Priority Cultural relic Preserve denomination : China > Shaanxi > Baoji > Fufeng County > Zhou Yuan Site
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  Weeks of the original site of tourist complaints complaints telephone Baoji Tel :0917 -3,653,727
  Shaanxi Tourism complaints Tel :029 -85,261,437
  National Tourism complaints Tel :010-65275315 Zhou Yuan scenic sites honor the original site of the national cultural heritage week open 8:00 - 18: 00 weeks of the original site of the best weeks of travel time to the original site of the four seasons can face food Qishan whistle
  Qishan Ganmian skin
  Qishan daguokui
  Baoji tofu dumplings
  Honey dumplings
  Rice, red dates
  Baoji crisp tea-week stay at the original site Fufeng Guest Houses
  Rates: Standard Room 50 / room, common triple 40 yuan / room shopping daguokui week steamed the original site: is off in a unique snack. Fermentation when making a good first surface, roll into a large futon shape, color in the pot first with the fire, slowly roasted with warm fire. Grilled out back, like a pot lid, thick and round, when people eat a piece of breaking his hand.
  Folk art ladle mask: the Shaanxi Opera, the fire agency to draw on wood ladle on top of Facebook, Fengxian folk art - ladle mask, in Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Paris, Ohio on display, and Arts Festival in China's first "painting show" exhibition, 24 paintings by the Chinese Art Gallery
  Other specialties: Fengxian small party raw ginseng, mushroom, phoenix pepper, sweet and delicious cake bun weeks of the original site of the deer traffic west of Terminal Xi'an, Baoji, long-distance passenger train cars are direct-week visit to play the original site of cultural heritage
  Weeks of the original site is located in Shaanxi Province Fufeng, Qishan County the border to protect the area of ​​24 square kilometers. This band is the birthplace of weeks, extremely rich cultural relics, so far has tens of thousands of relics, particularly the number of bronzes unearthed more and more inscriptions, known for high archaeological value, where so called "bronze of the town."
  Zhou was originally a room birthplace of the week. Zhou Yuan as historic sites, has been three thousand years ago. Known to the world the week of the original site, the first capital of the Zhou Dynasty is located. "Poetry Taiga cotton" "Father of the ancient public directly to North Korea cursory, the rate of West Water Margin, The Qi next. Žļ and Jiangnv, to Xu Yu Yu Zhou original prion protein, Jin tea as yee. Žļ beginning Žļ seek, Žļ deed my turtle, saying only say when Zhu Shi was hereby ", describes the Zhou tribe is founded on historical facts Qishan at the foot of Rakhine State. Weeks of the original site with rich content, the vast amount of cultural relics, the original cultural treasures broad-week intensive exploration. In 1982, the State Council announced a national week of the original site of cultural relics protection units.
  Early Western Zhou Feng child Group palace building base to explore in 1976. Base is located in Beijing, when the young rural village southwest wind, large-scale, layout, careful and precise to the doorway, and over the front office in order for the central axis gallery, something both sides of the configuration concierge, rooms, symmetrical, neat, "Gallery House" system layout courtyard style building in the history of China's opening of its kind, the former church as the main building, Zhou Wang handling affairs of state, and weddings, funerals, ancestor worship heaven and earth at such ceremonies place weeks after the room is king and concubines living place.
  Since the Han Dynasty, the Zhou Yuan Shang and Zhou bronzes unearthed in many areas, of which Yu Ding, Mao Gongding the most famous, and the field unearthed Guo Hideko white plate, four vectors were _set_ known as the late Qing Dynasty treasures. Unearthed in 1976 as the ox-shaped statue is currently the only domestically. Unearthed in 1975 when Beijing Dong Village, Township 37 bronze hoard of soil, which Wei Gui, Wei silkworm, lazy turns, etc. are high-value long historical inscriptions were recorded in the Western Zhou Dynasty to barter land, land exchange, litigation judgments, reward policy and other important life events, is to study the mid-Western Zhou political, economic, legal, land systems, class relations, etc. kind of information. Weeks of the original area lends known as the "Bronze the town."
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Weeks of the original site (Zhouyuan Site)
周原遗址(Zhouyuan Site)
周原遗址(Zhouyuan Site)
周原遗址(Zhouyuan Site)
  Weeks of the original site is a national key cultural relics protection units, the center now Shaanxi Fufeng, Qishan area, is the birthplace of culture and the off week before the Zhou Dynasty of commercial _set_tlements. This region Beiyi Qishan, south Wei, shaped like a Gaofu, elevation 900 meters. Today martial arts east to the west to this phoenix, Baoji area. Anything up to 70 km north-south width of 20 km.
  Before the 12th century BC to the early 11th century, the leader of the ancient Zhou Dynasty, led the tribe moved to the parent company Dan here, began construction castle, as Rhyme purposes. Half of the 11th century BC, after the emperor moved the capital Fengdu, Zhou Yuan Zhou Dynasty is still an important political center. Western Zhou Dynasty, the Xi Rong invasion destroyed, then in ruins, abandoned.
  Zhou Yuan is located in the Guanzhong Plain in the west, where land is fertile, mild climate, four distinct seasons, the ancient ideal of humans living in harmony, the "Book of Songs" have used "Zhou Yuan Mei Wu, Jin tea, such as jelly," a poem praising week original. Three thousand years ago, living in quiet (now Shaanxi long arms, Binxian area) and Ji Xing tribes, due to frequent intrusion by the Rong and Di in their ancient chief, led the parent company but Dan, give family migration, "crossing the paint, ju, over Liangshan, limited Qishan down "week of the original _set_tlers, the establishment of Qi Yap, the old father of public Chan, Wang Ji, where three generations of King Wen make every effort, strength stronger by the day, left for Shang" Excellencies, the world has the other. " Western powerful vassal state.
  Zhou Yuan as an important birthplace of the Zhou Dynasty and ritual world, ancestors, gods of the Holy Land, some of the major state events are held here, the Western Zhou Dynasty off after Yi Qi Bing Huo destroyed, but the Zhou Dynasty in the week of the original activity left a very rich removal of cultural memory. Han Xuan Shenjue four years (58 BC), Zhou Yuan began to discover the Western Zhou bronze, after each generation, there have been important bronzes unearthed, their number, large-type, shape beauty, the text of the precious chrome, real is rare. Known as the "Bronze," and the world. 1982 by the State Council promulgated a national key cultural relics protection units. Completed week of November 1987 the original museum.
  "Zhong Dingyi device under heaven, Full Metal Jacket Tao Wenguan ancient and modern," profound Zhou culture, Chinese culture is the root source of Chinese civilization.
  Since 1976, the Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Management Committee, Department of Archaeology, Peking University, Northwestern University Department of Archaeology in combination on the ruins of a large-scale archaeological excavations, historians have made great achievements sensation. Been initially identified, the palace building (or ancestral) sites located in Qishan Feng Chu and Chen Zhao Fufeng two.
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Feng Chu Group building base and base construction called Chen
周原遗址 凤雏甲组建筑基址和召陈建筑基址
周原遗址 凤雏甲组建筑基址和召陈建筑基址
  Feng Chu Group building base, is a church by the court, room, private school, composed of rooms and corridors of the desktop architecture remains. Base is located in Qishan County, Feng Chu Village South, in February 1976 by the Shaanxi Provincial weeks of the original archaeological team excavated. Base north to south and 43.2 meters, 32.5 meters from east to west, an area of ​​1469 square meters. Main entrance (south) before building a horizontal 4.8 m long screen door, side of the door is something private school, have three. Entry is the court, an area of ​​about 222 square meters. Atrium hall after the main building, a total of six, each three meters wide, depth 6 m, surrounded by corridors around. After the court behind the hall is divided into two small things that court, each of 63 square meters have been connected to the gallery and around buildings. Base for the five years after the most rooms, wide 23 meters into the depth of 3 meters. Canopy after the back wall of east-west wing wall and connected to the building through as a whole, building on the east and west wing, symmetrical arrangement, each 8, through 42 meters long, into the 6 meters deep. Zhao Chen construction base in March 1976 Fufeng call Chencun found. Base a total of 15, which three (F3, F5, F8) to save more complete, and after exploring a larger scale. F3 rammed earth station base residual high 0.75 meters, 24 meters from east to west, north-south width of 15 meters. Base lined with seven rows of things between the column bases, the middle row spacing of 5.5 m 3, the west side of two rows spaced 3 meters. Middle three rows are arranged from south to north, five bases, two rows of 6 on both sides of column bases. F8 rammed earth station base residue 0.76 m, 22.5 m from east to west, north-south width of 10.4 meters. It is surrounded by gravel paved bulk water. Base on each interval of 3 meters from north to south there are four rows of column bases, from east to west, 8 row column bases, rammed earth walls will be two base divided into three parts. F5 southern half has been damaged, the only remaining northern half, 28 meters from east to west, north and south residual width of 8 meters, what holes arranged in nine columns, arranged in four columns north and south holes. This week two former construction base in the Western Zhou Dynasty unearthed a large number of construction materials, the largest number of Slate, Tongwa, while some half-Vatan. Tile and Vatan large, medium and small distinction. Slate Jomon decorated, some with Wa nails should be used on fixed; Tongwa decorated triangular pattern or mine pattern; Vatan are semi-circular, some of them back to the pattern. These tile and Vatan, is today found in the earliest times watt class materials.
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周原遗址 青铜器
  In recent decades, Zhou Yuan tombs and cellars in the region gradually unearthed a batch bronze. There are several main. Zhuang White One cache. December 1976 Dharma in Fufeng found south of the village commune village white. Cache objects 103, since the founding of the largest number of unearthed bronze, the highest number of academic value. Of which 74 have cast inscriptions, mainly the family's four generations of micro-Birds of bronze, the history of the word wall plate with inscriptions 284, describes the text, Wu, Cheng, Kang, Zhao, Mu exploits and history of the kings of the house wall history, has important historical value. Shape and decoration of many objects is very beautiful. Gong before, such as folding the cover of the sheep was the first, after a large Animal mask, carving over the whole body Kui dragons, shape is quite unique. Moreover, as commercial respect, commercial wine container, folding a large number of objects Yi Fang, has precious ornamental value and historical value. Dong Village cache. February 1975 found that in Qishan County, south of the Dong Village West Qishan 150 meters, 37 cavities were unearthed bronze, its production by the age of King Mu Wang Zhixuan. There are 30 inscriptions, have a high historical value Ding Wei, Wei. Inscription is the earliest a lawsuit verdict, the ancient history of important legal documents. Prince Gong's nine-nine-Wei Qiu Wei Ding remember to barter with the moments to the facts. Dong Village unearthed these objects is the study of inscriptions at the political, economic, legal and social relations of important information. In 1960, regulating the family Fufeng County south of the village hoard found 39 bronze, which a few parent pots, oak clock, the clock justice, the Friends of Father Gui, Bai Ge, etc. 28 state parent cast inscription. In 1963, they found the Japanese Village in regulating the family's own respect, on one's own Yi, Gong and other artifacts have been on. 1960, found scattered Fufeng car called Chencun parent objects, etc. 19. In 1974, the division Fufeng strong Ka Yu Zhong, Gui other seven objects that. In 1978, the village discovered that Fufeng Qi Gui and other objects, are of great academic value of the precious bronze.
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Oracle bone inscriptions
  Zhou was originally a very extensive underground cultural relics buried treasure, along with the progress of excavation, will have a more significant new discoveries, there will be more and more valuable cultural relics brought to light.
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Travel Guide
周原遗址 旅游指南
  Blue Highway Westwood Village by the method exit (door) Tom Temple (valley) two travel lanes to Famen; Xi'an, Baoji Railway Station by tour coaches.
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百科 Daquan
  Zhouyuan yizhi
  Weeks of the original site
  The birthplace of the Zhou Dynasty and off commercial capital of the former site. Shaanxi Province is located in Qishan, Fufeng counties of the north, something about 3 km north-south about 5 km. Historical records, the leader of the ancient Zhou Dynasty about public □ parent or before the 12th century BC, the early 11th century, since □ moved here and began construction castle, as Rhyme. After the first half of the 11th century, after the emperor moved the capital to HSBC, where is still an important political center of the Zhou Dynasty. To the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Xi Rong invasion from the ruins.
  Since the Western Han Dynasty, Western Zhou bronze here, there have been unearthed, according to legend the famous big □ □, Yu Ding, Mao Gongding other important bronzes are in the Qing Dynasty for Qishan. After the founding of the PRC, Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Management Committee, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Archaeology, Shaanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute has conducted a survey and excavation have. In 1976, the Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Management Committee and Archaeology, Peking University, Northwestern University, professional joint large-scale archaeological excavation, revealed a number of large base of rammed earth construction, and found the Western Zhou Dynasty more than Oracle and copper device cache. In 1982, the State Council promulgated a national key cultural relics protection units.
  Weeks of the original site map
  Base building construction base has been excavated there Qishan Feng Chu and Chen Zhao Fufeng two.
  Feng Chu building base is located in the east-west width 32.5 meters, 43.5 meters north to south, 1.3 m high rammed earth station base. The doorway, front, back room as the central axis, what the configuration of the eight rooms, and corridors connected to form a two-front, things symmetrical closed courtyard. This group of buildings before the Church is the main east-west length 17.2 meters wide and 6.1 meters north-south, LMH has rows of postholes, something seven lines, four lines north and south, we can see the Miankuo 6, into the deep as 3. Building floors and walls are blended with a fine sand soil, lime coated, hard and smooth surface. In addition, there are two pipes with ceramic bricks or gravel drains, the water can vent to the hospital lobby. Chencun has been unearthed in the church 15 rammed earth construction base, do not follow the axial symmetry of its layout, less rigorous master plan. One of the 3, 5, 8 base larger, are better preserved. 3 things rammed pedestal 24 meters long, 15 meters wide north and south, the existing height of 0.73 meters, LMH has seven rows of column bases on things, north and south 5 to 6 rows of column bases, and prescribe the wall, separating the pedestal to 3. 8 rammed pedestal slightly smaller, things have 8 rows of column bases, spaced 2.5 to 3 meters, north and south there are four rows of column bases, spacing 3 m, LMH around 0.5 to 0.55 m wide gravel bulk water. Zhao Chen of the roof of the building mostly covered with tile. Sites found in many kinds of Slate, Tongwa and semi-Vatan. Slate larger tile surface with the Jomon, a lot of tile with nails or cylindrical shaped tile tile ring. In addition to decorative Tongwa Jomon, there are two-triangle draw lines. Vatan half decorated in tile re-ringed head.
  Feng Chu Group building base plan
  Such a large building, probably was the noble houses, it was considered the ancestral temple or palace Zhou Dynasty. From pottery to determine their age are considered in the Western Zhou Dynasty, late. Feng Chu large base covered with a layer of building very thick Shaotu, that is the fire burned.
  Workshop site in the bone system, the original site was found many weeks of bronze, pottery, bone system, the system remains jade and other handicraft workshops. Village West Rotary situation in which the mid-week system of the largest sites of bone workshop, this workshop to bone hairpin-based system, discover and aggregate a large number of semi-finished products, as well as copper saws, knives, grind stone tools. Most of the _select_ed aggregate cattle limb bones. Can lift the veil from a variety of semi-finished products in its production process: the first limb amputated both ends of the joints, and Generative slender skeleton, and then cut file, sculpture, and finally polished Serve.
  Burial in Qishan County, Jia, Fufeng family, village white clouds are found in ponds are generally small rectangular earthen pit tombs, dating from different sooner or later. Qishan Jia's small tomb found in the village, many buried Tao Ge, Ge, and a large bronze of a copper foam, the tomb of the earliest of these, there may be commercial off before Zhou Dynasty tombs. Cemetery also found some of the early Western Zhou Dynasty tombs, burial of bronze Ding, □, □, respect, wine container, □, BU, □ other, there are niches for individual landscapes burial tomb, which is rare in the Western Zhou Dynasty of.
  White cloud pond and village in the Western Zhou Dynasty tombs found in the medium term is more buried in bronze Ding, □, Ge, Zun, wine container, MG, goblet, pottery Ge, Gui, cans. Zhuang Bo □ white tomb, buried Ding, □, □, MG, goblet, pots, □, drinking pots, plates, etc. 14 bronze ritual vessels, and □ which are long-Ming Ding, Peter describes the rate of division chase □ □ Rong, there are more prisoners
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Containing Phrases
Zhou Yuan Site Museum