Widen Yin Wen : idiom > Because of the wind blow the fire
Due to wind and fire
  Explanation: Due to down. Wind and Chuihuo, metaphor we took the opportunity to act, not effort. Commonly used word for Him.
  Usage: Partial official; as the predicate attribute; with compliment
  Source: Original Song, Buddhism, Taoism, "Jing Chuan Deng recorded" Thirteen volumes due to wind and fire, the force is small. "
  Examples: Mother love by ten Huan, not to the poor rustic and easy heart, which was Girls Hero. Servant ~, understanding mere mention the hanging tooth. ★ Ming Feng Meng, "Jingshitongyan" Volume Twelve
Analogy homeopathic act much force
  Analogy homeopathic act much force. "Jingshitongyan Du Shiniang": "Servant of fire due to the wind, understanding and be afraid of such linked mere tooth!" Is also "little hard" 连用. "Jingshitongyan White Snake Wing Town Pagoda": "﹝ ﹞ woman holding the hands of a child to take a boat package that embittered small B Official Road: 'because of the wind fires, forced small, a stage beyond take after him. '"
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No. 3
  词目 因风吹火
  发音 yīn fēng chuī huǒ
  释义 因:顺着。顺着风势吹火,比喻乘便行事,并不费力。常用作谦词。
  出处 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十三:“因风吹火,用力不多。”
  示例 十娘钟情所欢,不以贫窭易心,此乃女中豪杰。仆~,谅区区何足挂齿。(明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷三十二)
  语法 偏正式;作谓语、定语;含褒义。
  近义词 顺水推舟
  成语名称 因风吹火 汉语拼音 yīn fēng chuī huǒ 成语释义 因:顺着。顺着风势吹火,比喻乘便行事,并不费力。常用作谦词。 成语出处 宋·释道原《景德传灯录》卷十三:“因风吹火,用力不多。” 使用例句 十娘钟情所欢,不以贫窭易心,此乃女中豪杰。仆因风吹火,谅区区何足挂齿。
Octahedral rustle, be a perfect mixer in any company, perfection, Wind driving directions, Back to the ship luff, see how the cat jumps, Ship by the wind, See opportunities and make, according to circumstances follow, trim one's [the] sails to the wind, push the boat along with the current— make use of an opportunity to gain one’ s end, Ass by the lower slope, make the best of, Jianjierzuo, wittiness, Take advantage of the wind rudder, understand tact, With the current Push boat, Lee Guide, hit the spot, accurately, in every detail, accurately
Wan Nian are silent, regardlessness, Uneven, make a big fuss about something, Big loss prestige, the road to happiness is strewn with _set_backs, be on one's guard for all possible dangers, deadwood dying embers, be utterly destitute of passions and desires as rotten wood and dead ashes, branch out, White micro-flaw, Bainianjiehui, a cloud on one's happiness, ado affliction, Festival twig, cast [fling, throw] prudence to the wind
Containing Phrases
Because of the wind blow the fire fling not many