idiom > Mailunpozhu
  Explanation: Analogy fair, not afraid of powerful
  Usage: Joint type; as attribute; with compliment
  Source: Tang Yuan Zhen, "Pei Zhu Shi Yu Shi system": "season but also on behalf of, buried wheel broken columns of the believers, will never come back, I Yan very different."
No. 2
  That round of the Eastern Han Luoyang are buried Gang Zhang Ting Liang Ji and Li Ying broken column impeachment hunt for the younger brother of Zhang Shuo Zhang things. Do see "the Book" Zhang Gang Li Ying of the mass ◇ ﹑ to "bury broken wheel column" metaphor fair, not afraid of power and wealth.
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No. 3
  That round of the Eastern Han Luoyang are buried Gang Zhang Ting Liang Ji and Li Ying broken column impeachment hunt for the younger brother of Zhang Shuo Zhang things. Do see "the Book" Zhang Gang, Li Ying of the transfer. After the "buried wheel broken column" metaphor fair, not afraid of power and wealth. Tang Yuan Zhen, "Shi Yu Shi Pei note system": "is the Qin and Han dynasties, the government censor King Mo are people in the Congo do not have to maintain Jigang. Season but also on behalf of, buried wheel broken columns only, not back, I very different Yan. "
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No. 4
  词 目 埋轮破柱
  发 音 mái lún pò zhù
  释 义 比喻刚正不阿,不畏权贵。
  出 处 唐·元稹《裴注侍御史制》:“季代而还,埋轮破柱之徒,绝不复出,朕甚异焉。”