coeducation > address
Poet: Wang Anshi

  Old men book still Fenpi, God cut off the nose-day whale to have known.
  Mao bamboo Results of a Pan chat crave, but find three realms outside the stupidity.
tú shū
  : Refers to Books
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No. 3
  Library catalog
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No. 4
  : Means the stamp or stamp mark
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No. 5
  Carved both books. - "The Scholars"
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No. 6
  : Atlas
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No. 7
  Books. "Han Fei general": "Hero is not well-known in the books, not recorded success in the disk Yu." Tang Zheng Gu, "Dedicated to the scribe Wang Xiong" Poetry: "book long in hand, literature and old in the body." Songmei Yao Chen, "free Diao King Pure BS more states to go to "poem:" before the boat set out books, after the boat set out female pleasure. "
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Figure membership
  Figure membership. Territory means the territory and the household registration books. "Hsiao-phase State Family Records": "covering up to Xianyang, Zhu Jiang are the House of war per property to go Jinbo, He alone a first book collection Qin Chengxiang Censor Laws on possession of ... ... Hanwang it with the world to know E plug, accounts number, strengths and weaknesses, people who are suffering, in what a book was also Qin. "" Ji Jin Shuxuan Emperor ":" The day is the line of their camp, and watch his Kingdoms, by their books, cereals and even public . "
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Means Hetu
  Means Hetu. A phrase from the "easy copulative on": "River out of map, Luo a book of saints are." "Han blog under the Five Elements": "Luo a book." Sima Guang Song, "on March 30, Chance Qiu Shi Xian staying open government was sincere and gentlemen ":" this is Sheng Luo, Xi the potential book, and everyone took Kai households, curtain floating wine everywhere. "See," Hetu. "
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No. 10
  Jewish Prophecy. "Han Wang Mang passing on": "Books are books Mang eight ministers." "Later Han Huan Tan Biography": "Gain books, Jiao said the prophecies in mind." Li Xian Note: The "book of life that breaks Divination category also. "Song Zhu Yi" Yi-Jue Liu Notes "under the volume:" Guangwu Yoshitada school Prophecy ... ... Min Min said: 'Chen See predecessors by loss of books, dare to overrate themselves, cut fortunate event.' Emperor deep non-s, Jing Bu sin. "See" Prophecy. "
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No. 11
  Album. Yue Han "Han Ji Chengdi Kiji": "the ancient concept of the book, Xian Sheng Jun Jieyou upright ministers of the side."
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No. 12
  Seal. Song Zhang Lei, "Tom grams of a book order": "Book of the name, I do not know it from; cover the ancient so-called Xi, be used to believers." Ching Ju Luhou "Indian Man Dynasty": "The ancients in the picture books, there are printing to deposit knowledge, then that printed books. Therefore, the seal still say this call India, call the private print books say. "" Scholars, "the second one back:" To Mr. fee heart, carved both books. "
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No. 13
  Books, books, pictures, three of the general. Usually, it is synonymous with books.
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The concept of books
  UNESCO of the book is defined as: Where the Press (business) published front and back cover does not include more than 49 pages, including print, with a specific name of the title and author, compiled a International Standard Book Number, a pricing and obtain copyright protection as books publications.
  Book is based on the dissemination of knowledge for the purpose of symbols in words or other information recorded in some form of material on the copyrighted work; book is the product of human social practice, is a specific knowledge of the continuous development of the communication tools.
  "Books" first appeared in the "Xiao-phase Circuit Records family," Liu scored Xianyang, the "first-received Qincheng Xiang He alone Censor Laws on possession of books. Motive for the HW to what the prime minister. ... HW So know the world with Esai, account number, strengths and weaknesses, people who are suffering, in what was the Qin book with it. " Here the "book" refers to maps and archives, said today it is different from the books. Further explore the "Book" in origin, can be traced back to "Book of the copulative" recorded "River out of maps, Luo a book," The story up, it reflects the close relationship between pictures and text. Although myths and legends, but it illustrates this fact: the text originated in the picture. Pictures and text are indeed closely linked. The ancients said that the morphology of a variety of text "book style" method of writing as "calligraphy" "books" the word was also used as a verb, when the "write" about, such as "countless," "sped his pen," "letters of "and so on. After the "book" will be further extended to all written records. Such as "letters", "instruments", "punishment book", "edict", "of Alliance," and so on. With the development of history, people's understanding of books are constantly changing. Even today, people have written records no longer have a record called "book" of the. For example, instruments, letters, edicts, of Alliance, although come with a "book" characters, but has not included within the scope of the book. Ancient records, notes its contents are mostly in nature, such as the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, are in this category, and its main function is to help them remember to check references when required, the nature of the equivalent of the file later. After the people from the practice to realize that these materials can be changed to record lessons learned, to impart knowledge of the tools. So they appeared for imparting knowledge, for people to read books. This book has made the term relatively new but narrower meaning. Later, where the experience is not to disseminate, impart knowledge, for people to read the text for the purpose of record on the books is not a; With the development and social progress, people began to consciously use language to promote her ideas, dissemination of knowledge, while have gradually formed a _set_ of books, systems, and daily business paper also formed a _set_ of instruments to the system. Thus, books and files to gradually separate out.
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Constitute the elements of the book
  Bamboo slips from the various books of today, no matter what changes the form and content, as long as be examined and analyzed carefully, we can see that they all have the following elements:
  1. Knowledge and information should be transmitted.
  2. Have a record of knowledge, text, image signal.
  3. Have recorded text, images, material carrier signal.
  4. Book production technologies and processes are the basic conditions for production of books.
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Types of Books
  Books by subject is divided into: social sciences and natural sciences books. Divided according to language versions: Chinese books and foreign books. By type as follows: general books and reference books.
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Book features
  Compared with other publications, books features are: 1. Contents relatively systematic, comprehensive, mature and reliable; 2. Published a longer period, slow transmission of information.
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The types of books
  <1> divided by the contents of the book:
  Children's books
  Professional books
  Photo Painting _Set_
  <2> according to the characteristics of the book by:
  Book Bag
  Books blind
  【Books】 Mayang, real foreign
  This is a publication of technical terms, the others do not use it. "Code" means the quantity and "foreign" for "money" and "Mayang" is "how much money." Each of the above books are listed by the Arabic numbers (code) and unit of money (foreign) constitute the pricing, the total price obtained by multiplying, the pricing of a book, or the total number of book pricing, the amount of its currency called Mayang . "Mayang" is the book publishing sector refers to all the books used in pricing terms of total publications Mayang mainly refers to the sum of the price. Book Publishing and the department refers to the total amount of all books priced. Is that there is a corresponding real ocean, after the real ocean is the discounted price.
  How to determine the pricing of books?
  Before 1988 book price is _set_ by the state, calculated by the number of sheets, for example, sheets every 0.11 yuan, taking into account the many scholarly books or issue a higher volume of books is not high cost of research, followed by profits on the lower pricing, countries liberalized after 1993 book price, in addition to teaching materials, textbooks, book price by the publishers themselves outside the provisions of the general books price of topics including planning fees, editing fees, revision fees, printing fees.
  What is the book's CIP data?
  CIP is the Cataloguing data. It is the English abbreviation for Cataloguing In P publicntion means based on certain criteria. In the books published during the preparation of bibliographic data, the Cataloging and produced the main title page printed on the back of the book bibliographic data as compiled in the version of the data.
  Press the inside out from the books are genuine book?
  Not necessarily, 99% of the publishing house out of the book is genuine, but there is still a part of it, for example, China Machine Press's "no excuse" is a news release published in the first deployment of pseudo-books, Enterprise Management Press, "Army Ants "," no excuses "" World's Best Companies questions Omo "," There is no excuse Complete Works "; Jiuzhou Publishing House" deal, exclusive marketing master secret negotiations, "" tolerance; management of the exclusive master the art of leadership "and so on and so these books are on the blacklist of the deployment of Press and Publication, there is a feature; basically made the copyright is unclear or arbitrary foreign celebrities as authors.
  What is books, Mayang is what we call the big book?
  Tool readily available to meet the concept of knowledge, facts and data, the demand will be a lot of the content of the original document classification, extraction, processing, enrichment and re-prepared after the publication of a document type. The purpose of study and work to resolve the problems encountered, so called books, some of those big now Mayang. High average hardcover book is a tool mistakenly believe that, in fact, can only be counted as gift books, hardcover book, a collection of valuable books.
  Discount price is the lowest proportion with the best?
  A general rule, the best book and best price discounts. Should be proportional. But in recent years the phenomenon of books growing non-standard pricing, leading to the best book distribution market with the best discount prices everywhere inversion are quite serious. In addition, some book publishers suppliers buy scrap a large number of books (by tons of Hedonic Price) turn to the 2-3 percent of the cost to schools or individual dumping of waste is almost never worthwhile, although the buyer is less money spent , and buy a junk is, typos Lianpian book, book _select_ion if we can avoid wasting our time limited funding of the.
  The number of new books published each year?
  According to statistics published in China's interior volume of the book is about 160,000 (including in print books) this number with the economic development of the continuous improvement of the quality of education requires increased. For pundits predicted that the amount of domestic published in 2015 is expected to exceed 250 thousand kinds, so many more books to the market mainly selling books and professional books, in addition to a large number of textbooks, really I do not think for a lot of school.
  Of the total number of publishing houses?
  So far, in 2005 there were 268 publishers in China, the corresponding levels are as follows:
  Level: People's Publishing House, Science Press, Higher Education Press, Zhonghua Book Company, Commercial Press, etc.;
  II: Other National Publishing House.
  Three levels: provincial, and University Press and so on.
  Four levels: below the provincial level and other smaller publishers.
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Selling books list the first half of 2008
  Doctor less speed (Meridian donated part of the national standard full-color wall charts) of: in the low class with the Press: Chinese Medicine Publishing Date: February 2007
  2 of the doctor less speed: in the low class with the Press: Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing Date: October 2007
  The wisdom of not sick: Ma Yueling the Press: Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing Date: August 2007
  Stirred up of 4: Lee may be the Press: Shaanxi Normal University Press Publication date: September 2007
  Ming that thing (the emperor volume) of: When the moon with the Press: China Friendship Publishing Company Publication date: September 2006
  War of Money: Mr Song Edited Press: CITIC Publishing Date: June 2007
  Ming that thing (e) of: the year the moon with the Press: China Friendship Publishing Company Publication Date: March 2008
  Meditations (one of the greatest works in history) by: Mark • Retention He Huaihong Ole Translation Publishing House: Central Compilation and Translation Press Publication date: February 2008 not the same as Carmela (all 6) (for 2-10 years old to read) on: (France) Yuelibowa with, (France) Avery painted Shi, Zheng Wei Di, Yi then translated
  Ming that thing (d) of: the year the moon with the Press: China Friendship Publishing Company Publication date: September 2007
  Ming that thing (II) of: the year the moon with the Press: China Friendship Publishing Company Publication Date: January 2007
  Ming that thing (c) of the: year the moon with Press: China Friendship Publishing Company Publication Date: April 2007
  How to say how the child will listen to hear the child would have spoken (soft hardcover) - communication between parents and children of the Bible: [U.S.] Adele Faber and Elaine • • Ma Zili Shi Translation Publishing House with An Yanling : Central Compilation and Translation Press Publication date: October 2007
  Do not laugh! I am the author of English words: (Korean) Bonaventure book, the right to run beads illustrations, Sun Heyun, Shang Xin Translation Publishing House: China File Publishing Date: February 2007
  The Kite Runner Author: (United States) Hosseini (Hosseini, K.) a, Li Jihong Translation Publishing House: Shanghai People's Publishing House Publication Date: May 2006 Si Kairui gold children's books first series (a total of four , swept the United States four years, selling the three hundred million, the United States of Random House to see ...: (U.S.) Si Kairui book, Li Comments Translation Publishing House: Guizhou People's Publishing House Publication Date: June 2007
  I SPY Vision Great Discoveries series (8 volumes, the peak of the world as a visual puzzle game, selling nearly 20 years of global sales ...: (U.S.) Wake map, (U.S.) Mazuo Luo Wen, on behalf of Dongmei Translation Publishing House: Relay Press Publication date: September 2007
  Human manual (with a DVD) of: Wu Qingzhong book Publisher: Flower City Publishing Date: January 2006
  Do not laugh! I am an English word book 2 (with 1,2 bilingual book reading CD-ROM) Author: (Korean) Bonaventure book, the right to run beads illustrations, Xue Zhou, Xu Lihong Translation Publishing House: China File Publishing Date: November 2007
  In the Bowl: Classical Poetry of the Peony Pavilion: An Italian book publishers such as: Tianjin Education Press Publication date: August 2006
  New books list
  Serial Title Pricing Press
  A giant panda to see a small art film flowers 25.00
  2 grid of non-life literary collection of twenty of my literary novel flowers 35.00
  3 Literary life Jia 35.00 Baihua Literature and Art Collection
  28.00 4 souls do art flowers
  5 Nobel Literature prisoner re_set_tlement flowers 25.00
  25.00 6 wake up to reality of life art flowers
  7 58.00 Baihua Literature and Art Wong
  8 flowers to the ancient art by the wisdom 35.00
  10 of my two hundred poems 25.00 Baihua Literature and Art
  11 influenced my thirty-two 25.00 U.S. paper flowers art
  12 influenced my fifty-six 25.00 U.S. paper flowers art
  13 Literary reading Shakespeare flowers 38.00
  14 secret files of Chinese civilization art flowers 39.80
  15 North Art We Are The Champions 25.00
  16 Northern Arts evil cherry 25.00
  17 night northern literary 29.80
  Shared vision of Peking University 18 38.00
  19 Practical Guide to Creating a learning organization, Peking University 35.00
  20 KPI, "key performance" guidelines successfully Peking 25.00
  21 BSC, "balanced scorecard" to ensure the development of Peking University, 42.00
  22 How to communicate with the superior Peking 28.00
  23 How to communicate with subordinates 32.00 Peking University
  24 how to communicate effectively 34.00 Peking University
  25 How to Time Management, Peking University 34.00
  32.00 How to develop work plans, 26 Peking University
  36.00 27 how to improve the execution of Peking University
  How to write business documents 28 39.00 Peking University
  29 How to master business etiquette 34.00 Peking University
  30 how to improve interpersonal skills 33.00 Peking University
  31 how to achieve successful negotiations on 30.00 Peking University
  32 How to 35.00 Peking University Conference Management
  How the administration of 33 34.00 Peking University
  34 How to design a system of internal management, Peking University 36.00
  35 How to improve the efficiency of 36.00 Peking University
  How to improve leadership 32.00 36 Peking University
  37 How to improve the impact of Peking University, 25.00
  How correct decision 38 33.00 Peking University
  39 How to improve the standard of 34.00 Peking University speech
  Peking University, 40 how to effectively authorized 35.00
  41 how to process design and reengineering 34.00 Peking University
  How to Design 42 34.00 Peking organization
  How corporate culture 43 38.00 Peking University
  How team building 44 35.00 Peking University
  45 to 38.00 Peking University strategic management
  46 How to Change Management, Peking University 37.00
  How risk management 34.00 47 Peking University
  48 to 35.00 Peking crisis management
  49 How to build the core competitiveness of 35.00 Peking University
  How job analysis 35.00 50 Peking University
  How to employ 51 staff _select_ion Peking 32.00
  How to staff training 52 30.00 Peking University
  53 How Career Planning and Management, Peking University 35.00
  54 How to talent evaluation 36.00 Peking University
  Peking University, 55 how to evaluate subordinates 32.00
  Employing 56 to 33.00 Peking University
  57 How to 35.00 Peking University employee relationship management
  How to motivate employees 58 34.00 Peking University
  59 ways to enhance employee satisfaction and professionalism 34.00 Peking University
  How to manage the core staff of 60 35.00 Peking University
  61 how to manage the "shortcomings" of the staff of Peking 36.00
  How performance management 38.00 62 Peking University
  How to pay the design company 63 34.00 Peking University
  How to retain talent, Peking University 64 30.00
  65 How 30.00 Employee Health and Safety Management, Peking University
  38.00 66 how to handle labor disputes, Peking University
  67 ways to enhance employee loyalty 36.00 Peking University
  How marketing research 28.00 68 Peking University
  69 34.00 Peking University marketing plan how to
  How to develop competitive strategies 70 36.00 Peking University
  How to product pricing 32.00 71 Peking University
  How to brand marketing 28.00 72 Peking University
  How to manage distribution channels 73 35.00 Peking University
  74 how to build and manage the sales team, Peking University, 38.00
  75 How to regional markets 34.00 Operation and Management of Peking University
  Negotiations to sell 76 to 35.00 Peking University
  77 How large customer sales 36.00 Peking University
  78 How customer-centric sales 34.00 Peking University
  79 How successful sales 33.00 Peking University
  80 How to 32.00 Peking Promotion Management
  81 How to conduct marketing through advertising, Peking University 34.00
  How Integrated Marketing 82 33.00 Peking University
  83 How to enterprise e-business management 35.00 Peking University
  How customer service management 84 35.00 Peking University
  How Customer Relationship Management 85 34.00 Peking University
  86 34.00 How to Read Financial Statements, Peking University
  27.00 87 how to prepare their budgets, Peking University
  How to finance inventory 28.00 88 Peking University
  How to financial control 89 30.00 Peking University
  90 How bad debt collection debt collection management and Peking 37.00
  How to manage the investment and financing 91 (upper and lower volumes) 64.00 Peking University
  92 36.00 How to cash flow management, Peking University
  How to tax planning 36.00 93 Peking University
  How to spot management 32.00 94 Peking University
  95 how to production and operations management 32.00 Peking University
  How to manage costs 96 34.00 Peking University
  How quality management 34.00 97 Peking University
  98 How to ISO9000 Quality Management, Peking University 35.00
  How to Lean Production 99 PEKING 30.00
  How to Supply Chain Management 100 32.00 Peking University
  101 How to 35.00 Purchasing and Supplier Management, Peking University
  102 How to transportation and distribution management 40.00 Peking University
  103 How to warehouse materials management 34.00 Peking University
  How to manage logistics services 104 34.00 Peking University
  How 105 29.00 Peking logistics cost management
  106 How to Peking University to develop new products 34.00
  107 34.00 how human management of Peking University
  How 108 32.00 Enterprise Information Management, Peking University
  How Knowledge Management 109 28.00 Peking University
  110 How to Innovation Management, Peking University 34.00
  How to target management 30.00 111 Peking University
  How benchmarking 35.00 112 Peking University
  How to Stress Management 113 28.00 Peking University
  How 114 30.00 Peking conflict management
  How to manage 115 36.00 Peking University Public Relations
  How to Project Management 116 38.00 Peking University
  117 How to Contract Management, Peking University 37.00
  118 How to prevent and deal with economic disputes 39.00 Peking University, Company
  119 How to Peking University for international trade operations 38.00
  Peking University, 18.00 120 Character First
  Management of workplace rules 121 --- comic story of Peking University, 18.00
  122 16.00 Peking happy work
  Peking University professionalism 26.00 123
  15.00 124 key life of excellence, Peking University
  125 self-communication: control your thoughts and attitudes of 15.00 Peking University
  Peking Insider Mengniu 126 49.00
  Peking University, 32.00 127 Wahaha Password
  128 Expansion: Why multinational 28.00 Peking University
  1298 minutes for 18.00 a shower heart of Beijing University
  It can be the boss 130 when the 25.00 Peking University
  131 Management of Peking University Boulevard 32.00
  How to implement the correct 132 38.00 Production Management, Peking University
  28.00 133 Essentials of Quality Management, Peking University real
  134 Beijing University, chief salesman of the habit of 18.00
  135 to change the face of the 5S 32.00 Peking company
  136 up and running your company - TOC Management of Peking University Law Manual 20.00
  Leadership 137 compulsory perfect - easy to grasp the leadership of the 35 techniques of Peking 20.00
  How to create high-performance 138 staff - train staff members of the OJT method 18.00 Peking University
  139 to choose what kind of work, choose what kind of life 16.00 Peking University
  Toyota's cash flow strategy 140 20.00 Peking University
  141 How to knit 38.00 Peking annual business plan
  142 How to become a master of advertising planning Peking 28.00
  143 back to life - V 20.00 Peking word recovery plan
  144 to improve efficiency - efficient staff training manual 28.00 Peking University
  145 competent - Staff Competence Model Application Manual 30.00 Peking University
  Competency 146 38.00 Peking University
  147 managers practical guidance manual for staff to enhance the performance of Peking University, 35.00
  Super 148 32.00 Peking University Leadership
  149 Come on, reform of Beijing University own life 28.00
  Thinking Stick 25.00 150 ten Peking University
  151 CEO wisdom 35.00 Peking University
  Peking competitiveness 48.00 152
  153 Enterprise Reform and Culture, Peking University 36.00
  154 32.00 Peking leadership quotient
  155 enterprises standardized management practices 49.00 Peking University
  156 Beijing University of Chinese Leadership 49.00
  Peking University, 36.00 157 View of the new leadership
  158 ace manager - Manager Training 39.00 Decathlon Beijing University
  159 How to be a good manager 35.00, Peking University
  160 employees in eight multinational behavior Peking 28.00
  161 the Road to Excellence: enterprise-wide strategic management practices 42.00 Peking University
  42.00 162 win, Peking University Leadership
  How to Build High Performance Team 163 45.00 Peking University
  Seven Management Strategy 25.00 164 Zeng, Peking University
  165 How to become a successful professional managers 25.00 Peking University
  166 High Performance head of Peking University, the five management skills training 30.00
  Efficient meeting management skills 167 20.00 Peking University
  28.00 Peking University Business Etiquette 168
  169 professional business training new employees, Peking University 22.00
  Training 25.00 170 employees, Peking University execution
  171 22.00 Peking popular market to those who
  172 How to be a grass-roots director of Peking University, 38.00
  173 25.00 Execution of Peking University Middle
  Peking University company Virus 39.00 174
  Phone Sales Training Skills 175 25.00 Peking University
  176 How do sales organizations and business systems planning Peking 28.00
  177 How to manage and control the sales force Peking 28.00
  178 How to train and motivate sales force Peking 28.00
  179 Beijing University of effective distribution management 30.00
  180-store sales training professional personnel, Peking University 20.00
  181 How to Do Product explanation 20.00 Peking University
  Retail sales and service skills 182 30.00 Peking University
  183 38.00 Consultative Sales Technology, Peking University
  184 Strategic Analysis of Competition Strategies and Best Peking 20.00
  185 sales staff of five basic skills training 30.00 Peking University
  Peking University to promote ambition 28.00 186
  Bible 187 sales - sales representatives to build the real estate ace 28.00 Peking University
  188 new products marketing and management skills 32.00 Peking University
  189 26.00 Peking store sales scenario training
  190 non-human resources manager, human resources management 28.00 Peking University
  Employee Relationship Management, Peking University 35.00 191
  192 job description and application of the preparation of Peking University, 22.00
  Dismissed and the dismissal of 193 staff management interview techniques 20.00 Peking University
  194 How to choose, education, and retaining talent, Peking University 36.00
  Peking University, Performance Management Practice 195 28.00
  196 I can! Practical guide to job candidates, Peking University 28.00
  197 retail enterprises to control labor costs 25.00 Peking University
  198 How to be a good team leader, Peking University 25.00
  199 Corporate Purchasing and Supplier Management, Peking University Seven Skills of 22.00
  200 Chinese enterprises in the implementation of Six Sigma 22.00 Peking University
  Improvement of production management tool for 201 30.00 Peking University
  202 and efficient management of materials and warehousing 25.00 Peking University
  203 28.00 Total Quality Management, Peking University
  Production problem analysis and resolution 204 30.00 Peking University
  205 How to be a good workshop director of Peking University 25.00
  How companies for tax planning 206 32.00 Peking University
  207 wins in the middle - how to create a new middle 25.00 Peking University Enterprises
  208 Beijing University of innovation and breakthroughs 26.00
  209 25.00 Zen and Business Administration, Peking University
  Basic management system for SMEs 45.00 210 Peking University
  Dealer Management Training 211 68.00 Peking action decomposition
  Peking University, off 28.00 212 results
  Peking University, 25.00 213 salesman combat manual
  Peking University, 25.00 214 salesman Primer
  Top 215 Peking University, director of marketing Workbook 58.00
  Fables of Economics 216, 28.00, Peking University
  Implementation Guidelines 217 28.00 Peking University, e-commerce
  218 Financial Management of Peking University, 28.00
  219 executives combat drill book 2 - Chief Financial Officer 49.00 Peking University
  220 executives combat drill book 3 - 49.00 Peking University, Director of Marketing
  221 executives combat drill book 4 - 49.00, Peking University, Director of Personnel
  222 executives combat drill book 5 - Chief Executive Officer of 49.00 Peking University
  223 executives combat drill book 6 - 48.00 Peking University, Planning Director
  224 executives combat drill book 7 - Production Director, Peking University, 46.00
  225 executives combat drill book 8 - Quality Director, Peking University, 48.00
  226 executives combat drill book - Peking University, Project Director 49.00
  227 executives real tube drill book 1 - General Manager of Beijing University 48.00
  28.00 228 points Key Account Management, Peking University
  Implementation Guidelines 229 28.00 Peking Brand
  The history of Peking University GSM 39.00 230
  231 49.00 Peking University under the Global History
  Insurance 40.00 232 luxury Peking Chang
  The history of world civilization under 233 120.00 Peking University
  Peking University to create a City of God 40.00 234
  235 failed to win in 18.00, Peking University
  236 Dialogue with Lin - 24.00 Peking University Economic Development Strategy
  237 Dialogue with Lin - Method of Economics, Peking University 24.00
  After Past 238 48.00 Peking University landscape
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China Book Publishing Industry Development Prospects
  2008-2010, people will continue to rise in material living standards, the pursuit of spiritual level also will increase the demand for books will be increasing, book publishing industry has a broad development space. Meanwhile, as China's book distribution and retail markets open to private and foreign capital followed. Book publishing industry's competitiveness more and more intense, the Chinese book publishing industry is also facing a series of difficulties, such as: high inventory constraining the development of the publishing industry, book luxury forest for the trees, repeat the topics published in mediocrity, repeated publication of pirated books , Book Publishing and the market competition, confusion, irrational structure of book publishing and more. For these situations, the state has adopted corresponding policies and regulations regulating the market, publishing and distribution enterprises in their efforts to make adjustments, make efforts in the community, achieve good results, making the book publishing market towards a healthy direction.
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  Book has gone through several different historical stages. The invention of writing and used to record the knowledge to make human civilization into the age of books in this stage is characterized by various carrier materials. Such as ancient Egypt, paper grass, clay tablets of Babylon with the European Middle Ages, a sheepskin, wax, India with palm leaves and so on. In China, had earlier with the oracle bones, bronze, stone, etc., as the carrier of recorded knowledge, from the spring to the multi-purpose Han bamboo slips, wooden slips, silk, said Jane policies, silk. After the invention of paper, paper has become the world's best national carrier of the written word. The invention of printing marked the books into a new phase, not only to books in terms of quality improvement in the volume also has an impressive development, so that the accumulation of knowledge and dissemination of larger, broader. After the mid 19th century, printing technology innovation, production of books from the transition to mechanized production manual. 20th century, the rapid development of science and technology, the means of dissemination of knowledge for human progress to show a broader outlook, there has been photographic copies of books, computer typography books, books and other three-dimensional printing. Although developed in the 20th century, audio-visual documents, microfilm documents, machine-readable documents and other "non-book materials," in large numbers, but the book has not only preserved but also as easy to carry, are not subject to space, time and equipment limitations, etc., will remain human society, one of the most important medium of knowledge exchange.
  Books are humanity accumulation, storage, and an important means of disseminating knowledge, it has saved the human spirit products, exchange of knowledge and information transfer, for social education and cultural life of rich people and many social functions. Book is both a product of social life, but also of a powerful factor in the further development of society.
  (Zheng predicament)
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English Expression
  1. n.:  cover,  title,  approval copy,  book,  seal,  picture album,  atlas,  chart,  books (in a library or bookstore)
  2. vt.:  address
French Expression
  1. n.  livre
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