sciences of philosophy : culture > philosophy
Definition of philosophy
  Philosophy is the system of the world, is the guiding methodology of objective practice. (This definition is vague, meaning very little, no error can not be proven, not science)
  Philosophy of human thinking and understanding of the world, so divided into subjective and objective; and Science is repeatable, the objective laws, so philosophy, including science. In the subjective philosophy, one is standing on a particular point of view, verifiable subjective truth (which if discussed in the perspective to become a science); the other is never verified, but think, here, including religion and superstition.
  Subjective understanding of the world's method has been abandoned by most people, because they usually just stand on the issue personal point of view, if people do not know which discusses the human point of view, not necessarily the same conclusion can be obtained, so the definition of philosophy, relatively clear, but also to adapt to the following basic discussion of philosophy, whether historical or theoretical.
  Philosophy or will continue indefinitely, philosophical conclusions, calling for lower arguer, he can only be the result of their own thinking, do not need to know other people's conditions, and scientific discourse, to know others with their differences, to many conditions that "clear." Such as relativity,
  Definition of philosophy: philosophy, theoretical and systematic view of the world, is a natural knowledge, social knowledge, general knowledge, thinking, and summary, is the world outlook and methodology of unity. The existence of social consciousness and the specific form of expression, is the pursuit of origin of the world, nature, common or absolute, who is the ultimate form of metaphysical, philosophical world outlook and methodology to establish the content of the social sciences.
  Philosophy of the door with the other natural sciences, social sciences are active human beings understand the world, access to knowledge and understanding of methods of practice. Practice is the philosophical understanding of the doors and other co-specific scientific and attributes with the provisions of a general nature.
  Philosophy is always a direction for the development of society, opening the way to develop principles, provide a way to make society continues to be reform and change. Transform society for the benefit of all mankind the door of philosophy different from other salient features of the natural sciences and the kinds of provisions.
  True philosophy with the reality of human social life closely linked, is the social reality an integral part of life. Philosophy is not only lightning pierced the night sky, making everything shrouded in darkness manifested in front of people to make the world in the human brain to form a clear image, but also to promote social growth and development of the sun and rain, is the birth of a new society full of vitality mother.
  The real philosophy is the precursor of social change, it is the times, seek truth from facts, discard the old creative, vibrant. Ideology, cultural values, legal system, ethics new channels, must rely on the guidance of philosophy can achieve.
  Philosophy is the social consciousness, the concrete existence of the spirit of the times and forms.
  Social consciousness is the society of independent, self-improvement, self-discipline of the main character and ability, is the survival of society requires, trends and changes in law. Spirit of the times is the social consciousness of the alias.
  Human behavior is a conscious behavior. Philosophy as the human understanding of the world and transform the practice of social science, is bound to be a commander and command socially conscious behavior, the existence of social consciousness and forms of the concrete is a concrete, realistic, vivid social consciousness .
  Philosophy is human civilization, social attitudes, the existence and the specific spirit of the times one of the manifestations are the same literature, ethics, law, sociology, both have different points of common social ideology, is built on the basis of economic the social superstructure.
  Marx pointed out: The real philosophy is the essence of their spirit of the times.
  Pursuit of the world's origin, common, the pursuit of absolute and who is the ultimate metaphysical philosophy forms.
  Knowledge of human nature. Who does not meet the sensory experience to obtain knowledge about the world, people not only know the world looks like all things, and want to know hidden secrets of all things in the world, not only to know the world enough, and want to know the world why. Philosophy is people driven by desire for knowledge, of all things that cause their own individual interest, question of their origin, nature, common or absolute, ultimate metaphysical thought and exploration of those.
  Specific things from the perception or understanding of each specific individual starting the world through abstract concepts and logical thinking, discover the world of all things with the general provisions and laws, that is absolutely abstract things, that the ultimate nature and meaning of the world, established on this basis and the philosophical world methodology, is the practice at all times with various philosophical understanding of the general form of features.
  Philosophical world outlook and methodology to establish an objective practice of human basic content.
  Understanding of philosophy is the philosophy produced the inevitable result of practice, world outlook and methodology is the philosophical theory of the two specific forms.
  Philosophical world view is that people's overall view on the world and the basic point of view, philosophical understanding of human practice the knowledge gained results.
  The development of philosophy in the history of mankind on the Philosophical view of the world can be divided into two types: one is the substance monism philosophical world (materialism), and the other is the spirit of the philosophical world monism (idealist).
  Some people think that physical and mental monism monistic world view there are serious theoretical defects, can not scientifically prove the unity of the world. Substance monism philosophy that human language can not be expressed and defined all the objects are physical, spiritual monistic philosophy that human language can not be expressed and defined the spirit of all the objects are. Because the concept of material and spiritual, as there are limits to its extension, are not contain each other. This idea is wrong, historical materialism and dialectical materialism of Marx that the world is physical. Scientific proof of the unity of the world.
  Philosophical methodology is that people understand the world about, the intention of transforming society, ideas, consciousness, principles and methods, is that people according to their own survival and development of the necessary requirement to obtain all the knowledge of the philosophical thinking and philosophical analysis of the formation and the resulting sense of treatment results.
  World outlook and methodology of both sides, is a coin with two different surfaces. World view or view of things, the methodology is based on the form of knowledge or awareness of theory, methodology, is a form of consciousness or awareness of existing knowledge about the world or something. What kind of world view or outlook as a knowledge base of things, there must be associated with it to the awareness of theory and methodology, and vice versa.
  For example: flies are pests harmful to human health, everyone should be hands-on eradication of flies.
  Flies Hai Renchong people on the fly knowledge. It is the pest flies in the formulation of this knowledge should be eliminated when the implied intention of the behavior of the fly, will, consciousness. Hands in the statement that people should destroy all the flies that behavioral intention, will, sense of time, including people already have knowledge of flies is Hairen Chong.
  Determine the definition of philosophy must be strictly distinguished philosophy and philosophy.
  But from an ecological point of view is a species of flies, and bacteria, viruses, is a link in the ecosystem. Complete elimination of a species is wrong. Therefore, dialectical and historical materialism to understand and transform the nature of our society, the practice of philosophy weapons.
  Philosophy is the human understanding of the world and transform the practice of social science, philosophy, philosophical outlook and methodology is the result of philosophical practice, both the content and form of different provisions.
  Philosophical thinking and philosophy of human social practice is the purpose of planned behavior. The purpose of philosophy, including not only understand the world, access to correct knowledge of the world and the establishment of a correct world outlook, but also in access to knowledge of the world, based on a correct view of the world to establish a correct philosophical methodology to guide social development and change.
  Sense of philosophy and methodology package approach to understand the world consciousness and awareness to change the world way of two parts. People from the philosophy and methodology that guides the method of transforming society and consciousness point of view, philosophy and methodology that manifestations of social consciousness and forms.
  Philosophy is the systematic, theoretical world outlook and methodology, that the definition of and views about philosophy, confused the difference between philosophy with the philosophy, the philosophy is wrong definitions and perspectives. What is a systematic, theoretical and philosophical world outlook and methodology? Systematic, theoretical, philosophical outlook and methodology is a systematic philosophy. Defined as the philosophy of philosophy, not really horse head horse mouth.
  A long history of philosophy, it is basically the same views on philosophy, but there are different points of view, people's definition of philosophy there are several versions.
  Philosophia (philosophy) is two thousand five hundred years ago the ancient Greeks created the term. Greek Philosophia philos and sophia is composed of two parts, verb-object phrases, philein is a verb, refers to the love and the pursuit, sophia means "wisdom." Philosophia (philosophy) in terms of its original meaning, but refers to the love of wisdom, the pursuit of wisdom, the pursuit of truth.
  The earliest use of philosophia (love of wisdom) and philosophos (love wise) of these two words is Pythagoras. According to Peng Santos of Heracles Lead in "On the non-biological" in the records, when Pythagoras with the West in the library or 弗里阿西亚 the Tyranny Weng Weng Le conversation, the first use of the philosophia (love of wisdom) of the words and his own called philosophos (love wise). Pythagoras also said that in life, some servile to the rich and famous hunter life, and philosophos (love wise) born to seek the truth. He clearly loves wise to return to the ranks of free men, but also the freedom and truth linked together. Those who seek the truth, that is, the pursuit of wisdom.
  Western Learning philosophy into China, scholars place the indigenous culture without philosophy controversy. People think that China has a philosophy of philosophy is defined as: the universe and life on the basic thinking.
  If the wise learn from the philosophy of, sensible of the study, the academic point of view of Ming, the Chinese history of thought emerged Confucianism, Taoism, Confucianism is a philosophy, Chinese philosophy does have native.
  Hu, in his "Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy" states: "Where life and to study the problem of fundamental reasons, and want to find a solution" such knowledge is called philosophy.
  Feng Yu-lan, "A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy" in the proposed definition of his philosophy: "Life is a system for reflective thinking." The generation of foreign philosophy originated with doubts and surprised.
  Such as Qu Yuan, "Heaven", saying: thus the ancient beginning, who is preacher? Up and down is not shaped by the examination of what? A poem asking one hundred fifty-eight, all is the mystery of the universe and life on the ancient myths and legends of the surprise and concern. Philosopher is thus began his own independent thinking and explore. And, surprise, and doubt is always accompanied by philosophers of meditation.
  Plato said: "thauma" (surprise) is the philosopher of the signs of Philosophy. Yun said over the profound meaning of Plato: "iris" (rainbow, rainbow goddess, messenger of Zeus) is the "thauma" (surprise) of the women, and correct Traces its origin. "Iris" (Rainbow) to convey the will of God to the people and the Gospel, philosophy is a surprise and occurred under their attention, all the earthly things off the mask, but will show the truth out. Thus, it is to present itself as a truly liberating force.
  Aristotle in "Metaphysics", he said: knowledge is all nature. People are surprised and start the philosophical thinking, beginning around puzzling thing is surprised, and then gradually move forward, while the more important things in doubt, for example, on the phases of the Moon, sun and stars on the changes and on the generation of all things. Of a perplexed and surprised people, conscious of their ignorance of it.
  Hegel said: philosophy is a special kind of thinking movement, the philosophy is the pursuit of absolute. "Philosophy is an absolute object, is a special way of thinking" - Hegel "little logic."
  Einstein talked about this philosophy: If the philosophy understood as the most popular and most widely form the pursuit of knowledge, then, philosophy can clearly be considered the mother of all science.
  Eighteenth century, the famous German Romantic poet Novalis genius short-lived (1772-1801) on the definition of philosophy: Philosophy is the mother of all science, philosophy is the spirit of the original nature of the activities and return home, With all the urge to look around for nostalgia activities can be called spiritual home philosophy.
  Philosophy is the ultimate meaning of human understanding of the world and define it in the understanding and definition of manipulation that we understand the world, the world in the rationalization of our consciousness, which gives us spiritual consolation.
  Today, there are many important scientific concept of culture in people's knowledge is ambiguous, there is no clear scientific definition. Social and cultural construction should focus on basic concepts and theories of the Seminar.
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  The purpose of philosophy is a return man, no matter what philosophy, the ultimate purpose to serve the people. Indirect purpose: the pursuit of truth, the use of progressive to the final destination.
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Philosophy (philosophy)
  What is all that exists? Rely on our feelings, and not rely on our feelings; subjective, objective; real, imaginary; and all we ever imagine, and the unimaginable. Above all there is at least all of these forms.
  Is a fundamental characteristic of abstract philosophy. Why Philosophy is abstract? Because there is between all have the same abstract, this abstract is the same abstract internal structure and external relations of the abstract the same the same. It is the same based on this abstraction, so that we may feel the presence of all existence. Philosophy have to do is elaborate the contents of this abstract the same.
  Mind that the science of philosophy is Wan. The existence and development of all the concrete must follow the laws of the abstract; all disciplines specific application should follow the philosophy of the abstract, but must be based on the premise of the correctness of Philosophy.
  From the concrete and the abstract can not exist alone; specific internal structure and external relations law of the abstract must be followed. Grasp the abstract must be specific; grasp the specific internal structure and external relations can only be abstract.
  The study of philosophy can not be divorced from the specific problems of applied science; a particular applied science and its inherent logical structure of the external relations and other subjects, should follow the abstract philosophical principles. Grasp the abstract philosophical principles must rely on the application of specific subjects, specific perceptual phenomenon and the specific life experience; grasp the application of discipline specific structure and its internal logic and external relations for all other disciplines can only be a philosophy.
  Philosophy is useful because it is the unification of all knowledge of the science of Wan; philosophy of "useless" because it does not directly dedicated to solving specific problems.
  Philosophy is the world outlook and methodology of unity is the good life guide.
  Philosophy is to use simple words to reflect the deep meaning hidden truth, to get people to think and feel. Philosophy itself is used to improve their spiritual cultivation and helping others improve thinking.
  Questioning the nature of philosophy is characterized by continuously reflection. Content, all-encompassing philosophy of reflection objects; depth, philosophical reflection is infinite. In reality, we can borrow philosophical way of thinking, but can not copy the philosophical way of thinking. In other words we are able to direct attention to the reality is that specific and limited, non-closure of thinking allows us to solve specific problems in the infinite can not be asked.
  Underestimation of the philosophy of modern science is irresponsible, philosophical hidden in every part of real life, it provides us a way of life, if the philosophy is simple compared with modern science, then become a narrow scientism.
  Main object of study of philosophy is the relationship between matter and consciousness. The opposition between idealism and materialism.
  Those who recognize the substance as primary, consciousness is a product of the material is primary and consciousness, and said the materialists; who said that consciousness is primary and substance dependence and consciousness exist, said idealists.
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Source Philosophy
  In addition, the philosophy may be less formal usage refers to a particular method or belief.
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History of Philosophy
  "Philosophy" in the very early origins in China, has a long history. Such as "Ten Confucian Philosophy," "Gusheng sages" and the word "philosophy" or "wise men", specifically refers to those who are good at speculation, the knowledge intensive, that is similar to the West "philosopher", "thinkers" of that.
  Generally believed that the origin of the Eastern Zhou period of Chinese philosophy, Confucianism of Confucius, Lao Tzu's Taoism, and the late Mo Legalist Mohist represented. The fact that in the previous "Book of Changes" which has started to discuss philosophical questions.
  70 19th century, Japan's first disseminators of the Western Zhou Dynasty Western Philosophy borrowed ancient Chinese translated as "philosophy", before and after 1896, such as the Japanese translation of Kang said the introduction to China, with the gradual passage. In the West, philosophical term usually used to describe a certain view of human life (such as someone's "Philosophy of Life") and the basic principles (such as values, thinking and behavior). In academic philosophy, it is the basic principle of these questions based on the rational, reflective, and tried the basic principles of these rational reconstruction.
  First philosophy covers all the knowledge level. It has been the most abstract knowledge of mankind. Introduction to the Philosophy of the term originally comes from the Greek thinker Pythagoras.
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Basic disciplines of philosophy
  Ancient Greek philosophers to the philosophy through the practice of asking questions, their questions can be classified roughly into three categories, respectively, these three issues formed the basis for discipline of philosophy, metaphysics (metaphysics), Theory of Knowledge (Epistemology), and Ethics (Ethics).
  The first three questions are:
  * The essence of the world and the truth.
  * How do we know or know about the problem of truth
  * The meaning of life issues and moral practice
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The relationship between philosophy and science
  Academic History from the West, science is philosophy derivatives. Later, scientific independence, parallel with the philosophical discipline. Interaction between science and philosophy. Scientific production of knowledge, philosophy, had thought. Marxism holds that philosophy is also a social ideology. Modern Western philosophy in the philosophy of science, is designed to study the scientific theory. This theory studies the history of science, summarizes the many theories as scientific models, but this is only to explain the science, not to guide science. Philosophy is a special kind of human way of understanding the world, is to make up a noble science.
  Philosophy is the law and the individual characteristics of the new summary and distillation, from which to abstract the most general laws of nature and the most common; specific science reveals the natural, social and thinking a specific area of law and mystery.
  Philosophy of science is the basis of specific, concrete scientific progress to promote the development of philosophy; philosophy is to provide specific scientific world outlook and methodology guidance.
  The phenomenon of physics objects, structure and operation of the law of the objective to find a best way to explain the phenomenon; and metaphysical requirements of the law established the effectiveness and best practices to explain why.
  Be regarded as more experience and knowledge integration methods; and knowledge of their concern is the availability of knowledge, can demarcation and whether meaningful.
  Mathematics used to study the number of logical form, structure and model; and logic reasoning is concerned to ensure that power is what effective, logical reasoning reliability and completeness.
  A universal law of sociology to attempt to summarize and predict which group or individual human action; and ethics is more concerned about these acts related to freedom and moral responsibility, and its intrinsic motivation, meaning and how to make people behavior trend towards an optimum.
  Concerned about the transfer of power politics; and how political philosophy of power and the establishment of more concern to emerge.
  The United States to show people the art of charm, does not have that the origin of this charm; and aesthetics are questioning the nature and significance of the United States.
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The value of philosophy
  Philosophy is not that it should learn the issues raised for any definitive answer, but rather the problem itself; reason is that these problems can expand our concept of all possible things to enrich our mind's imagination, and reduce the dogmatic self-confidence, which may imprison the role of spiritual thinking. In addition, in particular, is through the philosophy of the universe in the large meditation, the mind will be great together, so that we can and for the perfection of the universe into its together.
  Philosophy can also be said to be rational for the study of faith, along with the natural laws of human rational conclusion.
  Philosophy is the ultimate meaning of the world on the interpretation, it explains that gives our understanding of the world and the world in the rationalization of our consciousness, which gives us spiritual consolation.
  Philosophy or of a person's self-positioning tool.
  Philosophy does not mean that bread, but the philosophical equivalent of eating bread coated with honey. The task of philosophy is to guide people the right to better understand the world and transform the world.
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The branch of philosophy
  Altruism - anti-realism - Buddhist philosophy - Confucianism - Hedonism - Materialism - Idealism - Idealism - Non-Realism - logically correct - Pessimism - Taoism - - ego - Rationalism - Realism - Aestheticism - a metaphysical materialism - dialectical materialism - objective idealism - subjective idealism - irrationalism - Stoic doctrine - Existentialism - Metaphysics - utilitarianism - ... ...
  Branch of philosophy
  Because different areas of research, there are many branches of philosophy.
  * History of Philosophy
  o Eastern Philosophy
  + Indian philosophy
  + History of Chinese Philosophy
  + Islamic Philosophy
  + Japanese philosophy
  o History of Western Philosophy
  + Ancient Greek Philosophy
  + Medieval Philosophy
  + Renaissance Philosophy
  + German classical philosophy
  + Russian Philosophy
  * Marxist Philosophy
  o Dialectical Materialism
  o Historical Materialism
  o History of Marxist Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Science
  * Modern Philosophy
  o Philosophy of Existence
  o Analytical Philosophy
  o Humanities and Philosophy
  o Hermeneutics
  o Semiotics
  o Pragmatism
  * Ethics
  o Medical Ethics
  o Education and Ethics
  o Political Ethics
  o Family Ethics
  o Bioethics
  o Ecological Ethics
  * Aesthetics
  o Aesthetic History
  o Art Aesthetics
  o Technological Aesthetics
  * Metaphysics
  * Phenomenology
  * Process Philosophy
  * Knowledge of
  * Philosophy of Death
  * Philosophy of Life
  * Philosophy of Law
  * Philosophy of Mind
  * Mohist Philosophy
  * British and American Philosophy
  * Comparative Philosophy
  * Contemporary French Philosophy
  * Philosophy Philosophy
  And philosophy-related subjects
  * Theory of Relativity
  * Quantum Mechanics
  * Chaos
  * String Theory
  * Thinking Science
  * Artificial Intelligence
  * Psychology
  * Information Theory
  * Semantics
  * Sociology of Science
  * Logic
  * Science
  * Control Theory
  * Mechanistic
  Other related disciplines and Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Mathematics
  * Philosophy of Religion
  * Political Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Law
  * Physical Philosophy
  * Astronomy Philosophy
  * Chemical Philosophy
  * Language of Philosophy
  * Buddhist philosophy
  * Godfather Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Education
  * Philosophy of Language
  o ordinary language philosophy
  * Natural Philosophy
  * Economic Philosophy
  * The same philosophy
  * Speculative Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Biology
  * History of Historical Materials of Chinese Philosophy
  * Philosophy of History
  * Learn
  * Classics
  * Metaphysics
  * Ling Yuan Pan philosophy
  * Qin scholars
  Philosophical proposition
  * Free Will
  * Determinism
  * Causality
  * Random
  * Baimafeima
  * People that road daily
  * Paradox
  * Change Nisshin
  * Twenty debate regarding who
  * Jen is the source of all things
  * Body with a source
  * The same channel is also the same day
  * Heaven Nature
  * All things are for me
  * Extremes meet
  * Mind temperament
  * Heart no body
  * New so divided
  * God-shaped mass
  * Nature is reason
  * As of date of birth
  * Into two
  * A two attributes
  * EPR paradox
  * Jian Ying Shiraai
  Philosophical works
  King Wen of Zhou, "Book of Changes"
  I "moral"
  Nietzsche's "Thus Spake Zarathustra said,"
  Schopenhauer "The World as Will and Representation"
  Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason"
  Russell "Road to Happiness"
  Rousseau's "Social Contract"
  Hegel's "Phenomenology of Mind," "Hegel," "Little Logic"
  Plato's "ideal country"
  Zhang Ronghuan "human principles and applications"
  "Philosophy", "Tractatus," "Being and Time," "Justice"
  There are the latest edition of "Sophie's World" (Qiaosi Tan • Judd)
  • Bertrand Russell
  "On the basis of geometry"
  "Leibniz's philosophy"
  "Mathematical principles"
  "Principia Mathematica" (3 volumes, and Whitehead, co)
  "Philosophical problems"
  "Our knowledge of the outside world"
  "Philosophy of Logical Atomism"
  "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy"
  "The Analysis of Mind"
  "Material analysis"
  "History of Western Philosophy"
  "Human knowledge - its scope and boundaries"
  "My Philosophy"
  Husserl's "pure phenomenology"
  Mach: "It analyzes (anti-metaphysics)"
  Major philosophers
  1, Western
  (1) Greek philosopher
  Heraclitus (primitive fire, said founder)
  Thales (water primitive, said founder)
  Anaximander (no fixed, said founder)
  Anaximander United States and Nigeria (gas primitive, said founder)
  Remain fundamental (atomic theory founder)
  (2) Christian Philosophy
  Charles 士丁
  拉克坦 repair
  • Thomas Aquinas
  Lin Luo Color
  Ancil Mo
  Rogier • Bacon
  (3) After the Renaissance
  • Francis Bacon
  2. Eastern
  Confucius, Mencius, Zeng, Yang Zhu, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Han Fei, Shang Yang, Hui Shih, Mozi, Xunzi
  Major factions: Confucianism (Confucius, Mencius, Zeng), Taoism (Yang Zhu, Lao Zi, Zhuang Zi), Legalism (Shang Yang, Han Fei Zi), masters (Hui Shih et al), Mohists (Mozi)
  The remaining factions: the School of, strategists, and miscellaneous, farm, etc.
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Celebrity view
  Hu, in his "Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy" states: "Where life and to study the problem of fundamental reasons, and want to find a solution" such knowledge is called philosophy.
  Eighteenth century, the famous German Romantic poet Novalis genius short-lived (1772-1801) on the definition of philosophy: Philosophy is the mother of all science. Philosophy is the spirit of the original nature of the activities and return home, With all the impulse to look around for nostalgia's activities can be called the spiritual home of philosophy. Philosophy is to explain the ultimate meaning of the world, it explains that gives our understanding of the world and the world in the rationalization of our consciousness, which gives us spiritual consolation.
  Einstein's definition of philosophy: if the philosophy understood as the most common and most widely used form of the pursuit of knowledge, then, philosophy can clearly be considered the mother of all scientific.
  Feng Yu-lan, "A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy" in reference to the definition of his philosophy: "Life is a system for reflective thinking." The generation of foreign philosophy originated with doubts and surprised. Such as Qu Yuan, "Heaven", saying: thus the ancient beginning, who is preacher? Up and down is not shaped by the examination of what? A whole poem, one hundred fifty-eight ask, are all the mysteries of life, the universe, the legend of the ancient myth of surprise and doubt. Philosopher is thus began his own independent thinking and explore. And, surprise and concern will always be accompanied by a philosopher's thought.
  Mao Zedong said: What is Philosophy? Philosophy is epistemology. Why is the question on the thinking of the most basic questions of philosophy? Any thoughts on things, first it is an idea, it is with the closely related ideas on the thought. Thinking about thinking is the key to all thought.
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Major philosophers
  Ancient Chinese philosopher
  Lao Tzu (founder of the Taoist school of thought)
  Chuang Tzu (the Taoist school of those who carry forward)
  Confucius (founder of the Confucian school)
  Mencius (who carry forward the Confucian School)
  Greek philosopher Heraclitus (primitive fire, said founder)
  Thales (water primitive, said founder)
  Anaximander (no fixed, said founder)
  Anaximander United States and Nigeria (gas primitive, said founder)
  Socrates (the founder of the Western tradition of rational metaphysics)
  Christian philosophy of Epicurus check Shiding Augustine (City of God)
  Lake Tan Xiu Thomas Aquinas (Summa Theologica)
  Searle mo color Lin Luo
  Francis Bacon (father of modern science, many scientific methods are written of him)
  Hobbes (mechanical materialists)
  Descartes (dualists, very important philosopher)
  Spinoza (rationalist, pantheism representative)
  Leibniz (rationalist, polymath)
  Locke (empiricist)
  Berkeley (empiricist)
  Hume (logical development to the top of the experience)
  Rousseau (Social Contract by)
  Kant (since the fundamental dualism of Cartesian tradition)
  Fichte (claiming inheritance of Kant's philosophy)
  Hegel (the concept of persons, a master of German philosophy)
  Schopenhauer (who voluntarism)
  Marx (economic, political philosopher)
  Nietzsche (who voluntarism, a philosophical historian, poet)
  Russell (a famous mathematics, philosophy, philosophical historian)
  Wittgenstein (analytic philosophy, philosophy of language)
  Heidegger (Existentialism)
  Sartre (Existentialism)
  Derrida (Deconstruction)
  Dewey (master of pragmatism, social philosopher)
  Windelband (philosophical historian)
  Rorty (pragmatism)
  James (pragmatism)
  Swain Bor (the main leader of modern theology, British Academy, Theological Academy of Sciences)
  Foucault (structural psychology)
  Althusser (structure socialism)
  Zhang Ronghuan (a master of personalism, human scientists)
  Sosa (the main home of modern metaphysics.)
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Development of Marxist Philosophy and the development status of
  The core of Marxist philosophy and practice, it is the philosophy of human liberation theory, basic theory of trajectory is people - the alienation of people - human liberation, human liberation specific ways in practice. Practice is the way of human existence and activities of a way that is free and conscious human activity, is the basis of knowledge, is the essence of social life, the foundation of human social existence and development of real power. People's liberation and all-round development is the goal of Marxist philosophy, and practice is the essence of Marxist philosophy and the core. Marxist philosophy, in essence, is a social development philosophy. Marxist theory in which all of the features is to apply the class revolution in social practice theory of social revolution --- to win the class to promote the advance of human society to communist society. The Marxist theory is the truth of human intelligence are all about mastering the application of his followers and successfully validated with the social revolution the truth of his theory. Therefore, Marxism is now the success of the development in two phases. The first stage is the former Soviet Union, Lenin and Stalin in Russia, capitalist society, a revolutionary means to establish a socialist regime and the Soviet Union's socialist construction; the second phase of China's Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping in the semi-feudal semi-capitalist ancient oriental country to establish a socialist democracy regime and the characteristics of China's socialist construction. According to Marxist theory in the backward feudal system or proletarian less powerful countries to establish a socialist system and the possibility of development and construction is almost non-existent, and the Chinese Marxists use their wisdom to create a Chinese Marxist theory - - "Mao Zedong Thought" and "Deng Xiaoping Theory" and use this to make strong and prosperous China is moving toward prosperity. So, to say the success of China's revolution and economic construction and the fact that the development of Marxism and Marxist theory in China is a new stage of development of Marxism.
  Adequate development of the socialist economy can not be repeated after the how to develop the socialist system in former Soviet Union, is the tragedy of division, especially China and Marxism Marxist theory must address the major issues. The formation of this new theory is developed with.
  By Marxist class theory, also proved that two things; 1, China's material and spiritual awareness of the social imbalances; 2, China's social consciousness and moral ideology behind. Therefore, it is Marx's theory of Marxist theory in China --- How to be a socialist in ideology, morality, life, society, and the world's awareness to accomplish something in theory, the scientific guide people to correctly identify their correct attitude toward others, get along with the correct social so that the great Chinese nation forward.
  Yin and Yang Philosophy
  "Yin Yang" is the motif of Chinese culture, is the great invention of Chinese people.
  "Yin Yang" What is it? "Yin Yang" is not just a classification method, thinking is not just a confrontation, "Yin Yang" or an ancient Chinese body awareness, a kind of cosmic law, a control means.
  "Yin Yang" contains the essence of Chinese civilization.
  First, the formation and structure of yin and yang philosophy
  "Yin Yang" ideas, concepts, originated in the ancient prehistoric times. The sun, the moon rises and the landing, the fortunes of flowers, leaves a long fall, alternating day and night, and so the ancients the face of this strange phenomenon of nature, first puzzled, then slowly discover that a large Nature has so many wonderful changes in a common law, that is a different nature have positive and negative changes, and then found that things are different sides of positive and negative, so the concept had a genius, this is the "yin and yang."
  "Yin and yang" concept later than three thousand years ago of the Shang period to mature. At that time our ancestors, sunrise, Riruerxi, and summed up "phase of its yin and yang" of production experience, recognizing that those who harvest sunny to overcast were cut, in the "yin and yang" in nature, to food to to harvest.
  (A) the "Book of Changes" to represent the concept of Yin and Yang
  Yin and Shang Dynasties formation of the "Book of Changes" is the concept of yin and yang, the first system to show. "Book of Changes" Although there is no reference to "yin and yang" concept, but with two different kinds of symbolic expression "--","-" yin and yang concept.
  "Book of Changes" from the gossip, the symbol hexagrams, hexagram and line statements Guaming everywhere to reflect the concept of yin and yang opposition, in its view, everything in the universe has shown functional states are paired. It is the yin and yang, gossip, the relativity of the hexagrams, hexagram and line statements in there, "Kyrgyzstan, fierce," "go, follow" and the concept of Yin and Yang into the opposition groups, such as light and dark to show, hot and cold , real and virtual, dynamic and static, explicit and implicit, before and after the upper and lower, bulk and poly, open and closed, floating and sink, external and internal correspondence between the state of things, etc..
  The most basic form of yin and yang of the universe, the universe can be divided into yin and yang all things, each thing can be divided into yin and yang. "Yin Yang" features and attributes from the classification of all things on. "Yang" represents the bright, positive, sports, white, strong, external, positive, reached down, actually, left, German students, opening up a range of meaning; "Yin" represents the dark, back, quiet, black, soft, internal, negative, Yang, and empty, right, penalty kill, off a series of meanings. "Yin Yang" is the universal confrontation of everything - out of conflicts in general, is based on a wide range of confrontation, contradictions and practical experience for understanding the source of. Yin and Yang Yao is what people of the ancient yin and yang properties of the universe abstraction, especially in the hexagrams universe, the Thai No, re-stripping, profit and loss, not only economic and other economic confrontation between the images of, for the yin and yang, the proposal provides an important context information is the further development of yin and yang theory. Of course, "Yin Yang" classification is a prerequisite, which is to be associated with things or the same thing. Associated things such as day and month, are celestial planet, day is yang and yin month. The Japanese and the people, on what the bird is no intrinsic correlation, and therefore impossible to divide the yin and yang. Besides that everything can be divided into yin and yang, as people can be divided into men (yang), women (Yam); people have strong, positive, bright side (Yang), another weakness, retreat, the dark side (Yin) ; a man to the chest (yin) and back (yang), upper (yang) and the lower limbs (female), body surface (Yang) and visceral (yin), Wu Zang (Yin) and six internal organs (yang) and so on.
  Learn that everything in the universe has the behavior of Vientiane, no matter how complicated and diverse, there is always a party is a yang, there is a negative one, never able to escape the scope of yin and yang. The relationship between yin and yang properties can be used to describe and explain the life and the universe in any changes.
  (B) The "Yi" as the representative of the yin and yang philosophy
  1, a yin and yang of the "Tao" is the law
  Yin and yang is the "Road", exists in heaven, earth, man, that is the whole of nature and human society. All things Bing generated by the world yin and yang, yin and yang of things have in common that constitute the common law of the universality of the objective world, is called "Road."
  "Tao" of the changes of yin and yang is not profound, but simple to understand, anyone can master, the phase sense of the unity of opposites of yin and yang to push changes in the phase of the reason, just like heaven and earth, day and night, like four seasons, are constantly moving. That change between yin and yang, because it is an abstract theory, people may not be able to understand, day, month, cold, heat changes that everyone knows. Sun went down, the moon rose up, sun and moon phase to promote exchanges, only produced light. Changes between summer and winter is also true to each other to promote, product, becomes old. Is bent to retire, to which it is stretched into. Two opposing side, he bent the extension, the further he retreated, a bent stretched it out, one to one, the only sense of exclusion and phase, not only the phase from the phase approximation, alternating each other perpetual motion, its development and changes is never quenched. Proficient in the sun and the moon between flexion and extension of cold and heat management, will understand the variation of the unity of opposites yin and yang; understand that although the mix of all things, but the movement of yin and yang is that it's common; understand the traffic in the "Road" is abstracted from the common the basic law, is invisible. So, to say, "metaphysical Called the Road", the other way round, any tangible things can not be called "Tao" can only be said to be concrete objects, it is said that "physical persons that the device."
  "Metaphysical" and "physical" and "Road", "control" relationship, which is the objective law and the relationship between concrete things, in other words: "Law can not be divorced from the specific thing that existed, and no laws govern the specific things that are not , the two are interdependent and constitute a unity of opposites. "(Figure 3-1, as quoted in" Jungian Psychology and Tibetan Buddhism - the spirit of East-West Dialogue ", Commercial Press, 1994). This is the yin and yang traffic in the development of the basic law of all things, so spoken copulative "yin and yang is called the Road" to naturally became an important category of philosophy.
  Figure 3-1 Figure opposites of yin and yang
  2, yin and yang, the outcome of competing
  "Both good and bad does not stand the sun, moon and clearly do not." The laws of the world successful movement of things back, side to those who enter, both opposition victory is always competing. Not overcome the other side of this side is the other side over the side, the two overlapping phases always win, win this overlap phase is accumulated through a long and then win, who is living in orthotopic who wins, so that, although conflicts There are two aspects, but it often is one aspect of the show now, while the other hand, was buried, which is called "Sadao one."
  ① adhere to the two points. That is, to see the show side of things, but also see the hidden side of things. Long-known risk to safety, to know death can survive long, long time know that chaos can rule. "Forget danger," "forget death," "forget chaos", which is the opposite from the latent to grasp the opportunity for long-term stability. This tells people to observe the knowledge of things we must see the positive, but also see the opposite, that is, to see that, but also to see the future, in which the absolute change in the future based on the show now gone. In order to grasp the initiative.
  ② "Kanglongyouhui, profit is not a long time." Deal with the problem must be appropriate, "Kanglongyouhui, the surplus is not a long time" is the "Book of Changes" dedicated to our practical philosophy of life. Qian on nine of the "Kang Long," Why go too far? Because it only knew into, I wonder if we should turn back into the pole. Only knew one side will keep turning death. Only knew one side will have to turn to mourning. In short, it does not know how to two points, the results go too far. Only the saints know that retreat was mourning the phase transformation of the survival of the law, ready to work without loss of yin and yang and the Nyaya. This further proves the opposite and from two points is the only adhere to the right, and too little of the inevitable, "Kang" and to "Profit is not a long time," a very poor place.
  Here the word of God as a verb. This text is to say, that some things shown "signs of" person, he was able to detect very subtle change. Gentleman on the exchanges are not flattering, do not underestimate the next communication to slack, because he knew something very subtle changes, some criteria in mind already. Called "signs" is from the good and bad things get subtle changes in the aura. See this gentleman threatened to take immediate action, not wait until tomorrow. This case indicated, "to know a few" is to identify and grasp the inevitability of development and changes of things, which operate in the incident have the initiative process.
  3, the overall harmony of yin and yang
  If the "Book of Changes" philosophy of yin and yang, the struggle between the development of the law reveals more radical change, then because of this, which in turn can not make it to another side of view, more emphasis on the unity of exploration, emphasizing the harmony of Yin and Yang and unity. Law of yin and yang harmony is both contradictory movement, but also the principle of life, or to ensure the stability of things. This problem, at the head of the hexagrams Qian, to clearly put forward. "Dry • Tuan Biography", said:
  Roads change, the working life, Maintaining harmony, is Li Zhen.
  "And" the word used is the exact meaning. "Zuo • Zhao Gong twenty years," Yan Ying identified "and", "same" and not say: "voicing size, length Ji Xu, dirge Rigid, Chi Su compete with, and out of weeks of sparse to Mercy too. "He cited the clear and turbid, large and small, long and short, disease (acute) and Xu (slow), sorrow and joy, just and gentle, late and fast, high and under, out of and into, week (close) and sparse (scattered) Several opposition. Opposite is not the same, but not the same opposition was able to "and" together to achieve the "Mercy", plays a complementary role. Yin and yang of the "Japan" is the great truths, contradictions, both balanced and complement each other, with identity, it can play a truly vital function. Both sides of this conflict, "Japan" state also called "in", so "big and" also as "neutral." Huidong famous Qing Yi Jing said: "The days of status, education of all things, and in effect also." "Three calendar," said: "Although the delivery of yin and yang, are not and shall not, so" easy "in and still." Implementation "in" and collaboration is the "Book of Changes," the main features of theoretical thinking, and that the unity of opposites of yin and yang harmony is still a very important way of thinking deserves universal application.
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Physics Encyclopedia
  Philosophy is the world view of the theoretical form, is about nature, society and human thought and its development in the most general laws of learning.
  "Philosophy", smart, intelligent meaning; generally refers to ancient Chinese wise and intelligent people. Historical documents of ancient times in China, "chancery" in the "Gao Yao Mo," recorded phrase Yu said: "Knowing the philosophy, to the officer, while Min Hui, Lebanon pregnant with it." "Hung Biography" explained: "philosophy, Tomoya. omniscient, and it could be the officer, Hui love also. love the people were under it. "" philosophy ", the word meaning science of wisdom. This branch of learning in ancient China was called the "Road", "Taoism," "Metaphysics," "Confucianism," "Science", 19th century, Japan's first Western Zhou Dynasty Western Philosophy communicator for the first time with China's "philosophy" of the word statements from the ancient Greek and Roman theory Western philosophy, the scholars of Qing xian (1848 ~ 1905) to the expression introduced into China, the Chinese academic community to accept and gradually began to use it to express the philosophical theory of ancient and modern Chinese and foreign. In ancient Greece, philosophy of the original word is "", the Latin into "philosophia", sound as "Fei Fei Lu of the Asia", which means "love of knowledge." In ancient India, philosophy is often referred to as "see" or "police", the former of the Sanskrit alphabet to the Latin "darana", meaning "opinion", "thinking", "view", in particular, as the philosophical system to "help free the subject"; the latter of the Sanskrit alphabet to the Latin "anviksiki", meaning "inquiry learning" and later used to refer exclusively to logic.
  Philosophy contains a very rich content. It involves the primitive world, and there is the question of form, perception of the world problem, the relationship between people and the whole world, the human relationship between body and spirit, the laws of human social development and motivation of the problem, the ethical relationship between people, between the aesthetic and correct form of thinking, and so on. Address these issues in the final analysis should be the relationship between thinking and being involved, this is the most basic question the whole philosophy.
  Basic question of philosophy
  The task of philosophy is to explore the world's most fundamental and universal law, it Shezu in many areas, the study of natural, social, human mind and the phenomenon of numerous forms, the final destination is to the primitive world, proved that the thinking and exists, what is primary spiritual and material.
  In ancient times, people still have no idea of the body structure, and by the sight of the dream, so to produce a perception that they are thinking and feeling is not their physical activity, but this body resides in a unique being left in the body dies the soul when the activity. Since then, people have to think of the soul's relationship to the outside world. Since the soul leaving the body in the person died and continue to live, then there is no reason to suppose that it itself will die, thus creating the concept of immortality of the soul. This concept in almost all tribes have existed. Immortality of the soul with such a primitive concept is accompanied by the original material live on, that is, that all things have life and soul of the concept. Basic Problems of Philosophy is rooted in ignorance and darkness of the narrow and the concept of this being. Its so so, because differentiation since the man came out from the natural world, put the objective material world of nature as their practice and understanding of the object. And object-oriented nature of the contradiction is to be addressed early humans a major contradiction. In the long struggle between man and nature, the formation of a variety of primitive naive about the existence and the relationship between thinking and ideas. Immortality of the soul, live on is one thing, by the forces of nature are personified and the formation of primitive religious ideas is one of them. Basic Problems of Philosophy This is a prehistoric content. Basic Problems of Philosophy in the form of a more clearly manifested in human civilization into that society into slaves after tenure.
  Two camps
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English Expression
  1. n.:  phil,  philosophy,  search for knowledge and understanding of the nature and meaning of the universe and of human life
French Expression
  1. nf.  philosophie
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