idiom > beyond comparison
Worlds apart
  Explanation: Soil: land. Heaven and earth, a pole in the upper level in the next, very different metaphor.
  Usage: Partial official; as object; means very different things
  Source: Jin Ge Hong's "Inner Chapters of Baopuzi cents": "that it is different, the perception has been night and day, Bing Tan of the ride carry on."
  Examples: Physiological function in accordance with the general population, the difference between smart and not smart though, but it does not exist ~.
  Riddle: Off the spacecraft; while the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen
tiān rǎng zhī bié
  The difference between the high days in peace. Very large difference between words
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Describe very different
  Describe very different. "Children Heroes" third six back: "Do not go Hanlin this way, the same imperial examination, there is a big difference." See "Tianrang."
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No. 4
  读 音 tiān rǎng zhī bié
  解 释 壤:地。天壤:天上和地下。天和地,一在极上,一在极下,比喻相隔很远,差别很大。
  出 处 晋·葛洪《抱朴子·内篇·论仙》:“趋舍所尚,耳目之,其为不同,已有天壤之觉(较),冰炭之乖矣。”也作“天渊之别”。
  用 法 偏正式;作宾语;指事物差别极大
  示 例 1、清·文康《儿女英雄传》第36回:“不走翰林这途,同一科甲,就有~了。” 2、殷谦(《殷谦杂文全集》1996年版):“人世间有真艺术家也有假艺术家,有大艺术家也有小艺术家。小艺术家追求一己之利益,大艺术家追求大众之利益;小艺术家只看见眼前的微不足道的利害得失,大艺术家却懂得为民族和人类的前途计深远。与心胸狭窄的“小”艺术家比起来,大艺术家的心胸宽广如辽阔的平原;与像伪钞一样的假艺术家比起来,真艺术家是色正质纯的赤金。这真是天壤之别,根本就不能同日而语。”
  近义词 天堂地狱、天差地别
  反义词 相差无几
  灯 谜 送行飞船;朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨
English Expression
  1. n.:  beyond comparison,  be vastly different as between heaven and earth,  as different as heaven and earth,  vastly different,  poles apart
French Expression
  1. adj.  être absolument sans commune mesure avec qch, être à cent lieues au-dessus (audessous) de qch, Il y a là une grande différence comme entre le ciel et la terre. (成语)
  2. adj.  être absolument sans commune mesure avec qch / être à cent lieues au-dessus (au-dessous) de qch / Il y a là une grande différence comme entre le ciel et la terre. (成语)
Very different, Poles do not, (literally) heaven and earth--the sharp contrast between happiness and misery, all the difference (in the world), come Had [would] as lief go, Sentence if the vast difference, as far removed as heaven is from earth, Xiao soil of other, Xiaorangzhishu, another kettle of fish, Poles apart
Fifty-fifty, Go hand in hand, run in the same groove, Such as plastic, such as paint, force and skill do match, Bufen accident, a draw or tie, draw, on even terms, Not understand The edge, uniform equality, in facsimile, deadlock, leg and leg, be on an equal footing, And a talk, Interacts, unwilling to part (with the loved ones), supple twigs and tender leaves reluctant to part company, mutual dependency of neighboring countries when confronted with a powerful and aggressive enemy; share a common lot, Total labial teeth, God Xiao spit, involution, Linger Dismay, Involve Clear, Quite different very few, an amount, a measurement, etc that is not significantly more or less, Lotus broken wire continuous, Lotus broken wires together, Entangled, Lotus broken wire length, 2 baht commensurability, exactly equal in weight, affectionately communicate, be reluctant to leave, diamond cut diamond, hair not well, just the same, horse and horse