China > Shaanxi > Baoji > 嘉陵江景区之五:发源地
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No. 1
  Jialing River area five: the birthplace of tourism complaints complaints telephone Baoji Tel :0917 -3,653,727
  Shaanxi Tourism complaints Tel :029 -85,261,437
  National Tourism complaints Tel :010-65275315
  "No small streams into rivers is difficult," river of many streams, springs and stone under stone has brought together thousands of miles between the seepage source of Jialing River. Changing the source of water features, water features thin water jet is the source of the first features: stone soaking, like acoustic music, melodious; silver chain beaded its second major feature: the more stream sinks more water increases from afar, hanging on the hillside, as numerous small pools on the silver chain, sparkling in the sun; waterfalls spectacle is the third major characteristic: the farther away from the first source of the greater flow potential, the cornerstone of such a large river along clouds like slide down, then with down, forming a width ranging from waterfalls.
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