International Whaling Convention Governments, through their duly accredited representatives of the signing of this Convention, That, in order to protect whales and their offspring is rich in natural resources, the interests of countries around the world; In view of whaling history has shown, then a district as a district, a whale and then one kind of whales in fishing, it is necessary to protect all species of whales, so as not to continue fishing; That, if properly managed whaling fisheries, natural resources can increase the whales, and that increases the whale resources, to increase the number of whaling will not damage natural resources; That do not lead to widespread economic or adverse effects on nutrition, the whale resources as soon as possible to achieve the most appropriate level of common interest; That in the period to achieve these purposes, has been reduced in order to give the recovery period for certain whales, whaling operations must be limited to those species can be caught; Hope that based on 8 June 1937 the International Whaling signed in London on the management agreement and the June 24, 1938 and November 26, 1945 in London, signed the agreement protocol based on the principles stipulated in the establishment of an international arrest whale management system to ensure that whales appropriate and effective protection and development of whale resources; Decided to sign on to seek appropriate protection of whales and whaling, fishing make the orderly development of the Convention. Have agreed as follows: Article This Convention includes an integral part of the schedule. The term "convention" should be understood to include the existing provisions of this Annex or under the provisions of Article V amendments to the terms. Second, the Convention applies to all Contracting Governments under the jurisdiction of whaling mother ship, coastal whaling stations and processing, as well as the whaling mother ship, coastal whaling station or processing operations carried out all the water. Article Special words used in this Convention: First, the "whaling mother ship" refers to the surface in the cabin or cabin for all or part of the whale processing ship. Second, the "coastal processing station" means a facility located at the shore, for all or part of the whale processing. Third, the "whaling" refers to as a track, capture, drag, finally saw or detect whales for the purpose of the ship. Fourth, the "Contracting Government" means the ratification of this Convention has been submitted or have notified the government to participate in this Convention. Article The Contracting Governments agree to _set_ up the International Whaling Commission (hereinafter referred to as "Committee") ①, by the contracting parties to a Government members. Each member has one vote and one person with one or more experts and advisers. International Whaling Commission in 1949. Second, the committee elected from among its members a Chairman and Vice-Chairman, and to develop the Commission's rules of procedure. Committee's decision by the voting members that is considered by most agreed; but to fulfill the provisions of Article V, are subject to a voting member of three-fourths majority vote; rules of procedure adopted in committee meetings, but also in other ways through. Third, the Commission may appoint the Secretary General and staff. Fourth, the Committee to perform its tasks within the terms of reference, they may want to _set_ up a small committee _set_ up by the Committee and composed of experts or consultants. Five members of the Committee, experts and consultants, by the respective governments to decide and pay. Sixth, that the United Nations specialized agencies are also concerned about the protection and development of the whaling industry and its products, and hope to avoid repeat of its mandate, the Contracting Government to decide whether to allow the Commission to participate in a specialized United Nations agencies, pending the entry into force of this Convention within two years of each other consultation. 7, in the same period, the United Kingdom Government and other government contracting consultations, the Commission agreed to convene the first meeting and consultation agreement in paragraph 6 above. Eight, after the Commission meeting, the Committee decided to summon. Article First, the Committee may jointly or independently by the contracting government agency or other public or private agencies, organizations or groups work together or separately the following: 1. Encouragement, advice, or where necessary, research on whales and whaling and surveys; 2. Whale resources to collect and analyze information on the status and trends, as well as its impact on whaling and other aspects of statistics; 3. Research, review and dissemination of whale resources to maintain and increase the number of methodologies. Second, the Commission shall publish a report on the work. Report of the Committee deems appropriate and relevant statistical aspects of whales and whaling, scientific and other appropriate information, published by the Commission alone or with scattered Nafi Yule in Norway (Sandefjord) of the International Whaling Bureau of Statistics publication, or other groups, agencies co-published. Article First, the Commission was based on the adoption of conservation and utilization of whale resources, rules, on the following points may at any time modify the provisions of the annex: 1. Protected and unprotected species of whales; 2. Lifting of the ban and closed seasons; 3. Ban fishing waters and waters (including the designation of protected areas); 4. The size of various whale catch limits prospective; 5. Whaling period, the method and intensity (including a maximum yield of whale fishing period); 6. The use of fishing gear, apparatus and equipment types and specifications; 7. Determination; 8. Whaling reports and other statistics and biology of the record. Second, the attachment of the amendment is: 1. Should be to the purpose and tasks of the implementation of this Convention, and in order to seek the protection of whale resources, development and optimum use of the necessary persons; 2. Judgments should be based on science; 3. Should not lead to limit whaling mother ship, or the number of processing stations along the coast or nationality restrictions, or any whaling mother ship or a boat along the processing station, or any number of processing stations along the whaling mother ship, or a special quota requirements; 4. Should take into account whaling and whale products consumers. Third, the above amendments, the Commission amended this notice after the Contracting Governments of the Contracting Governments ninety that effect, but 1. If any government in a period of at least ninety days prior to the Commission challenged the amendment, then this amendment to extend the ninety days does not take effect for any Contracting Government; 2. Therefore, any other Contracting Government to extend the ninety days prior to the expiration of ninety days or to extend the objection received during the last thirty days from the date of mid-term (last day) are very correct to challenge this ; 3. Since then, the amendment did not raise objections on all Contracting Governments to that effect, while the challenge of any government to withdraw its objection without prior no effect. The Committee received each objection or withdrawal of objections to the views, should immediately notify all Contracting Governments, Contracting Governments shall have received on that amendment, all the objections and withdraw objection notice. Fourth, any amendment in the July 1, 1949 shall not take effect before. Article The Commission can about whales or whaling, and the purpose and tasks of this Convention the matters at any time to any or all Contracting Governments. Article Parties to this Convention, the Government should ensure that the required notices, statistics and other information, the format specified by the Committee and methods to quickly send bulk Nafi Yule Norwegian Bureau of Statistics of the International Whaling Commission or other designated groups. Article First, despite the provisions of this Convention, Contracting Governments for their own nationals for the purpose of scientific research on whales to capture, kill and processing, according to the amount the government considers appropriate, may issue special permits. According to the provisions of the whale catch, kill and processing, are bound by this Convention. Contracting Governments should ensure that all of the above special permit issued promptly notify the Commission. The Contracting Government may at any time to cancel the special permit issued by the above. Second, according to the special permit to capture whales, may try to be the basis of actual processing in accordance with all operating procedures permit the government regulations. Third, the Contracting Governments should as much as possible about the government received scientific information on whales and whaling, including the conduct of this Article and Article 4, the survey results, send the agency designated by the Committee, each time sending interval time should not exceed one year. Each Contracting Government that in order to improve the whaling industry and rational management, we must continue to collect and analyze the mother ship and coastal biological information processing station operations, and shall take all possible measures to obtain such information. Article IX First, each Contracting Government shall take appropriate measures to ensure implementation of provisions of this Convention, and under the jurisdiction of the Contracting Government personnel or ship operating in violation of the provisions of this Convention be punished. Second, the Convention prohibits the capture of whales, not whaling gunner or crew counted as work performance to pay bonuses or other compensation. Third, those who violate or breach of this Convention, by its respective jurisdiction of the government to pursue prosecution. Fourth, the Contracting Government should be under the jurisdiction of the person or in violation of various provisions of the Convention full and detailed case correctly in accordance with the Government of the Ombudsman's report to the Committee a detailed report, this report should include the breach of the Convention. measures and punishment situation. Article This Convention shall be ratified by the United States of America ratification deposited with the Government. Second, who have not traveled to participate in the government signed the Convention, after entry into force of this Convention, written notification to the United States of America and participate in the Convention. Third, the United States Government should ensure that all books and received the approval notice of participation in the Convention, signed the Convention to all government and government participation in the Convention. Fourth, the Convention shall receive at least six government contract ratification, including the Netherlands, Norway, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, that the effect of the government. After the approval or participation of the government in the submission of the ratification of the Convention to participate in the date or receipt of notice of the date. Fifth, an attachment rule, July 1, 1948 before the invalid. In accordance with the provisions of Article V and amendment to an annex in the July 1, 1949 before the invalid. Article XI Any Contracting Government may at any year, June 30, denounce this Convention, but it should be in the same year before January 1 of ratification to the Depositary Government make a statement. Save the government received the statement of ratification, shall immediately notify the other Contracting Governments. Save the other Contracting Governments of ratification is received on the Government to convey copies of items declared within one month, withdraw from the Convention may also make a statement. In such situations, the Convention proposed withdrawal of the latter statement is also the same year, the government shall expire on June 30. Signed this Convention shall indicate the start date and still within 14 days after the signing of the signing. The following duly authorized plenipotentiaries have signed this Convention, for identification purposes. The Convention on December 2, 1946 in Washington, the English language. The original archives of the government by the United States of America to save. United States Government should verify the copies thereof to all signatory governments and government participation in the Convention. Following the signing of the Government Plenipotentiary: (omitted) Attachment This annex first to ninth after the second plenary meeting of the International Whaling Commission after the entry into force of amended and passed First, 1. Each whaling ship whaling mother ship must be located at least two supervisors to supervise the day and night. Supervisors should have jurisdiction on the whaling mother ship, and the government appointed the burden of their costs. 2. The processing stations along the coast should be adequate supervision, the work station in the coastal processing by the processing station supervisor also has jurisdiction over government appointments and pay their costs. Second, the prohibition to capture or kill whales or whale grams; but whale meat and products such as local residents only consumers, are permitted. Third, the prohibition to capture or kill calves or milk whales, or whales accompanied by calves and milk the mother whale. IV 1. Within five years, prohibit the capture or attempt to capture the northern Atlantic white-fin (on the article to November 7, 1954 two provisions, Iceland and Denmark have opposing views, all the proposals were not withdrawn. This entry was 2 in 1955 entered into force on 24 May, but Iceland and Denmark, non-binding. This entry is valid on February 24, 1960 termination). 2. The following areas prohibit the use of the whaling ship whaling mother ship or their capture or processing of baleen whales: (1) latitude sixty degrees north of the waters. However, one hundred and fifty degrees east longitude to one hundred forty degrees west longitude, latitude in this region between sixty degrees and seventy-second, to the mother ship or whaling catch minke whales; (2) in the Atlantic north of latitude forty degrees and its waters; (3) in forty degrees south latitude and between 35 degrees north latitude, east of longitude one hundred and fifty degree waters of the Pacific and its subsidiaries; (4) in latitude forty degrees and twenty degrees north latitude and between longitude one hundred and fifty degrees west of the Pacific Ocean and its waters; (5) in latitude forty degrees north of the Indian Ocean and its waters. Fifth, ban whaling mother ship or its seventy degrees west longitude from the west to longitude one hundred and sixty degrees forty degrees south latitude, just south of the waters to capture or treating baleen whales (Moscow Seventh The meeting will _delete_ this article, from November 8, 1955 cease to have effect from three years; London remains the ninth meeting of the original proposal, from November 8, 1958 for continuing cease to have effect after the expiry date of 11 from 1959 August onwards, came into effect this automatically). VI 1. Prohibits the capture or processing the north Atlantic humpback whales for five years (to November 8, 1959 for the five-year period); 2. Prohibited in forty degrees latitude south west longitude zero to seventy degrees west longitude in the waters between the capture or processing of humpback whales for five years (to November 8, 1959 for the five-year period); 3. 1,2,3,4 In addition to the day in February each year, the ban whaling mother ship belongs to forty degrees latitude south in the waters to capture or handle all the humpback whales. VII 1. Prohibit the use of mother ships and their whaling fleet in the waters south of latitude forty degrees to capture or handle baleen whales (except whales, but Mink), but the January 2 until April 7 (including the two ends of days) only are permitted. Any whaling every year no earlier than February 1, white fin whales caught or processed; 2. 3,4,5 In addition to the provisions under this section by contracting outside the period approved by the Government to prohibit the use of mother ships and their capture or handling of sperm whales and whaling Mink whales; 3. Parties under the jurisdiction of the government response to its mother ship and all its own whaling announced a lifting of the ban, which does not exceed twelve months in a row in this period of eight months to capture or kill sperm whales. But separately for each ship whaling mother ship and announced its own separate lifting of the ban. 4. Contracting Governments should consult their own mother ship, and it belongs to announce a lifting of the ban whaling, that no more than twelve months in this period of six consecutive months can capture or kill Mink whales. In this case, the mother ship of each ship and their respective two whaling ships to declare the following: (1) separate lifting of the ban; (2) of this paragraph an announced period of time to catch fin whales will ban the whaling period included. 5. Their respective Parties Government should not stand together with the mother ship or processing of all whaling operations announced a lifting of the ban, which does not exceed twelve months in six consecutive months, this period can capture or kill that g whale. VIII 1. Contracting Government under the jurisdiction of the whaling ships in the whaling mother ship belongs to lifting of the ban in the waters south of latitude forty degrees by the number of fin whales caught not more than fifteen thousand white fin unit, was lifted during the period in 1959-1957 fin whales caught the first few, as noted above, not more than fourteen thousand five hundred white fin unit. 2. This paragraph 1 under a white fin unit, equal to two fin whales, humpback whales or two and a half or six ■ whales. ① ① 1964 年 6 22 in San Nafi Yule Norway at the 16th International Whaling Conference, put forward the scientific group's report, from 1964 to 1965 year onwards the decision to abolish the white fin whales head to convert the number of calculation. 3. According to the provisions of Article VII of this Convention, each Contracting Government shall, at least two days after every weekend, submitted to the whaling mother ship in all the whaling ships in the waters south of latitude forty degrees to capture the whale's head number (white conversion fin units). At the same time, the provisions of the International Whaling Statistics catch white fin unit of thirteen thousand five hundred (1957 to 1958 whaling period of thirteen thousand), the above white fin whales caught in the first few should be submitted after the end of each day. 4. According to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this annual whaling quota as likely to complete by 7 April each year, the International Whaling Statistics should be based on the information obtained, _set_ the date scheduled to whaling quotas, and prior to that date four days notice every ship captain and Contracting Governments to the mother ship. Such as the whaling mother ship belongs to the specified date after 12 pm is still south of latitude forty degrees to capture any waters or attempt to capture the baleen whales, that is considered illegal. 5. Where in latitude forty degrees south of the waters, about to start whaling operations of the whaling mother ship, shall be the provisions of Article VII of the Convention to inform the Committee (Note: This item originally for the first six, was replaced by 5 items. the original item 5 in 1952, the fourth plenary session of the Committee removed this change since September 12, 1952 came into effect). IX 1. White fin whales, ■ whales or humpback whales were below the length of the following is prohibited to capture or kill: White fin whales 70 feet (21.3 meters) ■ whales 40 feet (12.2 meters) Humpback whales 35 feet (10.7 meters) However, the length of 65 feet (19.8 meters) above the white fin whales and length of 35 feet (10.7 meters) above ■ whale, whale meat for such a consumer for use only on the local residents for food or feed, can capture into the processing stations along the coast. 2. Prohibits capture or kill the length of 57 feet (17.4 meters) below the fin whale and the southern hemisphere mother ship or transported along the processing station. Prohibits capture or kill the length of 55 feet (16.8 meters) below the fin whales and transported to the northern hemisphere of the mother ship or processing stations along the coast. However, such whale meat for local consumption only on residents such as food or feed, the length of 55 feet (16.8 meters) above the fin can be captured and transported to the coast of the southern hemisphere processing station; length of 50 feet (15 .2 m) above the fin can be captured and transported to the northern hemisphere along the processing station. 3. Prohibits capture or kill the length of 38 feet (11.6 meters) below the sperm whale, but the length of 35 feet (10.7 meters) above the sperm whale can be captured and transported along the processing station. 4. Quiet place to catch the whale anatomy of the deck or platform, the application of steel tape measure correctly as possible; steel tape with a sharp stick at one end can be _insert_ed at the end of the whale on the deck, and then straighten the foot parallel along the whale, pull to the other side of the whale, read out its length; whale jaw length should be from the top to tail on the bifurcation point is reached. Values measured in feet should be rounded record. Such as length of 75 feet 6 inches (23 meters) and 76 feet 6 inches (23.3 meters) between the whale, should be recorded as 76 feet (23.1 meters); just in half feet, shall carry, If just 76 feet 6 inches (23.3 meters) then carry 77 feet. X. 1. Prohibit the use of coastal whaling processing station belongs to capture or handle baleen whales and sperm whales. However, according to this paragraph 2,3,4 of the Convention, except with the leave by the Contracting Government. 2. Parties under the jurisdiction of the government response to all of its coastal whaling processing stations and their publication permits or treating baleen whales captured (not including Mink whale) and lifting of the ban. The lifting of the ban in any 12 consecutive month period shall not exceed six months. Contracting Government for the capture and processing of whales (not including Mink whales) _set_ up along the processing stations and processing for capture or baleen whales (excluding Mink whale) the most recent processing stations along its more than a thousand miles away, could announced the lifting of the ban alone for the individual. 4. Each Contracting Government under its jurisdiction all along the processing stations and their whaling fleet to capture or kill Mink whale announced the lifting of the ban, that is not in any consecutive twelve-month period more than six months, the lifting of the ban also This paragraph does not, and two pairs of baleen whales are the same specified period of time. Contracting Government for the capture and processing of Mink whales and processing stations located along the coast away from the most recent government more than a thousand miles along the processing station, could announce their separate individual lifting of the ban. In addition, capture and processing of Mink whale processing station and the same parties in the other processing stations owned marine conditions were completely different, but also separately announced its individual lifting of the ban, but the individual under this subparagraph lifting of the ban, no more than any twelve months in the nine months. 5. Prohibitions listed in this paragraph for 1946 International Whaling Convention of all the provisions of Article II processing stations along the coast and the provisions of paragraph 17 of this Annex of all bound by the rules whaling whaling mother ship. XI prohibits whaling mother ship in any waters south of latitude forty degrees full quarter capture and processing whales. From the end of the period from whaling, banned throughout the year in any other region above the processing, but for frozen and salted whale meat or offal for human consumption or for animal feed who do not apply this provision. XII. 1. According to Annex II, IV, five, six, seven, eight, ten, paragraph, prohibit the contracting of such government-owned whaling ships to kill whales and whaling mother ship, or prohibiting the use of processing stations along the processing of these whales class (for any contracting government-owned whaling ships captured or kill for). 2. All the captured whales (except Mink whales outside) should be sent to processing stations or coastal whaling mother ship. All part of the whale should be cooking or other processing methods. But all the internal organs of whales, baleen, pectoral fin, and sperm whale meat for human consumption, or specifically for animal feed whale parts, are permitted. 3. "Drifting dead whale," and the whale's body as a fender, not necessarily in such whale meat or bone has gone when full processing. XIII. 1. Transported to the mother ship of the catch of whales, by the mother ship's master or person in charge of the mother ship to be adjusted or limit, its role is to make the dead body of the whale (the whale's death as a fender body, except that such dead whales to be reasonable as quickly as possible processing) from the deck to kill time until the time, one in the sea stay not exceeding thirty-three hours. 2. Whaling catch all the whales, both for the mother ship along with the processing station or for use, should be clearly marked for easy identification and capture of the order of whaling name. 3. Along with the mother ship of all whaling operations should be reported by radio to the mother ship the following items: (1) whale capture each time; (2) the species; (3) In accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 2 by the mark. 4. According to the provisions of this paragraph 3 to the radio report information should be credited to the permanent registration book to prepare for inspection at any time whaling monitors. In addition, the following items should also be credited at any time on the permanent register: (1) for the processing and to the time; (2) according to the ninth paragraph 4 provides that the determination of the length; (3) the sex of whales; (4) for the female whale, or whether the secretion of milk is full of milk; (5) If the fetus, should record its length and sex; (6) A detailed description of each violation. 5. Along the processing station should be available by this paragraph 4 under the same register, and should all the information listed in the first four do shorthand into the register. Fourth, the mother ship, coastal whaling stations and processing the gunner and crew, their remuneration, conditions of employment should be a considerable degree on whaling on the basis of the type, size and yield, not just the head according to the number of whaling. The gunner or crew of the whaling ships caught the whale full of milk or milk is secreted when the whale is not giving any bonus or other compensation. Fifth, the whales and whaling, and all official laws and regulations of these laws, rules, modify the copy should be sent to the Commission. XVI mother ship and all along the processing station should be in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention, submitted the following statistics: 1. The catch of whales for the first few, including the loss of the head and the mother ship or the number of processing stations along the processing whales number of head; 2. Derived from these various levels of whale blubber and the total number of fish meal, fish fertilizer and other products number; 3. Especially in the mother ship or the coast should be submitted to the processing of each processing station whale capture period, roughly the latitude and longitude, species, sex, length, as recognized the fetus, as detailed on its length and gender. Listed in item 1 and 2 on the above information, should be seized at the scene when the number of checks. Besides, who can collect or obtain whale breeding grounds and migratory routes of information should be submitted to the Commission. In the submitted information must state the following: (1) The name of the vessel and the whaling mother ship tonnage; (2) and the total number of whaling ships in the tonnage of vessels; (3) for current operations along the processing station list. XVII 1 only in the areas listed in paragraph 3 of any vessel operating within the territorial waters, territorial waters are under the jurisdiction of the government's permission, and hanging the flag with the Government who, during the operation period, the shall comply with the coast processing station operations management rules, rather than by the mother ship operations management rules. 2. The mother ship in the whaling operations within one year from the end of the period, shall not be listed in this paragraph 3 or any waters outside the region south of latitude forty degrees treating baleen whales. 3. 1 and 2 of the Covenant, the region is as follows: (1) and their possessions along the coast of Madagascar; (2) French west coast of Africa; (3) the Australian coast and the entire east coast and Shark Bay, including the north to the northwest corner of Cape Aikesi Plymouth Bay region, including Australia and Hong Kong Albany King George Strait West Bank. Eighth, the following terms have the following explanation: "Whales" are required for the oral or whale bone whale, toothed whale that is outside the whale; "White fin" (Balaenoptera or Sibbaldus musculus) is usually called blue whale, also known as razorback, sharp nose whale, Xi Bade whale, yellow-bellied whales; "Drifting dead whale," as the whale found floating dead in the main those without; "Fin" (Balaenoptera physalus), also known as common pattern whale, whale ordinary sharp nose, wrinkles whale, herring whale, whale really wrinkles; "G whale" (Rhachianectes glaucus) is usually called g whales, children whales, gray whales, also known as California whales, whale ghost, hard whales, mussels whale, gray whale back; "Humpback Whale" (Megaptera nodosa or Nouaengliae) also known as humpback whales, right whales; "Mink whale" (Balaenoptera acutorata, B.davidsoni, B.huttoni) also known as the small tip of the nose whales, small whales sharp, pointed whale, fin whale tip; "Whales" (Balaena mysticetus, Eubalaenaglacialis, E.australis, Neobalaena marginata), also known as Atlantic right whale, Arctic right whale, Biscay whale, Arctic whales, no dorsal fin whale, Greenland whale, blunt Whale, North Atlantic right whale, Pacific right whale, dwarf whale, whale Southern short, South Right Whale; "■ whale" (Balaenoptera borealis), also known as Lu Duofei's long-nosed whale, cod, whales, and includes cloth reed whale (B. Brydei); "Sperm whale" (Phyester catodon), also known as ambergris whale, really a whale, the bulk of whales; "Toothed whale" as the jaw with the teeth of the whale; "Capture the whale" as the whale has been captured or dead whale with a standard flag or towing of the whale whaling ships. Rules of procedure Represented on the Rule number one Participate in the management of the International Whaling Convention (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") the government is entitled to appoint one of Plenipotentiaries, the representative may be accompanied by experts and consultants a person or persons. Rule number two Contracting Governments may designate a person to an expert or consultant or assistant deputy plenipotentiary representatives. Each contracting Government shall promptly plenipotentiary representatives of the name and followers of the names of experts and consultants to inform the Committee Secretary, Secretary of the Committee shall be responsible for such notification by a representative of the other plenipotentiaries. Rule number three Participate in the Convention, governments and any other international organizations such as the resolutions adopted by the Committee, to attend committee meetings as observers. Vote Rule Four Each plenary session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries on voting, if the Plenipotentiary is absent, the vote should have their deputies or assistants. Experts and consultants to speak at the plenary session, but no voting rights. Experts and consultants were appointed to participate in its various professional meetings of the voting, but voting at these meetings, representatives of each Contracting Government have a right to vote. Rule 5 Committee voting on any issue, whether by majority vote for or against that is considered by, the provisions of Article V of the Convention, but the case was an exception, according to which there must be three-quarters majority before being established. Committee consists of various professional committees of the vote by a majority that is considered by consent or objection, but a variety of professional committees shall notify each vote on the resolution adopted by the Commission. Can vote by show of hands or roll-call, using what is declared by the President to decide. Rule 6 Regular meeting of the Committee during recess or in extremely necessary, by letter or other communication means to vote. In this case, the total number of plenipotentiaries should be required majority or three-quarters majority vote. Rule 7 Committee Chairman is elected by the Plenipotentiary. President elected for three years, not after the next three years can not be re-elected as Chairman. But before the next President is not elected, the President shall continue to perform their duties. Rule 8 Competence of the President: 1. The regular meeting of the Committee chair; 2. The right to request any Plenipotentiary to the President of the Committee vote on any of the provisions, the Commission regular meeting place where such a problem, the President should be addressed; 3. The question put to the vote and the voting results announced to the Committee; After consultation with the plenipotentiaries were to determine the preliminary agenda, so that the Clerk could be given sixty days notice; 4. Commission on behalf of the Commission to sign an annual regular meeting or other meetings of the Protocol, and served on the Contracting Governments and other relevant bodies, as official documents; 5. According to the Commission's resolution to make decisions, and to direct the Secretary to ensure that the Commission's work, especially during the recess of the General Assembly can be effectively carried out. Vice President Rules of nine Vice-Chairman is elected by the Plenipotentiary. If the Chairman is absent or ill, the Vice Chairman shall preside at regular meetings or committee meetings during the intersessional period. In these circumstances, he has the President's powers and duties. Vice President elected for three years, the next three years without re-elected as Vice-Chairman can not. However, there is no pending the election of the next Vice President, Vice-Chairman shall continue to discharge its duties. Secretary Rule ten The Committee appointed secretary and the necessary number of staff, and provides for their salaries and travel. Rules eleven Executive Secretary of the Commission services in charge. Committee receive all the documents are sent to the secretary or runoff was sent by the secretary. Secretary of the Committee, leading the daily work of the Commission, the Finance Committee is responsible for the funds received. Secretary of the Assurance Committee and its various professional committees at the regular meeting of the office work. Secretary of the Commission proposed to the President is responsible for preparing the draft budget each year, and Chairman of the Executive Committee or delegate his duties. Work system Rules of twelve Should be added, such as at a regular meeting to discuss issues, including amendments to Annexes to the Convention or under Article VI of this Convention, the recommendations and other issues not included in the sixty days will be issued to the draft agenda of plenipotentiaries who is resolution of the Commission can not serve as an object. Financial system Rules thirteen Commission's financial year from June 1 until May 31 next year only. Rule 14 Notice of payment of contributions should be with the Committee on the actual or estimated annual expenditure accounts be delivered to the Contracting Governments. Rule 15 Contracting Government contributions should be paid in sterling to the Committee. Office Rules sixteen Commission office in London. Regular meeting Rules seventeen Commission regular meeting each year should be held in London, but the Commission every three years the Commission decided to convene a _set_ of other places. If a Party is not in London the government would like to invite the Commission held its third regular meeting of the year, then such a formal invitation must be given sixty days in the meeting. Majority of the Committee members to attend, shall constitute a quorum. Commission's special meeting, may first President in consultation with the Contracting Government, then the President decided to convene. Professional Committee Rules XVIII Committee under the Scientific Committee, Technical Committee and the Finance Management Committee. President shall, at each plenary plenipotentiary to seek advice about whether they want to appoint their representatives to attend scientific and technical committees. Plenipotentiary to appoint their own representatives to participate in these committees. Chairman of the Finance Management Committee shall be appointed three members. The President may at any time necessary for a very professional organization committee. Each professional committee shall elect its own Chairman. Secretary shall prepare for each Committee of the appropriate office equipment. Scientific Committee responsible for whales and whaling on the review of existing scientific and statistical information to understand the governments, international organizations or private organizations, research projects, discuss the Committee or Chairman may propose to the Committee of the supplementary questions, the Commission put forward its own views and suggestions. Technical Committee shall review and discuss the national government decrees and resolutions, the State party violated government regulations summary annual report, the intensity of whaling operations, types and duration, the Committee or Chairman may delegate to its problems, to the Committee present their views and suggestions. Financial Management Committee should be on spending, budgets, the amount of contributions, financial management, personnel fixed the problem, and the Committee may at any time on the issues entrusted to it to present their views and suggestions. Committee of the language Rules nineteen Commission official and working language is English. Plenipotentiaries are also available in French, Russian or any other language to speak, but should bring their own interpreters. Commission all official documents and correspondence shall be written in English. Regular records Rule twenty Records of the regular meeting of the Committee shall be recorded verbatim, but the Committee of the records may be general account. Report Rules twenty-one The Plenipotentiary should seek their own published reports on all whaling operations sent to committee for statistics. Changes to the rules of procedure Rules twenty-two The rules of procedure at any time after the plenipotentiaries of majority voting to be modified, but the Secretary of the Committee shall, at least six days prior to the draft amendment will be notified of the Plenipotentiary. |