County : China > Gansu > Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture > Xiahe County
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  县人民政府驻拉卜楞镇,邮编:747100。代码:623027。区号:0941。拼音:Xiahe Xian。
  2000年,夏河县辖1个镇、14个乡:拉卜楞镇、扎油乡、甘加乡、桑科乡、九甲乡、达麦乡、曲奥乡、麻当乡、科才乡、王格尔塘乡、牙利吉乡、塘尕昂乡、阿木去乎乡、吉仓乡、博拉乡。 根据第五次人口普查数据:全县总人口77262人,其中各乡镇人口(人): 拉卜楞镇 12868 桑科乡 6089 九甲乡 5082 甘加乡 6654 达麦乡 3724 王格尔塘乡 3832 麻当乡 5736 曲奥乡 2624 唐尕昂乡 3009 扎油乡 3489 博拉乡 5681 吉仓乡 4296 阿木去乎乡 6170 牙利吉乡 4949 科才多 3059。
  通讯设施初具规模。近年来夏河县邮政、电信、移动的服务质量向“高、精、深”发展,技术水平和业务范围紧跟全国发展步伐,网络建设不断加强,业务普及程度日益提高。移动电话、数据通讯、可视会议电话已实现全国联网,计算机互联网,传真存储转发、 IC卡电话、各类图文及信息服务也已开通运行。从而为各国游客提供方便快捷的服务。
Summer River
Related Phrases
Containing Phrases
Xiahe County Middle SchoolXiahe County station
Xiahe county Longwa plantationXiahe County The chinese community Restaurant
Xiahe county Qudeng guesthouseXiahe county coal Company
Xiahe county Qu'ao plantationXiahe county Daxia guesthouse
Xiahe county Nongfu CompanySummer River County baccy Company
Xiahe County cinema company, including all its buildings, offices, etcXiahe County demos Hospital
Xiahe county Sangqu service departments Political Consultative Conference (C.P.P.C.C.) hospice
Xiahe county Ganjia credit unionXiahe County water department
Xiahe county draught Laboleng guesthouseXiahe county Moraceae Zhongyangchang
Xiahe county Anduo Floss factoryXiahe county Limin service department
Xiahe county Zhaxi service departmentXiahe county Huada service department
Xiahe county Bola Posts and telecommunications InstituteXiahe County Biological agent factory
Xiahe county Yimin service departmentXiahe county Wangatan Supply and marketing cooperatives
Xiahe county Station secondly parlorXiahe county Draught laboleng a prince's residence Restaurant
Xiahe County A mu quhu Posts and telecommunications InstituteXiahe county Damai credit cooperative
Xiahe county Zhayou credit cooperativeXiahe county Public model stop
Xiahe county Kecai credit cooperativeXiahe county Yaliji credit cooperative
Xiahe county coal company chiefly Bootleg StoreXiahe county Wangge'ertang Posts and telecommunications substation
Xiahe county coal company secondly Bootleg StoreXiahe county coal company fourthly Bootleg Store
Xiahe county Wangatan Supply and marketing cooperatives hostelXiahe county coal company fifth Bootleg Store
Xiahe county coal company third Bootleg StoreGansu province Xiahe County Sanitary and antiepidemic Station
Xiahe County A mu quhu grain StationXiahe county Xuefeng Granite Building materials factory
Xiahe county Haizhan A long day use bazaarXiahe county draught Laboleng municipal engineering company
Summer River County supply and marketing cooperatives trading companyXiahe county Weixingshi service department
Summer River County baccy Company Job departmentXiahe county draught Laboleng guesthouse attachment Store
Xiahe county Draught laboleng Xueyu Tibetan incense factoryXiahe county condense Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county Bola credit cooperativeAgricultural bank of china Xiahe County subbranch
Xiahe county Gongnuan Co., Ltd.Xiahe County Laboleng town hospice
Gansu province Xiahe County Xinhua BookstoreXiahe county A mu Quhu Supply and marketing cooperatives
Xiahe county 1 farming mechanisation serviceXiahe county Yangji Stockbreeding speciality cooperative
Xiahe county Leather Company Florescence Holystone Liaojia canteenXiahe county Jinzhu Surplus warehousing Co., Ltd.
China mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. Xiahe County CompanyChina mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. xiahe county company Laboleng town East Street business lobby
China merger network correspondence Corporation ltd. Pleasant southern states Branch Xiahe County business lobbyXiahe county Ganjia township Cangyu Stockbreeding speciality cooperative
Xiahe county Yunfeng Alcoholic beverages job Co., Ltd.Xiahexianchunleiwuziyouxianzerengongsisangkecaoyuanwenhualvyoudujia Village
Xiahe county Rongyuan Generating Co., Ltd.Xiahe county Hengchi Mining Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county longcheng mining co., ltd. collaboration BranchXiahe County Community services center White sea snail guesthouse
Gansu province Xiahe county Tangga'ang credit cooperativeGansu province Xiahe County A mu quhu credit cooperative
Xiahe County Labrang monastery courtyard Travel token Sales DepartmentXiahe county Rongyuan Generating Co., ltd. Sahe'er power station
Gansu immense forest Irrigation hydroelectricity Invest corporation ltd. Xiahe county Ayishan Generating BranchXiahe county Sayi'ang Illustrious and influential Condensation steam Provide Station
auspicious Courser Tibetan incense Co., Ltd.Xiahe county A mu Quhu Supply and marketing cooperatives synthesis Supermarket
Industrial and commercial bank of china Corporation ltd. Xiahe County subbranchXiahe county Folk carpentry Co., ltd.
Xiahe county Sang chu Deleshangmao Co., Ltd.Agricultural bank of china Xiahe county subbranch Draught laboleng a small local branch(of a bank)
Pleasant southern states Draught laboleng travel Co., ltd. Xiahe county Draught laboleng Xiling HotelChina post savings bank Pleasant southern states Xiahe County subbranch
Xiahe county Draught laboleng Zhangge Roasted barley franchise Co., Ltd.Xiahe county Wangge'ertang Agriculture, industry and commerce U, u. united
Xiahe county Jiujia township Culture Station Picture showing teamWest folk Phonotape and vidiotape house Xiahe County Franchise department
Xiahe county draught Laboleng Monibao Tibetan culture and arts Corporation Ltd.Xiahe county Wangge'ertang Agriculture, industry and commerce U, u. united Fabric factory
Xiahe county Xingneng Generating Co., Ltd.Gansu dragon estate development corporation ltd. Xiahe County Branch
Xiahe county Xuerui Potentilla pig Slaughter cutting Co., Ltd.China mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. xiahe county company Laboleng town The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s Street business lobby
Xiahe county Yongjiecaochu Co., Ltd.Xiahe county Xingxin Hydroelectricity development Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county peace Hydroelectricity development Co., Ltd.Xiahe County Country credit cooperative Merger society
Xiahe county Junchikuang Exploit franchise Co., Ltd.Gansu province Xiahe county Jiujia credit cooperative
Xiahe county Longcheng Mining Co., Ltd.Xiahe county A mu Quhu Supply and marketing cooperatives Source of production salesroom
Xiahe county Wangatan Supply and marketing cooperatives Department salesroomGansu province Xiahe county Madang credit cooperative
Xiahe county Wangatan Supply and marketing cooperatives synthesis SupermarketXiahe county wangatan supply and marketing cooperatives Qu'ao synthesis Supermarket
Xiahe County Laboleng town country credit cooperativeXiahe county a mu quhu supply and marketing cooperatives Yaliji retail shop
Xiahe county Bing hua mining Co., Ltd.Gansu province Xiahe county Moraceae credit cooperative
Gansu province Xiahe county Wangge'ertang credit cooperativeXiahe county Folk Building materials coir Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county Spring thunder surplus Co., Ltd.Xiahe county Mechanisation Forage grass expect Promote Service terminal
Xiahe county Draught laboleng Cangjia Travel agency Co., Ltd.Xiahe county a mu quhu supply and marketing cooperatives Collaboration Nongzi to join Send in Heart
Xiahe county the Chinese community Travel agency Co., Ltd.buying and selling Station
Xiahe county Mingxin Animal products Co., Ltd.Gansu province Xiahe county Qu'ao credit cooperative
Xiahe county folk Leather Industry CompanyXiahe county Shengda Generating Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county Rongyuan Generating Co., ltd. Puhuang power stationXiahe county Rongyuan Generating Co., ltd. Moraceae power station
Xiahe county Flower garden Travel Shangmao Co., Ltd.Xiahe county Folk carpentry Co., ltd. hospice
Xiahe county prick Occident mythical unicorn Travel Shangmao Co., Ltd.Xiahe County Draught laboleng abbey Puxiangyuan hospice
China petroleum Gansu Gannan Bootleg Branch Xiahe county learned Gas StationXiahe county Yiquanshangmao Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county Bloom generating Co., Ltd.Xiahe county Ruidatangjiu Non-staple foodstuffs job Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county Wangatan Supply and marketing cooperatives Tangga'ang township Cunji Synthesis Service societyXiahe county Hengfa Hydroelectricity Co., Ltd.
Xiahe county Zhenxin Commodity Co., Ltd.Xiahe County Family planning technology service Station Housing charter service department
China life insurance co. ltd Xiahe County (a measure word) Company
Classification details
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