yuan, an increase of 3.2%. The secondary industry was 294.711 billion yuan, up 17.5%, of which 270.755 billion yuan of industrial added value, an increase of 17.8%, driving the city's economic growth by 9.8 percentage points, the contribution rate reached 60.3%, construction added value of 23.956 billion yuan, up 13.6% . Tertiary industry 196.381 billion yuan, an increase of 15.0%, an acceleration of 0.5 percentage points.
  Human Development Index
  0.855 (high, 2005, 6th province in China, behind Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Macau, Beijing).
  Chinese rose flower
  Chinese rose
  City Tree
  F. velutina
  Tianjin (Tiān jīn) is one of the four municipalities of China, north China economic center, international port city, ecological city. Tianjin is located in the center of the Bohai economic circle, is the largest in north China's coastal open city, the birthplace of modern industry, modern first opening coastal city in northern China's shipping and industrial center. 137 km away from Beijing, Tianjin Centre. December 25, 2008, Tianjin was _select_ed cities in 2008, China's most well-being.
  Language Features
  Tianjin dialect, not a dialect of Tianjin area, but especially the old city center of Tianjin, a pointed south, the triangle north end of the island dialect dialect people say that Tianjin words. Residents of the island to the north of this dialect, language, close to Beijing, then the area close to the Tangshan area northeast dialect, Southwest and Southeast are close to the Sea of Tranquility dialect. Therefore, the dialect of the language of the region and "islands" surrounded by the Tianjin dialect there are significant differences.
  Tianjin dialect speech is mainly reflected in terms of features.
  (1) Mandarin zh, ch, sh the retroflex consonants of the word, in Tianjin, then in part be read into the flat tongue initials z, c, s, such as "exhibition" of the "Exhibition" (zhan), Tianjin, then they read To zan; "recruitment" of the "trick" (zhao), Tianjin, then they read as zao; "production" (shengchan), Tianjin, then they read as sengcan; "on the train" (shangche), Tianjin, then they read as sangce; "subject" of the "thing" (shi), Tianjin, then they read as si; "Mountains" and "mountain" (shan), Tianjin, and so if they read as san. This is what people usually say - Tianjin words "dental word" more.
  (2) Mandarin syllables with consonants r, in Tianjin, then in general read as zero initial, the consonants r replaced by vowel ī, such as "people" (ren), "hot" (re), "meat" (rou ), "Run" (run), the words, Tianjin, read as if they were in, ie, iou, iun and so on. "Let, cried, soil," and other words, Mandarin read as rang, and Tianjin, but if read as yang.
  (3) In addition, the opening of Tianjin, then used to call in the aoe before the holiday plus consonant sound n. For example, the "safety" and "security" read into the nan, the "excess" and "the amount of" reading into the ne, the "fish boil" and "boil" read into a nao, the "cute" and "love" reading into the nai, there is "Europe" "Seagull" and so on.
  (4), then the children of Tianjin sound majority. Such as "this matter", Tianjin said, "this child"; "play" read "children playing"; "boxing" is called "pounding leather boxing child" and so on.
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天津 历史沿革
  Four thousand years ago, Tianjin, slowly revealing the place where the sea floor, forming the alluvial plain. Tianjin is now the location of the original is the ocean, the Yellow River before the alluvial sediment formed by the ancient Yellow River was diverted three times, in Tianjin, near the sea, close to 3,000 years ago Ninghe into the sea, near the Western Han Dynasty in Huanghua County, into the sea, when the Northern Song Dynasty Tianjin suburbs into the sea. When Jin south of the Yellow River, Huai away into the sea, Tianjin shoreline fixed. _Set_ in the Wuqing yanguan Emperor.
  Sui Dynasty
  After the Sui Dynasty built the Grand Canal, South Canal and North Canal in the intersection (now King of Sancha River bridge), three will be known as the sea, is the birthplace of the earliest of Tianjin.
  Tang Dynasty
  Lutai opened in salt, _set_ in Baodi Yancang.
  Northern Song Dynasty
  Liao return jurisdiction established in the Wuqing "Monopolizing Salt Institute", Management Salt.
  Woo Jin Guozhen years (1214), _set_ up selling until the Crossroads Village, has been formed in the streets near the temple today. Tianjin is the first name.
  Yuan Dynasty
  Walled selling until the Yuan Dynasty to the sea change town of Tianjin, where a Grain transportation hub. Yan Yun Tai selling until the establishment of the Division, the management of salt production and marketing.
  Ming Dynasty
  Ming Jian Wen year (1400), Zhu Di, guarding the Military Governors in Beijing with his nephew to fight for the throne Emperor Hui Ming in the south through the Grand Canal. Yongle Emperor Zhu Di was made to commemorate this revolted "Jingnan Battle" in Paradise November 21 years, the Gregorian calendar December 23, 1404, changed its name to Tianjin this way, the emperor after the ferry meaning, as a military site in the southwest of the small selling until Sancha River area, located in Tianjin began fortification Wei, Tianjin, said Wei, Tianjin Urban Development has opened a new page. Wei is the military establishment, not part of the local administrative division. After addition of Tianjin and Tianjin Youwei Left.
  Qing Dynasty
  Junji nine Qing Dynasty (1652), Tianjin Wei, Tianjin and Tianjin Youwei Third Left into Tianjin Wei Wei, the establishment of civil, Yan Yun and taxation, and military building.
  Yongzheng three years (1725) l Tianjin Tianjin Wei state.
  Yongzheng nine years (1731) l Tianjin Tianjin State House, jurisdiction over six counties a state, county, respectively, in Tianjin, Jinghai County, Qing County, South County, Yanshan County, Qingyun County, Cangzhou.
  The late Qing, Tianjin Zhili Governor as a resident, has also become Li and Yuan to _set_ up the development of the Northern forces of Westernization and the main base.
  In 1860, British and French troops occupied Tianjin, Tianjin was forced open, Powers has concession in Tianjin.
  July 1900, Boxer Rebellion against Tianjin, Tianjin fall.
  1901, composed by the eight-bureaucratic system of Tianjin have ordered the demolition of the wall.
  Northern Government
  Early Republic of China, Tianjin in the political arena plays an important role, hundreds of politicians and bureaucrats to step down into the Qing Dynasty, Tianjin Concession survivors of refuge and restoration attempts. Including President Li Yuan-hung and the Qing Emperor Fei of the Republic of China, Pu Yi.
  National Government
  June 1928, the National Revolutionary Army occupied Tianjin, Nanjing National Government _set_ up a "special city of Tianjin."
  June, Tianjin Special City directly under the Executive Yuan to the National Government of Tianjin.
  November, as capital of Hebei Province was moved from Beijing, Tianjin, Tianjin municipalities to provincial cities.
  June 1935, moved the capital of Baoding in Hebei Province, Tianjin and to municipalities.
  Japanese aggressor troops during the occupation (1937-1945)
  Tianjin, the Japanese aggressor troops during the occupation, the people miserable. Basically, the Japanese practice of Tianjin is the rule of force. Japanese soldiers on the wanton burning and looting of Tianjin, Tianjin, was coupled with floods, make Tianjin a veritable hell on earth. Were taken of the "labor" up to 5 million people.
  Tianjin, a large number of the Qing Dynasty had to open up concessions, so the Japanese army occupied the early concession is still relatively safe. But then after the outbreak of the Pacific War, Japan forced to occupy other countries, after concession, Tianjin, no peace.
  Liberation War (1945-1949)
  November 29, 1948, the PLA Military Region in Northeast and North China Field Army 2, 3 Corps and a local armed forces in Peking (now Beijing), Tianjin, and Zhangjiakou region, the KMT army made a strategic battle, that "Pingjin Battle. " At 5:00 on January 15, 1949, the PLA things surprise victory in the Group joined forces in the impregnable bridge. January 17, PLA liberated Tanggu, Tianjin, throughout the liberation.
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Geographical environment
天津 地理环境
天津 地理环境
  Tianjin is the international time zone eight districts in the east. Jixian huangyaguan north, south Dagang Zhai Zi Canglang channel, 189 km north to south; east from the Hangu district east of the steep west throwing lump trunk, Ziya River, Jinghai County, west village west of the beach into the German king trunk from east to west 117 km. Tianjin area of 11,760.26 square kilometers domain, territory weeks is about 1290.8 km coastline of 153 km, 1137.48 km long land border.
  Tianjin complex geological structure, covering most of the Cenozoic sediments. Terrain to plains and depressions mainly hilly north, decreasing from north to south elevation. North of the highest altitude of 1052 meters; southeast of the lowest elevation of 3.5 meters. Landforms are mountains, hills, plains, depressions, beaches and other areas. There are mountain brown soil, mountain leaching of soil, soil, soil, swamp soil, paddy soil, saline soil of 7 categories. Vegetation can be divided into, coniferous forest, mixed forest, deciduous broadleaf forest, shrub, meadow, salt, vegetation, marsh vegetation, aquatic vegetation, desert vegetation, plantations and farmland planted 11 kinds of plants .
  Tianjin is located in the east coast of mid-latitude Eurasia, mainly dominated by the monsoon circulation is prevalent in East Asia monsoon region, a temperate monsoon climate. Main climatic characteristics, the four seasons, spring, windy, drought; summer heat, rain water concentration; autumn air is crisp, temperate; winter cold, dry and less snow. Tianjin, the average temperature in the 11.4 ~ 12.9 ° C, the highest average temperature in urban areas 12.9 ° C. January is the coldest average temperature -3 ~ -5 ° C; 7 hottest month, average temperature 26 ~ 27 ° C. Tianjin monsoon prevails in winter and spring the maximum wind speed, summer, autumn wind speed minimum. Annual average wind speed of 2 to 4 m / s, multi-southwest wind. The average frost-free period is 196 ~ Tianjin, 246 days, the longest frost-free period is 267 days, the shortest frost-free period is 171 days. In four seasons, the winter maximum, 156 ~ 167 days; summer, followed by 87 to 103 days; the spring 56 to 61 days; fall short, only 50 to 56 days. Tianjin, the average annual precipitation is 520 ~ 660 mm of precipitation is 63 days to 70 days. Distribution in the region, more than mountain plains, coastal areas more than the Mainland. Distribution in the season, 6,7,8 months accounted for 75% of precipitation is about. Tianjin, a long sunshine time, the annual sunshine duration is 2500 to 2900 hours.
  Trigeminal mouth water network in Tianjin
  Tianjin Haihe River basin is located, is the five tributaries of the Haihe River South Canal, the North Canal, Ziya River, Daqing, the confluence of the Yongding River and into the sea, known as "shoot nine under the river", "Journal of Hohai hub," said. Tianjin, a river flowing through 19, with a total length of 1095.1 km. There Ziya New River, Duliujian River, MA plant by river, Yongding New River, a new wave of White River, New River 6 Return of artificial river, with a total length of 284.1 km. Secondary channel 79, with a total length of 1363.4 km, deep drainage 1061, the total length of 4578 km. Yellow River to Tianjin in Tianjin on several occasions, and have a certain amount of groundwater.
  Tianjin area of 1,191,970 hectares of land. Of which 485,609 ha of cultivated land, accounting for the city's total land area of 40.74%; garden area of 37,324 hectares, accounting for 3.13%; forest land 34,227 ha, accounting for 2.87%; pasture 594 ha, accounting for 0.05%; residential and industrial land 218,345 ha, accounting for 18.33%; transportation land 32,937 ha, accounting for 2.76%; water 315,089 hectares, accounting for 26.43%; 67,845 hectares of unused land, accounting for 5.69%. In the total land area, the state-owned land 501.68 mu, accounting for 28.06%; collective land 1286.28 mu, accounting for 71.94%. The city's land, except the northern mountains and hills, the rest are in deep sediments on the development of the soil. Haihe River in the coastal areas, pending the development of wasteland, beach 1,214 square kilometers, can be used as construction and ecological sites.
  Tianjin Bohai Sea coastline in the western waters, south from Qikou, Stream estuary to the north, up to 153 km. Outstanding performance of marine resources, beach resources, marine living resources, sea water, marine oil and gas resources. Beach area of about 370 square kilometers, is being developed and utilized. Marine living resources, mainly plankton, nekton, benthic and intertidal organisms. Salt water into the high salt region famous since ancient times, China's largest salt. Desalination to solve water shortage potential. Offshore oil and gas rich, oil-bearing structures have been found 45, the reserves are substantial.
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Administrative Division
天津 行政区划
天津 行政区划
天津 行政区划
天津 行政区划
  The end of 2009, Tianjin jurisdiction over 13 municipal districts, three counties, the city's resident population of 1119 people.
  Administrative map of Tianjin City
  Heping District, east zone, Hexi District, Nankai District, Hebei District, Hongqiao District, Tianjin Binhai New Area
  Four districts around the city
  Dongli District, West Green Zone, Jinnan District, North Star District
  Two three-county area
  Wuqing, Baodi, Jinghai County, Ninghe, Jixian
  Heping District, Tianjin Municipal People's Government in the Taku Road, No. 167.
  Zone of peace. Area of 10 sq km, population 47 million. Zip code 300041. District People's Government in Qufu Road.
  East area. Area of 39 square kilometers, population 680,000. Zip code 300171. District People's Government in November by the road.
  Hexi District. Area of 37 square kilometers, population 740,000. Zip code 300202. District People's Government in Shaoxing Road.
  Nankai District. Area of 39 sq km, population 79 million. Zip code 300100. District People's Government in the Yellow River Road.
  Hebei area. Area of 27 square kilometers, population 620,000. Zip code 300143. District People's Government in Lion Street.
  Hongqiao District. Area of 21 square kilometers, population 560,000. Zip code 300131. District People's Government in the thrift Road.
  Binhai New Area. Area of 1978 square km, population 1,000,000. Postal Code 300. District People's Government in Newport Newport 二号 way street.
  Dongli District. Area of 460 sq km, population 32 million. Zip code 300300. District People's Government in the zhangguizhuang streets.
  West Green area. Area of 545 sq km, population 33 million. Zip code 300380. District People's Government in the Yangliuqing.
  Jinnan District. Area of 401 square kilometers, population 380,000. Zip code 300350. District People's Government in the Xianshuigu town.
  North Star District. Area of 478 sq km, population 32 million. Zip code 300400. District People's Government in the Orchard Village streets.
  Wuqing. Area of 1570 square km, population 84 million. Zip code 301700. District People's Government in the Yang Cunzhen.
  Baodi District. Area of 1523 square kilometers, population 650,000. Zip code 301800. District People's Government in the county towns.
  Jixian. Area of 1593 square kilometers, population 810,000. Zip code 301900. District People's Government in the county towns.
  Ninghe. Area of 1414 square kilometers, population 360,000. Zip code 301500. Lutai County People's Government in the town.
  Jinghai County. Area of 1476 square kilometers, population 520,000. Zip code 301600. Jinghai County People's Government in the town.
  * Data as of Quhuadiming here in November 2009; area and population data according to the "PRC Administrative divisions booklet (2006)", the population end of 2004.
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Government agencies
天津 政府机关
  Party Secretary
  Huang Kecheng (48.12-49.05)
  HUANG Jing (49.05-53.04)
  Huang Huoqing (52.10-53.04) (generation)
  Huang Huoqing (53.04-56.07)
  Huang Huoqing (56.07-58.06) (First)
  WAN Xiao Tong (58.06-66.09) (First)
  Xue-Gong (67.01-70.04) (First)
  Xue-Gong (70.04-71.05) (core group of long-Revolutionary Council)
  Xue-Gong (71.05-78.06) (First)
  Lin almost plus (78.06-78.10) (First)
  Chan Wai Tat (78.10-84.10) (First)
  Ni Zhifu (84.10-87.08)
  Li (87.08-89.10)
  Tan Shaowen (89.10-93.02)
  Bi Nie early (93.02-93.03) (generation)
  Gao Dezhan (93.03-97.08)
  Zhang Lichang (97.08-07.04)
  Zhang Gaoli (07.04-)
  HUANG Jing (49.01-52.08)
  Wu (52.10-55.01)
  Huang Huoqing (55.01-58.06)
  Geng Li Tao (58.06-63.09)
  Hu Zhaoheng (63.09-Cultural Revolution)
  Xue-Gong (67.12-78.06)
  Lin almost plus (78.06-78.10)
  Chan Wai Tat (78.10-80.06)
  Hu Qili (80.06-82.04)
  Li (82.05-89.11)
  Bi Nie early (89.11-93.06)
  Zhang Lichang (93.06-98.05)
  Li Shenglin (98.05-02.12)
  Dai (02.12-03.01, Acting Mayor)
  Dai (03.01-2008.01)
  Huang Xingguo (08.01-)
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Economic Development
  Economic achievements in 2007
  GDP: 5018.28 million (an increase of 15.1%); per capita GDP: $ 6,022 (an increase of 11.2%); financial income: 120.433 billion yuan (up 30.1%); local revenue: 54.013 billion yuan (an increase of 29.6 %); industrial output value: 1.007507 trillion yuan; the direct use of foreign contract value: $ 11,519,000,000; the actual utilization of foreign capital: 5.278 billion U.S. dollars; actual domestic capital: 61.205 billion yuan; total fixed as_set_ investment: 238.863 billion yuan; of social consumer goods retail Total: 160.374 billion yuan; per capita disposable income of urban residents: 16,357 yuan; rural per capita net income: 8,752 yuan.
  Total economic output in 2007 exceeded 500 billion yuan in Tianjin, an increase of 0.6 percentage points higher than last year, total revenue 突破千亿元 to five years increased by 2.2 times, industrial output exceeded one trillion yuan, the production level to a new level. This fully reflects the development and opening of Tianjin Binhai New Area in a strong, driven by significantly improved the quality of economic development, the development of significantly faster; embodies the financial and taxation departments at all levels adhere to tax according to law, financial law, economic development results in a timely manner will be reflected as a financial income.
  In recent years, restructuring the main line, Tianjin industry out of a graft, transformation and adjustment of the innovation, optimization and upgrading of traditional industries have been. Scale high-tech industry accounted for more than the city's share of total industrial output value reached 33%. Electronic information industry has become the largest pillar industry, biotechnology and modern medicine, new energy, chemical industry, the backbone of the strong development momentum, oil casing, OTIS Elevator, Xiali cars, and a number of brand-name quality products has grown, steel companies, Tian Iron Group, Medical Group, Tasly Group, magnetic group, the big day Financial Corporation, Nankai Group and other large enterprise groups grow and develop. Industry has become an important driving force of economic growth of Tianjin.
  "Fifth" period, average annual growth of total industrial output value of 21.5%, than the "Plan" Period increased 6.3 percentage points, of which a continuous large-scale industrial output value exceeding 4 per thousand billion, an average annual increase of 23.7%; industrial added value increased 1.4 times over 2000. Form of electronic information, automobile, metallurgy, chemical industry group represented by the advantages of industrial output value, sales revenue, profits account for 70% of the city's industrial, respectively, than the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end to improve 7.4,8.5 and 12.4 percentage points. Competitive industries in the city's contribution to the industrial growth rate of close to 80%.
  "Fifth" period, the total value of agricultural production than the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end to double the average annual growth of 16.4%, than the "fifth" planned growth of 2.4 percentage points higher; rural per capita net income reached 7,202 yuan, than the "Ninth Five-Year "by the end of 2832 yuan. "Fifth" of agricultural scientific and technological achievements made during the city's 466, of which the results were 137 national, municipal Science and Technology Award.
  In 2005, total retail sales of social consumer goods in Tianjin 119.006 billion yuan, 105.27 billion yuan over the previous year's growth of 13.10%. Among them, the urban consumer goods retail sales 111.295 billion yuan, 4.219 billion yuan County retail sales, retail sales of 3.492 billion yuan of consumer goods below the county. Points from the industry, wholesale and retail sales of 95.839 billion yuan retail trade, catering industry retail sales of 15.949 billion yuan, 7.219 billion yuan retail sales of other industries.
  In recent years, Tianjin from improving the investment environment, enhance urban services to start, increasing the intensity of internal opening, full, wide-area, multi-level pattern of opening up the growing formation of domestic and foreign merchants of Tianjin has become a hot spot for investment and development .
  Opening up with remarkable results. Over the past decade, the city attracted the amount of domestic agreements, in place amounted to 12.86% and 15.2% average annual rate of increase. Dalian Wanda, Shenzhen Vanke, Beijing, Lenovo, Shandong Luneng, peace and some other well-known Gulf of large companies and powerful private enterprises have _set_tled down in Tianjin, Tianjin economic development to make a contribution. Currently, the city has more than 4,000 domestic-funded enterprises registered capital of over 30 billion yuan.
  Opening fruits. Scale foreign investment, significant growth in exports, the world's top 500 multinational companies in the 128 invest and build factories in Tianjin, Tianjin has become the country's foreign investment in one of the highest rates of return.
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  Tianjin by rail, highway, waterway, air and constitutes the transportation and pipeline transportation network extending in all directions; with advanced telecommunication networks and facilitating the postal network. Transportation and Telecommunication Industries in the city's number of employees by about 33 million people. Completed in 1997 is 11.48 billion yuan increase in traffic of Posts and Telecommunications. In addition, in recent years Jinbin Light, fast roads and the opening of the Tianjin Metro Line is more smooth and convenient traffic.
  Tianjin Railway Station
  Tianjin, Beijing-Harbin Railway lines in line with the Tianjin and Shanghai, Tianjin Ji Line Interchange, link Beijing, Shanhaiguan, Jinan, Jixian, Bazhou five directions, is to communicate both inside and outside the throat, are responsible for customs transit and traffic flow inside and outside the _set_ of Tianjin Port sparse transportation task, is a mixed passenger and freight, road transport of large hub in Hong Kong. China's first high-speed railway - the Beijing-Tianjin high-speed railway opened to traffic before the Olympic Games in 2008, running speed of 350KM. The city railway line mileage 1363 km. On volume of 1.75 hub billion tons / year, of which by volume is 86 million tons / year. Local railway line length of 158.2 kilometers, mainly distributed in south-eastern city, the annual volume of 600-700 million tons.
  Water transport
  Tianjin Port is the river, sea and both the port and the largest artificial harbor. 10 km north-south span port, 67 kilometers stretching things; an area of 200 square kilometers, including a land area of 20 square kilometers. Hong Kong has all kinds of 140 berths, 17,000 meters long coastline. 1996 throughput of 68.18 million tons in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is located southeast of Tanggu District Beitang Jiyun junction with the Yongding New River estuary, there are three 1,000-ton berths, length 230 meters, throughput capacity of 80 tons. There are 14 enterprises in Tianjin Waterway, with 148 ships, 2,368,900 deadweight tons, more than 1,500 tons of cargo.
  Zhongshan highway overpass butterfly doors
  Tianjin Binhai International Airport is one of our large modern international airport. Road grade 4D, length of 3200 meters, the annual capacity of 90,000 vehicles landing, apron 197,500 square meters, which can park more than 20 aircraft and medium-sized aircraft; have more advanced air traffic control, communications, navigation systems and ground support facilities. The total area of 20,000 square meters terminal building, the annual passenger handling capacity of 200 million. Cargo Centre has a 10,000 m2 cargo warehouse, advanced facilities, the annual cargo handling capacity of 8 million tons. Tianjin airport in a total of three airlines with 15 large and medium aircraft and nine helicopters.
  Tianjin, a pipeline 245 km. Among them, the South Head Road, Port to the petrochemical refinery 42 kilometers from the refinery in charge of Dagang Oilfield Road, 92 km. Oil pipeline design capacity of the city's 5.5 million tons. Tianjin Port is now under construction to the Beijing Airport aviation fuel pipeline in a project - Tianjin to Tianjin Airport aviation fuel pipeline.
  Tianjin, the total length of 31,481 km of postal routes. The 300 Post Office, the average service radius Bureau 3.48 km, serving a population of 3 million people. Tianjin Post and Telecommunications Center building is the hub of one of the larger postal realize the automatic letter sorting. Located in the Tanggu international mail exchange station has more than 50 countries and regions Piyou Speedpost service. Total amount of postal services around the city in more than 200 million yuan.
  The total telephone switchboard capacity in Tianjin City, the current 200 million lines, the urban telephone penetration rate of 48 / per person. City, then switch to achieve full program control. Automatically switch the city's long-distance road-side capacity of 75,600 long-distance business circuit 24392 Road, more than 700 cities and counties with domestic and international calls more than 180 countries and regions. The city's mobile communication switch users over 460,000. Into a "Tianjin Hotline", Intelligent Network, ATM broadband networks and video conferencing and other value-added network, "fiber to the thousands of" project initial results. Currently, China Unicom Tianjin local call completion, and to achieve postal network interconnection and Tianjin.
  Metro Light Rail
  Tianjin rail line will be underground and light rail 1,2 1-9 phase composition.
  Tianjin Metro planning stage by the nine rail lines formed. Tianjin Metro Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3 is the backbone of rail transit line; Tianjin metro line 4, line 5 and 6 fill line rail transit line; 7th line and 8 lines for the outer rail line ; 9 line extension cord for the Jinbin Light Rail line, with a total length of 227 km.
  Now online: Tianjin Metro Line
  Tianjin Metro Line 1 from the North Star District, North Park, Liu, Shuang Lin Jinnan District south, with a total length of 26.188 km. Xinhua Tianjin West Railway Station to which sections of the existing line, length 7.4 km, both north of the line 7.5 km long new road, south of the new 11.4 km long road. A total of 22 stations across the board.
  九号 Tianjin Metro Line (Jinbin Light Rail)
  Line 9: Tianjin Binhai New Area to the eastern section of rapid rail transit project from the city of Zhongshan Gate project, the end of Eighth Street in the zone. 19 stations _set_ up across the board (including five reserved for the station), the control center, vehicle base, car parks, one each. Has opened nine operating stations.
  In recent years, Tianjin to implement bus priority development strategy, the end of 2007, the city bus lines 476 6 areas, public transportation vehicles to 7822 standard operating units, which put the new car as the first quarter of 2008 reached 3,657 units, the ratio reached a new car 46.8%, bus length direction towards the 10 m +. Tianjin public transportation network coverage to 72% in 2007. Volume of 1.026 billion annual bus passenger trips.
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  Tianjin has rich tourism resources.
  Tianjin Tourist Attractions
  Dabei Temple, mosque in Tianjin, Tianjin Tropical Plant Garden Tour, Tianjin Water Park, Sky Tower Lake Scenic Area, winding scenic, Jixian Dule Temple, huangyaguan Wall Scenic Area, Tianjin, Seaside Resort, Fearless Memorial Hall, Tianjin Chinese Medical Saint Cultural Court, Chaoyin Si, Yangcun Small World Amusement Park, Po into a stone garden, China Stone Park, Longquan Mountain amusement park, scenic forest Proterozoic rocks, Tianjin Book Building, the Drum Tower in Tianjin, China Yun Museum, Wu Area South Lake amusement park Qing, Zhou Enlai, Deng Yingchao Memorial Hall, Tianjin Campaign Memorial, winding Martyrs Mausoleum, Nine Dragon Hill National Forest Park, Kowloon Peak, natural beauty, Baxianshan National Nature Reserve, Yangliuqing Museum (Stone Courtyard)
  Baxianshan Nature Reserve to better show is known for deep forest with rich flora and fauna, known as a natural botanical garden.
  Jixian world-renowned geological section in the Upper Proterozoic, sequence complete, simple structure, stromatolites and microfossils rich, thickness meters, by the United Nations Association of Geological Sciences is recognized as the world standard stratigraphic section, was approved in 1984 China's first National Nature Reserve.
  Tianjin Ancient Coastal and Wetland Nature Reserve, with a total area of 200 square kilometers. As the West Coast of the chenier coast of ancient relics preserved for domestic and foreign rare.
  Qilihai Ninghe the lagoon is a typical wetland ecosystem, the waters of the vast, lush reeds, many species.
  In recent years, Tianjin development of integrated tourism resources, focus on tourism development and construction of the Haihe River and the city center with integrated tourism zone, the coastal tourist resort tourist area, Jixian mountain tourist attractions, Tianjin eco-tourism area southwest of folk, modern leisure and entertainment district northwest Tianjin. Carefully creating "Watching Modern China" brand of urban tourism, construction, Taku smoke, station training, Westernization source, Rhine town, European charm, Paris of the Orient, financial names Street, Italian Olympic style, hibiscus marketplace, the old town Jin Yun, Wei-chun, the cradle of ancient willow plate 12 travel theme.
  Other major tourist attractions in Tianjin: Tianjin Tropical Plant Garden Tour, winding, Tianjin huangyaguan, Tianjin Water Park, Lake Towers Tianjin, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street, Dule Temple, Tianjin, Seaside Resort, Hai Park, Stone Courtyard , Canton Center, North Canyon Park, Tianjin University, Tianjin Royale Spa Resort, Jixian square table sub-forest ecological reserve, winding martyrs cemetery, Dongli Lake Hot Springs, Jixian village under the Ying Town Changzhou, Confucian Temple, Sky Tower and so on.
  Tianjin Eye, the Ferris wheel in Tianjin Paradise Bridge, December 17, 2007 the official closing, the momentum of the "Tianjin Eye" full "open" for Castle Adds a scene.
  Yongle Bridge ferris wheel diameter of 110 meters, reaching the highest point, the height from the ground up to 120 meters, equivalent to 35 storeys high, to see the landscape within a radius of 40 kilometers, is a veritable "Tianjin Eye . " Sit tight over the bridge in Tianjin, China Paradise, the world's only eye of a Ferris wheel on the bridge was built, the talent and whimsy is really deserved, "first in the world." Association of World Records has become the world's first Ferris wheel on the bridge project candidate for the world record.
  Ancient Culture Street
  As one of the ten Tianjin, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street has always insisted on "Chinese taste, Tianjin, taste, culture, taste, the ancient flavor" operating characteristics, mainly to business stationery. Ancient Culture Street, there are nearly one hundred stores.
  Culture Street is located in Tin Hau Temple, commonly known as the Goddess inside the house, was built in the Yuan Dynasty in the north of rare temples, reflecting the water transport and maritime transport as a distribution center in Tianjin's traditional position. In addition to the temple is also known as Macau, Taiwan, the world outside the temple one of the three major temples.
  In 1989, with operating cloisonne, Suzhou embroidery, painted crystal-based Joe _set_tled in Ancient Culture Street, Hong Court. 20 years, Joe Incense timely expansion of business scope, and sales channel expansion into Germany (Bremen, Berlin, Lubeck) Japan (Osaka), Malaysia (Klang, Kuala Lumpur and other places. The kind of store the growing number of cases, Qiao Hong Court always stand in the position of customers, adhere to high quality products and attract new foreign customers.
  Italian customs area
  Dao Jiaokou Marco Polo Plaza is located two blocks, a typical Italian style building, an important Italian style landscape, retains the Mediterranean 100 years ago. Many TV dramas in the location shooting, and notably the newly released in 2009 by the Fan Bingbing, Zhang Ziyi starring "perfect" and by Zhang Tielin, starring Aaron Kwok, "Silver Empire."
  Number of operators from the Apennine peninsula here, you can not only taste the pure pizza, pasta and other Italian snacks, enjoy the Italian style performances, you can also watch the elegance of Italian style area to participate in a variety of Italian clothing, crafts exhibition.
  Many casual bars, cafes, restaurants, art galleries, museums and outdoor cinema business day, the global guest after another.
  Italian customs area has been named the national 3-star tourist area.
  Tianjin is sun_set_ Ying
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Culture and Arts
  Tianjin is a famous historical and cultural city. The existing 15 national key cultural relics protection units, including the Dule Temple, Dagu Fort, Wanghai churches, sites such as the Boxer Lvzu Tang altar.
  Among them, the Dule Temple is located in Ji County, was built in the Tang Dynasty, was rebuilt in 984 AD, is the oldest of the last remaining large wooden pavilion building, pavilion, 16-meter-high Goddess of Mercy, is China's largest clay of the existing one.
  Huangyaguan as a World Heritage ancient Great Wall, there are various shapes of more than 20 beacon towers, hovering in the high mountains and surrounded by picturesque scenery. The city has 113 city-level key cultural relics protection units, district level key cultural relics protection units of more than 100. There the famous Tin Hau Temple, Yuhuangge, Confucian Temple, the Catholic Church, mosque, Great Mercy Temple, Canton Center, and Zhou Enlai youth site of revolutionary activities in Tianjin and so on. In recent years, Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao new memorial, Tianjin Campaign Memorial Hall, Tianjin Science and Technology Museum, has become the bases for patriotic education and youth education establishments. Tianjin, museums, memorial halls of existing collections of 53 million, of which one or two more than 1,000 products.
  Tianjin Snacks
  Tianjin Ruin: Gui Faxiang twists (eighth Street cannabis), ignore the dog buns, fried cake Erduoyan
  Several other snacks: Tai Fook to crispy rice dishes, vegetarian cake Zhilan dry, even large crisp biscuits, assorted biscuits, Benson fasting, induction sub-seasoned millet mush, Kings cannabis (also known as the San children cannabis), continental record Tangmian fried cake, Hong Chai, Hong circle beef beans, dried bean curd roll ring, white dumplings in mind, the water burst belly, Laodou Fu, sub fried stew, pancakes Guo son, tricks Guo son, smell nuts, stones threshold element package, Rohan belly, ripe pear cake , skin sugar Zhang, nuts Zhang, Tianjin chestnuts, Tianjin crabs, seafood Beitang
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Medical Education
  The city has 40 general secondary schools, students in 76,994 people. 66 vocational schools, students in 55,527 people. 57 technical schools, students in 47,104 people. 19 vocational colleges for professional structural adjustment, the new rail transport, chemical technology, port transportation, real estate, project management, manufacturing, language and culture, tourism, radio and television, and other professionals 43. Secondary vocational education to increase the layout of the restructuring, will have a secondary vocational school enrollment eligibility reduced from 103 to 85. Tianjin Municipal Engineering School, Tianjin Ninghe secondary school is approved for the city-level key secondary vocational schools. Start exemplary secondary vocational schools and vocational education center in rural areas, with a total investment of 124 million. The city a regional comprehensive training base, professional training base of 19 the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance for the vocational education training base. August, the Ministry of Education was held in Tianjin with the National Vocational Education and Engineering Symposium, Tianjin, work and study to promote training mode; the Ministry of Education signed with the Tianjin Municipal Government to build national vocational education reform pilot area agreement. "Fifteen" at the end, the city has two state-level demonstration major construction units higher vocational schools, 65 national and provincial key secondary vocational schools and four state-level, the higher vocational education teacher training base. Established more than 80% of vocational school instruction combined with the Steering Committee of the Commission and teaching, 60% carried out in the vocational school-enterprise cooperation. Graduate employment rate of 90% or more. During the year, vocational schools and rural areas and in the Joint Entrance west vocational cooperative education, a total of nearly 1.5 million students enrolled in Western.
  The city's universities and colleges of adult education correspondence school, Goes to students in 56,996, of whom 30,469 were undergraduates. Adult 20 colleges and universities, students in 27,424 people. Adult 15 specialized secondary schools, students in 2905 people. Adult School 10, students in 1268 people. Adult technical training schools in 3186, 549,915 students in person. The city held the first non-computer types of adult college students computer skills proficiency test. Central Radio and TV University to carry out personnel training model of reform and open education summative assessment, inspection and evaluation of 36 regional radio and TV Campus (workstations), re-evaluation random nine regional radio and TV Campus (workstation) and decided the City Campus TV (station) Excellent 17, 13 good, qualified 6. Field of 36 colleges and universities in Tianjin correspondence filing the annual inspection stations, 29 stations to obtain continuing education qualifications correspondence (correspondence with two new stations), 7 were withdrawn. Tianjin, Tianjin, Hebei Vocational College was renamed City College, the establishment of three community colleges in six districts of the city form a network of three community education. Urban and rural vocational and adult education resources to promote the transfer of rural labor force training and training of migrant workers, the city's labor force in rural areas to train 60 thousand passengers, of which 26 million people leading the training, skills training, nearly 18 million of the transfer After training, 16 million people. In rural areas with the relevant departments to jointly promote the city, "351" training project. "Fifteen" for adult graduate university and college students accumulated more than 14 million people; higher education self-study examination of the college graduates 7. 6 million; participate in non-academic education, 1.35 million persons. The size of University of older persons and the number of professional rank the country.
  The city has 17 units of graduate education in the 28,470 graduate students, including local units of graduate education in 14 colleges in 8699 were graduate students. 42 colleges and universities, 331,553 students in school, including 39 local colleges, students in 289,837 people; colleges and universities in 18 colleges, students in 190,626 people. Add doctoral-level subjects and doctoral and master points are more than 30%. The gross enrollment rate of higher than 50%, than the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end increase of 20 percentage points; 8,400 students in Tianjin, the equivalent of "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 2.1-fold; 10 million college students per 4,000 people Higher education popularization. Add the average schooling of workers over 14 years. "Fifteen" at the end, the city has all kinds of colleges and secondary vocational training school graduates reached 51.8 million and 30.4 million people, the training of all staff more than 500 million people. 49 key construction disciplines in the core of the comprehensive investment project with remarkable results. National Natural Science Award of University and national technological invention and scientific and technological progress second prize amount, accounting for 50% of the total number of the city's award-winning, 100% and 24%; access to the city and the City Natural Science Award, technological invention and scientific and technological progress Award winning city accounted for 89% of the total, 66% and 33%. Nankai University Science Park to enter the ranks of the national key construction projects. In 2005, the College received first prize for the fifth National Teaching Higher Education 6, second prize 22; 11 course was named the national level courses, 44 courses as municipal quality courses. March, the Ministry of Education approved 39 new undergraduate programs, bringing the city a total of undergraduate college of 191, total number of 631 professionals. To promote the teaching quality of undergraduate education, on Civil Aviation of China, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts municipal assessment of the level of undergraduate teaching. 10 undergraduate teaching laboratories in 23 universities (center) was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Laboratory Tianjin Colleges title.
  In 2005, construction of new campus part of the completed and put into use, a number of renovation and expansion project completed on schedule. Undergraduate college students were school size equivalent to the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 2.3-fold. In 2005, the Tianjin government investment as the mainstay, multi-channel financing of education funding system has been gradually improved financial education expenditure from the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of 3.087 billion yuan increased to 6.571 billion yuan, the faculty salary is guaranteed. Fixed as_set_s is the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 3 times, their conditions improved significantly. According to statistics released by Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that the ability to maintain regional education Tianjin, the top three for the "Eleventh Five-Year" development of education, laid a solid foundation.
  Tianjin health made new progress. There are various types of the city's health institutions 2489, including 272 hospitals, epidemic prevention, prevention and control agencies 41, 23 maternal and child health agencies. Number of Hospital Beds 43,000. 6.1 million health professionals, including practicing physicians and 2.5 million people practicing physician assistants, registered nurses, 1.9 million people. In 2005 the city health has the following characteristics:
  One is to speed up adjustment of health resources. Annual investment of 680 million yuan, with the focus of public health, medical treatment and other construction projects, completed construction area of 219,000 square meters. Among them, the City Hospital for Infectious Diseases Outpatient Building, Hai SARS hospital floor, City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 120 medical emergency command center, Medical University General Hospital, one, four centers Emergency Medical College Building and other projects have been completed and put into use.
  Second, improve the public health system. AIDS surveillance expanded to 50 million people each year; immunization of the floating population, the city's rate of hepatitis B vaccination of children up to 98%; to 5 million children to the growth and development survey, conducted on more than 80,000 birth defects screening. Voluntary blood donation rate increased by 16.1% in 2004 to 64.2%, reversing the blood supply to the passive state.
  The third is to strengthen rural health and community health. Start the standardization of the 114 township hospitals and 154 township hospitals in the device configuration. Develop the 1259 "May co-existence" of rural health workers, 9 of the 322 districts serving rural doctors to participate in education in secondary education. Rural cooperative medical district expanded to eight, with 1,124,600 of agricultural population to participate in the new rural cooperative medical care, accounting for 73.2%. Community Health Service coverage of 93.4%.
  Fourth, carry out the "hospital management" activities. The approval of a professional project of 24 medical technology. Further regulate organ transplantation clinical application of medical technology and other special acts. On secondary and tertiary medical institutions conducted three rounds of special inspections of perioperative antibiotics. Of the 34 tertiary hospitals were reviewed.
  Fifth, control medical costs, directly under the city, affiliated hospital costs per outpatient burden fell by 7%, hospital bed days per patient cost burden fell 6%.
  Sixth, carry out its oversight responsibilities in health law. 6 million households on the city's regulated units in a variety of health law enforcement inspection. Supervision and inspection of food, cosmetic production and management are 54,951 times, destruction of illegal food, cosmetics and disinfection products, 17,000 kg. 15 banned illegal conduct, investigate all kinds of illegal practices 574.
  Seven is to accelerate the development of qualified personnel. The introduction of high-level staff of 35 people; sent by well-known universities, medical institutions, study and training 124; the city's 221 sanitation technical team have a PhD, Master 866. Strengthen international cooperation and exchanges with the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine signed a memorandum of scientific and technological cooperation. Last year, Professor Zhang Boli awarded the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
  Institutions of higher learning
  Ministry of Education, Nankai University, Tianjin, an undergraduate
  2 Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin Undergraduate
  3, Tianjin, Hebei Province, Hebei University Undergraduate
  4 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Polytechnic University
  5 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Technology Undergraduate
  6 Ministry of Education, Tianjin, Tianjin Medical University, Undergraduate
  7 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine degree
  8 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Normal University undergraduate
  9 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Science degree
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Finance and 10 undergraduate
  11 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Commerce
  12 Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation of China Civil Aviation Administration of Tianjin University undergraduate
  13 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, Tianjin undergraduate
  14 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Agricultural College Undergraduate
  15 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University Undergraduate
  16 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Foreign Studies University
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Institute of Physical Education 17 course
  18 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Undergraduate
  19 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Conservatory of Music Undergraduate
  20 Institute of Tianjin University, Tianjin Charity Bachelor
  21 Tianjin, Tianjin Nankai University, Tianjin Binhai College Undergraduate
  22 Tianjin University of Commerce Tianjin University, Tianjin undergraduate Pao
  23 Tianjin, Tianjin Normal University Tianjin Jingu undergraduate
  24 Tianjin University, Tianjin Foreign Studies University Tianjin Binhai undergraduate
  25 School of Architecture, Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Urban Specialist
  26 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Civil Aviation of China Specialist
  27 Tianjin, Tianjin Medical College Tianjin Academy
  28 Tianjin, Tianjin Medical College Tianjin Academy
  29 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Bohai Vocational Technical College Specialist
  30 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Binhai Vocational College Specialist
  31 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Engineering College
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Vocational College 32 College
  33 Private Vocational College Tianjin Tiens Tianjin Academy Board of Education
  E-34 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Information Technology Specialist
  35 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Electrical and Mechanical Specialist
  36 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Light Industry Technology Specialist
  37 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Modern Vocational Technology College
  38 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Public Security Police Specialist
  39 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Youth Vocational College Specialist
  40 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade and Economic Tianjin Vocational College
  41 Tianjin Vocational College of Land Resources and Housing Specialist Tianjin Tianjin
  42 Management of Urban Construction, Tianjin, Tianjin Polytechnic College
  43 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technology College
  44 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Railway Technology Specialist
  45 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of specialist transport
  46 Biological Engineering Institute of Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Academy
  47 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College Maritime College
  48 Tianjin TEDA Tianjin Polytechnic College
  49 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin College City Vocational College
  50 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational Academy of Art College
  51 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Arts and Crafts Specialist
  52 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Economic and Trade School Academy
  53 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Technology Specialist
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Sister Cities
  City-state time
  1. Kobe City, Japan 1973.06.24
  2. Philadelphia, USA 1980.02.10
  3. Melbourne, Australia 1980.05.05
  4. Yokkaichi, Japan 1980.10.28
  5. Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina 1981.05.28
  6. North-Calais region of France 1984.10.10
  7. Lombardy, Italy 1985.05.09
  8. Groningen Netherlands 1985.09.12
  9. Chiba City, Japan 1986.05.07
  10. Plovdiv region, Bulgaria 1990.09.23
  11. Izmir Turkey 1991.09.25
  12. Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire 1992.09.26
  13. Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 1992.09.27
  14. Kharkov City, Ukraine 1993.06.14
  15. Jonkoping City, Sweden 1993.09.23
  16. Incheon City, South Korea 1993.12.27
  17. Saarland, Germany 1994.09.27
  18. Lodz City, Poland 1994.10.11
  19. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 1995.04.18
  20. Orange County, USA 1997.08.01
  21. Amazonas, Brazil 1997.10.20
  22. Haiphong City, Vietnam 1999.01.08
  23. Chicago, USA 2008.04.22
  GDP development:
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Medical Education
  The city has 40 general secondary schools, students in 76,994 people. 66 vocational schools, students in 55,527 people. 57 technical schools, students in 47,104 people. 19 vocational colleges for professional structural adjustment, the new rail transport, chemical technology, port transportation, real estate, project management, manufacturing, language and culture, tourism, radio and television, and other professionals 43. Secondary vocational education to increase the layout of the restructuring, will have a secondary vocational school enrollment eligibility reduced from 103 to 85. Tianjin Municipal Engineering School, Tianjin Ninghe secondary school is approved for the city-level key secondary vocational schools. Start exemplary secondary vocational schools and vocational education center in rural areas, with a total investment of 124 million. The city a regional comprehensive training base, professional training base of 19 the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance for the vocational education training base. August, the Ministry of Education was held in Tianjin with the National Vocational Education and Engineering Symposium, Tianjin, work and study to promote training mode; the Ministry of Education signed with the Tianjin Municipal Government to build national vocational education reform pilot area agreement. "Fifteen" at the end, the city has two state-level demonstration major construction units higher vocational schools, 65 national and provincial key secondary vocational schools and four state-level, the higher vocational education teacher training base. Established more than 80% of vocational school instruction combined with the Steering Committee of the Commission and teaching, 60% carried out in the vocational school-enterprise cooperation. Graduate employment rate of 90% or more. During the year, vocational schools and rural areas and in the Joint Entrance west vocational cooperative education, a total of nearly 1.5 million students enrolled in Western.
  The city's universities and colleges of adult education correspondence school, Goes to students in 56,996, of whom 30,469 were undergraduates. Adult 20 colleges and universities, students in 27,424 people. Adult 15 specialized secondary schools, students in 2905 people. Adult School 10, students in 1268 people. Adult technical training schools in 3186, 549,915 students in person. The city held the first non-computer types of adult college students computer skills proficiency test. Central Radio and TV University to carry out personnel training model of reform and open education summative assessment, inspection and evaluation of 36 regional radio and TV Campus (workstations), re-evaluation random nine regional radio and TV Campus (workstation) and decided the City Campus TV (station) Excellent 17, 13 good, qualified 6. Field of 36 colleges and universities in Tianjin correspondence filing the annual inspection stations, 29 stations to obtain continuing education qualifications correspondence (correspondence with two new stations), 7 were withdrawn. Tianjin, Tianjin, Hebei Vocational College was renamed City College, the establishment of three community colleges in six districts of the city form a network of three community education. Urban and rural vocational and adult education resources to promote the transfer of rural labor force training and training of migrant workers, the city's labor force in rural areas to train 60 thousand passengers, of which 26 million people leading the training, skills training, nearly 18 million of the transfer After training, 16 million people. In rural areas with the relevant departments to jointly promote the city, "351" training project. "Fifteen" for adult graduate university and college students accumulated more than 14 million people; higher education self-study examination of the college graduates 7. 6 million; participate in non-academic education, 1.35 million persons. The size of University of older persons and the number of professional rank the country.
  The city has 17 units of graduate education in the 28,470 graduate students, including local units of graduate education in 14 colleges in 8699 were graduate students. 42 colleges and universities, 331,553 students in school, including 39 local colleges, students in 289,837 people; colleges and universities in 18 colleges, students in 190,626 people. Add doctoral-level subjects and doctoral and master points are more than 30%. The gross enrollment rate of higher than 50%, than the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end increase of 20 percentage points; 8,400 students in Tianjin, the equivalent of "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 2.1-fold; 10 million college students per 4,000 people Higher education popularization. Add the average schooling of workers over 14 years. "Fifteen" at the end, the city has all kinds of colleges and secondary vocational training school graduates reached 51.8 million and 30.4 million people, the training of all staff more than 500 million people. 49 key construction disciplines in the core of the comprehensive investment project with remarkable results. National Natural Science Award of University and national technological invention and scientific and technological progress second prize amount, accounting for 50% of the total number of the city's award-winning, 100% and 24%; access to the city and the City Natural Science Award, technological invention and scientific and technological progress Award winning city accounted for 89% of the total, 66% and 33%. Nankai University Science Park to enter the ranks of the national key construction projects. In 2005, the College received first prize for the fifth National Teaching Higher Education 6, second prize 22; 11 course was named the national level courses, 44 courses as municipal quality courses. March, the Ministry of Education approved 39 new undergraduate programs, bringing the city a total of undergraduate college of 191, total number of 631 professionals. To promote the teaching quality of undergraduate education, on Civil Aviation of China, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts municipal assessment of the level of undergraduate teaching. 10 undergraduate teaching laboratories in 23 universities (center) was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Laboratory Tianjin Colleges title.
  In 2005, construction of new campus part of the completed and put into use, a number of renovation and expansion project completed on schedule. Undergraduate college students were school size equivalent to the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 2.3-fold. In 2005, the Tianjin government investment as the mainstay, multi-channel financing of education funding system has been gradually improved financial education expenditure from the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of 3.087 billion yuan increased to 6.571 billion yuan, the faculty salary is guaranteed. Fixed as_set_s is the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 3 times, their conditions improved significantly. According to statistics released by Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that the ability to maintain regional education Tianjin, the top three for the "Eleventh Five-Year" development of education, laid a solid foundation.
  Health Care
  Tianjin health made new progress. There are various types of the city's health institutions 2489, including 272 hospitals, epidemic prevention, prevention and control agencies 41, 23 maternal and child health agencies. Number of Hospital Beds 43,000. 6.1 million health professionals, including practicing physicians and 2.5 million people practicing physician assistants, registered nurses, 1.9 million people. In 2005 the city health has the following characteristics:
  One is to speed up adjustment of health resources. Annual investment of 680 million yuan, with the focus of public health, medical treatment and other construction projects, completed construction area of 219,000 square meters. Among them, the City Hospital for Infectious Diseases Outpatient Building, Hai SARS hospital floor, City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 120 medical emergency command center, Medical University General Hospital, one, four centers Emergency Medical College Building and other projects have been completed and put into use.
  Second, improve the public health system. AIDS surveillance expanded to 50 million people each year; immunization of the floating population, the city's rate of hepatitis B vaccination of children up to 98%; to 5 million children to the growth and development survey, conducted on more than 80,000 birth defects screening. Voluntary blood donation rate increased by 16.1% in 2004 to 64.2%, reversing the blood supply to the passive state.
  The third is to strengthen rural health and community health. Start the standardization of the 114 township hospitals and 154 township hospitals in the device configuration. Develop the 1259 "May co-existence" of rural health workers, 9 of the 322 districts serving rural doctors to participate in education in secondary education. Rural cooperative medical district expanded to eight, with 1,124,600 of agricultural population to participate in the new rural cooperative medical care, accounting for 73.2%. Community Health Service coverage of 93.4%.
  Fourth, carry out the "hospital management" activities. The approval of a professional project of 24 medical technology. Further regulate organ transplantation clinical application of medical technology and other special acts. On secondary and tertiary medical institutions conducted three rounds of special inspections of perioperative antibiotics. Of the 34 tertiary hospitals were reviewed.
  Fifth, control medical costs, directly under the city, affiliated hospital costs per outpatient burden fell by 7%, hospital bed days per patient cost burden fell 6%.
  Sixth, carry out its oversight responsibilities in health law. 6 million households on the city's regulated units in a variety of health law enforcement inspection. Supervision and inspection of food, cosmetic production and management are 54,951 times, destruction of illegal food, cosmetics and disinfection products, 17,000 kg. 15 banned illegal conduct, investigate all kinds of illegal practices 574.
  Seven is to accelerate the development of qualified personnel. The introduction of high-level staff of 35 people; sent by well-known universities, medical institutions, study and training 124; the city's 221 sanitation technical team have a PhD, Master 866. Strengthen international cooperation and exchanges with the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine signed a memorandum of scientific and technological cooperation. Last year, Professor Zhang Boli awarded the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
  Institutions of higher learning
  Ministry of Education, Nankai University, Tianjin, an undergraduate
  2 Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin Undergraduate
  3, Tianjin, Hebei Province, Hebei University Undergraduate
  4 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Polytechnic University
  5 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Technology Undergraduate
  6 Ministry of Education, Tianjin, Tianjin Medical University, Undergraduate
  7 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine degree
  8 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Normal University undergraduate
  9 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Science degree
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Finance and 10 undergraduate
  11 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Commerce
  12 Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation of China Civil Aviation Administration of Tianjin University undergraduate
  13 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction, Tianjin undergraduate
  14 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Agricultural College Undergraduate
  15 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University Undergraduate
  16 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Foreign Studies University
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Institute of Physical Education 17 course
  18 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Undergraduate
  19 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Conservatory of Music Undergraduate
  20 Institute of Tianjin University, Tianjin Charity Bachelor
  21 Tianjin, Tianjin Nankai University, Tianjin Binhai College Undergraduate
  22 Institute of Tianjin University of Commerce Tianjin Tianjin undergraduate Pao
  23 Tianjin, Tianjin Normal University Tianjin Jingu undergraduate
  24 Tianjin University, Tianjin Foreign Studies University Tianjin Binhai undergraduate
  25 School of Architecture, Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Urban Specialist
  26 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Civil Aviation of China Specialist
  27 Tianjin, Tianjin Medical College Tianjin Academy
  28 Tianjin, Tianjin Medical College Tianjin Academy
  29 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Bohai Vocational Technical College Specialist
  30 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Binhai Vocational College Specialist
  31 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Engineering College
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Vocational College 32 College
  33 Private Vocational College Tianjin Tiens Tianjin Academy Board of Education
  E-34 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Information Technology Specialist
  35 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Electrical and Mechanical Specialist
  36 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Light Industry Technology Specialist
  37 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Modern Vocational Technology College
  38 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Public Security Police Specialist
  39 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Youth Vocational College Specialist
  40 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade and Economic Tianjin Vocational College
  41 Tianjin Vocational College of Land Resources and Housing Specialist Tianjin Tianjin
  42 Management of Urban Construction, Tianjin, Tianjin Polytechnic College
  43 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technology College
  44 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Railway Technology Specialist
  45 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of specialist transport
  46 Biological Engineering Institute of Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Academy
  47 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College Maritime College
  48 Tianjin TEDA Tianjin Polytechnic College
  49 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin College City Vocational College
  50 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational Academy of Art College
  51 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Arts and Crafts Specialist
  52 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Economic and Trade School Academy
  53 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Technology Academy High Self
  54 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Engineering Technician Specialist High Self
  55 Tianjin China Tianjin Tianjin high-Self Training College Undergraduate
  56 modern management training school in Tianjin, Tianjin Nankai High Self undergraduate Tianjin
  57 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Press and Publication Training High Self Undergraduate
  58 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin International Cultural Learning Institute of High Self Undergraduate
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Accounting Wikipedia
  Introduction: Tianjin referred to as "Jin" is one of China's four municipalities. Tianjin is located in the northeast of the North China Plain, the east Bohai Sea, north of Yanshan area of 11,000 square kilometers. Thirteen areas of Tianjin has jurisdiction over five counties. Tianjin near Beijing, the capital, is the maritime choke points to Beijing, the capital since the Yuan Dynasty is the gateway city Jifu.
  "Tianjin," the name has been a suspense. Despite multiple research, There is no answer to a non-controversial, and it is these disputes, to the folklore provides adequate room for imagination. According to the Tianjin municipal government introduced Local Records Office Guofeng Qi, Tianjin, the origin of the name, there are currently four versions wider spread.
  One sign said,
  "Sui astronomical records," the record "Nine Hom East Liexing" said: "Nine is also the end of Kei, Yiyue Tianjin"; "Song Shitian Wen Chi" and said: "Tianjin Jiuxing in virtual places"; old "Jinghai County," it says: "There are places women in Tianjin Jiuxing"; Qianlong "Tianjin County," received the above in mind the various articles, and to this as Tianjin, "so that the name" was one.
  Second, the edge of the river and said
  "Golden History" Volume II of Seventeen "canals" records: Taihe six years (1206), "December, the creation of Tongji River river patrol officer, a member of the same river with a Secretary of Tianjin, gate pass management Caohe shore, on the Tianjin, the official name of Li River Tour River water monitoring supervision ";" Tianjin Wei Chi "in the account of" learning field ", the saying of" one is located in Tianjin, Hebei Wuqing County. " Thus, Tianjin River does have it.
  Third, crossing said
  According to "Tianjin County" Description: "Press Jiuzhi, Tianjin, close to mouth off of the name, in Liangxiang North ... ... According to" Annals Jifu "research, Tianjin kept in Wanping County, West two hundred and fifteen years." Fang Yu Minutes, "called off the North over a hundred years in the sun village, to easy to state the goal where the fifth mark a big, big difference between day Zheyue door closed, or the cloud of Tianjin Port."
  Fourth, given names that
  This is the fullest historical record the most clear way of saying. Ming Jian Wen four years (1402), Zhu Di ascended the throne the following year reign title "Paradise." Yongle year (1404), Wei fortification in selling until _set_. To commemorate the "Battle of Jing Nan" victory, Zhu Di Ciming "Tianjin", means "Son of Heaven through the crossing." 1961 Avenue Road, Heping District, outside the South East of Ming Dynasty found in residential areas Jiajing twenty-nine (1550) in April _set_ the "rehabilitation of Sanguanmiao monument," it reads: "Husband of Tianjin small selling until the land of the ancient brine exclusion area also. I looked into Zuwen Huang Di, Jing into the difficult transition Cangzhou Shengjia try this, because thanks to it is called Tianjin, fortification cutting pool, and the three Li Wei Yan. "
  Seventeen years in the Yongle Yongle Emperor (AD 1419) moved the capital Beijing, as Beijing and coastal water transport water and land transportation hub of the throat, Tianjin position even more important. The development of water transport, the basic pattern established in Tianjin. Tianjin, the official market and the business district appeared in the Xuande period (1426-1435 years). Rich material was active trade in Tianjin in northern China's merchandise distribution center. 1644 Qingbingruguan, along with the strong dominance of the Qing Dynasty and economic development, Tianjin Wei's status as an increasingly important gateway to the capital. Early 18th century, the development of the international commercial port, Tianjin appeared exchange business for banks, business, financial development to the further development of Tianjin, north China's commercial center. During the Second Opium War, the capital of Tianjin as a security military areas, its role is more prominent. After the Second Opium War, was forced to open the ports of Tianjin, Western-style international _set_tlements clouds, is still one of the characteristics of construction in Tianjin. The winter of 1948, the PLA launched a Tianjin Campaign. January 15, 1949 after the liberation of the progressive development of Tianjin, the second largest industrial and commercial city of China.
  Tianjin is located in the middle of the Gold Coast in northern China, not only near the capital, or the north and northwest vast area to the sea, is open to both internal fan in northern axis of the Eurasian Continental Bridge is the shortest distance in China's eastern starting point of . Tianjin Port in north China's largest integrated trading port, has the largest container terminal, and the world more than 170 countries and regions, more than 300 ports to maintain trade. Tianjin Binhai International Airport, a number of international and domestic routes, is the largest cargo hub in North China. Tianjin is the Jingshan Railway, Beijing-Shanghai railway junction of the two. Tianjin highways, transportation infrastructure has made great progress.
  Tianjin is a major industrial city in north China, oil and gas, sea salt is rich in resources, there are certain basic industrial technology, the existing industry categories, as many as one hundred fifty-four, more integrated, there are chemical, metallurgical, military, instrumentation, electronics, textiles, carpets, bicycles, sewing machines, watches, paper, clothing, pharmaceuticals, food, and a number of best-selling quality products at home and abroad. Processing industry output value accounted for three quarters of industrial output. Conducive to the development of new industries. Tianjin is an important commercial center and port in North China cities, many products sold in the country, and to the north, east,
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  Tianjin (T ianjin) China's central municipality, State
  International trade port city of Haiphong. Referred to Jin. North China
  Northeast Plain, the Haihe River. Jurisdiction of peace, Nankai, red
  Bridge, Hebei, east, west 6 District, Tanggu, Hangu,
  Days ticm 529
  Tianjin Railway Station
  Less snow in winter cold. The annual average temperature 12.2 ℃, 1 month on
  Average temperature of a 4.2 ℃, 7 monthly average temperature 26 ℃. Annual average
  550 mm of precipitation were, '75 ~ were concentrated in the summer. Per year
  November to next March as the ice on, ice thickness of the O. 2
  0.5 meters.
  Tianjin has rich natural resources, salt, oil, natural
  Gas, coal, geothermal, and manganese, tungsten, molybdenum, quartzite,
  Quartz sandstone, limestone, dolomite from, phosphorus, potassium and so on. Large
  Hong Kong oil field is one of the famous oil and gas fields, oil field surface
  Great plot, thick oil, the oil quality is good, plentiful. Raw sea salt
  Producing favorable conditions, is the "salt Changlu" important areas.
  Tianjin in Tianjin-Tangshan Economic Zone occupies an important position.
  The city has 153 T industry categories, the main industrial sectors of stone
  Photo by Li Chang Yuan
  Oil, chemical industry, metallurgy, machinery, instruments, electronics, light b [:,
  Textiles, food, medicine, building materials, electricity and so on. A comprehensive
  Together of industrial base. Crops are wheat, rice, corn
  Rice, sorghum, potato, etc., "rice station," the varieties of good
  Famous. Cash crops are cotton, peanuts, soybeans. North
  Mountain areas for the fruit base. Fishery production in very good condition, along
  Sea rich in fish, jinsong fish, mackerel and large shrimp.
  Tianjin in north China sea and land transport hub. Beijing, a
  Harbin: 『dagger in Beijing for a two rail lines in the Shanghai exchange
  Society, the same line through the northern Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, a Jixian
  Line runs through the city north and south, the railway counties are interlinked. Dry roads
  Line through Beijing, Baoding, Chengde, Cangzhou, Shanhaiguan, Qi
  Mouth and other places, a Beijing-Tianjin Tanggu expressway through
  Urban areas. Tianjin Airport is one of China's major airports. Civil Aviation
  Have links Shanghai, Guangzhou, Harbin, and other 13 cities and Hong
  Hong Kong flights, international flights are through Yangon. Inland Waterways
  A number of navigable rivers, of which 3 000 Haihe passable
  Bridge-ton ocean-going vessel to liberate the city. Tianjin Port is the first
  Two major ports, including Tianjin Port (China's largest artificial
  Harbour), Tanggu Port, Haihe river port of three parts, with berths
  70, in which tons of more than 48 (1993).
  Has a modern container terminal, has opened up offshore
  More than 20 routes, with more than 150 countries and regions to
  To 1993, throughput of 3719 tons. Launched the International
  Express Mail delivery service, with more than 160 countries and
  Postal areas, long-distance circuit 10095 road, long-distance automatic
  Turbulent exchange capacity of 7 500 road, telephone exchange capacity
  . 425 A pair of 2. The total number of 484 202 local call telephone no.
  Tianjin is the maritime gateway to the capital Beijing, strategically
  Bit important. 1840 Opium War, imperialism
  Tianjin powers invaded many times. May 1858, British and French troops
  Warships shelled two sides Taku forts, coastal river arrived days
  Castle, the British, French, United States, Russia forced the Qing court as Minister, signed
  _Set_ of the "Treaty of Tianjin *. Next year in June, British and French troops again
  Times the North offense, the Qing garrison hit British and French troops, hit by the sinking
  Ships and more ships, kill and wound more than its 590
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Fast Facts
天津 基本概况
  Tianjin (Tentsin), the name first appeared in the early years of Yongle, Zhu Di for the Yan Wang played because this is when he went to the ferry capital throne, so named for Tianjin, which means crossing where the Son of Heaven. Tianjin, People's Republic of one of the four central municipalities. Three mainland China's economic, financial, trade and shipping centers. Tianjin is located in the northeast of the North China Plain, the Haihe River basin, the center of Bohai Bay, east Bohai Sea, north of Yanshan.
  Tianjin in north China's mainland coastline of Bohai Bay, has the fourth largest industrial base, the third of the foreign trade port. More than 1,000 people live and to live in Tianjin. Before the liberation of Asia's second largest city of Tianjin, the new China was founded in Tianjin undone has been further developed, but with the reform and opening up of Tianjin gradually back the burden of the past, there is no time for development of the transformation. Once in the economic lag behind other cities. Since the development of Binhai New Area in 2006 rose to national policy, Tianjin, back on high-speed development.
  November 10, 2009, the State Council approved the administrative divisions of Tianjin Binhai New Area to adjust, making the rapid development of Tianjin's economy has entered the era.
  Pinyin: Tiānjīn
  Phonetic: ㄊ a ㄢ a ㄣ ˙ ˙ ㄕ ㄐ
  Latitude and longitude
  Located at latitude 38 ° 34 'to 40 ° 15', longitude 116 ° 43 'to 118 ° 04' between. Center located at latitude 39 degrees 10 minutes east longitude 117 degrees 10 minutes.
  Republic of China (the People's Republic of China)
  16. Tianjin comprises the 13 districts and 3 counties (Jinghai County, Ninghe, Jixian).
  Areas include:
  First, the city's six districts
  Zone of Peace
  Nankai District
  Hexi District
  Hebei District
  Hongqiao District
  Second, the four districts around the city
  Dongli District
  West Green Area
  Jinnan District
  North Star District
  Third, the outer suburbs II
  Fourth, the Binhai New Area (from Tianjin Port, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area, Tianjin Free Trade Zone, the original Tanggu, Hangu and Dagang three administrative regions and Toray, Jinnan District, part of the composition)
  County include:
  Jinghai County
  Villages and towns
  Is located in Heping District, Tianjin Municipal Government. Party Secretary Zhang Gaoli, Mayor Huang Xingguo.
  Map of Tianjin area
  The city area of 11,760.26 square kilometers (the first province in China 30.) The urban area of 4334.72 square km. Into central city area of 530 square kilometers, the Binhai New District area of 350 square kilometers. Tianjin, 189 km north to south and east-west width of 117 km, 156 km long coastline.
  The lowest elevation of Tianjin city in China, the city's general elevation of 2-5 meters. South of the northern hilly area of Yanshan at 100-500 meters above sea level. Kowloon Peak is the highest point in Tianjin, 1078.5 meters above sea level.
  The city's resident population of 1,176 million (2007, 27th province in China), of which 9,688,700 city residence. Population density is 861 persons / sq km (the first province in China 5.) Urban population of 783.06 million, accounting for 75.11% population of the city. The city's birth rate 8.13 ‰, the mortality rate 5.94 ‰, the natural population growth rate of 2.19 ‰ (2008 end).
  Tianjin has China's 56 ethnic groups in the 50. Most of the Han population, accounting for 97% of the city's population. Minority population 30.38 million people, mainly Muslim ethnic minority (2%, 172,358 people), Manchu (0.6%, 56,555 people), Mongolian (11,331 people), Korean (11,041 people). 50 people a total of 26 minorities.
  Tianjin main religions of Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity. A total of 26.7 million people in the city's Catholics, religious professional staff of nearly 200 people.
  Beijing (China Standard Time). UTC +8.
  Car number plate
  Jin A, B, C, D, E (taxi), F, G, H, J, K, L, O (government license).
  Preliminary accounting, the city of Tianjin in 2009 the GDP of 750.08 billion yuan, an increase of 16.5%. Among them, the primary industry 13.101 billion yuan, an increase of 3.4%; the secondary industry was 411.054 billion yuan, an increase of 18.2%; the tertiary industry 325.925 billion yuan, an increase of 15.1%. By the resident population, the city's per capita GDP 62,403 yuan, equivalent to $ 9,136, an increase of 11.1%.
  Human Development Index
  0.855 (high, 2005, 6th province in China, behind Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Macau, Beijing).
  Chinese rose flower
  Chinese rose
  City Tree
  F. velutina
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Language Features
  Tianjin dialect, not a dialect of Tianjin area, but especially the old city center of Tianjin, a pointed south, the triangle north end of the island dialect dialect people say that Tianjin words. Residents of the island to the north of this dialect, language, close to Beijing, then the area close to the Tangshan area northeast dialect, Southwest and Southeast are close to the Sea of Tranquility dialect. Therefore, the dialect of the language of the region and "islands" surrounded by the Tianjin dialect there are significant differences.
  Tianjin dialect speech is mainly reflected in terms of features.
  (1) Mandarin zh, ch, sh the retroflex consonants of the word, in Tianjin, then in part be read into the flat tongue initials z, c, s, such as "exhibition" of the "Exhibition" (zhan), Tianjin, then they read To zan; "recruitment" of the "trick" (zhao), Tianjin, then they read as zao; "production" (shengchan), Tianjin, then they read as sengcan; "on the train" (shangche), Tianjin, then they read as sangce; "subject" of the "thing" (shi), Tianjin, then they read as si; "Mountains" and "mountain" (shan), Tianjin, and so if they read as san. This is what people usually say - Tianjin words "dental word" more.
  (2) Mandarin syllables with consonants r, in Tianjin, then in general read as zero initial, the consonants r replaced by vowel ī, such as "people" (ren), "hot" (re), "meat" (rou ), "Run" (run), the words, Tianjin, read as if they were in, ie, iou, iun and so on. "Let, cried, soil," and other words, Mandarin read as rang, and Tianjin, but if read as yang.
  (3) In addition, the opening of Tianjin, then used to call in the aoe before the holiday plus consonant sound n. For example, the "safety" and "security" read into the nan, the "excess" and "the amount of" reading into the ne, the "fish boil" and "boil" read into a nao, the "cute" and "love" reading into the nai, there is "Europe" "Seagull" and so on.
  (4), then the children of Tianjin sound majority. Such as "this matter", Tianjin said, "Kai thing"; "play" read "children playing"; "boxing" is called "pounding leather boxing child" and so on.
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Founding of New China (1949 ~)
  1949 to February 1958, Beijing and Tianjin municipalities, Hebei Province, the center of the territory. February 1958, by the National People's Congress resolution to Tianjin, Hebei Province, was placed under. May 1, 1966, Tianjin municipality recovery.
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天津 娱乐休闲
  Tianjin has rich tourism resources.
  Tianjin Tourist Attractions
  Historic buildings and built attractions include:
  Second, the Jixian: winding scenic, Jixian Dule Temple, Huangyaguan Great Wall Scenic Area, winding martyrs cemetery, Jiulong Mountain National Forest Park, Kowloon Peak, natural beauty, Baxianshan National Nature Reserve.
  Third, the Coastal Region: Tianjin Coastal Tourism Resort, East Xinjiang artificial beach, Chaoyin Si, Haihe Bund Park.
  Four other: Fearless Museum, Tianjin, China Medical Saint Cultural Court, Yangcun Small World Amusement Park, Po into a stone garden, China Stone Park, Longquan Mountain amusement park, scenic forest Proterozoic rocks,, Hua Yun Museum Wuqing South Lake amusement park,, Yangliuqing Museum (Stone Courtyard, located in the West Green area), On Courtyard, station parade ground (Yuan military training ground), Taku forts and so on.
  Introduced a number of specific attractions:
  Baxianshan Nature Reserve to better show is known for deep forest with rich flora and fauna, known as a natural botanical garden.
  Jixian world-renowned geological section in the Upper Proterozoic, sequence complete, simple structure, stromatolites and microfossils rich, thickness meters, by the United Nations Association of Geological Sciences is recognized as the world standard stratigraphic section, was approved in 1984 China's first National Nature Reserve.
  Tianjin Ancient Coastal and Wetland Nature Reserve, with a total area of 200 square kilometers. As the West Coast of the chenier coast of ancient relics preserved for domestic and foreign rare.
  Qilihai Ninghe the lagoon is a typical wetland ecosystem, the waters of the vast, lush reeds, many species.
  In recent years, Tianjin development of integrated tourism resources, focus on tourism development and construction of the Haihe River and the city center with integrated tourism zone, the coastal tourist resort tourist area, Jixian mountain tourist attractions, Tianjin eco-tourism area southwest of folk, modern leisure and entertainment district northwest Tianjin. Carefully creating "Watching Modern China" brand of urban tourism, construction, Taku smoke, station training, Westernization source, Rhine town, European charm, Paris of the Orient, financial names Street, Italian Olympic style, hibiscus marketplace, the old town Jin Yun, Wei-chun, the cradle of ancient willow plate 12 travel theme.
  Other major tourist attractions in Tianjin: Tianjin Tropical Plant Garden Tour, winding, Tianjin huangyaguan, Tianjin Water Park, Lake Towers Tianjin, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street, Dule Temple, Tianjin, Seaside Resort, Hai Park, Stone Courtyard , Canton Center, North Canyon Park, Tianjin University, Tianjin Royale Spa Resort, Jixian square table sub-forest ecological reserve, winding martyrs cemetery, Dongli Lake Hot Springs, Jixian village under the Ying Town Changzhou, Confucian Temple, Sky Tower and so on.
  Tianjin Eye, the Ferris wheel in Tianjin Paradise Bridge, December 17, 2007 the official closing, the momentum of the "Tianjin Eye" full "open" for Castle Adds a scene.
  Yongle Bridge ferris wheel diameter of 110 meters, reaching the highest point, the height from the ground up to 120 meters, equivalent to 35 storeys high, to see the landscape within a radius of 40 kilometers, is a veritable "Tianjin Eye . " Sit tight over the bridge in Tianjin, China Paradise, the world's only eye of a Ferris wheel on the bridge was built, the talent and whimsy is really deserved, "first in the world." Association of World Records has become the world's first Ferris wheel on the bridge project candidate for the world record.
  Ancient Culture Street
  As one of the ten Tianjin, Tianjin Ancient Culture Street has always insisted on "Chinese taste, Tianjin, taste, culture, taste, the ancient flavor" operating characteristics, mainly to business stationery. Ancient Culture Street, there are nearly one hundred stores.
  Culture Street is located in Tin Hau Temple, commonly known as the Goddess inside the house, was built in the Yuan Dynasty in the north of rare temples, reflecting the water transport and maritime transport as a distribution center in Tianjin's traditional position. In addition to the temple is also known as Macau, Taiwan, the world outside the temple one of the three major temples.
  In 1989, with operating cloisonne, Suzhou embroidery, painted crystal-based Joe _set_tled in Ancient Culture Street, Hong Court. 20 years, Joe Incense timely expansion of business scope, and sales channel expansion into Germany (Bremen, Berlin, Lubeck) Japan (Osaka), Malaysia (Klang, Kuala Lumpur and other places. The kind of store the growing number of cases, Qiao Hong Court always stand in the position of customers, adhere to high quality products and attract new foreign customers.
  Italian customs area
  Dao Jiaokou Marco Polo Plaza is located two blocks, a typical Italian style building, an important Italian style landscape, retains the Mediterranean 100 years ago. Many TV dramas in the location shooting, and notably the newly released in 2009 by the Fan Bingbing, Zhang Ziyi starring "perfect" and by Zhang Tielin, starring Aaron Kwok, "Silver Empire."
  Number of operators from the Apennine peninsula here, you can not only taste the pure pizza, pasta and other Italian snacks, enjoy the Italian style performances, you can also watch the elegance of Italian style area to participate in a variety of Italian clothing, crafts exhibition.
  Many casual bars, cafes, restaurants, art galleries, museums and outdoor cinema business day, the global guest after another. In the former Italian international, Tommasi club Tianjin Teda had frequented here. In addition, Italian customs area at Cinema Paradiso is also unique, is an open-air theater. Opening ceremony of the famous Italian director, "Pianist", "Cinema Paradiso" director has been on-site visit Daytona Torre.
  Italian customs area has been named the national 3-star tourist area.
  Tianjin is sun_set_ Ying
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Culture and Arts
  Tianjin is a famous historical and cultural city. The existing 15 national key cultural relics protection units, including the Dule Temple, Dagu Fort, Wanghai churches, sites such as the Boxer Lvzu Tang altar.
  Among them, the Dule Temple is located in Ji County, was built in the Tang Dynasty, was rebuilt in 984 AD, is the oldest of the last remaining large wooden pavilion building, pavilion, 16-meter-high Goddess of Mercy, is China's largest clay of the existing one.
  Huangyaguan as a World Heritage ancient Great Wall, there are various shapes of more than 20 beacon towers, hovering in the high mountains and surrounded by picturesque scenery. The city has 113 city-level key cultural relics protection units, district level key cultural relics protection units of more than 100. There the famous Tin Hau Temple, Yuhuangge, Confucian Temple, the Catholic Church, mosque, Great Mercy Temple, Canton Center, and Zhou Enlai youth site of revolutionary activities in Tianjin and so on. In recent years, Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao new memorial, Tianjin Campaign Memorial Hall, Tianjin Science and Technology Museum, has become the bases for patriotic education and youth education establishments. Tianjin, museums, memorial halls of existing collections of 53 million, of which one or two more than 1,000 products.
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Flavor food
  Several other snacks: Tai Fook to crispy rice dishes, vegetarian cake Zhilan dry, even large crisp biscuits, assorted biscuits, Benson fasting, induction sub-seasoned millet mush, Kings cannabis (also known as the San children cannabis), continental record Tangmian fried cake, Hong Chai, Hong circle beef beans, dried bean curd roll ring, white dumplings in mind, the water burst belly, Laodou Fu, sub fried stew, pancakes Guo son, tricks Guo son, smell nuts, stones threshold element package, Rohan belly, ripe pear cake , skin sugar Zhang, Yang Tang Yellow River Road, nuts Zhang, Tianjin chestnuts, Tianjin crabs, seafood Beitang
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  In 2008, Tianjin basic general secondary education 586, 498,496 students in school, of which 221 high school students in school 195 004 people, 365 junior high school, students in 303,492 people. 993 primary schools, 520,997 students in person. Kindergarten 1614, 192,864 children were in the garden. 21 special education schools, 1393 students in person. Pre-school and high school education are universal, children aged 3 to 6 admission rate of 91%. Compulsory education and special education enrollment rate remained 100% and 95%. Senior secondary education enrollment rate of 95%, the ratio of 5.2:4.8 general level. Rural basic universal pre-school year, two years of education. Migrant workers children exceeded 8 million students.
  The city has 40 general secondary schools, students in 76,994 people. 66 vocational schools, students in 55,527 people. 57 technical schools, students in 47,104 people. 19 vocational colleges for professional structural adjustment, the new rail transport, chemical technology, port transportation, real estate, project management, manufacturing, language and culture, tourism, radio and television, and other professionals 43. Secondary vocational education to increase the layout of the restructuring, will have a secondary vocational school enrollment eligibility reduced from 103 to 85. Tianjin Municipal Engineering School, Tianjin Ninghe secondary school is approved for the city-level key secondary vocational schools. Start exemplary secondary vocational schools and vocational education center in rural areas, with a total investment of 124 million. The city a regional comprehensive training base, professional training base of 19 the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance for the vocational education training base. August, the Ministry of Education was held in Tianjin with the National Vocational Education and Engineering Symposium, Tianjin, work and study to promote training mode; the Ministry of Education signed with the Tianjin Municipal Government to build national vocational education reform pilot area agreement. "Fifteen" at the end, the city has two state-level demonstration major construction units higher vocational schools, 65 national and provincial key secondary vocational schools and four state-level, the higher vocational education teacher training base. Established more than 80% of vocational school instruction combined with the Steering Committee of the Commission and teaching, 60% carried out in the vocational school-enterprise cooperation. Graduate employment rate of 90% or more. During the year, vocational schools and rural areas and in the Joint Entrance west vocational cooperative education, a total of nearly 1.5 million students enrolled in Western.
  The city's universities and colleges of adult education correspondence school, Goes to students in 56,996, of whom 30,469 were undergraduates. Adult 20 colleges and universities, students in 27,424 people. Adult 15 specialized secondary schools, students in 2905 people. Adult School 10, students in 1268 people. Adult technical training schools in 3186, 549,915 students in person. The city held the first non-computer types of adult college students computer skills proficiency test. Central Radio and TV University to carry out personnel training model of reform and open education summative assessment, inspection and evaluation of 36 regional radio and TV Campus (workstations), re-evaluation random nine regional radio and TV Campus (workstation) and decided the City Campus TV (station) Excellent 17, 13 good, qualified 6. Field of 36 colleges and universities in Tianjin correspondence filing the annual inspection stations, 29 stations to obtain continuing education qualifications correspondence (correspondence with two new stations), 7 were withdrawn. Tianjin, Tianjin, Hebei Vocational College was renamed City College, the establishment of three community colleges in six districts of the city form a network of three community education. Urban and rural vocational and adult education resources to promote the transfer of rural labor force training and training of migrant workers, the city's labor force in rural areas to train 60 thousand passengers, of which 26 million people leading the training, skills training, nearly 18 million of the transfer After training, 16 million people. In rural areas with the relevant departments to jointly promote the city, "351" training project. "Fifteen" for adult graduate university and college students accumulated more than 14 million people; higher education self-study examination of the college graduates 7. 6 million; participate in non-academic education, 1.35 million persons. The size of University of older persons and the number of professional rank the country.
  In 2008, the city has 18 units of graduate education in the 33,753 graduate students, including local units of graduate education in 15 colleges, 14,254 students were in school. 45 universities and colleges (undergraduate 19), 386,437 people in the students (undergraduate 240,510), in which 42 local college (undergraduate 16), 344,146 people in the school-based college students (undergraduate 202,547).
  Add doctoral-level subjects and doctoral and master points are more than 30%. The gross enrollment rate of higher than 50%, than the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end increase of 20 percentage points; 8,400 students in Tianjin, the equivalent of "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 2.1-fold; 10 million college students per 4,000 people Higher education popularization. Add the average schooling of workers over 14 years. "Fifteen" at the end, the city has all kinds of colleges and secondary vocational training school graduates reached 51.8 million and 30.4 million people, the training of all staff more than 500 million people. 49 key construction disciplines in the core of the comprehensive investment project with remarkable results. National Natural Science Award of University and national technological invention and scientific and technological progress second prize amount, accounting for 50% of the total number of the city's award-winning, 100% and 24%; access to the city and the City Natural Science Award, technological invention and scientific and technological progress Award winning city accounted for 89% of the total, 66% and 33%. Nankai University Science Park to enter the ranks of the national key construction projects. In 2005, the College received first prize for the fifth National Teaching Higher Education 6, second prize 22; 11 course was named the national level courses, 44 courses as municipal quality courses. March, the Ministry of Education approved 39 new undergraduate programs, bringing the city a total of undergraduate college of 191, total number of 631 professionals. To promote the teaching quality of undergraduate education, on Civil Aviation of China, Tianjin Institute of Physical Education, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts municipal assessment of the level of undergraduate teaching. 10 undergraduate teaching laboratories in 23 universities (center) was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Laboratory Tianjin Colleges title.
  In 2005, construction of new campus part of the completed and put into use, a number of renovation and expansion project completed on schedule. Undergraduate college students were school size equivalent to the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 2.3-fold. In 2005, the Tianjin government investment as the mainstay, multi-channel financing of education funding system has been gradually improved financial education expenditure from the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of 3.087 billion yuan increased to 6.571 billion yuan, the faculty salary is guaranteed. Fixed as_set_s is the "Ninth Five-Year" at the end of the 3 times, their conditions improved significantly. According to statistics released by Chinese Academy of Sciences shows that the ability to maintain regional education Tianjin, the top three for the "Eleventh Five-Year" development of education, laid a solid foundation.
  About two institutions of higher learning in Tianjin (985 institutions directly under the Ministry of Education)
  Tianjin University
  Tianjin University is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, formerly the Northern University, founded in October 2nd, 1895, is China's first modern university. In order to "seek truth from facts," the school motto and "rigorous scholarship and strict teaching requirements," the scholarship policy of home and abroad. 1951 adjusted by the State Department named Tianjin University, the CPC Central Committee in 1959 first identified 16 key national universities, is the "211 Project", "985 Project" universities in the first batch of key construction.
  Nankai University
  Nankai University, founded in 1919, is the founder of the famous patriotic educator Mr. Zhang Boling, is the alma mater of Prime Minister Zhou Enlai. Schools adhering to the "allow fair to the ever-changing," the school motto, promote "patriotism, dedication, innovation, gregarious," the glorious tradition of trained to Zhou Enlai, Chern, Wu Ta-you, Cao Yu, Guo Yonghuai, Liu Dongsheng, represented by a large number of outstanding figures, for national rejuvenation and prosperity of the country has made important contributions to the Ministry of Education is a key comprehensive university directly under.
  Institutions of higher learning
  Ministry of Education, Nankai University, Tianjin, an undergraduate
  2 Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin Undergraduate
  3 Ministry of Education, Tianjin, Tianjin Medical University, Undergraduate
  4 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Polytechnic University
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Normal University undergraduate 5
  6 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Technology
  7, Tianjin, Hebei Province, Hebei University of Technology Undergraduate
  8 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine degree
  9 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Science degree
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Finance and 10 undergraduate
  11 undergraduate Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin University of Commerce
  12 Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation of China Civil Aviation Administration of Tianjin University undergraduate
  13 Tianjin Urban Construction, Tianjin University, Tianjin undergraduate
  14 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Agricultural College Undergraduate
  15 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Normal University undergraduate technology
  16 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Foreign Studies University Undergraduate
  Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Institute of Physical Education 17 course
  18 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts Undergraduate
  19 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Conservatory of Music Undergraduate
  20 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Radio and Television University Undergraduate
  Institute of Tianjin University, Tianjin 21 undergraduate Charity
  22 Tianjin, Tianjin Nankai University in Tianjin Binhai College Undergraduate
  23 Institute of Tianjin University of Commerce Tianjin Tianjin undergraduate Pao
  24 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Normal University undergraduate Jingu
  25 Tianjin University, Tianjin, Tianjin, Central School of Information course
  26 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Studies University Tianjin Binhai undergraduate
  27 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction Specialist
  28 Tianjin, Tianjin Medical College Tianjin Academy
  29 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Bohai Vocational Technical College Specialist
  30 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Binhai Vocational College Specialist
  31 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Engineering College
  32 Tianjin, Tianjin University, Tianjin Vocational College
  33 Private Vocational College Tianjin Tiens Tianjin Academy Board of Education
  E-34 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Information Technology Specialist
  35 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Electrical and Mechanical Specialist
  36 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Light Industry Technology Specialist
  37 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Modern Vocational Technology College
  38 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Public Security Police Specialist
  39 Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Youth Vocational College Specialist
  40 Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Trade and Economic Tianjin Vocational College
  41 Tianjin Vocational College of Land Resources and Housing Specialist Tianjin Tianjin
  42 Management of Urban Construction, Tianjin, Tianjin Polytechnic College
  43 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Sino-German Vocational Technology College
  44 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Railway Technology Specialist
  45 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of specialist transport
  46 Biological Engineering Institute of Tianjin Tianjin Tianjin Academy
  47 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College Maritime College
  48 Tianjin TEDA Tianjin Polytechnic College
  49 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin College City Vocational College
  50 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational Academy of Art College
  51 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Arts and Crafts Specialist
  52 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Economic and Trade School Academy
  53 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Union College Management Institute
  54 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Technology Academy High Self
  55 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Engineering Technician Specialist High Self
  56 Tianjin China Tianjin Tianjin high-Self Training College Undergraduate
  57 Tianjin Nankai School in Tianjin, Tianjin modern management training course with high Self
  58 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Institute of Press and Publication Training High Self Undergraduate
  59 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin International Cultural Learning Institute of High Self Undergraduate
  60 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Vocational College of Metallurgy Specialist
  61 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences Undergraduate High Self
  62 Tianjin, Tianjin, Tianjin QualiEd Training High Self Undergraduate College
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Health Care
  Tianjin health made new progress. There are various types of the city's health institutions 2489, including 272 hospitals, epidemic prevention, prevention and control agencies 41, 23 maternal and child health agencies. Number of Hospital Beds 43,000. 6.1 million health professionals, including practicing physicians and 2.5 million people practicing physician assistants, registered nurses, 1.9 million people. In 2005 the city health has the following characteristics:
  One is to speed up adjustment of health resources. Annual investment of 680 million yuan, with the focus of public health, medical treatment and other construction projects, completed construction area of 219,000 square meters. Among them, the City Hospital for Infectious Diseases Outpatient Building, Hai SARS hospital floor, City Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 120 medical emergency command center, Medical University General Hospital, one, four centers Emergency Medical College Building and other projects have been completed and put into use.
  Second, improve the public health system. AIDS surveillance expanded to 50 million people each year; immunization of the floating population, the city's rate of hepatitis B vaccination of children up to 98%; to 5 million children to the growth and development survey, conducted on more than 80,000 birth defects screening. Voluntary blood donation rate increased by 16.1% in 2004 to 64.2%, reversing the blood supply to the passive state.
  The third is to strengthen rural health and community health. Start the standardization of the 114 township hospitals and 154 township hospitals in the device configuration. Develop the 1259 "May co-existence" of rural health workers, 9 of the 322 districts serving rural doctors to participate in education in secondary education. Rural cooperative medical district expanded to eight, with 1,124,600 of agricultural population to participate in the new rural cooperative medical care, accounting for 73.2%. Community Health Service coverage of 93.4%.
  Fourth, carry out the "hospital management" activities. The approval of a professional project of 24 medical technology. Further regulate organ transplantation clinical application of medical technology and other special acts. On secondary and tertiary medical institutions conducted three rounds of special inspections of perioperative antibiotics. Of the 34 tertiary hospitals were reviewed.
  Fifth, control medical costs, directly under the city, affiliated hospital costs per outpatient burden fell by 7%, hospital bed days per patient cost burden fell 6%.
  Sixth, carry out its oversight responsibilities in health law. 6 million households on the city's regulated units in a variety of health law enforcement inspection. Supervision and inspection of food, cosmetic production and management are 54,951 times, destruction of illegal food, cosmetics and disinfection products, 17,000 kg. 15 banned illegal conduct, investigate all kinds of illegal practices 574.
  Seven is to accelerate the development of qualified personnel. The introduction of high-level staff of 35 people; sent by well-known universities, medical institutions, study and training 124; the city's 221 sanitation technical team have a PhD, Master 866. Strengthen international cooperation and exchanges with the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine signed a memorandum of scientific and technological cooperation. Last year, Professor Zhang Boli awarded the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
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National Center City
  February 2010, the State Department of Housing and Urban's "National Urban System Plan" (draft) explicitly proposed the building of five major national center for the city, namely Bohai area of Beijing and Tianjin, east of Shanghai, southern China central and western areas of Guangzhou and Chongqing region.
  "National Center City" concept put forward by the national level. The so-called National Center City, is in the country with lead, radiation, distribution functions of the city, the performance of this function in the political, economic, and cultural aspects.
  According to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences published the last three years, "China Urban Competitiveness Report", 2007, Tianjin has not yet entered the top ten most competitive cities, entered the list in 2008 ranked tenth in 2009, then promoted to the eighth; and Guangzhou in 2008 and 2009 rankings are back to the sixth. First half of 2009, Tianjin Binhai New Area Metro 106.586 billion yuan in fixed as_set_ investment, an increase of 55.1%, far higher than the national average growth rate of 33.5% during the first half to complete the GDP of 157.683 billion yuan, up 23% at comparable prices.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  tientsin,  Tianjin,  Tianjin (Tientsin) city,  Tianjing (Tientsin), a port city in Hebei Province
Tianjin, Tianjin City
Tianjin Community
Tianjin Neighborhood
Tianjin Village
Tianjin Subdistrict
Related Phrases
dietTianjin snacksnack
specialityartworkimmateriality Civility heritage
part culturetoponomyregion
baochimiddle schoolxiaowai
foreign language Schooltravelsight spot
abbeyThroughout the country priority Cultural relic Preserve denominationWikipedia Daquan
industrial parkcontiguity to the seainnovate
Sea RiverChinacoeducation
campusyuanxiaonewly developed area
loopout Bohai SeaBeijing, TianjinCountry entirety Development strategy
campusindustryknowledge factory
modelMore results...
Containing Phrases
TianjinTianjin StreetTianjin City
Classification details
ExpandWuqing DistrictExpandNinghe CountyExpandJinghai County
ExpandWest Green DistrictExpandRiver Xi DistrictExpandNankai District
ExpandPolaris DistrictExpandBaodi DistrictExpandCircium, thistles County
ExpandHebei DistrictExpandcontiguity to the sea newly developed areaExpandbus stations in Tianjin
ExpandTianjin cantonExpandTianjin City Pharmaceutical manufacturersExpandGrand Port
ExpandHeping DistrictExpandHedong DistrictExpandRed Bridge District
ExpandToray DistrictExpandJinnan DistrictExpandBaodi County
ExpandTianjin dialectExpandcolleges and universities in TianjinExpandWangqingtuo Town
Springer RoadMoxin VillageXinjian Village
small HaitiGu culture StreetNanjing St., large commercial street in Shanghai
Tianjin bohai sea occupation techgalaxy SquareRiver North Road
Gold ingot Commercialengineering techWest Tower North Village Village
Gentle and quiet Village Villageexpand Fields VillageNew in Yunguang Village
Three years VillageSun Wui RoadGuiter Garden
Pukou West Villagetrust delhiAcademy in Village
King ri VillageJizhuangzi North Roadarterial tech
Bohai Sea techZhenjiang Roadeast knot
Qian Fu Li VillageGuest Shuidong Village VillageSeniors Village Village
Red Cloud in VillagePukou East Village VillageXiufang in Village
black horse Shanli VillageGuest Water west Village VillageWuyixin Village
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Expandmenagerieaquatic Park
empty a parkbattery
around a mountainConfucian Temple
White TowerTaiping Village
sky haremRiverside Park
Sides are Churchshell bank
Gu weijun houseGuangdong guildhall
Li Zhuchen Former ResidenceEast beach East han dynasty grave
Li Chun ancestral templeAwake society site(of a former organization building,etc.)
Surname Juan CemeteryMillion will be Ink marks the Forest of Steles (in Xi'an)
Western Open ChurchPoplar and willow black park forest
Huang Ya Guan waterFrance mass discussion building
bagua CityTianzun Court
(in Buddism)the great deliverance of Buddha from sufferings and afflictions Buddha HallTianjin artlessness Museum
Islamic OderaTianjin anchor TV Transmission Tower
Soong Ching Ling Bohai sea child Worldfor Ark Former Residence
celebrate a prince's residenceRelict Building
Tianjin 3 PoQing Tomb Tomb
United kingdom fellow villagers' mutual affection Club main BuildingPeiping and tianjin Campaign battlefront Command site(of a former organization building,etc.)
Lihua buildingAround a mountain martyr tombs surrounded by a park
s houseDongli Lake Thermae vacation District
Ji Hongchang old homeTianjin labour Business College
Ba XiandongTianjin Science and technology house
Yangcun worldletFearless Former residence and tombs surrounded by a park
Bell CourtTianjin art Museum
Tianjin lidoTianjin Prose in the classical literary style to make into Street
Popery West opened CathedralTianjin Urban construction College
Tianjin engineering a teachers collegeTianjin Lingo College
Tianjin Physical Education (PE) CollegeTianjin Art college
Tianjin Conservatory of MusicOyster Beach
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Guest Water west Road
Tianjin County
chemical industry SchoolTianjin Agriculture UniversityShuangling Middle School
Red Bridge Elementary School