"The History of the Three Kingdoms" by Chen Shou : Fantasy novel > big governor of province
No. 1
  大都督 曹魏置,第一品,不常置,属加官。加此官者,颁与代表天子威权的黄钺以节制持节将军等高级将领。吴同魏制。蜀置中都护,统内外军事。一般情况下,在战时设立,为战时最高军事领导,战后收回。如司马懿,陆逊等,但也有例外,如周瑜,一直担任该职。也有不同兵种都督,如水军大都督
Containing Phrases
universally a military officeBig governor of province bird
Cao wei big governor of provinceZuolingjun big governor of province
Land military forces big governor of provinceZhao sent straight Physician trained in herb medicine Deputy went to Anxi governor of province
Universally Governor system for paternity Noseanite Baas Zhao Peng Bai drinking in The capital city of a "zhou" S Haruno booth By and Semen perillae acutae U.S. rhymeDahuigu Qiuci state secure Western state Universally a military office Chief of the xiongnu in ancient china Junkehanwang