idiom : a two-part allegorical saying > an endless flow of disastrous aftermath (because no preventive measures are taken)
Endless trouble
  Explanation: No harmful effects after ending.
  Usage: The main predicate; for clause; containing derogatory
  Source: Jin Chenshou "Emperor of the Three Kingdoms Wei Zhiwu Ji": "Cardiff Liu Bei, outstanding personality too. This does not strike, will the troubles."
  Examples: Condone destruction of vegetation, cutting Lankan chaos is ~ thing.
  Results: Dog door
  Postscript: Dog door
  Riddle: Close dog; Fanghuguishan; crime different
No. 2
  后患无穷 ( hòu huàn wú qióng )
  解 释 患:灾难,忧患;穷:尽。指今后的祸害及忧患没有穷尽。
  出 处 晋·陈寿《三国志·魏志·武帝纪》:“夫刘备,人杰也。今不击,必为后患。”
  用 法 主谓式;作分句;含贬义
  示 例 破坏生态环境将会~
  近义词 放虎归山、祸不单行
  反义词 斩草除根、后福无量
  歇后语 关门养狗 ;放虎归山
  灯 谜 关门养狗;放虎归山;除恶不尽
English Expression
  1. n.:  an endless flow of disastrous aftermath (because no preventive measures are taken)
make one's (own) way, let the tiger return to the mountains — cause calamity for the future, Keep tiger bring about disaster, with might redoubled, Water dragons have, cure tumor sow seeds of disaster, Aftermath support carbuncle, let the tiger return to the mountain, cherish [mourish, warm] a serpent [snake, viper] in one's bosom, leave a legacy of trouble boundless, calamity boundless, calamity boundless, Harm boundless, Huang Fei Teng Tap
Wanguaqiandao, cut (it) fine, in full battle array, tear a body limb from limb, Chancao dig up the roots, thousand cuts and myriad pieces, Fate Duochuan, Shixue by nature, Lone wild goose Shiqun, maintain internal security and to expel foreign invasion, draw snake out of its hole, Zhanjin exterminate, cut the weeds and dig up the roots— destroy root and branch, kill people like flies, Yuquguyu, give line and scope, Liunianbuli, a man who loses position and influence may be subjected to much indignity, Tiger down smooth land, blood debt continuously, A red sea of (blood, wine) Yuanchou, a huge debt of blood; blood feud; intense and deep-seated hatred, luring the enemy in deep, to the consignation of canopy, evil must be completely eradicated, Longkun bank