geology and geography : geography : classical documents > 史藏 > geography
dì lǐ
地理 dì lǐ
  See "Geography"
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Land or environmental situation such as mountains and rivers
地理 土地﹑山川等的环境形势
  Land, rivers and other environmental situation. This refers to the mountains and rivers all over the world or a region, climate and other natural environment and property, transportation, residential and other socio-economic factors in general. "Yi Jing on": "Yang to view the astronomical, and leaning over to police in geography." Kong Ying Shu: "there are mountains to the original Xi, the orderly, so that reason also." "Under the Han Zhi Jiao Si" : "Sanko, astronomy; mountains, geography also." Wei Li Tao Yuan, "The Truth of Water Economy": "People salty occupied by the enemy, geography evident."
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Means of geographical subjects
  Means of geographical subjects. "Old Tang Chuan Kong Shurui recluse": "Core expertise in geographical reference, the museum is rebuilt," Geography ", detailed study, said." "Yuan History Liu Bingzhong Biography": "As for astronomy, geography, law calendar, three Type of Liu Ren Dun Jia is, are all proficient. "Qing Chen Kangqi" chop the countryside Yan Lu "Volume 10:" Tan Jing Xu Zheng, especially longer than geography. "Ling" mother ":" schools where subjects are many Chinese-language, self , geography, history, always more than a dozen door. "see" Geography. "
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Region; Division
地理 区域;区划
地理 区域;区划
地理 区域;区划
  Regional; division. "Han Wang Mang pass down the": "Mang good lip service, Mu ancient method, and more knighthoods, sex real Lin Ho, care to geographically fixed, so the first earth Fu Mao, who closed with a comfort hi." Jinzhang Hua " Natural History "Volume:" Geographical general, universal P Plus, ya do not field well, a little to hard to set. "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Yun Ma," built at the Jinling of Tianjing ":" Chu Jinling even the three, potential control of the Yangtze River, the geographical The length is not not extend. "
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  Address. "Beijing Jade Guanyin of the popular novel": "we teach people to row, to take his mother-wife's father, wrote his geography roles and come to find him Lin'an House residence."
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Feng Shui
  Feng Shui. Sung Wong provision of the "about Mian Shui Yan recorded Manhattan": "﹝ ﹞ Endicott thin monk for poetry, fine geographic yin and yang." Qing Gu, "Changping landscape in mind," volume: the "queen Xu collapse, the fate rites Zhao Hong-ming Liu geography are Qing Deng were to, choose to get Kat in Changping County of loess hills. "Mao," Maple Leaves Red Flowers "a:" Our family graves of the geography, nice, but unfortunately its incomplete form. "
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"Geography" the source of the term
  In the literature of our ancestors, first appeared in "Geography" is the word written in the 5th century BC, "Yi Xi Ci", which has "Yang in order to observe in astronomy and look down to detect the geographic" of the motion. Wang Han thinkers on astronomy, geography has a considerable depth of research, he explained that: "The sky is the moon and stars that the text, so that the land has mountains and hills of the reason." In the West, the 2nd century BC, the ancient Greek scholar Egypt Rato Essenes first synthesized geographica (geo + graphica) the term, meaning "geographic" or "account of the earth," and wrote the first Western to "geographic" monograph name "geography."
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  Geography of the Earth's surface associated with the human geography, and geographical environment and human relations. Geography studies the relationship between people and land is focused on spatial relationships.
  * Earth's surface: Geographic shell - Landscape shell - the Earth's surface - atmosphere - lithosphere - hydrosphere - biosphere - human circles - Land - Sea - Mountain - Continental Shelf - Climate - Vegetation
  Human life: rural - town - city - race.
  World Administrative Region: Island - Country - the capitals - Province - autonomous - Special Administrative Region - League - City - County - County - Flag - County - City - Towns - Villages.
  Maps (including map of China and the world map, as well as weather maps, topographic maps, etc.)
  Effect; to explore the geographical knowledge
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Subject branches
  Geography is not a recognized classification system. In Western Europe, geography is divided into General Theory of geography (ie, geography department) and monographs in geography (ie, regional geography) in two parts, through the separation of geography and human geography physical geography, re-graded under two branches level branches.
  The former Soviet Union to the natural geography and geography is divided into two major branches of economic geography, then sub-sub-branches.
  Western scholars geography physical geography and geography is divided into two parts, or divided into physical geography, economic geography and human geography of three parts, then the following sub-sub-branches.
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Physical Geography
  Using biology to study physical geography, is a system of geography, to understand global flora and fauna patterns, the use of mathematics, physics to study the movement of the earth itself, and it and other stars in the solar system is the relationship location and space of the Earth changes the subject.
  * Comprehensive
  o o Comprehensive physical geography of ancient geography
  * Department of
  Climatology Geomorphology o o o o hydrography o biogeography of soil geography
  + Plant Geography
  + Animal Geography
  Chemical Geography o o o medical geography study glaciology o permafrost phenology o o o seismology Volcanology
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Human Geography
  More emphasis on geography in human geography and social science component, from the non-physical level to examine the behavior of the entire planet, the theory of man-land relationship is based on a variety of human phenomena and explore the geographical distribution of human activities and development laws a discipline. It can be broadly classified into the following branches of passing:
  * Social and Cultural Geography
  ethnic geography o o o _set_tlement geography, population geography Social geography o o o religious and cultural geography linguistic geography o
  * Economic Geography
  Industrial Geography Agricultural Geography o o o o Commercial Geography Geography of Tourism Transport Geography o Geography o Corporation (Corporate Geography)
  * Political Geography
  o Military Geography
  * Urban Geography
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Other branches
  * Historical Geography - Regional Geography - Cartography - toponymy - Local - theory Geography - Applied Geography - Geographic Quantitative Methods - Quantitative Geography - Landscape Ecology - geographic information systems, Cartography - Geographic Quantitative Methods - Quantitative Geography - Geographic Information System - Geography fieldwork methods, technical methods may be collectively referred to as geographical disciplines.
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Influential part of the world geographer
  Eratosthenes (276BC - 194BC) - calculated the size of Earth.
  Ptolemy (c.90-c.168) - compiled from writings of the Greek and Roman knowledge of "geography" (Geographia).
  Jha Des Mercator (Gerardus Mercator) (1512-1594) - of innovative scientists has produced a Mercator map projection.
  Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859) - is considered one of the fathers of modern geography, published the "universe" (Kosmos) and founded a branch of geography.
  Carl • Lite Er (Carl Ritter) (1779-1859) - is considered one of the fathers of modern geography. Humboldt University of Berlin put it firmly in the top spot.
  Arnold Henry Guyot (Arnold Henry Guyot) (1807-1884) - the structure in the glacier, glacier movement, particularly the fast ice flow (ice flow) of the high level of awareness renowned.
  William Morris Davis (William Morris Davis) (1850-1934) - Father of American Geography and erosion cycle (cycle of erosion) of the developer.
  Whyte ‧ Bailan Shi (Paul Vidal de la Blache) (1845-1918) - France, Political Science School of Geology and founder of the principles of human geography made.
  Mackinder, Sir (1861-1947) - London School of Economics, co-founder, and then helped create the British Geographical Society (GeographicalAssociation),
  University of Reading (Reading University), and became president of the British Geographical Society, "History of the geographical hub" (The Geographical Pivot of History) and heart (Heartland) theory of the author.
  Craig Alfred Wegener (1880-1930) - founder of continental plates drift.
  Tall Chris Walter (1893-1969) - Geography scientists and inventors of Central Place Theory.
  Duan Yi-fu (Yi-Fu Tuan) (1930 -) - Chinese American scholars, to carry out human geography (Humanistic Geography) as a discipline.
  David. Harvey (David Harvey) (1935 -) - Marxist geographer (Marxist geography) home, space and theories of urban geography.
  Michael Franks gut Rothschild (Michael Frank Goodchild) (1944 -) - prominent GIS scholar and in 2003 received the Royal Geographical Society (Royal Geographical Society) Founding awards.
  ‧ SEREIN Nigel Swift (Nigel Thrift) (1949 -) - Non-representation theory of (non-representational theory) promoters.
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How to Learn Geography
  The majority of geographical space, a variety of geographic objects, geographic relations are complicated. Learn geography with particular attention to learning, only the master learning methods, can of anything easy, learn solid and flexible. 1, learn to use books as textbooks, mastery of knowledge, skills, tools, and is to develop a basis for self-learning ability. List of essentials and tips with the book before and after contact should always read to know what the contents of the book. Intensive texts, often read food for thought, to seize the main points of note, with special attention to illustrations and tables, understand the issues described in the chart. 2, learn to use the geographical map of the map is the information carrier, it will be we can not personally see the majority of the geographical environment has become clear. Map is a tool for learning geography, by analyzing maps, geographical features can be recognized, principles, causes and find ways to use transformation, to learn to read, with a variety of maps, first of all to remember the basic map. The world geography, the first thing to remember seven continents and four oceans distribution. 3, attention to observe the observation that the geographical boundary scan edge thinking. Take a look at the face of the local geographical environment, and how people in the local activities. Through the press, television programs, pictures, access to geographic information, exercise our talents. 4, good geographical imagination can only get partial visual observation, the map can only provide the location of intuitive imagination can the two be linked, so you get a comprehensive view of geographical environment, and then show you the geography of the future. 5, often to their own brain to be good at asking questions, the general idea is the geographical problem: ① studying? Such as the Yellow River and its hydrological characteristics. ② Where? Such as the Yellow River flows through the provinces, autonomous regions and range. ③ Why? Hydrological features, such as how the Yellow River formed. ④ what the pros and cons? Such as how to evaluate the Yellow River in northern areas of favorable and unfavorable conditions. ⑤ how to coordinate good relations? Such as how to make the relationship between humans and coordinate the Yellow River, how should reform its rational use. 6, to be diligent hands often with hand-written, dynamic strokes, hands-on learning with production, which not only makes your heart and allow you to manual dexterity. Approach the right track, more effective, more study, the more love you will learn. 7, in conjunction with topographic maps chart the map or on his bedside, observed one to twice a day, the teacher should try to remember the main points of the teacher, by the way have some important glance at the text, the most important thing you need to have interest in geography, so that you will succeed with half several times!
  Geography is the study of Earth's surface, natural conditions and socio-economic development of a basic science & natural science. Geography is divided into physical geography human geography, Geography Earth and the universe can be divided into geography. Including around the topography, climate, animal and plant distribution, and customs.
  1. Land, mountains and rivers and other environmental conditions. This means the world or a region of mountains, climate and other natural environment and property, transportation, residential and other socio-economic factors, the overall situation.
  2. Refers to the study of the geographical subject.
  3. Area; division.
  4. Address.
  5. Feng Shui.
  Geography memory doggerel
  1, the eight planets
  Water, fire, wood, earth, golden days, around the outside of the planet Neptune;
  Only on Earth is, temperature and liquid water by the edge of ①.
  ① temperature, the appropriate temperature. Gas, suitable for bio-breathing atmosphere.
  2, characteristics of the Earth
  Equator slightly drums, slightly flattened poles.
  Transferred from west to east, before the time change.
  Latitude north and the south, and the relative into the other circle.
  Something for the warp, into a parallel single ring;
  Equator is the longest poles into points.
  3, the division of East and West hemispheres
  Twenty degrees west longitude, longitude one hundred and sixty,
  Across the board down, east and west hemispheres.
  Points north and south hemispheres, equatorial zero latitude,
  Temperate seasons was, the contrary the north and south.
  4, alternating day and night and seasonal changes
  Earth's rotation, day and night change.
  Revolution around the sun, the four seasons there.
  Day rotation, revolution a year.
  From west to east, the direction of change.
  5, five with the Earth
  Five with the Earth, thanks to four-lane;
  Regression between the tropics and sub-Arctic cold temperature;
  Cold temperature each Tuesday and Friday with temperatures uneven ①.
  ① temperature, mean temperature.
  6, the direction of the map identified
  Map direction identified, put right the immediate release;
  Under the North South, left the West right-east.
  Plotting is easy to distinguish, graticule more difficult;
  Warp guide North, East and West Wei coil.
  Polar projection, directed more special:
  For the Northern Hemisphere, around the heart of the North South;
  Latitude circle thing, when you go against the rotation.
  For the southern hemisphere, north and south around the heart;
  Latitude circle thing, go clockwise rotation.
  7, continents and oceans
  Earth's surface area, a total of one billion;
  The percentage of land and water, oceans account for July.
  Six large land, including islands in seven continents;
  North South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and the Antarctic Ocean.
  Waters of four oceans, the deepest wide peace;
  Atlantic "S"-like, Indian Arctic Ocean.
  Plate tectonics, the six blocks to put together;
  Stable block, at the junction of earthquakes.
  8, the location of oceans and continents
  Island is bounded by ocean, continent to foreign distinction.
  Pacific Ocean for the first four, two in Asia-Australia-US.
  Southwest Atlantic Ocean in North America, Eastern Europe and non-critical.
  Pro Asia, Africa and Macao Indian Ocean, the Southern Sanyo water connected.
  Arctic Ocean surface is the smallest three continents North America, Central Asia and Europe.
  9, boundaries and location of the seven continents
  Land surface is accounted for three, two Southern Ocean Asia, Europe and Africa ①.
  Asia and Europe in this one, Siniora high points on both sides of ②;
  In linking Asia and Africa had, Sui canal to cut ③;
  Asia, North America, look watertight, the Bering Strait in the middle;
  North and South American to pull strings, Panama Canal and stop ④;
  The small size of the number of Oceania, Asia seems to continue below the break.
  Asia, Europe and Africa Western hemisphere, North and South America accounted for half of the West,
  Only the Antarctic engage an independent, said the plateau ice cover.
  ① Ocean, Oceania. Both the United States, South America and North America. South, Antarctica.
  ② Siniora, the Ural Mountains and Ural River. High plus, the Caucasus Mountains.
  ③ Sui Canal, the Suez Canal.
  ④ Panama Canal, the Panama Canal.
  10, seven continents terrain
  (1) Asia
  Complex terrain of Asia, middle and high around the depression.
  Broad alluvial plains, mountain plateau large.
  Radiation river flow, water can boast.
  (2) Europe
  Peninsula margin of the sea and more segmented body limb;
  Mountain Home South, the central plains is low;
  Plain the main terrain elevation down first.
  (3) North America
  United mountain plateau in eastern and western mountain then plateau.
  Stuff white high continent, the Bank said in between lakes.
  (4) South America
  Andes dominating the West, the eastern plains of the plateau area.
  Terrain is the world's most multi-plateau plains Lie Shouwei.
  Western Mountain Range, the longest, the Amazon River basin wide.
  Tropical rain Lin Jushi first, to the number of Pampas grasslands.
  (5) Africa
  Average elevation of six hundred meters, known as continental plateau Chau,
  Even one of the eastern plateau, the western desert plains.
  (6) Oceania
  Small area, two areas
  One continent, two islands.
  Continental things high, is the central basin.
  (7) Antarctica
  Surrounded by Sanyo, ice product for many years;
  More than two thousand meters above sea level a few first.
  11, bottom topography
  Shallow continental shelf, the outer edge of the continental slope;
  Oceanic trench ridge, ocean floor unpredictable.
  12, the terrain changes
  Topography, internal and external forces increase.
  Marshes, a large internal force;
  Plate movement, stretching extrusion,
  Fault fold, with high depression;
  Volcanic earthquakes, plate Fate.
  External force, not despise it;
  Water ice storms, erosion changes
  Over time, cut high fill depression.
  13, weather and climate
  Weather: hot and cold air short confront rain and snow
  Climate: The average spring, summer and autumn and winter years
  14, the temperature distribution
  Differences in temperature distribution, high-low latitude to high latitude low;
  Not the same as land and sea, Lu Wen Gaohai summer temperature is low,
  Also affect the level terrain, the difference per kilometer 6 ℃.
  15, global warming damage
  Air pollution, global warming;
  Melting glaciers, coastal flooded.
  To take measures without delay.
  16, the formation of the wind
  High gas temperature rise, low pressure forming;
  Gas from high pressure, the flow of the formation of the wind.
  17, the earth pressure with
  With four high-pressure, low air pressure with three:
  Five degrees north and south, the high-temperature gas on the turn,
  Equatorial low pressure, precipitation made easy;
  Thirty degrees north and south, the air under the deflection,
  Subtropical high pressure, often drier droughts;
  Polar low pressure near the poles;
  Sixty degrees north and south, sub-polar low pressure natural.
  18, Earth, Wind band
  Pressure zone separated by the wind with a total of six:
  Equatorial trade winds embrace, Dongfeng poles out
  North and south westerlies, forty, sixty degrees.
  19, precipitation formation conditions
  Air saturated steam, the temperature drop;
  Condensation nuclei collide;
  Weight increase, rain and snow fall.
  20, distribution of precipitation
  Equatorial heat, rain and more:
  Polar cold, hard rain.
  Regression line, divided on both sides;
  Land Bank, the subtropical high belt,
  Letter wind, precipitation deficit;
  Land east coast, monsoon, therefore, to
  Climate temperature, rainfall rich.
  Mid-latitudes, home interior;
  Far from the sea, the climate dry.
  21, the factors that affect climate
  Of climatic factors, the four-pronged;
  The first latitude, equatorial poles and the poor;
  Second, look at land and sea, dry summers and cool ocean;
  Topography is also important not to cold wind and rain back;
  Currents can not be underestimated, the arrival of warm water rich.
  22, land distribution and characteristics of natural zones
  Unusual surface climate, vegetation, animals with the change.
  On September distribution of natural zones, hot temperature and type of each of the three;
  Ice cold tundra sub-zone, another mountain vertical change.
  Equatorial rain forest edge, tree towering high temperature and rainfall;
  Orangutan apes often are, many see the elephant hippo.
  Folder on both sides of the tropical grasslands, South America, Africa, the most widely used;
  Anti-wet and dry seasons north and south, dense grass savanna animals Huan;
  Lion rhino giraffe zebra, water plants to move toward the dry season.
  Regression line of tropical desert, Africa and Macao and Asia's largest film;
  Vegetation scarce Duosha Qiu, hungry ostrich camel drought resistance.
  Between the land and temperate desert home, Armenia, Macao and Africa are visible;
  Summer temperatures in winter cold, less tolerant of dry vegetation.
  Four seasons of temperate grasslands were, among many Northern Hemisphere;
  Less rainfall especially in the short grass, Mongolian gazelle the most common hare.
  Temperate broadleaf forest complex, the panda is rare deer.
  Cold coniferous forest in northern Asia, spruce pine to cold;
  Most of northern Europe, Asian American, animals, feathers for winter and summer.
  Long cold winter tundra climate, the north side of the Americas Asia and Europe;
  Lichen and moss plants, animals unique to reindeer Yan.
  Antarctic ice sheet and icebergs, penguins, seals near the coast;
  North Pole and Greenland, Bai Xionghai as not chills.
  23, the world's natural resources
  (1) Land Resources
  Land resources, living conditions;
  Geng Grass Construction, cutting Ken flooding
  Loss of desertification, increasing to less people,
  Take measures to make concerted efforts.
  (2) water
  Earth's water and more water large;
  Only use, freshwater resources.
  Underground rivers and lakes, the distribution biased;
  Meet the needs of more difficult.
  Protection of resources, joint with the head;
  Afforestation, and prevent pollution.
  Desalination, for a period away.
  (3) Forest Resources
  Forest uses: to provide materials of wood,
  Implicit water, increasing humidity;
  Tin wind protection, soil and water conservation;
  The net transfer of air, ① "natural schedule."
  Protection of resources, plant cutting synchronization.
  ① tone, regulation of atmospheric composition. Net, purification.
  (4) mineral resources
  Many types of solid minerals, the most important iron and coal oil.
  Russia and Pakistan and Australia and India Canada and the U.S. ①, the seven countries with high iron ore reserves;
  To the number of coal mines in the United States and Russia, Asia and North America, coal quality is good;
  Oil distribution is concentrated in the Middle East, Russia and the U.S. Mexico United Kingdom.
  ① Pakistan, Brazil. India, India.
  24, the world's population distribution
  The world's population live in the south eastern Asia;
  Eastern North America, Europe, the population density in number;
  To belong to the coastal plain, warm and humid climate;
  A long history of agriculture, urban development, industry and transportation.
  25, population
  Rapid population growth, environmental resources affected;
  Population, urban migration has brought many not:
  Housing, transportation utilities, medical education and employment.
  26, the world's race problems
  To distinguish between the world race, depending on skin hair eyes.
  Home North America, Europe and Pacific white-①, take charge of the Yadong Huang,
  Black non-Western United States, racial discrimination by the light.
  ① Ocean, Oceania, followed by "foreign" words likewise.
  27, the world's major languages
  World National thousand, more than have their own language.
  Most frequently used Chinese, Southeast Asia, China, ①;
  Wide use of English, Anglo-Australian North American Indian;
  More concentrated in Russian, Latin America, Western language occupied ②;
  French said the beauty of the world, the main method of domestic Yan;
  Asian-African Arabic, an important international language.
  28, the world's three major religions
  Three world religions, 佛基伊斯兰.
  Christian billion, European and American foreign extensive ①;
  Buddhism originated in India, back to true Islam,
  Six hundred million Muslims, Asia and Africa the most common.
  ① Europe Yang, Europe, America and Oceania.
  29, the world over one billion of the national population
  Russia, Nepal, India and USA ①, Bari Ni Mengba ②.
  ① India, India. Nepal, Indonesia.
  ② Pakistan, the first "bar" the word refers to Brazil, the second "bar" the word refers to Pakistan. Niger, Nigeria. The sentence can be the image of language "the end result did not m (Nigeria homonym) hungry and eighth you dream bar (rice crust)" to help them remember.
  30 questions about world countries
  World countries, one hundred and eighty, the largest area of Russia and Canada,
  Territory, territorial waters and air, sea, draw borders between the two states.
  Branch of the political system resources, most countries developed;
  International contacts to equality, coexistence maintain it.
  31, the regional division of the world
  Thirteen sub-regions of the world, according to people and land and natural ①.
  The number of the Asian region there are five: things South African, and Southeast;
  Two parts of the African region, north-south line by Sarah;
  Can be divided into two Americas, Latin America accounted for the south;
  North West East of Europe and sub-②, the Antarctic Ocean alone into a film.
  ① people, the human geography factors and geographic location.
  ② East of North, East and North Asia Europe United as a region.
  32, East Asian countries
  There are five countries in East Asia: Korea and Japan Korea Mongolia ①.
  Landlocked Mongolia's home, animal husbandry than Sheng;
  South Korea points ②, the Northern Abundance;
  South Korea's economic development, with Japan and the "dragons";
  China is more important, followed by another comment.
  ① North Korea, that Korea.
  ② North Korea, referring to the Korean peninsula.
  33, East Asian terrain
  Tortuous coastline of East Asia, peninsula island like Xing Luo;
  Western plateau and mountains, hills and more eastern plains;
  Low-lying eastern part of west, east into the sea are rivers.
  34, the East Asian monsoon climate
  East Asian monsoon significant, the East China Sea west mainland.
  Specific heat of different land and sea, air pressure with the quarter swing.
  Summer land warming faster, forming a low pressure zone;
  Water absorbs heat late, low temperature and high pressure in the;
  Monsoon from sea to land, abundant rainfall offshore.
  Two types of climate is also temperate subtropical monsoon.
  35, differences between East coast and inland
  East of the coast, temperature and humidity were dense;
  Widely cultivated plains, rice, tea, silk producing area;
  Coastal multi-port, economic and trade benefits.
  Western population, and more mountain plateau;
  Dry steppe climate, livestock processing should be.
  36, Japan
  Japan's four islands, the continent's most important;
  Winding coastline, dense population to small;
  Frequency of seismic activity, marine monsoon was;
  Water-rich forests, mineral resources are limited;
  Rapid economic development, science and technology level is high;
  Economic Fourth District, relying on imports of raw materials;
  Hong Kong's external trade, and God cross Honshu.
  Tokyo as the hub, high-speed railway;
  Intersection of Cold Stream, fishing in Hokkaido;
  A small by machinery, agricultural yield is high;
  Cultural thing and, cherry representative.
  37, Southeast Asia geography
  "South Pacific" Southeast Asia, a total of ten countries;
  The largest archipelago country, Indonesia.
  European east, must pass through the Malacca;
  Indo-Pacific Ocean between the two, "Crossroads" card.
  Peninsula mountains and rivers, the distribution was tandem.
  Upstream "V" word valley, the rich flow of emergency water;
  Downstream wide and slow, into the alluvial plain;
  Irrigation, soil and fertilizer will, densely populated agricultural Hing.
  Islands and volcanoes, the three plates;
  Indonesia, "Volcano State" name and,
  Farmers are not afraid of risk, the crater farming.
  38, Southeast Asia, two climate types
  Equatorial rain forest edge, the Malay Peninsula Islands Yan;
  The main convective rain throughout the year, a _set_ of precipitation over two thousand;
  Mao enough rain and heat plants, the four seasons of farming is not leisure.
  Dry sub-tropical monsoon rain, Indochina north of the Philippines;
  June to October is the rainy season, dry from November to May Day;
  Precipitation throughout the year fifteen, to close at dry rainy season planting.
  39, Southeast Asia, residents and property
  Southeast Asia, dense population, large multi-property:
  Rubber, oil palm tin-rich Malaya ①;
  Coconut and abaca, the Philippines can boast;
  Rice is the staple food, good quality, Thailand;
  Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, oil development;
  Dense population and more Buddhist, building out the essence;
  Walled Cambodia Angkor Wat, Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon;
  The development of the economy, the Chinese contribution to the large.
  ① Malaya, Malaysia.
  40, Singapore
  Malay Peninsula, Singapore, the shape of a lion City Island;
  Star Island, others as small as a dense, three-quarters more than the Chinese.
  "Crossroads" of Malacca, India too will sail through.
  Resource-poor rely on imports, independent newly industrialized countries.
  Port good geographical location, foreign trade shipping and more;
  Information cited open suction technology, industrial development, "dragons" live.
  Garden City environment the United States, the tourism industry earned quite.
  41, Indonesia
  Indonesia, the largest archipelago country.
  The world's first production, wood Hu cane Jenner ①;
  Oil output, the area is also the largest;
  Tropical rain forest landscape, jade pendant hanging;
  Ya Bandung environment, good tourist resort;
  Capital Jakarta, is located in the island of Java.
  ① wood, kapok, Hu, pepper. Skinner, cinchona.
  42, geography and climate in South Asia
  South Asian subcontinent, the terrain in three Department:
  Northern mountains, the three living inland;
  South Deccan Plateau, mineral-rich soil and fertilizer;
  The middle of agricultural areas, even into the plains arc.
  Three great rivers, the alluvial plain;
  Indian River will be irrigated, permanent cloth downstream sink ①.
  Hot monsoon climate, precipitation be partial.
  ① constant, the Ganges. Cloth, Brahmaputra; the Heyuan in China, in China, said the Brahmaputra.
  43, India
  Largest country in South Asia, New Delhi;
  Native population of two, a land in Asia;
  The world's first hemp tea, cotton sugarcane is economic;
  Two Hong Kong Bangladesh ①, cotton and linen industry land.
  ① Meng, Mumbai. Canada, Calcutta.
  44 major crops in India
  Wheat, cotton, tea, rice, and peanuts, sugar cane and jute.
  45, Pakistan
  Pakistan South Westerly, the first cotton textile industry;
  Depends mainly on irrigation, agriculture, drought crisis in the Ganges solution;
  Islamabad, the capital, the largest port city of Karachi.
  46, Central Asia
  There are five countries in Central Asia, Hata Ji Wu soil ①.
  Eurasian bridge, "Silk Road" ancient;
  Five domestic land home, the main plateau plain;
  More arid climate, karaoke desert with ②;
  Many rivers flow, irrigation, cited Eminem ③.
  Ethnic hundred and thirty, on instructions from the Islamic teaching.
  "Gold Country," Wu ④, the third world cotton production.
  Large mineral reserves, coal and iron oil days ⑤.
  Tashkent Uzbekistan all, big city hub.
  ① Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan. Tajikistan, Tajikistan. Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan.
  Soil, Turkmenistan. Ukraine, Uzbekistan; following ④ also refers to this country, not another note.
  ② Karaoke desert, the Karakum desert.
  ③ Eminem, the Amu Darya. ⑤ days, natural gas.
  47, Kazakhstan
  Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the world's largest landlocked country;
  National 俄罗哈萨克 ①, cultivated grassland area wide
  Mining industry body the energy, oil coal storage capacity and more
  Karaganda industrial land, as the capital Astana.
  ① Russia, Russia.
  48, West Asia and North Africa residents and the location
  West Asia and North Africa, more than the Arabs;
  Islam teaches Feng, except four countries in Western Asia ①.
  Three continents in five sea, West transport activities;
  Ancient silk road, sea and air, said today.
  Six North African country, sea ports and more
  Isaiah's Acre ②, the Suez Canal,
  Communication and two oceans, transport oil through this before.
  ① four countries, referring to Israel, Cyprus, Armenia, Georgia, to raise the four countries. These countries are mainly Christian.
  ② Plug, Port, Asia, and Alexander. , And Tripoli. Ah, Algiers. Card, Casablanca.
  49, West Asia North Africa, the terrain and climate
  Two areas the main plateau terrain, the Tropic of Cancer over the middle;
  Northeast trade wind belt of subtropical high, hot, dry desert cloth;
  Mainly by irrigation agriculture, mountain oasis to grazing;
  Winter rainfall Mediterranean, West Asia, North Africa, were distributed.
  50, West Asia and North Africa oil
  The two most fertile areas of oil, exports of the world the highest storage capacity.
  Seven major oil-producing countries ①, shallow and oil well.
  U.S. exports to Western Europe, Japan, means oil tankers and pipelines.
  Subject to Malacca to Japan, Europe, America and more around the Cape of Good Hope.
  ① seven major oil-producing countries, referring to Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Algeria and Egypt.
  51, West Asia North Africa property
  West Asia, North Africa, good products, and purple lamb production in Afghanistan;
  Allah wool Turkey ①, Iran, wool carpets;
  Dates specialty Iraq, Moge rich olive ②.
  ① Allah, Ankara.
  ② Moge, Morocco.
  52, Saudi Arabia
  Saudi Arabia, tropical desert country.
  The main plateau topography, freshwater resources thin.
  World first home storage products, oil of the kingdom.
  Sand become farmland, investment move new initiatives.
  Said the holy city of Mecca, the capital of Riyadh.
  53, Egypt
  Egypt re-location, the hub of Asia, Africa and Europe.
  Across two continents, Suez center ①.
  Nile consistent throughout ②, "green corridor" green.
  Aswan Dam, Pyramid wonders.
  Valley River, a famous long-staple cotton.
  Industrial mining of oil, freight revenue rose ③.
  The ancient capital of Cairo, Africa's largest city;
  Alexandria, status can not be light.
  ① Suez, the Suez Canal.
  ③ Nile, the Nile.
  ③ transportation, the canal. Overseas, remittances. Egypt, rich labor resources, a lot of people go to work for Western Asia, every year a large number of remittances income.
  54, the geographical situation of sub-Saharan Africa
  Sub-Saharan terrain more plateau.
  Great Rift Valley, the fall of ground breaking.
  Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest summit.
  Lake Victoria basin is a depression.
  Central parts of basins, during the Congo River.
  Gulf of Guinea, Atlantic Ocean.
  Madagascar, southwest of the Big Island bit.
  Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, southwestern tip of the mainland.
  55, sub-Saharan Africa climate
  Tropical Africa continent, equator across the middle.
  Climate little strips, symmetrically distributed north and south.
  Central tropical rain forest, rain all year round high temperature enough.
  Trilateral savannah, wet and dry season against North and South.
  Law of the tropical desert, north and south do not return error ①.
  Southern Mediterranean, winter rains dry summer special.
  ① regression, regression line.
  56, sub-Saharan Africa's natural resources
  Resources, flora and fauna, there are known mineral resources.
  Valuable timber species, rosewood and sandalwood ①,
  Bo Babu tree longevity, growth hot grasslands.
  Sofitel animals have ②, like deer spotted ape River ③;
  Ethiopia, a natural zoo.
  Gold diamond, storage capacity are the World side.
  Guinea bauxite, oil is also considerable.
  ① sandalwood, sandalwood.
  ② Africa, Africa.
  ③ ape, gorilla. River hippopotamus. Elephant, African elephant. Deer, giraffe. Spots, zebra.
  57, Côte d'Ivoire
  Côte d'Ivoire, "Ivory Coast."
  Agriculture, Ken Lin Park.
  "Cocoa Kingdom", the first produced ①.
  Coffee timber, the summit of Africa.
  Abidjan city, "Little Paris" like.
  Variety of agricultural products, out of difficulties.
  ① first produced, production and exports in the world.
  58, Asian Survey
  (1) Climate
  Do complex as climate, water, large differences in heat distribution.
  More rain and snow east of the monsoon, the western continent and more sand.
  No warm low-latitude countries in southern and northern high latitudes, said the cold pole.
  (2) mountain plateau
  Pamirs mountains around the ring;
  Himalayas, Mount Everest the world's top;
  Tianshan Mountains, Altai, Hindu Kushi Nan.
  The maximum of the original Tibetan, North Meng Nande dry;
  In Siberia, Iraq and Afghanistan across the Gulf ①.
  (3) lakes and rivers
  Caspian's largest lake, is the Northwest Europe;
  Dead seashells Gal, the most salt is the deepest.
  First Yangtze River, Mekong River into the Pacific waves black ②;
  When the North Stream Le E ③, Nanliu constant Indian River.
  ① Iraq and Afghanistan, the Iranian plateau and the Arabian plateau.
  ② Mae into too dark wave, Heilongjiang, and the Mekong are the Pacific Ocean.
  ③ Le Ye E, the Lena, Yenisei River, Ob River.
  59, contours of western Europe
  Western Europe recognize, remember forty-three and two one.
  Four Peninsula Home North ①, three Nei Haibo dark and ②,
  Britain recorded two island ice ③, a North Sea is a marginal,
  There is also a Bay of Biscay.
  ① four Peninsula, guide the Department of the Iberian Peninsula, the Apennine peninsula, the Balkans and northern parts of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Stan.
  ② wave to black, Baltic, Mediterranean and Black Sea.
  ③ Britain ice, that the British Isles and Iceland.
  60, the terrain of western Europe climate
  Osiris three terrain, mountain plain white;
  Surface complex, since the glacier by erosion.
  Climatic characteristics of the western, temperate marine obvious;
  East is a temperate continental, maritime by far less;
  Southern Mediterranean and northern cold winter cool in summer.
  61, residents of western Europe and countries
  Western Europe area, more than thirty countries.
  Minimum Vatican, called the "pocket country."
  White residents of the owner, population growth is weak.
  Dense industrial centers, mostly for developed countries.
  Of tourism and historical sites and more.
  62, United Kingdom
  "United Kingdom" Western Europe, Britain, the British multi-position weight Strait ①,
  An island surrounded by the sea, the Channel Tunnel Link.
  Many twists and turns Coast Harbour, London, Liverpool famous.
  Early industrial past of coal, after the war and the formation of new district:
  Aircraft and automotive electronics, London Sunan Ying Lan in ②;
  North Sea oil production along the coast, an important center of Aberdeen.
  Humid climate should be livestock, trade, exports made.
  Port of London said the "fog", visit the capital of many attractions.
  ① many British Channel, English Channel and the Strait of Dover.
  ② southern Jiangsu, southern Scotland. Ying Lan in central England.
  63, France
  Hexagonal French territory, the state must keep track profile.
  Kaneohe area is the largest island of Corsica is also attached from.
  Seine River basin by Pakistan ①, terrain dump truck.
  Fertile plain and hilly land, climate, temperature and humidity Yixing farmers.
  Birth of an important grain production, gardening, wine famous.
  Lille Lorraine coal iron ore, aluminum Hing Mediterranean coast.
  Water nuclear power energy supplement, Paris Basin, industrial precision.
  Paris, the capital of many monuments, renowned make-up cooking.
  ① Pakistan basin, the Paris basin.
  64, Germany
  China and the EU have to say Germany, the land adjacent nine countries.
  Railway with the Quartet, "crossroads" said.
  Rather to facilitate water transport, communication and more canals.
  Residents of Germany, on instructions to teach faith in Christ.
  Cloth ladder lying north to south more than poor farmers.
  Industrial modernization, potassium-rich lignite.
  Heavy Ruhr area, Mu black New down ①.
  Capital position in Berlin, Bonn United Bond ②.
  Flange Airport ③, Hamburg Elbe.
  ① screen black, Munich.
  ② Joint Bond Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany to be ex is the capital of the former.
  ③ flange, Frankfurt.
  65, Italy
  Mediterranean coast of Italy, Sicily, Sardinia kicking boots.
  North of the Alps, the tunnel and the associated;
  Apennine mountain range in southern, central alluvial plain.
  South volcanoes and earthquakes, sulfur and mercury aluminum garden ①.
  Po Valley agricultural area of rice wheat and corn silk ②.
  Milan, Turin, Genoa, industrial development triangle.
  Taranto steel maker, the water city of Venice.
  Rome, the capital of the world knows all, tourist attractions and more monuments.
  ① aluminum, bauxite.
  ② silk, silk.
  66, Russia
  Eastern Europe, Russia, across two continents.
  Area of the world's largest center of gravity living in Europe.
  Mountain plain plateau, from west to east.
  Long and cold winter, the polar climate.
  "Mother Volga," the longest river in Europe.
  Bay Lake Bank deepest ①, Siberia is.
  Rich resource endowments, coal Tielin water and oil.
  Industrial heavy-based ②, MO Saint Euro Area Habitat ③;
  Ural New Zealand ④, after World War II between.
  Agricultural instability, grain to be imported.
  Moscow, Eastern Europe, rail thick;
  St. Petersburg port, the port of Vladivostok;
  Murmansk, a warm ice-free;
  Irkutsk, eastern New York traffic.
  Eastern positive development, economic development.
  ① Tony Lake, Lake Baikal.
  ② industrial heavy-based, industry to heavy industry.
  ③ MO St. area, industrial area as the center of Moscow and St. Petersburg as the center of the industrial zone.
  ④ New Zealand, the new industrial areas in Siberia.
  67, Ukraine
  Eastern Europe, southwest Ukraine, hilly lowland same cloth.
  Yixing agricultural fertile black soil, climate, continental grassland;
  Grams of the peninsula south of the Black Sea ①, beautiful "pearl" like.
  Water-rich ferromanganese coal, coal-gram steel Dayton first hydropower ②.
  To a "granary" of the U.S. transcript, Mr Mak Kwai sweet potato corn to ③.
  Kiev, the capital of the first River ④, Odessa Black Sea port.
  ① grams of the peninsula, Crimea peninsula.
  ② trouble coal, Donets Basin coal mines. Grams of steel, iron and steel base Keli Wo Rogge. The first hydropower, Dnieper hydropower.
  ③ potato, potato. To the sunflower, sunflower. Sweet, sugar beet.
  ④ the first river, the Dnieper.
  68, North America Overview
  North America U.S., Canada, descendants of British and French English Lord.
  Resident Indian, Inuit living north.
  Economy are developed countries, the terrain can be divided into categories:
  Parallel to the number of western mountains, sea and land plate is not solid;
  The eastern mountains and plateaus, the Appalachian Club ①;
  Central Plains Great Lakes, "Mediterranean Home U.S. mainland."
  Temperate continental climate Canton, North South hot little special cold;
  Western mountains block moisture, precipitation from the eastward inland;
  Consistent north-south central plains, summer and winter temperature changes speed.
  ① Appalachian, Appalachian Mountains. Club, Labrador plateau.
  69, North American climate
  East monsoon, cold winter hot summer rain.
  Continental central, north and south little difference.
  Pro western ocean, climate, type of Qi.
  Invaded by the hurricane summer and winter are cold wave hit.
  70, Canada
  North America Canada, the area's second-largest country.
  Sparsely populated, low density, Linhaixueyuan boom boast.
  Should be the workers and peasants in the southern corridor, the population is also concentrated it.
  Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, capital of the country.
  Half the territory of the forest, "Maple Leaf State" mean Canada.
  Titanium Uranium Zinc native one, electricity can be made rich in water resources.
  Cold and warm exchange of Newfoundland, the famous fishing grounds do not forget it.
  Are well-developed agriculture and animal husbandry workers, who produce less mechanization.
  71, United States
  (1) territory and population
  The United States is divided into fifty states, District of Columbia are;
  Alaska and Hawaii, is also the number two territories.
  Quarter of a billion people, mainly white residents;
  Colored black and Indian ①, "Chinatown" on the Chinese live.
  Migration southwest, "Sun Belt" person is more sparse.
  (2) natural conditions
  Large U.S. territory, the temperate latitudes cross;
  There are cold cold sub, located in A Sijia ②;
  Sub-tropical in the south, the tropical oceans in summer ③.
  Three facing the ocean, harbor shipping it.
  Plain, an area of arable land can boast.
  Five Lake Michigan than ④, irrigation also made avionics.
  Mineral-rich forest steppe, coal, iron, copper oil good.
  Consumption of resources and more imported in great quantity.
  (3) Agriculture
  World agricultural country the United States, agricultural exports unmatched.
  Few people engaged in farming mechanization, agricultural characteristics of the first;
  The second production specialization, the five heart zones in mind;
  Dairy farming with a bit northeast of the southern cotton-growing wide;
  Central northern wheat Wang, mechanized production of food as early;
  In the low plains of corn aroma, the world's high-yield soybean;
  Western Livestock irrigation farming areas, each with a range of non-serious frame.
  (4) industrial and urban
  Highly mechanized industrial output value of the world's number is large.
  Distribution of three major areas, first issued capital of Northeast,
  Rich in iron and coal industries will be, good conditions of water transport;
  United Nations Headquarters in New York ⑤, the first bent it the Atlantic coast.
  In Washington, the capital of the central industrial and communications in the Chicago ⑥.
  Southern Industrial is a new, off London aerospace and petrochemical ⑦.
  _Set_ along the western industry, California's most economically developed ⑧;
  San Francisco, the two Hong Kong Los ⑨, a good Hollywood film and television world are exaggerated ⑩.
  ① India, Indians.
  ② A Sijia, Alaska.
  ③ summer, Hawaii.
  ④ than Mississippi, the Mississippi River.
  ⑤ United States, the United Nations.
  ⑥ Chicago, Chicago.
  ⑦ Hugh London, Houston.
  ⑧ California, California.
  ⑨ Los, Los Angeles.
  ⑩ good wee Hollywood.
  72, West Indies and the Panama Canal
  West Indies, Magellan first pass;
  Caribbean, Cuba's largest country.
  Even American isthmus, South America, Mexico;
  Panama Canal, the two foreign shortcut grip.
  73, Latin America, the terrain
  Northern Mexican Plateau, the western "backbone" Andean mountain ①;
  Sub-continent North Plains Sun ②, less populated tropical rain forest;
  Brazil, the world's largest plateau; iron ore reserves in the meantime;
  Southern plains of Argentina, the development of grassland animal husbandry.
  ① Andean mountains, the Andes.
  ② Sub Sun Plain, Amazon plain.
  74, Latin America climate
  The main hot and humid climate, more precipitation throughout the year.
  No severe cold in winter, summer without heat.
  Consistent north-south mountain, climatic sides;
  Wet and warm eastern and western hot and more dry.
  High mountain special, significant vertical change.
  75, Latin America's population and economy
  Latin American racial hybrid, mixed proportion;
  Population density, distribution of deviation;
  Growing faster, made the urban population.
  Are developing countries, industrial underdevelopment;
  Coffee, sugarcane banana, Islands-US Gap ①.
  The main maize grain, Mexico is home ②.
  ① Islands, West Indies. U.S. Gap, American isthmus.
  ② Mexico is home, home that the meaning of corn in Mexico.
  76, Brazil
  Brazil the first country in Latin America, with an area population of the economy said.
  Tropical area of the world largest tropical rain forest broad plains.
  Population of one hundred and forty million, more than residents of the east coast.
  Amazon second long, this large number of domain wide river.
  The destruction of tropical rain forests, protection measures adopted do not delay.
  The world's top agricultural products accounted for coffee banana sisal sugar cane.
  Iron-rich plateau of Brazil, Itaipu hydropower cooperation.
  Brasilia, beautiful environment, the capital construction is quite unique;
  City of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo industrial center. </ CA>
  Russian: география
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Fun memory method of geographical knowledge
  Rich geographical knowledge, involving a wide range, many students enjoy learning geography, but fear of the memory of geographical knowledge. Students are to provide some interesting and effective memory techniques.
  1. Analogy MEMORY
  Memory refers to the geographical knowledge to be familiar with the knowledge to complete the memory link method. Scientific and accurate analogy contents of memory can make concrete the abstract, boring content interesting, complex content simple. For example: Memory pressure zone, the wind moves with the seasons, can be likened to the seasonal migration of birds. Eight planets in the solar system, the satellite memory the largest number of planets - Saturn, the Earth can be compared to King.
  2. Mnemonic prefix
  Refers to a geographical prefix of things linked together to complete the memory approach. For example: the eight planets from the memory at the distance, you can remember this: gold land of water, fire wood, earth, day of the sea.
  3. Homophonic memory method
  Refers to the need to remember combinations of geographic knowledge to a piece by harmonics, and then create a mood of associative memory techniques. For the difficult geography of memory associative memory using homophonic, easy to imagine, can greatly mobilized the enthusiasm and interest in their own nature, receive a "note in music, music in mind," the artistic effect.
  Including ferrous metals such as iron, chromium, manganese, can be used "iron man" for the homophonic memory.
  Another example is the main component of the terrestrial planets is hydrogen, neon, helium, can be used "ground milk the child" as a homonym memory.
  Another example is the annual runoff of rivers memory sort, it can be: "run-off Brazil, Russia, (I) plus (home) (a) American Indian (people) Nigeria (you) in it?."
  Another example is the memory of the most abundant element in the earth's crust, can this "oxygen (Yang) Si (Gui) aluminum (female), iron (paste) of calcium (a) sodium (which) K (home) Magnesium (U.S.)?."
  Another example is the memory of grassland resource-rich countries, you can like this: Russia (I) new (heart) USA and Australia, Ammon (the door).
  Another example is the memory of the world's major grain exporting countries, it can be: North America Act (D) O, O, the export to export.
  4. Close to the Associative Memory
  Is based on some geographical things in time or space has been built up at the close of the associative memory approach. Through close association helps us to new and old knowledge to link knowledge, builds cohesion. Such as the review of the Amazon plain, linked from the same geographical space, think of the Amazon, rich in water throughout the year, seasonal variation is small; think of the world's largest tropical rain forest, species rich, serious damage, "World lungs" role is diminishing . In another example, the memory distribution of ocean currents, in the middle and low latitude for the center to form a sub-tropical anti-cyclonic ocean circulation, think of the Northern Hemisphere is clockwise flow of anti-cyclones, the wind direction on how to clear out things.
  5. Similar to the Associative Memory
  Between things based on the geographical nature, causes, laws, etc. were similar and established memory techniques. We found a similar association can help things in common geography, and strengthen memory. If the area around the Caspian Sea and Japan are 37 million square kilometers. Another example is the temperate monsoon climate zone and the temperate maritime climate zone with all the natural temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest.
  6. Contrast Associative Memory
  Between what is obviously based on the geographical characteristics of oppositional approach to associative memory. By comparing the association, help us to compare the geographical differences of things, grasp the characteristics of their own, and enhance memory. Such as cyclones and anti-cyclones in the atmosphere are the most common form of movement, the pressure distribution, flow conditions, weather conditions are contrary, the study, only a fine mind to.
  7. Slave Associative Memory
  Is a causal link between things based on geographical, subordination, and other relations parallel associative memory pool of knowledge enhancement methods. Lenovo through relationships, and guide thinking, understanding the relationship between geographical knowledge, so that a clear direction to think, feel a bit more knowledge of geography rather than complicated, complex but not chaotic, there is a pattern. Such as cause and effect relationship: the geographical rotation → → geostrophic prevailing winds tend to force the flow of ocean currents →; affiliation: General Milky Way galaxy → → → solar system the Earth-Moon system; parallel relations: weathering, erosion → → → deposition → transportation role in the consolidation diagenesis.
  8. Parting Associative Memory
  Refers to the use of convergent thinking of a certain amount of knowledge by association, according to certain rules grouped together on the same divergent thinking or the use of geographical knowledge, memories from the various contact methods. Including the aggregation method and the divergent associative memory associative memory, the reverse process of each other. Law of the use of associative memory and everything is giving top priority to help learning, by analogy, extend ideas, to establish geographic knowledge "Lenovo." If the equator of the knowledge, the use of divergent thinking points from the following description.
  The longest geographical latitude;
  The lowest latitude latitude;
  Equal distance from the latitude north and south poles;
  South boundary of the northern hemisphere;
  The starting line of latitude north and south divide;
  In turn tend to zero parallel force;
  Polaris looking at elevation zero latitude;
  The latitude equinoctial year;
  Maximum rotation speed of geographical latitude;
  On the contrary, the use of convergent thinking can explain all the latitude referred to the equator.
  9. Image Associative Memory
  Is to the memory of the materials needed something with a specific, numbers, letters, characters or the link geometry, etc., with the image of the mind to remember. Image of the association is conducive to stimulate interest and to mobilize the enthusiasm of learning, and it helps to enhance memory. Topographical features such as Xinjiang and Xinjiang can be "Xinjiang" link right half of the "three horizontal" said the three mountains that Altay, Tianshan and Kunlun Mountains: the "two fields", said the two are the Junggar Basin and Tarim Basin. Another example is the outline of the image the Italian high-heeled boots.
  10. Strange Associative Memory
  Refers to the use of some bizarre association method, the scattered geographical knowledge to a piece of string to form a series of images in the brain's memory techniques. By strange association, can enhance the attractiveness of our knowledge and irritating, so that the contents need to be remembered in the mind deeply branded. In the Qaidam Basin, such as mining and railways, the memory can be compiled into "cold lake east of the fish to play (cards), firewood (Da Qaidam) South to Xishan (Xitieshan), the sweat (Chaerhan) cut have Golmud, the train transported to the tea cards. "
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Urban style
  Area of 9,363,400 square kilometers, the United States, second only to the Soviet Union, Canada and China, the world's fourth.
  U.S. land (other than the Appalachian Mountains), can be divided into seven main areas: (1) Appalachia (2) the coastal lowland, (3) Central Plains Region, (4) Ozark Mountains, ( 5) Rocky Mountains, (6) western grasslands, basin, (7) Pacific coast lowlands.
  Coastal lowlands
  Coastal lowlands can be divided into three areas: ① Atlantic coastal plain, ② the foothills of the plateau, ③ the Gulf plains (Gulf of Mexico coastal plain.)
  Central Plains
  Rocky Mountains from the northern New Mexico, after Canada extended to Alaska. This tall mountain ranges form the backbone of the North American continent, and the Great Dividing Range is across the Rocky Mountains. This is a watershed in the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean.
  Western grasslands, basins
  These areas are west of the Rocky Mountains. Colorado River will be cut into a deep canyon grasslands, rugged terrain and vibrant colors make it one of the world's natural wonders. Located in the middle of the basin and hilly, "Great Basin" is a desert region.
  Pacific Coastal Lowlands
  Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Ka Side together constitute the eastern boundary of the area. Columbia River Gorge is a piece of the area surrounded by the barrier in the gable, the only easy access route. Has large forests and mountains on the rich mineral, especially in the gold the most. Sierra Nevada and Cascades Mountains west is a series of fertile valleys, many major cities in the western United States in the valley. Coastal hills in the west side of the valley, the mountains drop straight in many places in the Pacific, however, the principle of flat coastal areas around Los Angeles on a wide range. Different from the Pacific and Atlantic coast along the Pacific coast of the Gulf is very few.
  U.S. Climate There are many different types. Some areas are very hot, very cold in some areas. Too much rain in some places abundant, some areas lack of rain. However, most of the region's climate is very mild, mild climate that promote the rapid development of national industry. Also increased the growth of U.S. agriculture. And Arizona, Southern California, Florida and Hawaii, but also because a mild winter climate, tourism flourished. Precipitation (rain, melting snow, frost and hail) distribution in the United States. However, relatively dry in most parts of western Nevada, the average annual rainfall of 1885 cm. The wettest year on average as much as Louisiana 14321 cm of rainfall. The most humid place National Kauai Hawaii Health Ariola mountain. Average annual rainfall of up to 11,700 cm. The driest in California's Death Valley, the annual average rainfall or less than 50 cm; Death Valley is the hottest place in the United States, the highest temperature was as high as 57 ℃, which is July 10, 1913 record. Minimum temperature record of the United States is -62 ℃, which is January 1971 to send in the Gulf of Alaska by ProLogis record _set_.
  Population and Ethnic Origin
  According to the census conducted every ten years shows that the 1980 current population is 226,545,805 people. Including 18,371 million Caucasians, more than 2,649 million and the total number of black people. Black is the most minorities in this country the majority, 11% of the total population. And included in the white of the 6 million Americans, Mexico is the second largest U.S. minority. In the United States has nearly 80 million American Indians. Basically every American immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Indians, Eskimos and Hawaiians were the first Aboriginal housing land in the United States. Most early American immigrants from Europe, but before and after the American War of Independence, a large number of immigrants from all over flock to, they are distributed in Pennsylvania German, located in New York, where blue people, located in Louisiana and distribution of the French the Spanish in Florida and California. Meanwhile the South, there are many black slaves imported from Africa to carry out farming. Between 1840 to 1860 nearly 4.4 million immigrants into the United States. They were in the urban and industrial development, fertile soil, the western undeveloped land, and free, wealth attracted. Constant influx of immigrants the United States until the early 20th century, the United States before the law by limiting the number of migrants. World War II, thousands of Europeans left homeless, so the United States once again open the door. End of the war from 1945 to today, the United States has accepted as many as 9 million immigrants. But for now, most Americans born and raised in the United States, 100 individuals, only approximately 5 people born in the field. And nearly 100 people and only 18 people are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. Several species of exotic adults are: Italy, Germany, Poland, Russia, Mexico, England and Wales.
  The United States has been regarded as a melting pot, its people belong to different races, from different countries. However, they develop a common culture. Most people follow the custom of the United States, to follow her tradition. Even actively participated in political parties. But there are also part of the outsider, still follow the custom of their ancestors left behind and festivals. This observance helps the diversity of American life.
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English Expression
  1. :  geography
  2. adj.:  of or relating to geography,  geographical
French Expression
  1. n.  géographie
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Acid Rainmidwinterweeddrop
flatustertiary industry; service sectorsplintseam
lower reaches (of a river)ridgeoozeMarble
chemospheresolarGreenhouse EffectMetamorphism
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