astronomical > the traditional Chinese lunar calendar
No. 1
  Commonly known as the Lunar New Year. "Lunisolar one. To New Moon as the foundation, set to make the leap and return the average length of the almost-year. Average year 12 months, the big 30 days, ozuki 29 days, 354 days or 355 days throughout the year ; leap year 13 months 384 days or 385 days throughout the year. the day of the New Moon each month, known as the first form. on the number of days can reflect the phase of the moon. China adopted the Gregorian calendar dating and still follow the traditional calendar.
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No. 2
  ◎ lunar calendar xiàlì
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No. 3
  See "Lunar"
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No. 4
  One of China's ancient calendar. According to legend, was founded in the summer generation, hence the name. Also known as the lunar calendar, lunar, lunar calendar. Reality is a yin and yang together calendar. It yin month as the beginning of the year, to the moon around the earth the week in January, to 12 or 10 March for one year. Do little to make the month of big, big month 30 days to make small monthly 29 days to do. The Intercalation method is: a leap year, leap year two, 19 seven leap years. "Later Han Li Zhi in the law": "Yong Yuan 14 years, the Official Titles in Tai Shi Rong Shang Yan Huo: 'official Louke rate of increase or decrease in the 9th minute, not with the corresponding day. Or the time difference from engraved half, as lunar calendar close . '"" Song Li Zhi under law ":" lunar calendar Qiyao westbound, especially against the public law, Liu Xiang made of that later generations, this is also suspicious, according to the second. "
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No. 5
  1.置闰 南朝宋大明六年——463ad大科学家祖冲之制定的《大明历》,采用20组19年7闰插入1组11年4闰,计391年144闰;唐代李淳风的《德麟历》始改为“在缺中气之月置闰”,实际上仍保持19年7闰的基本格局,沿用至今。傣历采用“平朔法”、单月大,双月小,固定闰九月,比夏历早3个月,推测系从秦历脱胎而来。返本归源,本方案借鉴傣历,并固定单月小,双月大,闰六月(大月),以公元19的整倍数为闰年周期,按现行闰年次序,固定在第3、6、9、11、14、17、19年为闰年,但逢公元尾数333、666、000年份所在的19年7闰,免去后“8年3闰”,成为“11年4闰”。本方案月均近似朔望月,年均近似回归年,固定闰六月,跟寒暑周期基本相符。(表1)
  2.大小月 固定单月小,双月大,闰六月大。除公元尾数为000、165、335、500、665、835年外,凡5的倍数年份的正月改为大月。本方案在333又1/3年里有333.33333×12+122.754386=4122.754386个月,其中有(333.3333÷5)-2=64.6666个正月大,合计有2000+122.754386+64.666666=2187.420153个大月,1935.333333个小月,折合121747.2982日,月均29.53057273日(29天12小时44分1.483秒),年均365.241895日(365天5小时48分20秒)。现代历算学家曾次亮,据我国几千年的日月食资料计算, 1世纪初的回归年为365.24231551天,19世纪初为365.24219879天,1世纪初的朔望月为29.530594093天,19世纪初为29.530588181天,则本方案年均相当于69世纪时的回归年,月均相当于69世纪时的朔望月,具有前瞻性,望在小月十五,大月十六,日期跟月相和潮汐周期吻合,方便记忆和使用,对医学、保健、海洋生物学、水运、宗教、民俗、天文历算学等均具有重要意义。
  3.二十四节气 本方案取辛丑1901~戊申2028各年同名节气的格历众数日期为准,它跟习用的黄道十二宫的日期基本相符(各英汉辞书的少数星座日期有些许出入;虽然岁差已使星座缓慢东移,但习用日期仍被人们沿用至今。)各历书上的节气有标至时辰或标至分钟的,貌似精确,但各年同名节气以及相邻冬至间的长度(岁实)均常有出入。西安章潜五教授主张以21世纪各年同名节气的众数日期为准;由于格历1990年减闰后,2100年才再减闰,故各年同名节气的日期渐趋前,本方案取1901~2028各年同名节气的众数日期为准,十二中气(关键性节气)跟黄道十二宫的日期更加一致,达到中西合璧,沟通古今,方便记忆、使用和交流。
  4.修历日期 建议于农历丙戌年春节——格历2006年1月29日改为夏历丙戌年正(庚寅)月初一(戊午日)。
English Expression
  1. n.:  the traditional Chinese lunar calendar
Chinese traditional calendar