country : eurasia juncture > Turkey
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  Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye), known officially as the Republic of Turkey, is a Eurasian country that stretches across the Anatolian peninsula in Western Asia and Thrace (Rumelia) in the Balkan region of southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Azerbaijan (the exclave of Nakhchivan) and Iran to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea and Cyprus are to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea is to the north. Separating Anatolia and Thrace are the Sea of Marmara and the Turkish Straits (the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles), which are commonly reckoned to delineate the boundary between Europe and Asia, thereby making Turkey transcontinental.
  Turkey is the successor state to the Ottoman Empire. As a result of its location astride Europe and Asia, Turkey has come to acquire increasing strategic significance. Turks are the largest ethnic group followed by Kurds, who are the largest of the minority groups in Turkey. The majority religion of Turkey is Islam, and the official language is the Turkish language.
  Turkey is a democratic, secular, unitary, constitutional republic whose political system was established in 1923 under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, following the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I. Since then, Turkey has become increasingly integrated with the West through membership in organizations such as the Council of Europe, NATO, OECD, OSCE and the G-20 major economies. Turkey began full membership negotiations with the European Union in 2005, having been an associate member of the EEC since 1963, and having reached a customs union agreement in 1995. Meanwhile, Turkey has continued to foster close cultural, political, economic and industrial relations with the Eastern world, particularly with the states of the Middle East and Central Asia, through membership in organizations such as the OIC and ECO. Turkey is classified as a developed country by the CIA and as a regional power by political scientists and economists worldwide.
土耳其 西亚国家
土耳其 西亚国家
土耳其 西亚国家
  West Asian countries. Briefly the Black Sea to the Mediterranean hub. Area 78  06 million square kilometers. Population 61.1 million (1994). Ankara. Most of the plateau, mountain. Mediterranean climate, and the interior is semi-arid area. Certain basic industries. Chromium-rich. Export of wheat, cotton and tobacco. The more developed animal husbandry, Ankara world famous wool.
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tǔ ěr qí
tǔ ěr qí
土耳其 tǔ ěr qí
  Across Asia, Europe and Asia, an area of 780,000 square kilometers, parts of Asia accounted for nearly 97% of the population of 56,940,000 (1990), the capital of Ankara. Economy dominated by agriculture, minerals barite reserves in the world, Angola, the world-famous carpets of wool and Turkey
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土耳其 旅游
土耳其 旅游
土耳其 旅游
土耳其 旅游
土耳其 旅游
  Best time to travel in Turkey: Turkey's climate varies from region to region can be divided into the Black Sea climate of the Black Sea coast, the inland continental climate, the Mediterranean climate of the Ministry of the Aegean and Mediterranean coast. Turkey, surrounded by the sea eight thousand kilometers of coastline.
  Turkey's Mediterranean coast has a subtropical climate, relatively dry inland plateau, and desert to the savannah type of climate transition. Larger temperature difference. A plateau in January average temperature below 0 degrees Celsius, the average annual temperature of 16 to 22 degrees Celsius. The average annual rainfall of 200 to 400 mm. Gorge area in January the average temperature of up to 7-9 degrees Celsius; July average temperature 25 to 30 degrees Celsius. Annual precipitation is 600-800 mm. Coastal annual rainfall of 500 to 700 millimeters. Folk Festivals in Turkey: Turkey national holidays
  January 1 New Year
  April 23 Independence Day, Children's Day
  May 19 Kemal. The anniversary of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Festival
  August 30 Victory Day (1922 Japanese invasion forces failed)
  Oct. 29 Republic Day (anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey) Turkish Special tips: 1. Need to bring along some small denomination banknotes. The Turkish lira depreciated so badly (apart for some of the best every day) so here convertible currencies the dollar not only enter. All for not looking for only USD bills.
  2. As much face value of Turkish Lira, the use of the above must be careful when there are several zero. Especially careful, ten million and one million colors a bit similar.
  3. To the airport, find the information center may interrogate the transport, hotels, tourist related information, a map and description data can take. Information center next to the bank, the interest rate slightly lower than the city (to pay the fee). From the airport to the city should not exceed 1 hour, 1 million Turkish Lira.
  4. This is the Mediterranean climate, sometimes rain, but time is short.
  5. In shopping, you can bargain. Related items in both the domestic price as a reference.
  6. To guard against sophisticated scam, promising passport, the police wear official uniforms, dressed in civilian clothes asked to inspect the passport is a liar.
  7. Visa expired is also needed to pay off some fine at the airport.
  8. Turkey, the Turkish Consulate General visa ------ Shanghai, Shanghai, 1375 Huaihai Zhong Road, Building 13b Qihua Qihua building blocks there are many consulates stationed.
  9:30 ----- 12: 00 is the acceptance of the application time. (021-64746838)
  16:00 ---- 17: 00 is the time to obtain a visa.
  Local regulations and taboos
  Public places: the Turks is quite particular about the people, meet friends around the first pro-cheek, more unfamiliar the handshake. To take off your shoes when visiting people at home. Do not public, blowing your nose, do not kiss or hug in public, and lovers, these are regarded as unsightly.
  Clothing: leather goods in Turkey, Spain or Italy than the cheap, quality is not bad. Department stores to bargain unless it is not (a discount, are also cost-effective), and other shopping remember to bargain, bargain, at least halfway to kill, in principle, like to kill things before opening.
  Food: Do not bring canned pork entry. Note that expensive Seafood Restaurant in Istanbul.
  Live: the hotel safe insurance? According to experience two, three, four, five-star hotels are insured, but not residential dare say.
  Line: Remember when crossing the road stop, listen, watch. Take the best _select_ion of well-known long-distance buses, and more expensive but the quality is guaranteed varan, ulusoy so old, comfortable and safe. Highway facilities in Turkey, most of the luxury coach bus, inexpensive worth a try.
  Visit Mosque: Remember shoes, women remember the turban, there are many famous mosques and headscarves by package tourists in the summer by wearing shorts and a towel surrounded by tourists, wearing shorts and scarf are not included as disheveled. Do not according to the military or police uniform photos, ask permission.
  Entertainment: Young people like to go to the evening disco, pub, if a single play, want to leave to help the bartender called a taxi to your car, if someone is willing to let you ride, the best rejected, men and women alike.
  Ramadan: Islamic month of Ramadan each year (ten days earlier each year, Ramadan 2000, from 12 onwards). Then to Turkey, not in front of others (except the restaurant) free food.
  Social: Turkey is moving from a traditional patriarchal society transition to gender equality in modern society, men are single women tourists will use the language, eye contact, gestures to express their curiosity and "love." To protect themselves, for the very gallant men in Turkey to see your feelings and needs careful to cope.
  Security: Compared to New York, Rome's pickpockets run amok, Turkey safer. Islam spurned thief, so little chance of being robbed expense, but many people still have to pay attention to the market. Sell gadgets or carpet when the kids pestering tourists a great chance, this time to speed up or firmly shake their heads or said to have bought like. Be careful wandering Gypsies.
  Mobile Phone: entry, are required to produce certificates for all calls. Passports have to be recorded on the mobile phone owner is, and please show entry and exit.
  Turkish Cuisine: Turkish cuisine is well known in the world. Despite the well-made dishes look very simple, but delicious fresh material has the general flavor of food can not match. The type of food is also very much: There are all kinds of soup, a wide variety of cold dishes, and various meat dishes and fish dishes. After dinner, the famous Turkish snacks and pastries, and finally Turkish coffee. Turkey growing in a variety of fruits, vegetables, In addition, as Turkey is surrounded by the sea, rich variety of fish. So all of the Turkish cuisine with fresh material.
  In Turkey, hair skin and fur is a very important product, used to produce a wide variety of clothing, handbags, belts, shoes and other commodities, its price and very cheap. Large stores in major cities, using high-quality skin and hair made leather dresses, pants, clothes and other goods are very popular. If you want to buy some special things, there are water pipes (nargile). In addition, the board can be purchased in Turkey (tavla), learning the game a unique way of Turkey. Turkey Transportation: air
  Major cities from around the world to Ankara (ankara), Istanbul (istanbul), Izmir (izmir), Antalya (antalya), Ada that (adana), Trabzon (trabzon), Dallas Man (dalaman) of scheduled flights.
  International: the world's major cities have regular flights arrived at the Turkish International Airport.
  Passenger Ships: In addition to many other Mediterranean sailing, there are some foreign passenger ships sailing in Trabzon, Samsun (samsun), Dike Li (dikili), Istanbul, Izmir, Qieshi Mi (cesme), Ku Shada color (kusadasi), Bo is Ru Farm (bodrum), Ma Erma Risi (marma-ris), Antalya (antalya), Alanya (alanya), Mel Jun (mersin), Islamic Canda Ru En (iskenderun) regular liner. Some ferry voyage starting from the Bosporus Strait.
  Car ferry: To use the family car tourists, there are many car ferry sailing. From Venice, Ankara, Brindisi, Bari coast to Turkey Istanbul, Izmir, Qieshen Mi, Ku Shada color, Ma Erma Risi, Antalya and other ports have liner.
  From major cities in Europe can take the train into Istanbul.
  Family Car: From London to Istanbul between about three thousand kilometers.
  Northern Route: Belgium, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey.
  Southern Route: Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, by sea to Turkey.
  Passenger cars
  Turkey and Austria, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Greece, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Syria, run regularly between the frequency. Turkey Accommodation: There are many built in the country for tourists to use and less expensive hotels, the most prominent feature is a home-like comfort rooms, so popular with tourists.
  There are many star hotels mostly in the western region of Turkey, namely in: Istanbul, Aegean coast, the Mediterranean coastal areas, central Anatolia, eastern Anatolia.
  Turkey Entertainment: Casino and Casino: The Libiaila, Monte Carlo, 阿托兰提克 City and Las Vegas Similarly, in Turkey can legally enter the casino gambling. The more adventurous tourists can in the main cities or tourist to enjoy the casino and casino play. Casinos generally located in the upscale hotels, admission required to produce passports.
  Location: Located in southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia. Terrain to mountainous parts of Asia, the East is all north and south mountains on three sides, only a little plain in the coastal areas. Most of the European part of the hilly plains.
  Area: 814,578 square kilometers
  Population: 63 million or so
  Nationality: Turkish, Kurdish, Arab family
  Capital: Ankara
  Language: Turkish
  Religion: Islam
  And of the time difference: GMT +2 hours Greenwich time
  Currency: Turkish Lira (tl) the conversion price of U.S. dollar and the Turkish Lira is: 1/51.45 (reference)
  International Code: 212
  Independence Day: October 29 (1923)
  Republic Day: October 29 (1923)
  National Anthem: "Independence March"
  Flag: a rectangle, length and width ratio of 3:2. Face of the flag is red on one side by the flagpole, and a white crescent moon white five-pointed star. Red symbolizes the blood and victory; crescent and star symbol to remove the darkness, a brighter, also represents the people of Islamic faith in Turkey, but also a symbol of happiness and good fortune.
  National Emblem: The pattern is a crescent and a five-pointed star, symbolizing the national flag the same. Sometimes placed in the month and star in a red oval, the top of the words "Republic of Turkey."
  Turkey is an Islamic state across the Eurasian continent, known as the "cradle of civilization." Mustafa Kemal Er Ata grams of soil at the October 29, 1923 established the Turkish Republic. Turkish history was the Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire, has 6500 years of history and thirteen different civilizations around the historical heritage, coupled with the topography of the sea on three sides and its interior has a complex geographical environment a very rich tourism resources.
  Turkey is also a modern country with first-class travel services. There are warm and hospitable people, splendid culture, beautiful scenery and mysterious legends. When you come to Turkey, west and south coast, you'll see the is dotted with ancient Greek, Roman civilization, and even the remains of Christian civilization, it is a lot of the city worth visiting. Including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir is Turkey's first, second, the three major cities.
  Tourism: In recent years, Turkey has become Europe's main tourist attractions. Summer and winter resort in the rapid progress being made towards the development from around the world to explore the Turkish history, culture, natural beauty of the people is increasing every year. Thalasso from the Mediterranean to the Wu Luta mountain ski. Turks have made available to any visitors to a variety of things.
  Agriculture: in the Turkish economy, agriculture plays an important role. Main crop is wheat, rice, cotton, tobacco, hazelnuts, fruit. Sheep are the main livestock, Turkey is a small number of cotton and wool products origin.
  Natural Resources: The main minerals are coal, chromium (the main export goods), iron, copper, bauxite, marble, sulfur.
  Industry: Industrial development in the rapid, mainly agricultural products, metallurgy, fiber, automobiles and farm machinery production targets.
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English Expression
  1. :  TR Turkey
  2. n.:  turkey
French Expression
  1. n.  Turquie
Turkey commonwealth
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