Asteraceae. Perennial vegetation. Stems upright. Leaf feather, and a sting. Flowers purple or pink, sometimes white. Traditional Chinese medicine to the whole plant, have the effect of cooling blood to stop bleeding ﹑.
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No. 2
Hemophilia, mouth and nose bleeding, purpura]
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No. 3
[Chinese name]: Daji [Category]: Full grasses [English name]: Japanese Thistle Herb [Alias]: General grass, cow mouth spines, spurs grass. [Source]: Compositae thistle Cirsium japokicum DC aboveground. [Plucking]: summer and autumn excised aerial parts, fresh or dried. [Taste]: cool, sweet, bitter. Plant morphology]: perennial herb, 0.5 ~ 1m. Root clusters, conical, fleshy, surface tan. Stems erect, with thin vertical stripes, base with white silky hairs. Basal leaves tufted, stalked, oblanceolate or obovate-lanceolate, long 15 ~ 30cm, pinnatipartite edge dentate, teeth end with a needle above my sparsely white filamentous hair, below There are hairy on veins; stem leaves alternate, heart-shaped base clasping. Capitulum top students; involucre campanulate, outside arachnoid hair; bracts 4-6 layers, lanceolate, the outer shorter; Flowers bisexual, tubular, purple; anther top with attached pieces, the base tail. Achenes oblong, crested multilayered, feathery, dark gray. Flowering from May to August, the fruit of six to eight months. [Habitat]: Born in the mountains, roadsides, wasteland. Produced in most of the country. [Chemical composition]: containing volatile oil, raw material base; fresh leaves contain glycosides toadflax (pectolinarin). [Indications]: cooling blood to stop bleeding, blood stasis and swelling. For epistaxis, vomiting, blood in the urine, blood in the stool, uterine bleeding blood, traumatic bleeding, boils. [Note]: The root is also used as medicine, efficacy with aboveground.
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No. 4
⒁ cure sinusitis: fresh root thirty-two Daji, eggs two to three. Two flavor cook eggs soup. Jichi spicy spicy food. ("All Show _Select_ed · ENT") ⒂ herpes zoster: Daji, thistle, fresh milk and the amount. The large, fresh milk thistle on the soaked, pounded paste, and topical. (Inner Mongolia "herbal _Select_ed New Medical Law Information") Clinical Application] ① treatment of tuberculosis With fresh Daji roots, wash, 4 two, add 400 ml of water, simmer and simmer till 200 ml, 2 pm service; or an injection every 10 ml containing 10 g of crude drug for intramuscular or intratracheal instillation . Has observed 18 cases, of which 5 cases decoction treatment, injection therapy in 11 cases, 2 cases intratracheal instillation, medication 15 to 72 days. Results from X-ray contrast, in lesions after treatment was significantly absorbed in 3 cases, the absorption in 8 cases, no change in 7 cases. Some cases of cough, expectoration, chest pain and fever embolism, there are different degrees of improvement. Governance process by the individual serving cold decoction swelling discomfort, if add ginger, orange peel, Pinellia law, etc. can be reduced. ② treatment of hypertension Fresh dried root soaked in water about half an hour, three times boiling, boil for half an hour each time, and the filtrate concentrated to a combined crude drug per 100 ml is equivalent to 0.5 ounces of decoction; morning and at night time, each 100 ml. Can also be used fresh or dried root extract tablets made of leaves. Root producer 3 times a day, every four, day equivalent to dry root a two; leaf producer 3 times a day, every three, day equivalent to about 15 grams of dried leaves. Clinical observation of 102 cases, in addition to some dizziness, palpitations and insomnia heavier patients, the appropriate agent with sedative drugs such as Australia, meprobamate or chlordiazepoxide endures, are alone Daji treatment. Treatment ranging from one week to March. Early use of them after the switch root decoction producer treatment in 72 cases, the results markedly (by 40 mm Hg systolic or diastolic blood pressure decreased more than 20 mm Hg) in 17 cases, effective (systolic blood pressure decreased by 20 mm Hg or more but less than 40 mm Hg, or diastolic blood pressure decreased by 10 mm Hg or more but less than 20 mm Hg, or six cases of early hypertension blood pressure dropped to 140/90 mm Hg) in 45 cases, ineffective in 10 cases, the efficiency 86.1 %. Observation of 30 cases with leaf producer, the results markedly (standard ibid.) 5 cases, 10 cases, ineffective in 15 cases, poorer treatment outcomes. Side effects: a few empty stomach discomfort after taking the tablets or nausea drug reactions, changed after a meal, you can reduce.
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Daji · Medical allusions
Three Kingdoms period, Pang Tong body in a battle in the number of arrows, bleeding profusely, fell from his horse. Soldiers have to know medicine doctors know who pulled the road to a waiter herbs, stuffed his wounds after the rub, quickly stopped the blood. I have been in place Pang Tong arrows. Along the ancient post road, mountain fields bleeding Pang Tong worked really grew bright grass. This grass branch branch erect, over Chixu, driving purple flowers. Its scientific name is called on Daji. Compositae Daji Daji to full grass or roots are used medicinally. Daji is a perennial herb, grows in the mountains, roadsides, are distributed in most parts of the country. Daji medicine that sweet, cool, cooling, bleeding, blood stasis, carbuncle swollen role. According to the research, Daji can lower blood pressure, such as a better inhibition against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Daji is mainly used in the clinical treatment of bleeding, infectious disease and hypertension. Daji take the whole plant and roots, smashed, wringer, each serving a small cup, frequency of service, cure dry mouth, vomiting, nasal bleeding. Wash the fresh root Daji, mashed, add water simmer in water, cure coughing up blood, urine hot astringent, pain, blood in the urine. Daji compatibility leaves, white cockscomb son, Treats, treatment of women than vaginal, uterine bleeding. Daji fresh leaves, juice, add white wine to drink, cure bruises, pain beyond. Daji fresh root, washed with cold water smashed, topical, paint cure sore, soup fire burns, boils, boils, sores, swelling and pain. Daji plus Shuijianbi governance empyema, sinusitis. The Daji plus decoction, or Daji injections made by the intratracheal instillation, the treatment of tuberculosis, patients can gradually absorb the majority of lesions, or even completely absorbed, some people cough, expectoration, chest pain, fever and other symptoms can have different degrees reduced. Individual medication appears stomach fullness discomfort, medication can be changed after a meal, or add ginger, Breit, the reaction can be reduced. The thistle root or leaf decoction taken orally, treatment of hypertension, most people with varying degrees of efficacy, but efficacy is superior to the root Daji leaves. Abdominal Leng Tong, Shu was warm then, is a medicine called stomach Deficiency, should not take Daji.
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Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2005 edition
Name: Daji Pinyin: Daji English name: HERBA CIRSII JAPONICI Base of the original: The product is dried aerial parts Asteraceae Thistle Cirsium japonicum Fisch. Ex DC.'s. Summer and autumn when the flowers on the part of the mining cede territory, remove impurities, and dried. Properties: This product was cylindrical stem, base diameter of up to 1.2cm; surface greenish brown or tan, a number of vertical correction is silky hairs; section gray, loose or hollow pith. Leaf shrinkage, more broken, after flattening inverted intact leaves are oval shape or obovate, pinnatipartite, margin ranging from long needle; upper surface and a green or yellow-brown, lower surface lighter color , on both sides with white silky hairs. Capitulum top students, spherical or oval, involucre brown, feathery crested gray. Gas, light. Identification: (1) leaf surface view: the epidermal cells polygonal; under the category of epidermal cells rectangular, curved wavy anticlinal walls. Stomatal infinitive or inequality, to guard cells 3-5. Non-glandular hairs 4-18 cells, cells elongated and twisted the top diameter of about 7μm, walls with staggered horny texture. (2) take the powder 1g, add methanol 10ml, ultrasonic treatment for 30 minutes, filtered, and the filtrate evaporated and the residue such as methanol 2ml dissolve, as the test solution. Another Daji control medicine 1g, same method as the reference drug solution. Thin layer chromatography (Appendix Ⅵ B test, learn the two solutions of 1-2μl, respectively, in the same aramid film, acetic acid acetone - butanone - acetic acid - water (1:3:3:13) as the agent, started out, dried, sprayed with aluminum chloride test solution, drying, UV light (365nm) under test. test products for chromatography, chromatography with the reference drug corresponding position, which was the same color fluorescent main spots. Check: Impurities should not exceed 2%. Determination of water according to water (Appendix Ⅸ H first method), not more than 13.0%. Extract: Hot-dip method according to alcohol-soluble extract assays under (Appendix Ⅹ A) provides that with dilute ethanol as a solvent, not less than 15.0%. Determination: High performance liquid chromatography (Appendix Ⅵ D) measurement. Chromatographic conditions and system suitability test octadecylsilane bonded silica as a filler shares; acetonitrile -0.1% phosphoric acid (21:79) as the mobile phase; detection wavelength of 330nm. Number of theoretical plates toadflax leaves glycosides peak should not be less than 3000. Preparation of precision reference solution toadflax leaves glycoside reference amount, plus 70% ethanol solution containing 55μg made per 1ml, ie. Preparation of the test solution to take the product powder of about 0.5g, accurately weighed, _set_ conical flask, precision of 70% ethanol 100ml, said that given the weight, heated to reflux for 1 hour, let cool, then weighed and the weight, with 70 % ethanol, make up the weight loss. Filtration. Filtrate obtained, that is, too. Determination of precision drawing each test solution 10μl reference solution and injected into the liquid chromatograph to measure, that is. This product is on dry goods, including toadflax leaves glycosides (C28H34O15) should be less than 0.20%. Processing methods: After removing the impurities, washed or run to grab a soft, cut into sections. Low-temperature drying. That is, too. This product is a 1.5-2cm. Segment, green-brown surface, several longitudinal edges. By filamentous hair; section gray, loose or hollow pith. Wrinkled leaves, and more broken. Sideline with unequal length acupuncture; filamentous on both sides with gray hair. Capitulum more broken: gas, light. According to the above [Identification] (2) test, which was the same result; according to the above [determination] under the method of measurement, calculated on dry goods, including toadflax leaves glycoside (C28H34O15) shall not be less than 0.20%. Taste: Sweet, bitter, cold. Meridian: The heart, liver. Efficacy: Cooling blood to stop bleeding, blood stasis and swelling. Indications: For Nvxue. Vomiting blood. Hematuria, blood in the stool, uterine bleeding, blood, trauma, bleeding, boils. Dosage: 10-I5g. Topical fresh goods, mash and apply the affected area. Storage: Ventilated and dry place. Western medicine Category: Chinese medicine (herbs and Pieces)
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Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2000
Daji Pinyin: Daji English name: HERBACIRSIIJAPONICI RADIXCIRSIIJAPONICI Page number: (2000 edition) -19 This product Asteraceae Thistle CirsiumjaponicumDC. Dried aerial parts or roots. Summer and autumn flowers When taken part cede territory, or autumn digging roots, remove impurities, and dried. [Character] Daji stem is cylindrical, base diameter of up to 1.2cm; surface greenish brown or tan, there Number of vertical edges, is silky hairs; section gray, loose or hollow pith. Leaf shrinkage, more broken, intact leaves flattened After the show oblanceolate or obovate-elliptic, pinnatipartite, margin ranging from long needle; on the surface of the gray-green or yellow-brown Color, lower surface lighter color, with white silky hairs on both sides. Capitulum top students, spherical or oval, cinnamon involucre Color, feather crested gray. Gas, light. Daji root elongated spindle-shaped, often clustered distorted, long 5 ~ 15cm, diameter 0.2 ~ 0.6cm. Surface dark brown, With irregular longitudinal wrinkles. Hard and brittle, easily broken, section rough, gray. Gas micro, sweet, bitter. Identification of the product root cross-section: epidermal cell wall cork, and sometimes fall off. Wide cortex, close to the endothelial Layer round secretion Road Department has a diameter of 80 ~ 130μm, densely arranged in rings; cortex obvious. Phloem narrow. Discontinuous layer is formed into the ring. Xylem ray wide; catheter few radially arranged around the wood fiber bundles often accompanied marrow. Thin Wall cells containing inulin. Leaf surface view: the epidermal cells polygonal; lower epidermis class rectangle, wavy curved wall. Stomatal infinitive Or inequality, subsidiary cells from 3 to 5. Non-glandular hairs 4 to 18 cells, the cells elongate and twist the top diameter of about 7μm, Walls with staggered horny texture. [Cooked] Daji grass washed, run soft, cut and dry. Roots washed Daji, run through, cut into thin slices and dry. Daji Daji coals segment or root pieces, according to speculation charcoal (Appendix Ⅱ D) fry coke black surface. [Meridian] taste and sweet, bitter, cold. The heart, liver. 【Functions and Indications cooling bleeding, blood stasis and swelling. For epistaxis, vomiting, blood in the urine, blood in the stool, uterine bleeding blood , Traumatic bleeding, boils. [Usage and dosage] 9 ~ 15g; topical fresh goods, mash and apply the affected area. [Storage] ventilated and dry place.
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Chinese herbal medicine
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English Expression
: Japanese Thistle Herb, Herba Cirsii Japonici, Japanese Thistle Herb or Root, thistle, radix cirsii jeponici