idiom > swallow a date whole
  Explanation: Wholeness: the whole child. The date the swallow, without chewing, the taste is not identified. Analysis of metaphor without thinking of things.
  Usage: Partial official; as predicate, object, adverbial; containing derogatory to describe the book does not seriously
  Source: Zen Master Wu Song circle "Bi Yan Lu": "If people know that bottom, slowly; bottom if I do not know who, Yi Si Hun Lun swallow a date."
  Examples: Reading to be good at thinking, not ~, superficial understanding.
  Story: Someone once said to people: "Eat a little pears, good for the human teeth, but eat a lot, can damage the spleen; date it, just the opposite, although to the spleen, but the teeth would be harmful to eat more . "listening to one of those who listened, thought and said:" Chili, only do not swallow chewing, but also damage the spleen it? eating dates, I do not chew, swallow, this is not to be protected teeth yet? "another young man heard him say this, wanted to joke:" You do not bolted down a date? "around the presence of people laugh. Reading: We acquire knowledge can not gulping, first of all to learn the knowledge and understanding clear, and then a serious effort to master it. If only a general science knowledge, you will not learn the real knowledge.
hú lún tūn zǎo
  The date the child swallowed without chewing, the taste does not distinguish
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No. 3
  Analogy to work without thinking, general and ambiguous
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No. 4
  The dates the swallow. No more than analogy in learning to analyze, select, generally accepted. Yuan Chang-age, "Jiro income Pig" First off: "I see you even for a moment there Qiaoxi next ceremony, I do not know where dahulun acid pale swallow a date." Mao Dun "Night Reading On ideal and reality in mind": "lack of discrimination of young people , gulping down to read the "Dream of Red Mansions", it will certainly produce some unhealthy emotional thinking. "
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  【注 音】hú lún tūn zǎo
  【释 义】囫囵:整个儿的,完整的。吞:咽下去。把整个枣吞咽下去。比喻在学习上食而不化,不加分析思考地笼统接受。
  【出 处】宋·圆悟禅师《碧岩录》:“若是知有底人,细嚼慢咽;若是不知有底人,一似浑囵吞个枣。”
  【用 法】偏正式;作谓语、宾语、状语;含贬义,形容读书不认真
  【示 例】(1)茅盾《夜读偶记·理想和现实》:“缺乏辨别力的青年,~地读了《红楼梦》,的确会产生一些不健康的思想情绪。”(2) 一个高中文科的学生,与其~或走马看花地读十部诗集,不如仔仔细细地背诵三百首诗。 ★朱自清《论诗学门径》
  近义词 不求甚解、生吞活剥 不得要领
  反义词 含英咀华、细嚼慢咽、融会贯通 心领意会
典 故
  从前有个人看书的时候,总会把书中文章大声念出来,可是他从来不动脑筋想一想书中的道理,还自以为看了很多书,懂得许多道理。有一天,他参加朋友的聚会,大家边吃边聊,其中有一位客人感慨地说:“这世上很少有两全其美的事,就拿吃水果来说,梨对牙齿很好,但是吃了伤胃;枣子能健胃,可惜吃多了会伤牙齿。”大家都觉得很有道理。 这个人为了表现自己的聪明,就接下去说:“这很简单嘛!吃梨子时不要吃进果肉,就不会伤胃;吃枣子时用吞的,就不会伤牙啦!”这时桌上正好有一盘枣子,他便拿起枣子打算直接吞下去。大家怕他噎到,连忙劝他说:“千万别吞,卡在喉咙多危险呀!”
  1. to swallow dates whole; to lap up information without digesting it; to read without comprehension
  囫囵吞枣成语故事 > 囫囵吞枣
  有个人曾经对人们说:“吃一点梨,对人的牙齿有好处,但是吃多了,会伤脾的;枣呢,正好与之相反,虽然可以健脾,但吃多了会对牙齿有害。” 听的人中一个人听了,想了想,说:“吃梨时,只嚼不咽,还会伤脾吗?吃枣时,我不嚼,一口吞下去,这不就可以保护牙齿了吗?” 另一个年轻人听他这么一说,就想开个玩笑:“你这不是囫囵吞下枣吗?”周围在场的人都笑了。
English Expression
  1. n.:  swallow a date whole
  2. v.:   do a thing without thought; read without understanding,  (literally) to swallow a date intact--to accept a fact without understanding or analyzing
do not seek to understand things thoroughly, glimpses of the truth, Minor success Opinion, The half-comprehended, smatter, How, the other, smattering
Antonym Group
dig Make a thorough investigation of basio-, an inquiring (turn of) mind, Digging to find the source of the, run to ground, Pursuit ray tracing, insist on getting to the bottom of sth., Smash Terrine ask ever, Sougentichi, plate Make a thorough investigation of basio-, hear of (about) witness, Hear of (about) See for oneself, Browse project heard, Heard eyes see, Seeing heard, one takes on the color of his company