That the majority of the whole. Sha Ting "Remember the Long" 8: "Long comrades room a lot of people, most of all with the recommendations and requirements of."
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That the voluminous books
That the voluminous books. Southern Liang Dignitary "Monks scriptures hard to put on tan Mount": "﹝ ﹞ ZHAO Zheng translated, please mention difficult, the additional 12" Agama "and the first by a" border Tan heart three testimonies, "etc. All 100 volumes ... ... the time to, Fu Jian early failure, since each group Feng, Rong vertical storm demon, the people stream 4, but still have most interpreters, are also covered by the Decentring of force. "
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No. 6
That voluminous. Lu Xun "且介亭杂文 two sets revive and drive made the book": "to most of the books printed for readers of the Song Dynasty, there's, until now. Drawback is Butou big, so high prices."