idiom > a polite and modest term referring to oneself as just a "filler"for an opening, seat, etc. make up the number
The number of the standby charge
  Explanation: Preparation bit: As Shiwei, which means only in its place, not due diligence; filled up: The amount of unqualified people to gather. Is modesty can not do something.
  Usage: -Linked; as predicate, object, attribute; containing derogatory
  Source: Han Ban Gu "Han Xiao Wang Chuan": "I will try the standby phase, over sixty carry on."
No. 2
  词 目 备位充数
  发 音 bèi wèi chōng shù
  释 义 备位:如同尸位,意即徒在其位,不能尽职;充数:用不够格的人来凑足数额。是自谦不能做事的话。
  出 处 《汉书·萧望之传》:“吾尝备位将相,年逾六十矣。”《晏子春秋·谏下》:“其女子往辞晏子之家,托曰:‘负郭之民贱妾,请有道于相国,不胜其欲,愿得充数乎下陈。’”
Squaw When the Army, Vice-known difficulties, the facts don’ t quite correspond to one’ s reputation
Antonym Group
would rather go without than be contented with any thing less satisfactory, Ningyiwulan, remarkable people, talented and romantic scholar