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Translation and the relativity of the Bible
  Chinese character for "Bible" of the Indo-European first language corresponding to English is "Holy Scripture", rather than the Bible. Holy Scripture in the West while the middle finger is the language of any religious texts (Religious Text), is not confined to books on the Christian religion. Because of any religion is built on top of religious texts, books of any religion is divine or supernatural, Renyi Zong books of the religions teach is sacred, are the Bible, Renyi Zong Anglicans hope called non-religious believers in the Scriptures to teach the Bible, but Ren Yizong in terms of teaching the Bible is not the Bible for the pagans, the Bible teaches only Renyi Zong within the title. As a communication tool, language of the respective strengths and weaknesses without good and evil is, but once linked to a specific user and object, and its implication will appraise the likes and dislikes and other mood shift occurred due to different positions. The "Old and New Testaments," called the "Bible", first should be limited to Christians. Another position, he was the so-called "holy" person, this may be regarded as "heresy." Christians do not like to think of all the non-Christian ideas dismissed as heresy, and all non-Christians called pagans it? Just think, Christians may be sacred to Muslims, "the Koran" is called the "Bible" it? May be surprising is that some of the country to write articles, regardless of whether Christians of the West, had followed the "Old and New Testaments," called the "Bible" (AD for the word to the Bible, our current Annals is out of the Bible) to the ancient Greeks before the birth of Christianity or Christian after the birth of non-Christians called "infidels", and thus unwittingly accepted the "Western (Christian) centers on" values. In fact, the "Bible" is not neutral terminology, it is the implied value of a user orientation and position of the commendatory term emotional. Confucian "Bible" is "poetry", "book", "li", "easy", "Spring" and other classics; Taoism, "the Bible" is "the moral" (ie "I"), "South by" ( that is, "Zhuang Zi") and "Taoist" Some of the works; Buddhism "by the Holy" is the "Tripitaka" Buddha said in part; Islam's "Bible" is the "Koran." In addition, the English Bible from Latin biblia, which comes from the Greek biblia βιβλία, with a transliteration from the Phoenician papyrus to the Greek port of export on behalf of that book or the name of papyrus. Rather, "the Bible" is not the name of a book. The original Greek text refers to the papyrus of the endothelium, then you have the paper, scrolls and books of significance. Jesus then later by Hellenistic Jewish refugees before the Old Testament to refer to the Greek Septuagint, but used in the plural form means nothing but "those books" only. "Those books" refers only to the original Greek translation of the Old Testament, the author's name for the Christian. Jews for their own Aramaic name for the classic, called "Tanakh" is the name of its three components consisting of Judaism begins with the letter, including a total classic, "Genesis" and other twenty-four books Therefore, the "Tanakh" can be translated as "round by." As for the "Old Testament", is also an informal title, but another word for Christians to give it, is relative to the teachings of Jesus Zhu Shu - the so-called "New Testament" - speaking. They said: "Old Testament" God and Man as described in (Jewish) a contract entered into in the past, "New Testament" the mind is God and people (Christians) to re-enter into the contract. "New Testament" is also _select_ed by the Church a department such as the four Gospels together formed a single book. Publications in Western languages, "Bible", "Old Testament", "New Testament" the word at the beginning of the class of capital letters and add the definite article, rather than printed in italics, is no doubt that they are not the title, but a call. In order to standardize the Western religious texts into Chinese, Indo-European translation standard title should be unified as the "classics transliterated title" + by. Christian Bible should be translated as "white Xia Jing", or at least reduce the qualifier should not be said of Christianity, but only the Bible.
  Content of the Christian Bible from the "Old Testament" and "New Testament" of two parts, while the "Old Testament" and "Hebrew Bible" is basically the same, but the Catholic version of several articles on the more "Tanakh," with Protestant "Old Testament" are not the number of articles by volume. "New Testament" records the words and deeds of Jesus Christ and his disciples and the early Christian record of events.
  According to statistics there are now about more than fourteen thousand kinds of different language versions of the Bible, especially the "Hebrew Bible" section, and part of the New Testament teaching of Jesus Christ, there are about five thousand three hundred kinds of different languages. Can be said in all the ancient books is now the world's most translated versions of books in different languages.
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Han civilization and the Bible: Thirteen Classics of Confucianism and the "moral"
  Thirteen Classics of the first "Book of Changes" Thirteen Classics in the reserves by the rich and profound thought, save a lot of precious historical materials is a core component of Confucianism. "Book" is a book of divination, the outer layer of mystery, and deep philosophical connotation to Hong. "Book" is a compilation of ancient historical documents, the main contents of the message for the king and the monarch conversations. "Book of Songs" is the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period of the poetry collection, within minutes, "Wind," "Ya," "Song" of three parts, the "wind" as the Folk songs, "Ya" for the Western Zhou Ji of the court music is the sound . "Song" for the upper class dance Songs ancestral worship. "Zhou Li" Bureaucracy and the main collection of the Warring States Period Week royal national system. "Ritual" mainly recorded in the Warring States period of ritual. "Book of Rites" is about all kinds of etiquette before the Qin and Han on the compilation. "Spring and Autumn" three-pass around the "Spring and Autumn" by the formation of the book, "Zuo Zhuan" focuses on historical events and statements, "Ram" and "The Guliang" focuses on the proposal. "The Analects" of Confucius and his disciples recorded words and deeds. "Book of Filial Piety" feudal discourse of filial piety for the monograph. "Mencius" special _set_ of Mencius remarks, thoughts and deeds. "Ya," meaning training solutions, interpretations were material, the scientists and more, according to Scripture. Confucian culture dominant in feudal times, "Thirteen Classics" as a classic of Confucian culture, the status of respect, influence the breadth and depth is unmatched by any other books of the. Supreme ruler of the only rule the world and find the plan policy, and ideological norms of subjects, the establishment of ethics, folk customs of the guide, and both follow the Confucian classics. Confucian classics impose on the social impact of the ever-present, everywhere. After thirteen basic teachings are: Respect, Feng Zu, filial piety, faithfulness, righteousness, lii, goodness, Hony, emulate. In addition, there are:
  "Three bonds": 1) Mingming De 2) People First 3) Strive for Perfection.
  "Eight Items": 1) investigation of things 2) Munetomo 3) sincerity 4) Zhengxintai 5) Slim 6) Qijia 7) Rule 8) peace to the world
  "Three Kinds": wisdom, benevolence, courage
  "Erudite, interrogation of, the deliberative, discernment, Atsuyuki it."
  "Unity of Heaven and the German, with the sun and the moon together the next."
  "Conduct-way street, famous in later generations, to significantly parents, but also the end of filial piety. Fu Xiao, things began pro, in the Shi Jun, and finally conduct." ("Book of Filial Piety")
  "Unity of Heaven and the German, with the sun and the moon together the next, and the four seasons of its order, together with its good and bad spirits. Priori violate the days of Frederick, the day after tomorrow when the Mukden." ("Yi")
  "Keeping the Spirit who blog", "Cultivating the moral spirit" (Mencius)
  "Knowing only then are fixed, will then be able to quiet, calm and then to safety, security and then be able to consider, and then can be considered. Things are ins and outs, things are beginning and end, know what has, then the short cut carry on." ("University")
  "Saints at the inaction of the matter, the line to teach without words." ("Moral")
  "The good is like water which benefits all things without struggle, at all of the evil, and so few on the road." ("Moral")
  "Heaven has no relatives, often with the good." ("Moral")
  "Letter words is not beautiful, kind words do not believe. Good and do not debate, the debaters poor. Who do not know Bo, Bo, who do not know. Saints do not plot, not only that the more people have not only had more to with people. Way of heaven , Lee without harm; sage, to not fight. "(" moral ")
  The fourth addition, the Taoism of the Bible is the "Taoist" theoretical source is the "moral" and "Chuang Tzu." "Taoist" has a very heterogeneous. Where a large number of Taoist classics, on _set_, Branch quit, break map, magic, fast instrument, praise, Temple Mountain Books, records and Taoist gods spectrum biographies. In addition, book income philosophers, some of which have been lost outside the Taoist classics. There are a lot of ancient Chinese science and technology works, such as books about medicine and good health, both inside and outside Dan works, books, etc. aspects of astronomical calendar.
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Buddhist Scriptures
  Buddhist Bible "King Kong" Mahayana Buddhism in East Asia is the Chinese Buddhist Tripitaka Bible as the representative of the most important Buddhist Bible, "King Kong Prajna Paramita by वज्रच्छेदिका प्रज्ञापारमितासूत्र" and "Heart Sutra प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदयसूत्र". In addition to "King Kong" and "Heart Sutra" outside the Pure Land also to "Wuliangshoujing" and "Amitabha Sutra" and "View Wuliangshoujing" as the Bible; Sect of "Lotus Sutra" for the Bible; Chinese tradition of Tibetan Buddhism also to the "big day by" and "King Kong the top by" as the Bible; Zen also to "Add new event" as the Bible. In addition to other Mahayana Buddhism, one of the most important existing basic Buddhist schools of Theravada Buddhism is Theravada Buddhism is the Pali Bible five "Ni Jiaye (Nikaya, or" speech _set_ ")" ─ ─ "Long Division ( Digha) "," Central (Majjhima) "," by Branch (Samyutta) "," the appropriate department (Anguttara) "and" small portion (Khuddaka) ". At the same time scholars of Buddhism believe that the Bible was closer to the Buddha's original ideas. "Long Division" is equivalent to Chinese Buddhism "long Agama." Agama Bible refers to the Theravada Buddhism. Translation of "Do not translated Samyuktagama by", and "appropriate department" 『』 Enough of everyday goods. Translation of "Samyuktagama by" and the "Agama" two, with "appropriate department" and "central" quite. Translation "by an Agama", and "increasing branch of the" fairly. Sanskrit सूत्र translated as "by" all refer to the teachings of the Buddha. The only written by the Chinese Buddhist Bible is "Add new event."
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Indian civilization of the Bible: Hindu "Vedas"
  Hindu Scriptures: "Vedas," "Vedas" (Sanskrit: वेद; Latin translation for the Veda, also translated Vedas, Veda by, etc.), is a modern Brahmanism and Hinduism's most important and most fundamental classic. "Veda" also translated as "Vedic", meaning "sacred knowledge" and "divine revelation" means. The classics, including the Rig Veda (singing out of, ऋग्वेद, Ṛigveda), Suo Mount Veda (tribute out of, सामवेद, Sāmaveda), Jerome Veda (ritual out of, यजुर्वेदः, Yajurveda), and A door of an inner room barking woman Tuo (limitless disaster out of, अथर्ववेद, Atharvaveda). Reflected in the Vedas, Vedic Brahmanism revelation, sacrifice everything, Brahman first three program. Vedas and Vedic diversity of modern society in India had a major impact. Many schools of Feng Vedic idealism as "the highest authority." "Rig Veda," a book first, resulting in about 1200 BC ~ before the age of 900 years, and some poetry to be more earlier. Therefore, this period is known as the Rig Veda era or the early Vedic period. Rigveda is a ritual process in Quanqing, praise the gods of the Vedic poetry collection, a 1028 song hymn is divided into 10, the first of 10 "original papers heart," scheduled at the latest. "Rig Veda" in the early part of the caste distinctions did not know, nor contempt for manual labor, one of its recurrent themes is the desire to increase food and material wealth. Even the gods are often described as collaborative human in this task. "Rig Veda" reflects India - Aryan clan society to slavery by the historical process of transition. "Suo Mount Veda", "Jerome Veda" and "Atharvaveda" generally formed in the 1st millennium BC, the first half of this period is known as post-Vedic era. "Suo Mount Veda" Ode to a total of 1549 poem, where the 20, except 75, but I can be in the "Rig Veda" to find the prototype, and the priest in their rituals of singing chant at a certain _set_ of tunes, the most ancient chants of India _set_. "Jerome Veda" is divided into two different text: "Black Jerome Veda the collection" and "White Jerome Veda the collection," Ode to nearly 2000, including poetry. All 40 articles, many from the "Rig Veda" in the Psalms, but also some original prose creed priests, and the priest spells and codes used in the collection. "Atharvaveda" contains poems Song (or Mantra) 731, where the 20 trials scheduled over the previous three years late, but some content may be related to "Rig Veda" some of the oldest age of similar to some of the content from the public rather than from the hands of priests. "Atharvaveda" _set_ recorded for the treatment of major diseases, get rid of disaster and restore harmony to overcome the curse of the poetry, Talisman, spells, etc., often wizards for secular prayer, such as birth, weddings, office ceremony and so on. Main ideas include: polytheism, the caste system, reincarnation karma (body death the soul is immortal and to punish evil and persuading the afterlife by report). Release of the Road (a. b. revised training yoga wisdom of God Qian c. d. e. letter to accumulate good deeds fire sacrifice). recognize the authority of the Vedas: Vedas are called the "Apocalypse of the classic", is considered the origin of all culture. Integration of faith and the Hindu way of life: individuals must accumulate merit through the practice and knowledge to the Vatican, and Vatican unity. One with the Vatican is the core of Hindu philosophy is the pursuit of the highest Hindu goals of life. The cycle of cause and effect: that the human soul forever and animism, and promote the cycle of karma and life, life is not that life is beginning to dead end, but the endless cycle, each time of life from the past lives are determined by the .
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Persian civilization, the Bible: Zoroastrian "Avesta Classic"
  Persian "by Avesta" "Avesta by" also is paraphrased as "the Old Persian", meaning "knowledge", also known as "the Ancient Persia", is Zoroastrianism (Zoroastrianism transliteration Education) of the Bible, Zoroastrianism, also known as Zoroastrianism, founded by the Persian Zoroaster, Zoroaster the main account of the life and teachings. The original 21, after Alexander the Great conquered Persia, that the faith of the Persian Zoroastrian battle so brave, so destroy all the classical Zoroastrianism, the Avesta, the only surviving volume, and left in Greece's a complete transcript 21 was lost. During the Sassanian dynasty, the Zoroastrian revival, this volume, "Avesta" was put together, filled a 21, but with the original version has been quite different. "Avesta Classic" is composed of four parts are the "prayer book", "to the main prayer book", "Hymn" and "exorcism book." Interestingly, the Iranian nation, "Avesta by the" Aryan India "Vedas" There are many similarities, especially cognates. Presumably, India, the Iranian nation to live together is the beginning, and later separated. For example, the highest deity Ahura Mazda in the Persian Ahura is the "main" means, with the Hindu Asura are cognates, may God Ma Zida, like with the Asura are in charge of ethics and the gods of society. The Ma Zida may be followed by the same family as the Asura on the sun god Mithra, the wisdom and Sanskrit have the same etymology. Summarized as theological doctrine of monism and dualism in philosophy. That the early universe, there is both good and bad gods, the gods as the highest Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda Rama, the main meaning of wisdom, light, life, creativity, goodness, virtue, order, truth in disguise. Engelhard Raman button evil God is darkness, death, destruction, lies, evil incarnate. Followers of God are angels of good and evil is the devil followers of God, each other, long-term, repeated struggle. In order to fight ‧ Ahura Mazda created the world and the people, start by creating a fire. Zoroaster's birth is a good God, Ahura Mazda ‧ result of the victory, the essence of each Zoroastrian millennium have a son, he designated his son as the savior of the third to completely root out the devil, so that Mankind has entered the "bright, fair and the Kingdom of the truth." After death to enter the "judge of the Bridge", according to their deeds during his lifetime decision to hell or heaven, but in the end of the world must end by a final trial, the soul of the wicked can swing for sin and resurrection. Finally, God, good God will defeat evil and become the master of the world's only existing. Zoroastrians believe that the fire is Ahura Mazda first created Rama's son, is a symbol of God's absolute and perfection, is the "justice of the eye", so the temple has a holy fire lit the altar, the most spectacular use of natural gas in the Persian temple built by the Quartet of the temple there are four corners of the pipeline connecting natural gas wells in the four corners of the temple day and night, burning the top of the torch. Lightning lit and kept daily to go through a complicated ritual. Zoroastrians believe that fire, water, soil is sacred, and no contamination, so the Catholics had to practice burial after death, that is placed on a particular venue for the vultures to eat. "Avesta by" In addition to accounts of Iran's religious mythology, hymns, rituals, commandments, but also including its ethnic origins, history, folklore, epic, etc.; Persian religion of angels, the devil and the end of the world describe the concept of and the Last Judgement, etc., says that the Jews are no doubt on the Dangshi had some influence, and later inherited by the Christian Geng Wei, and even in the New Testament story of Zoroastrian priests also as a wise man.
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Two Rivers Bible civilization: Babylon, "Ainu Mo Jing"
  Babylon Bible "Ainu Mo Jing" Ainu Mo refers to "superior." Is the "Ainu Mo Jing" the beginning of the word, describes the Babylonian creation myth and the Babylonian god Marduk faith. The creation of the Babylonian Marduk and the Ti Mate in the struggle between the cause. The narrative technique of the creation of the Near East is considered the founder of the Creation narrative, this style has been extended to the Jews. Ancient Mesopotamia people believe the world is a circle surrounded by coils of salt sea land. The land and floating in the water layer. This is the first description of the former Babylonian creation. And this was also the Old Testament "Genesis" described in the beginning of the world. The most important is, "Ainu Mo Jing" and the Old Testament "Genesis" all use the same language to describe a divine creation.
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Jewish Bible: "The Tanakh"
  Jewish Bible "Tanakh by" "Tanakh" (Roman transliteration: Tanakh, has translated as "Thai that g"), or "Hebrew Scriptures" (Hebrew Bible) as the first important Jewish classics, and later Christian called the "Hebrew Bible" or "Old Testament", but in the Jews, Tanakh clearly not "about the old", but consistent. Tanakh is the Hebrew transliteration of תנ"ך, this is the beginning of the three-letter acronym word. "Tanakh" consists of three parts, namely:
  A, "Ventura" (Torah / Hebrew תורה): means the law, so called book of the law, a _set_ of 5 volumes, generally referred to as "the Pentateuch", including 1. Genesis, 2. Exodus, Leviticus 3, 4. Numbers, 5. Deuteronomy.
  B, "Prophets" (Navim / Nevi'im / Hebrew נביאים): meaning "prophets", 8 volumes, with a two part record has been teaching and deeds of the Prophet led the Jews, including 12 prophets and so on.
  6. Joshua Joshua
  7. Judges Judges
  8. Samuel, under Samuel (I & II)
  9. Kings, under the Kings (I & II)
  10. Isaiah Isaiah
  11. Jeremiah Jeremiah
  12. Ezekiel Ezekiel
  13. Twelve Minor Prophets The Twelve Minor Prophets
  I. Hosea Hosea
  II. Joel Joel
  III. Amos Amos
  IV. Obadiah Obadiah books
  V. Jonah Jonah
  VI. Micah Micah
  VII. Nahum Nahumv
  VIII. Habakkuk Habakkuk
  IX. Zephaniah Zephaniah
  Haggai Haggai X.
  XI. Zechariah Zechariah
  XII. Malachi Malachi
  C, "Collected Works" (Ketuvim / Kh'tuvim / Hebrew כתובים): mean portfolio, a total of 11 volumes, mainly on the liturgy, poetry, literature, history, literature, also known as the Christian " Haji Aoge La France "(Hagiographa), meaning" holy record. "
  14. Psalms Psalms
  15. Proverbs Proverbs
  16. Job Job
  17. Song of Solomon Song of Songs
  18. Ruth Ruth
  19. Lamentations Lamentations
  20. Ecclesiastes Ecclesiastes
  21. Book of Esther Esther
  22. Daniel Daniel
  23. Ezra - Nehemiah Ezra-Nehemiah
  24. Chronicles, the next Chronicles (I & II)
  "Tanakh" is written mainly in Hebrew, and "Record of" in some scriptures are written in Aramaic. The main contents of ancient Jewish life around the main, and most of them are accounts of the history of Jewish exile, with particular emphasis on the reasons for exile, but the Jews departed from God's commandments, God punished and exiled by the results of different places.
  Content of the Bible
  Christian Bible from the "Old Testament" and "New Testament" consisting of two parts, and its "Old Testament" and "Hebrew Bible" is basically the same, but the Catholic version of several articles on the more "Tanakh" with the Christian "Old Testament" are not the number of articles by volume, which by volume is called "second-by", "New Testament" records the words and deeds of Jesus Christ and his disciples and the early Christian record of events.
  According to statistics there are now about more than fourteen thousand kinds of different language versions of the Bible, especially the "Hebrew Bible" section, and part of the Christian New Testament, there are about five thousand three hundred kinds of different languages. Can be said in all the ancient books is now the world's most translated versions of books in different languages.
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Christian Bible: "New Testament" or "vernacular Bible"
  Christian New Testament papyrus "Romans" Bible (White Xia by) the Greek biblion a "book" or "scroll" means. This word is derived from the word byblos, byblos refers to a growth in the Nile River, papyrus swamps (papyrus). Vegetation will be a foot of paper pulp cut, stripped of bark, let the sun dry it, can be made of written materials. People to cross the wood on top of wood straight, overlap each other, as if the modern method for making plywood. The wooden cross is more smooth skin, can be used to write; the number of broken pieces of wood together, you can make up to thirty feet reel. The earliest Roman Christians is to use papyrus to create "new covenant" (see right, "Romans," Fragmentary). Later, that Latin Christians, with biblia (biblion the plural), said that the new words to the Old Testament books. Christian Bible from Latin: Biblia, Greek: Βίβλος, English: Bible, intended for the papyrus, also known as Jesus by or transliteration of the Chinese white Xia through, you can refer to Judaism and Christianity (including Catholics, Orthodox and Protestant) religious classic. Jewish religious texts refers to "Tanakh" (or "Hebrew Bible"), while Christianity means "Old Testament" and "New Testament" in two parts. Judaism, Christianity, Old Testament with the "Tanakh by" is almost the same. The Old Testament is to be used to confirm the New Testament, to prove that God is the Jewish New Testament Bible "Tanakh" messianic prophecy. So actually only refers to the Christian Bible, "the New Testament." "Hebrew Bible" is recorded from the God created the world, human crime, Jewish history and prophecies about the world. "New Testament" records the words and deeds of Jesus Christ and his disciples and the early Christian record of events, epistles and doomsday predictions. According to statistics there are now about more than fourteen thousand kinds of different language versions of the Lord through, especially the "Hebrew Bible" section, and part of the Christian New Testament, there are about five thousand three hundred kinds of different languages. Can be said in all the ancient books is now the world's most translated versions of books in different languages.
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Christian Old Testament
  Scripture (by volume) of the Greek text is graphe, meaning "work." "Tanakh" is a Jewish classic, written about God and the ancient Jewish history. "Tanakh" is also the Christian Bible, the "Old Testament" section. In the Old Testament, this work has been recognized as the supreme authority with (compare Kings fourteen 6; Chron twenty-three 18; pull c 2; Nigeria ten 34). Later the Old Testament "books" have been gradually collected, divided into three categories: known as the Torah (Laws), prophetic book (Prophets) and the Collected Works of "Writings, also known as poetry (Psalms)". These works constitute the Old Testament thirty-nine volume, which is now the canon of the Old Testament. "Old Testament" is found in the earliest version of the Hebrew and Aramaic (such as Daniel and Ezra) transcription, is the Jewish Bible canon. In the Old Testament, the Orthodox Church recognizes 48; Catholic Church recognizes 46 volumes; Protestant recognizes 39 volumes; the Jewish "Bible" as the synthesis of several book chapters less volume, the total number of only 24 volumes. Christian Bible from the "Old Testament" and "New Testament" of two parts, while the "Old Testament" and "Hebrew Bible" is basically the same, but the Catholic version of several articles on the more "Tanakh," with the Protestant " Old Testament, "are not the number of articles by volume.
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The formation of Old and New Testaments
  The reliability of old manuscripts
  Although the Old Testament and New Testament manuscript has been lost, but today there are still a reliable Bible manuscripts. Old Testament history transcript, you can prove it. Copying the ancient scriptures, is a dull, heavy work, but the Jews long ago, this task has already established a strict rule. The law limits the use of parchment, the scribe lines, ink color and revision of the attitude. When the parchment began to wear, the Jews will respect, the paper copy buried in the Ku Mulan (Qumran) of the Dead Sea Scrolls were found before the most ancient remnants of ancient date is AD 900.
  The following sources of ancient manuscripts, can prove the reliability of transcript.
  Dead Sea Scrolls (Dead Sea Scrolls): Scrolls scholars Ku Mulan found before the most ancient remnants of that time period by volume, about 900 years after the primary. Dead Sea Scrolls some of the scriptures, including Isaiah, Habakkuk, and other texts of the manuscripts as early as 125 years BC, when all of the most ancient than the paper copy as early as a thousand years. An important finding is that Ku Mulan scrolls of Isaiah, and a thousand years later the La Xibo Mary communications manuscripts, and no significant difference. Today it confirmed the reliability of the Hebrew manuscripts.
  Septuagint (Septuagint): Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament. This version is for those who dispersed and do not understand Hebrew, the Jews used. Tradition says, was about seventy Hebrew scholars, the Hebrew Bible into Greek (Septuagint means "seventy", this version also referred to as LXX). 250-150 years before the Lord, the translation work is in the Egyptian city of Alexandria phased. The translation itself is not consistent, but because it is based on Hebrew manuscripts earlier than the existing version of a thousand years ago, so the Septuagint is very important. In addition, the New Testament writers often refer to the Septuagint, the translation can help us understand the Old Testament.
  Samaritan Pentateuch (Samaritan Pentateuch): This is a translation of the book of Moses, was for Samaritan worship at the Greig Centre Hill used the (opposite of worship in Jerusalem.) This translation is independent of the Masoretic manuscripts, because it dates back to the Lord before the fourth century. The translation of the transcript of the Old Testament, of great value, although this version about six thousand local and Mary are pulling in different manuscripts, but these are only minor differences relating to grammar and spelling issues.
  Aramaic Targum (Aramaic Targums): return after the Babylonian captivity of Israel, Jews generally say that Aramaic, Hebrew does not say. Jews need to have a Bible written in everyday language, he Jurgen is a such a Bible. Targum means "translation" (translations), or the "Translations" (paraphrases). Targum is a free way to repeat the biblical record, but he Jurgen "In addition to the witness for the Old Testament scriptures, but also provides us with a valuable background of the New Testament."
  Although the New Testament manuscripts were lost, but the New Testament books of the test, according to work is very heavy. For example, we already have more than five thousand surviving manuscripts, some is the complete New Testament, there are only retained part.
  Papyrus codex (Papyrus manuscripts): These are ancient and important manuscripts, for example, Betty rushes New Testament manuscripts (Chester Beatty Papyrus) of the date, as early as the third century.
  Lower case copy (Minuscule manuscripts): We have more than two hundred and eighty lower case transcripts, are using lower case letters (small letters) written. On these manuscripts is less than the old Mercer manuscripts, some lower case transcripts, reflecting the similar fonts, scholars often use it as a kind of transcript.
  Translation (Versions): the early New Testament translations, but also help us find the right copy. There are several well-known Syrian (Syriac) translation, which he Tatian The combination of the four Gospels (Tatian's Diatessaron, 170 years after the primary), Syria, the old (Old Syriac, the Lord, after 200 years), not the West a large version (Peshitta, fifth century) and the Palestinian but Syrian translation of (Palestinian Syriac, the fifth century.) Latin Vulgate (Vulgate) translation by Jerome (Jerome, about 400 years after the primary) translation, the translation of the whole Western Church. There is also a popular science in Egypt for the (Coptic) translation (translation of the third century), including Shashi to language (Sahidic) translation, and the Bohai Li (Bohairic) translation.
  While Scripture scholars identify, through to the Greek manuscripts and early translations of the study, to determine the number of questions on the original manuscripts, but we believe that these transcripts is the result of many centuries, in the hands of God to be preserved, so that Today's scholars to identify and study, to re-organize and establish the closest transcript of the original manuscripts.
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Yeah right by reading law
  Bible reading, must meet the following important principles: (The following is mainly atheist point of view)
  A) we must first understand biblical criticism, not one-sided missionary who listen to the words and recommended reading. Church of the canon is only one of the words they just read the New Testament way. At the same time there are several ways to look at Jesus through. A lot of different angles to the interpretation of reference to decide Believe it or not. Religion and philosophy could not support the church's biblical interpretation, theological liberalism does not even support. Encountered the situation of uncertainty and must find Ban cleric FAQ. Only truth can stand the challenge, only through the critical value only credible. But the obvious intention of finding fault, what can be seen
  B) historical background (HistoricalContext): historical background is important because it provides a new explanation about the factors behind. Particular reference to Jesus by the Jewish, Zoroastrian and other religious development in Mesopotamia out of theology. The concept of the Bible is not peculiar to it that. Which must also clear a look at how the infidels.
  C) in context (NteraryContext): Chinese version of the Bible, very confusing, there are many places translation defects. But because not everyone can read English and Greek, then to figure out in context of the New Testament to be to get out of the Gospel record is different from the circle. 4 visits from the macroscopically large while the Gospel. In order to find the existence of the Gospel literature material inheritance, it can be called a total view of the Gospels.
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The real Bible
  "The Bible" is the only basis for Christian faith, is the world's largest circulation and most influential of the most human of a book; is the only nation to adapt to the various dynasties over time, a book Hyperspace, it has been translated into 303 kinds of languages, some of which are further translated into 1581 kinds of languages. In the 1815-1975 period of 160 years, "the Bible," printed a total of 2.5 billion. (From the 1990 edition of the "Guinness Book of world's largest full" on page 144.) Since ancient times, people on the "Bible" of the evaluation of mixed, some people have to look at it as a fairy tale, some people regard it as a very high literary value of books to learn, but also had some regard it as superstition, spiritual opium to burn defamation, while Christianity according to "Bible" is written on the word of God and the inspiration to believe. Adams and Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president, respectively, that: "" The Bible "is a priceless treasure of knowledge and virtue, inexhaustible." "No" Bible ", we can not distinguish right from wrong." Historians H? G Wells said: "" The Bible "is close to the structure of Western culture with a book ... ... if there is no" Bible ", our civilization can not have, nor can it continues to be." Of course, here we are most concerned about is the "Bible" of the recorded content is true and reliable, able to stand the test of practice.
  Read the "Bible" of the people will know, "the Bible" is the history of the Jews as a clue that tells people about God and the faith of some people who do not seem entirely a myth, or what is absurd boast of fake historical events , for which we do not have to defend themselves, the key is that if the history books as a nation of "Bible" can be used to research the facts known to derive its validity and reliability, then recorded the existence of God which would be beyond The metaphor was, just as modern man no one has seen the ancient emperor, but we've been through the archaeological record of history to be verified, so that we believe does have a history of ancient Qin Shi Huang.
  Has been some myths to legends as the "Bible" in 4000 years ago, the story of Noah's Ark and the Flood ("Genesis" 6-8), which documented the God made man, due to delinquency fall, God would like to people on earth with a flood to exterminate, but to see a family of eight people in Noah's generation is a good time, he commanded the _set_ according to the size, style, material, made of a steel plate to create the modern equivalent of 15,000 ton size (164 m) of the huge wooden ship (named the Ark), and then save the family with food and other species of animal into the ark, God flooded the earth with the breath of all things, and then with the Ark floodwaters rose to the highest mountain in the world than even higher, then the water gradually subsided, the Ark finally parked at the summit of Ararat (now in Turkey about 4400 meters above sea level), then save with a kind of Noah's Ark of animals out of the , re-breed. Such records, in some, such a big wooden boat and the myth of the flood is almost impossible, but the fact is a fact after all, see the following confirmation of the results reported April 12, 1986 Saturday, "Renmin Ribao" the seventh edition was published, entitled "Noah's Ark does have remains, soil erosion show itself eventually." (Text below): Xinhua News Agency, Ankara, April 9 - American archaeologist David? Fasuerde recently said: Sixty years on Mount Ararat in Turkey is indeed found remains of Noah's ark.
  According to Turkey's official news agency reported today, after long-term archaeological research, David confirmed that Mount Ararat in Turkey, 11.3 km south of the place: the thirty-nine degrees north latitude, degrees longitude forty-four village between Wu Zien Geely Musa near the top of the hill that is the Christian "Bible" mentioned in the remains of Noah's ark. David said that Wu Zien Geely village and the history books say Nise village is located in the same location, the bow of Noah's Ark was onion-like, long 10.4 m, the hull is one hundred sixty-four meters long. The length of the ancient history books and records consistent.
  The earliest remains of Noah's Ark was discovered by a farmer, after centuries of erosion and weathering, exposing the prototype. In 1959, Turkish authorities had taken it from the air photos. Since 1960, archaeologists travel to the States to carry out archaeological work.
  These are the research results, in fact, even if only appear in the top of the Ark has not yet been confirmed, then in addition to "Bible" says the other, there is no more rational speculation to explain such a huge wooden vessels will appear in the top of the mountain so high because there is no "Bible" says the flood, the ship will not be able to rise to the mountains, according to ordinary common sense, shipbuilding, or who will choose the beach for the river water, in any case will not be making the big ship in the top of the hill, then Maybe some people would ask, is not only possible following, that the ship had also the sea, may be the original crustal movement along the sea gradually increased along with the ship became a mountain. However, the geographical knowledge learned people know, the time required for a orogeny is thousands of years or even hundreds of millions of years, even if the person really is the evolution of apes, and in tens of millions of years ago, did not evolve out of human beings, people not exist, of course, impossible to create boat. In addition, if the wood is not rotting away after a few thousand million years is turned into coal. Therefore, apart from "the Bible" records than the speculation is most likely to have been ruled out, not to mention that the Ark has been confirmed by archaeological above.
  Also, for the survival of our planet, it has not been proved time round, "the Bible" has been in about 2700 years ago described as the spherical earth, and certainly the tone of it written down (" Isaiah "40 Chapter 22). This was not confirmed before Some people may think is really ridiculous, is not it? If the earth is round, then the other side of the ball will fall and the thing is not it? So many people can not accept such records, but also brains to imagine all day is round and the earth is square, so now describe the location of a region still use the saying goes, "where", but with the technological advances of modern navigation , September 20, 1519, the Portuguese led by five ships of Magellan 265, sailing west from Spain, has been proceeding, after three years around the globe, returned to Spain from the east only proved the Earth is round. It is said that when the fleet of departure, there are people so worried that the edge of Magellan's ships sail the earth (that is a square) I'm afraid will fall to the depths of the universe. But now we live in is indeed round, which has become the common sense of the students. There is also a more telling is whether the earth is round or square, which in the end is what the support people did not know this at the time, "the Bible" about 3,500 years ago, they are clearly record is suspended in the void in the earth, that earth is not supported by anything ("Job" chapter 7, 26). Such records may lead to more people can not accept, because so much of the earth have nothing to support the hanging in the air, how is this possible? Thus myth to imagine: In the land of the following four elephants wore, and the four elephants standing on the back of a turtle bigger, as the tortoise to roam in a myriad of big ocean. In fact, no wonder there are so absurd to imagine, because all aspects of ancient people than is now lagging behind, but with advances in technology, but effectively confirmed that the "Bible" This record is true. Besides surprising is that the current high school, "Geography" book page 156 textbook, read the history of the evolution of the crust in the "too ancient" times, the depth of the earth's surface is completely changing a broad ocean, but not as now account for 29% of Earth's wide land area, it is not just with the "Bible" of the earth described in Genesis was once surrounded by water, later revealed the record is consistent dry it? While the world's highest Mount Everest up to 8848 meters above sea level, and the Pacific the world's deepest depth of the Mariana Trench is 11,022 meters. So scientists have now determined and calculated that if all of the earth to level the land fill to the surface all, plus all the melting of polar ice, then the Earth's surface is covered by the thickness is 2,000 meters.
  These are the "Bible" has been recorded in the well-known proof of the fact that a few of many examples. In addition, the "Bible" In addition to records of a fait accompli, there are not happening on a large number of far more than the human brain power thinking speculated that the prophecy, the most convincing example is the Jewish nation on how to develop predictions. Worship God by Jews, and later abandoned because of crime God, so God says through the mouth of many people predicted (about 2400 years ago, see Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.) should Jews to the Gentiles, Jews were scattered all over the world, throughout the land will be desolate uninhabited, but it comes before the end of the world, will re-make of Jews from various countries and ethnic groups to return to the Jewish return to ( Today the Palestinian areas), look carefully traced the history of the Jews, really in 70 AD by the Roman Empire, the people scattered to all corners of the world, the place nearly a millennium of time did not live to become desolate. Originally, according to anthropologists study, a nation if dispersed, up to no more than 500 years will be other ethnic assimilation. However, up to two thousand years Jews in the Diaspora among the peoples in the world, far from being alien assimilation, but according to "the Bible" ("Jeremiah" Chapter 24, verse 9, "Ezekiel," Chapter 39, 28, etc. etc.) predicted that, although the subjugated, the nations in the world to be left to blows, and has suffered the scourge, and ultimately accurate to gradually return to Palestine from all over the world, but also in the May 14, 1948 4:01 PM re- announced the establishment of the State of Israel, the United States admitted 11 minutes later, the Soviet Union recognized the country in three days, and in May 11, 1949 to become a full member of the United Nations. Of recovery in 1948, causing three million Jews from around the world come back (from the "Youth Digest" 1987, No. 10), and according to "Reference News" January 8, 1991 reported that there is one every half an hour now contains immigrants in the Israeli aircraft "this? Gurion," landed at the airport of Israel from the 1948 peak of this migration not seen since, this year alone, the Soviet Union (1991) will have 40 million Jews immigrate to Israel, the activities of immigrants every day to break the record. In addition, after three Middle East war when the territory extended to the founding of the 5 times, and in June 7, 1967 captured the city of Jerusalem, which is well known events in recent history. With a modern point of view, Jews are acts of aggression, but with a historical perspective to the analysis, this territory belonged to the Jews.
  Also, in the highly developed modern technology, telephone, television has entered every household, radio pagers, cable has been widely used, but this is also the past century's new, these things are a dream for less than the ancient , however, "the Bible" that was about these generations do not understand people who sent a precise prediction. About 2900 years ago, the "Bible" in the Book of Job Chapter 38 verse 35 reads: "Can you send lightnings, him to the line, so he said we are here for you", here is predicted by modern telephone, telegraph, radio paging and so on. About nineteen hundred years ago, the "Bible" Revelation Chapter 11, 8-9, predict the future, two people were killed carcases fell in the city, from all ethnic groups and nation, some people see their dead bodies three days half-time, such a thing before the invention of the television fax is simply impossible to see the world one place at the same time. However, this "scholar does not go out, still know everything about the world," the modern, if necessary, in all corners of the world via satellite television anywhere a clear picture of the scene, held in Spain, the 25th Olympic Games in Barcelona is an example, July 25, 1992 8:00 pm, around the world about 35 billion people by the modern communications satellite, in front of the TV watching the unprecedented scale of the game at the opening ceremony, making the horizon away beautiful city in Spain to become the eyes close.
  100 years ago, if someone objects to arbitrary manipulation of a God, even in the nest among the stars, it can only be wishful thinking lead to be a joke, because when people have the idea that any object heavier than air, never leave the ground like a bird that can fly freely in the sky, then if no one say going for a long time seabed of human life, it not even talking nonsense. But 2400 years ago, "the Bible" Book of Amos Chapter 9 2-3 ​​and Obadiah Book 1 Chapter 4 level of technology is far more than was predicted all of this will become a reality. Since at 10:35 on December 17, 1903, the United States Orville? Wright successfully flew the first power maneuverable aircraft, although only fly in the air for twelve seconds, while filling the man forever changed the old concept, opened the first page of the history of modern space. After 66 years, July 21, 1969 Time 4:07 to international standards, advances in technology have finally made the first human footprints printed on the earth at a distance of 380,000 kilometers away is the moon. Also, with the invention of modern submarines, but also to the deepest reaches of human activities 10917.94 meters under the sea, all the "Bible" prophecy was that kind of surprising, is so realistic and thorough, it is called people are without excuse. (The above data taken from the 1990 edition of "Guinness world's largest full"). At the same time, who would think of 2,400 years ago, "the Bible" Zechariah chapter 14, section 12-15 record that people would be subjected to such an evil attack, that is, when people are standing feet, meat consumption will not , in the dry eye in the orbit, tongue ulcers in the mouth, all other animals and livestock also calamity, but the gold and silver clothes and other belongings are in good condition be gathered together, looting, this description does not have invented the neutron bomb is the modern (nuclear weapons) the case of the explosion it?
  To confirm that the "Bible" there are many examples, 6 of 1990 on "Nature and Man" magazine published on page 34 so far, "the Bible" in the prophecies have been 2,000 confirmed. A few examples of the above analysis, we on the "Bible" of the content should have a more impartial view. In fact, the whole "Bible" content, predicted to account for about one third of the length, if the predictions are not fulfilled or fulfilled the slightest mistake (even if the rest were all correct and accurate in addition) you can put the whole "Bible" reverse out. This shows that "the Bible" the authority of the content, accuracy and reliability of which documented the existence of God.
  The version of the Chinese translation of the Bible, illustrated by the】 【Chinese Bai Xia
  Bai Xia Chinese now in circulation by the two main versions, one is commonly used in Scotch Roman Catholic translation was published in 1968. Another version is commonly used in Protestant Union Version, published in 1919.
  Hop Scotch with translations in the volume of the number except there were, the many Chinese translation is different, except by the volume name, the name has a lot of volume, respectively. There are other Chinese translation, for example: "Lvzhen Chinese translation" (1970), "Modern Chinese translation" (1979), "New Testament Recovery Version" (1987), "New Bible Translation" (1993 years), "Old Testament Recovery Version" (2003), "NIV Revised Edition" (2006 -2008 years).
  Now the flow of Jesus Catholic Church by the Lord for the 2000 edition by publishing house in Jerusalem, "Jerusalem Bible", the Catholic Diocese of KPS Shanghai published in 1986 in China by the first Lord of the general. Sheshan seminary is responsible for the translation and publication.
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Islam in the Bible: "Koran"
  "Qur'an" means "reading" is a classic of Islam, Volume 30 114 6236, each chapter to an Arabic word as the name. Muslims believe that "the Koran" is the language of Allah, through Archangel Ji Buli Lane (Old and New Testament translated as "Gabriel") pass to Muhammad in the Bible. Muslims believe the Koran is not only a religious classic, it is the law of human society.
  Islamic Bible "Koran", "Koran" praise Allah before itself and is closely related to the revelation of the classic (Torah and Gospel), and that the content of the book there are many similarities between the classical past, had appeared in the Bible Some material in the "Koran" in again. But those are not new revelation, but revelation of God to the previous tips and reiterated that as the previous revelation was corrupted, and those are the same classic inspiration from the Qur'an Allah (2:285) the Qur'an describes in Judaism and Christianity " Old and New Testaments, "many of the characters and events, but in content and style are different. The angel of the Qur'an are: Adam, easy Driss, Noah, hope not, Shelah, Abraham, Rutter, easy Gauss meter, Ishaq, Yakubu, Yusuf, Ayyubid , leaves Castro, of my German, Suleiman, Elijah, Elisha, excellent effort Division, Harun, Musa, Ezra, Jae Kai Liya, Garza and Yahya and so on. Muslims believe that "the Koran" and "Old and New Testaments," there are many similarities because they have the same inspiration from the classical, Christian or Jewish scriptures God revealed to the prophets. Ma Jian translation of the Koran (3:3), said: "He sent down to you this classic in truth, to confirm all the previous day by; he was sent down to" seek lats "(the Pentateuch), and" drawing supporting Le "(New Testament)," but Muslims believe that either Judaism or Christianity of the Bible are due to various reasons, suffered serious neglect, alteration (Tali Fu), God has been perfect in its final revelation (Qur'an) instead of the classic. Therefore, Muslims do not fully believe that the spread of "Old and New Testaments," but not entirely deny its contents. But many Jews and Christians to a new record of the Old Testament Archaeology rejected this argument, they believe the Koran with the Old and New Testaments there are many similarities because the Quran copied from the Bible, not the Koran is the revelation from the Lord. They also pointed out that many of the contents of the Koran and the Christian Apocrypha is very similar, because the Quran copied from the Apocrypha. But for Muslims, the Qur'an records the contents of some of the Apocrypha, proved false by the revelation of God is part of the contents. This shows that Jews and Christians, between Muslims, the idea is completely at odds.
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Prince of Tennis in the "Bible": Whitehead possession of the medium
  Temple of a four-Tempo, is commonly known as the "Bible" as he and the Fuji is a very talented player. Is the only Fuji in the race to beat people.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  land of promise,  scripture,  Holy Bible,  verse,  version,  vulgate,  writ,  in the land of the living,  land flowing with milk and honey (=land of milk and honey),  romans,  promised land,  land of the covenant,  Promised Land,  God's word,  A-of Days,  A soft answer turneth away wrath.,  balm of Gilead,  word,  revelation,  moses,  luke,  logia,  lesson,  homily,  hagiographer,  fundamentalism,  exegesis,  daniel,  canticle,  book,  Bible,  antitype
French Expression
  1. n.  Bible
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