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吉隆坡 马来西亚首都
吉隆坡 马来西亚首都
吉隆坡 马来西亚首都
  The Malaysian capital. Population 1.5 million (1995), about two-thirds of the Chinese. Transportation hub, rail, road link across West Malaysia. Outer Harbour Port Klang as the country's largest. Industrial rubber, sawn timber, oil, etc.. Black tunnel, waterfall and other scenic spots Kat cold junction.
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Folk Festivals in Kuala Lumpur
  Folk Festivals Kuala Lumpur: Kuala Lumpur is the world's one of the most holidays. In Malaysia, Islam is the local major festival day of celebration, Christmas is a national holiday, the annual Chinese New Year here is a hot topic. As the capital of Malaysia, during festivals, especially in Kuala Lumpur grand lively, colorful.
  Flower Festival (July), lasted a week. By then, the Kuala Lumpur will become the beautiful garden city, city full of flowers. The parks, hotels have also facilitate the holding of various activities, such as race to find flowers, flower exhibitions. Shopping center facade is ornamented with flowers will be gorgeously dressed, eye-catching. The highlight is a weekly flower varied and flourishing a large-scale parades, attracts a large number of foreign tourists each year come to visit.
  National Day, also known as "Independence Day." August 31, 1957 is the independent Federation of Malaysia the day, this day each year people across the country to celebrate, a grand parade held in the capital activities and performance, held a celebration across the country. On this day students are free to watch movies.
  Malaysia Carnival (September), for two weeks, major hotels and shopping centers to organize together with the states of Malaysia culture, cuisine and handicrafts of the promotions.
  Shopping Carnival (October) is a two-week annual event, respectively, in Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Penang held during the shopping event, you can enjoy the benefits.
  Deepavali (October 1 November) is the "festival of lights", also known as "Hanukkah." People point volt lights to celebrate the year fell monsters demons win. This day is the Hindu New Year. Hindus who get up early, bathed and put on their holiday best, men and women, some holding flowers, some holding betel nut, bananas, came to India temple surrounded by these things Gong Shen, and then fell to his knees in worship, pray God bless. Every family holiday lights, cigarettes filled.
  Christmas Day (December 25), Malaysia's Christians, like as devoted followers around the world to celebrate the festive season. Christmas Eve Mass in the church the night, and the shopping centers, hotels, homes and orphanages, Christmas songs can be heard flying everywhere. Kuala Lumpur to remind: Kuala Lumpur, poor law and order, better not go out after nightfall, or else have to go out with a bunch of people.
  Whether it is day or night, President must be careful his bag, attention to ride a motorcycle, because the possibility of being robbed at any time.
  No matter where out to be a passport, an immigration detention, but will be found, or we need to avoid disaster or even bankruptcy.
  Taxi drivers rarely use the meter, are bargaining, and the price is extraordinarily high. Valuation have occurred only rm5 to get to where the driver is open to rm50! So be sure to talk about a good price on a car before, try to require drivers to use the meter.
  Where taxi drivers are very dangerous, many incidents of robbery, rape cases passengers. Be careful, once the performance of strange that a driver or a remote road to the police immediately. Because this case too common in Malaysia.
  In short sentence, foreign tourists do not support a separate action, the best activities together with the tour group. Because this is the most secure method.
  Kuala Lumpur Food: Kuala Lumpur can enjoy dishes from around the world, in addition to Malay food, Chinese food, Indian cuisine, western food, there are Pakistani, and Japanese cuisine restaurant.
  Kuala Lumpur - Malacca area tour, do not forget to Port Klang to eat seafood.
  The city's Chinatown, many hotel operators Chinese food. Is the most distinctive street food in Chinatown. Every night, in the Lok Road and the Sudan as a pen hit the road Ling Road will be closed to vehicular traffic, and a variety of stalls to open for business, as a "stall", a variety of flavors available.
  Malaysia, the addition of good fruit, citrus, banana, pineapple and watermelon all four seasons, seasonal fruits are durian, mangosteen, kiwi, etc., the king of fruits, durian in the 6-9 month listing.
  Shopping in Kuala Lumpur: Kuala Lumpur Festival of commodities, from antiques and crafts to the most local characteristics, from the world famous fashion to affordable electronic products ... ... the same time both elegant environment, high-end goods gathered in a large shopping center, there diverse and competitive prices of goods shop, and filled with rich local flavor of the night market, this is a matter of mood as a shopping paradise.
  Kuala Lumpur's main shopping area is centered in Jalan Bukit Bintang, 苏丹伊士迈 Road, Tun Razak and Jalan Ampang. Which is located in Jalan Bukit Bintang Golden Triangle, Kuala Lumpur nightlife used to be a center, new song and dance performances, a carousel and Ferris wheel, etc., is now replaced by a modern shopping centers, world-class hotels and banks. Here is the main shopping area in Kuala Lumpur.
  Autumn Festival is a new emerging area of the town, Moore brought together around many modern buildings and high-end mall, and the autumn Jie Road market is shopping at the general public.
  In addition to buy some goods with national characteristics of style, can go to Tonk. Abdullah. Raman area (where the famous Indian Street) and the China Town area, and the Kuala Lumpur Central Market is the arts and crafts, souvenirs and antiques center and local artists gather their portrait in this painting, drawing on t-shirts , for the manufacture of unique visitors cards, badges and porcelain plate and so on.
  Hours: 10 am to 10 pm.
  Kuala Lumpur Transportation: There are two airports in Kuala Lumpur, Subang Airport for the domestic airport, located about 20 km west of downtown; klia is an international airport. Subang Airport (subang airport) and urban areas, the right in the entry hall of the airport taxi counter to purchase coupons, coupon 1.85 ringgit each (midnight to 6:00 pm, the price is slightly more expensive), pay voucher to the driver, can be Take the airport taxi to the city center anywhere. Taxi to the city about to be 30 minutes, but during peak periods, often have to spend 1 hour. The bus from the airport to the city bus every 35 minutes l, to the urban areas about 40 minutes, the fare is much cheaper than the taxis.
  Kuala Lumpur is Malaysia's rail transportation center, the railway runs through the Malay Peninsula, direct access to Bangkok and Singapore. From Bangkok or Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, take the international train straight, is generally the favorite travel transport, good facilities in first class compartments, attached to the dining car and sleeper car Night. From Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur, must Butterworth (butterworth, the North Sea) transfer.
  Puduraya east in Chinatown (puduraya), is the city's largest bus station and taxi station. Since many bus companies and travel agencies, tickets are often inconsistent, should go a few asking about the price. Does not determine the departure time (as the visitors start at any time), ask to be careful. In the bus station luggage storage service, each horse per day l, daily 8:00-22:00 services.
  City of transport in Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Tour Bus is to understand the whole picture of the economic and convenient transportation, regular tour bus at the time charges, the city tour bus into the first 9:30, 2:30 a, sightseeing time about 3 hours, the cost of the tour route according the length of time charge; metered taxi, the price is reasonable, very convenient for tourists.
  In addition, from the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur to a very good road, visitors can rent a car, such as self-driving tour, would be a good way. The city and the airport are equipped with the car rental business, the procedure is very simple. A variety of maps available at gas stations to buy. Not only to pay the taxi rental, fuel costs are paid by the lessee, when surrendered to fill petrol tank. Drivers must be 23 years of age or more, without an international driver's license, subject only to have their driving experience and more than one year license certificate.
  Kuala Lumpur Hotel: Kuala Lumpur accommodation considerable, high-grade, such as Malay-style palace that Yi Sita Hotel, Golf vacation area near the airport, mainly for tourists and business guests. In particular, to the pineapple hill hill east of stars known as Golden Triangle area, gathered a number of high-end hotels. Putra World Trade Centre was followed around. Kuala Lumpur is developing large-scale urban centers in the future will continue to open new hotels. Many hotels have discounts on weekends.
  In Kuala Lumpur there are numerous medium hotels, these hotel rooms small, very simple layout, with air conditioning, shower, telephone, TV and other facilities, mostly clean and convenient. Some focused on the Chinatown hotel, opened by the Chinese people, mostly double rooms, some room with bathroom, air conditioning, the price is not too expensive, dining, shopping and travel are very convenient, but the walls are mostly wood board spacing, safety, comfort good.
  In addition, in Kuala Lumpur, there are some simple cheap boarding houses, such as youth hostels, ymca YMCA International Hotel, ymca YWCA hostel and so on. Accommodation in Chinatown is the best choice for Chinese who have no language barrier and low-cost clean.
  Entertainment in Kuala Lumpur: Kuala Lumpur's nightlife is full of dynamic, full of colorful entertainment and make the downtown scene is the Metropolitan.
  Under various cultural exchange, cultural fusion of Malaysian national characteristics, so dance, music also so often people think there's only like a Chinese song and dance, and like Thailand, India, Arabia and Indonesia.
  In the heart of the Malay Peninsula, there is a new and embraced the Eastern and Western civilization, the organic integration of color emerging city - Kuala Lumpur.
  Kuala Lumpur has "all the world's tin, rubber is" reputation, west, north, east and mountains on three sides surrounded by hills, Klang River through the city. 1860 founding of the city in 1963 became the capital of the Federation of Malaysia. Just more than a century, then by the "muddy estuary", jumped into a famous tourist city. Former mining town, now city of skyscrapers, transport networks, trade flourishing, dynamism, has become a area (including suburbs) 243.6 square kilometers, 130 million city residents, a Malaysian political, economic, cultural, commercial and social center.
  Both the modern metropolis of Kuala Lumpur luxury, there are some charming antique charm, distinctive customs and traditions, multicultural dynamism. Highlights the full range of multi-ethnic harmony and coexistence of Malaysia, forging ahead of unique charm.
  Kuala Lumpur's magnificent today, it is hard to imagine her ups and downs yore. After floods in Kuala Lumpur, difficult years of colonial rule, from the ruins of the troubled, the rapid evolution into a vital modern metropolis in Southeast Asia, the rapid pace of development, called a miracle.
  Kuala Lumpur city building unique, ancient city, modern, East and West of the various types of building harmonious coexistence, mutual authentic. City, lush green trees, beautiful scenery, tropical plant flowers, Zhengyan odd fight, a symbol of the thriving multi-ethnic society, multi-ethnic coexistence cordial.
  Kuala Lumpur is a gigantic "World Building Expo Pavilion", shape and unique buildings of various styles throughout the city. Ancient and modern, East and West, square, circular, triangular, ladder-shaped, sword-shaped, drum-shaped, numerous, harmonious coexistence, mutual authentic, and the extraordinary manner.
  Mosque in the city of Islam, Buddhism, Hindu temples abound, interspersed among the Christian churches, as many as up to 17. Across the whole city of Klang River, Congress, government agencies, courts and other office buildings, business buildings east of the river, dense residential buildings staggered, shops, tall buildings. City building distinctive, multi ethnic, multi-cultural splendor.
  The National Mall is located on one side of the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Court is the old "Adu Salam Madrid Architecture", is considered the symbol of Kuala Lumpur and throughout Malaysia; National Mosque and elegant, large spire towering clouds straight empty the whole Malaysia the desire of Muslims to; Jia Zhuang Yan Fuli Meike mosque; long and magnificent era of the most famous train station, which is a medieval castle full of British style buildings, is the most prominent British performance in Malaysia; countries back to the church with modern architectural features, inclusive of the ancient, mysterious essence of Islamic culture; to square tapered frame construction Hindu temple in India, showed a sight to behold all style, symbolizing the Buddha's teachings boundless magic; located in Petaling Mountain Jin Wu Sports Centre, this may not look like Chinese-style buildings, reflecting the ethnic Chinese living in the age old roots here; imposing extraordinary National Monument, the Capitol and other new structure reflects the blend of East and West; modern building with 88 floors of the most spectacular national oil company Petronas Towers, the highest in the world today were the first of the giant building; located in the center Meizhi law Merdeka Stadium, the appearance of such a spectacular castle, extraordinary manner.
  Tall buildings in the city, with tall lifter villa intersecting Malay, Muslim architecture and Chinese architecture harmonious coexistence of good and humble Shining copper pressing the top of the building skyscrapers standing side by side, each Zhenghui. It all merged into one exquisite blend of ancient and modern, Eastern and Western styles of three-dimensional picture.
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吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)
吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)
吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)
吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)
吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)
吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)
吉隆坡(Kuala Lumpur)
  Kuala Lumpur (Malay, English: Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia (or, simply, Malaysia) in the capital and largest city. Currently, many federal agencies have moved to Putrajaya. In Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, the English referred to as "KL" is also widely used.
  Kuala Lumpur is one of three municipalities in Malaysia, Selangor, its location is inside or partial central west coast of Peninsular Malaysia.
  Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games held in 1998, is the first Asian city to host the Games. Located in downtown Kuala Lumpur, Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur's famous landmark.
  According to 2000 statistics, Kuala Lumpur, an area of 243.65 square kilometers, the urban population of 1,479,388, together with the Klang Valley's population of about 400 million, mostly ethnic Chinese Mandarin and Cantonese between the conversation.
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History and Development
  In 1957, Kuala Lumpur to become just the British Federation of Malaya achieved independence (Federation of Malaya) in the capital. At that time, the first Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Asia Merdeka Stadium in Kuala Lumpur (Merdeka Stadium) read out the Declaration of Independence. 1974, Kuala Lumpur from Selangor Federal Territory ceded it to become.
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Urban Construction
吉隆坡 城市建设
  Kuala Lumpur International Airport (Kuala Lumpur International Airport, or simply KLIA) is located about 80 km south of Kuala Lumpur. The area belongs to the Sepang Selangor. IATA airport code is KUL. With the KLIA Express Rail (KLIA Ekspres) from the airport to the city center of Kuala Lumpur Central Plaza Central tram stop only 28 minutes.
  City public transportation, including regional railway (KTM Komuter), light rail transit (LRT), Monorail (KL Monorail) and other tram systems, and a number of bus and taxi services.
  Sultan Abdul Samad Building (Sultan Abdul Samad Building) this magnificent and unique style building built in 1897 to accommodate the British colonial government of several important sectors, but the unique copper Moore color is more light shining on the crown dome, and has up to 40 meters of the tower is indeed an important symbol of the city of Kuala Lumpur is also the venue for many important activities, such as August 31 the National Day Parade and New Year's event so rich in this building historic buildings, now the Supreme Court.
  Independence Square (Dataran Merdeka)
  Independence Square is located opposite the Sultan Abdul Samad Building, an area of about 8.2 hectares, green grass of the plaza, in fact, significant historical value. In the August 31, 1957, the Malaysian flag flying start in this, a symbol of independence from British rule, is the flag location is 100 feet tall, stands a flagpole to commemorate this historic moment. Across the square the other side of the other passengers feel more relaxed and happy as a resting place, in the gurgling water fountain proudly stands a row of colonnades, as well as zinnia and marigold composed of colorful flowers, beautiful. The following Plaza Putra Square is a _set_ of food, leisure and entertainment in one of the underground street.
  Sheikh Abu Thurman House (Rumah Penghulu Abu Seman)
  National Mosque (National Mosque)
  This unique style of the church as a modern design, showing Islamic art, calligraphy, traditional knowledge and decorative beauty. The most striking place of the umbrella in its cascading roof, a symbol of a sovereign country's aspirations and ambitions, and its 73-meter minaret is more directed at the blue sky, towering fine. Kuala Lumpur National Mosque is the main Muslim places of worship frequented.
  National Sports Center (National Sports Complex)
  The newly completed National Sports Center covers 200 acres, is located in Bukit Jalil (Bukit is the mountains of Italy), built National Stadium, Prince Edward sports room, National Pool, the National Hockey municipal and national squash. 16th Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur in the Sports Center at the opening and closing ceremonies and all projects. Entrance on the main entrance decorated with traditional Malay carving art objects.
  Commonwealth Ridge and residential buildings (Commonwealth Hill and Family Park)
  National Sports Centre is located in the north, is also the 1998 Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur Memorial. Flag Building, buildings in the main, central building, the buildings also display all the participating countries in particular the history and information. The tallest building here is beautiful building, you can panoramic aerial sports center, and overlooking the Kuala Lumpur City Yiren Jing cause. Artificial lake in a park, forest-lined view of the whole income of rich tropical resources eyes.
  Family Park (The Family Park)
  Family Park by two football fields and vines courts, beach volleyball court, basketball court and children's playground, one each. Other equipment bath, changing rooms, food stalls, Muslim prayer room, Scout camping sites, but also barriers to basic training and equipment for endurance activities.
  Library Education River (Sungai Kuyoh)
  Kuala Lumpur Railway Station (Kuala Lumpur Railway Station)
  Built in 1910, the train station, is another popular style of Moorish architecture of the historic buildings. In 1986 to make major improvements to air conditioning for passengers to enjoy comfortable and modern design. Previously, passengers from the train station to the majority of West Bank cities and towns in Peninsular Malaysia and East Coast Road North (Tumpat) can also be direct, Singapore and Thailand. Since the Central Kuala Lumpur (KL Sentral) began in 2001 after the commissioning of the status of its primary station has been replaced. It is currently one of the electric train service stations.
  National Theatre (The National Theatre)
  National Symphony Orchestra National Theatre and the permanent site, the development of Malaysia's national theater has the burden of all forms of stage arts. Special emphasis on architectural design and practical, with the most advanced equipment, is still preserved the characteristics of national culture and the Malay art of traditional design, construction is also very beautiful. Here organizes theater, dance and music performances.
  National Planetarium (National Planetarium)
  Lake Gardens (Taman Tasik Perdana)
  At Perdana Road, is the most popular park in Kuala Lumpur, fully demonstrated by human and nature work together to create harmony, beauty and quiet of the realm, the park is designed around the two lakes, the tropical park covers an area of 91.6 hectares, is the City the oasis, the park flowers, green, art gallery also features sculpture, creative theme parks and towering rainforest scenery, walking of which, naturally relaxed and happy. Lake Park's attractions include:
  Orchid Garden (Orchid Garden)
  Walking tours in small orchid arbor, or simply walk in on both sides of the trail full of orchids, are fascinated Jiaoren You can choose a flower seedlings in Kuala Lumpur as a tourist souvenir. Orchid garden planted more than 800 of whom are foreign species, all in the garden flourish. There are flowers and other plants the weekend sale, offer to teach growers can grow flowers and arts and tricks of the consulting services. Opening hours: daily 9:00 to 18:00. Admission: Free (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
  Hibiscus Garden (Hibiscus Garden)
  Known as the tropical hibiscus flowers, the park has more than 500 varieties of Yan in the competition, including the commonly known as the flower of the Rose Sinensis, the national flower of Malaysia. Opening hours: daily 9:00 to 18:00. Admission: Free (Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)
  Deer Park (Deer Park)
  A group of deer from the Netherlands, is free and easy life in this area of 2 hectares of paradise. Welcome to this world of lush flowers, lakes and mountains, but do not forget to look for from a Malaysian rain forest deer mouse, to see their true colors. Opening hours: daily 9:00 to 18:00. Admission: Free
  Butterfly Garden (Butterfly Park)
  The planting of more than 15,000 species of trees, where was able to create a tropical rain forest of the state, more than 6,000 butterflies, butterfly larvae are more nurturing a garden and breeding areas. Opening hours: daily 9:00 to 18:00. Admission: Adult RM 5 million; RM 1 per child.
  Bird Island Park, Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lmpur Bird Park)
  Bird Park is one of Asia's largest, exceeding 5,000 birds live here, 90% for local birds, 10% are imported from overseas. Park of 2.8 hectares, 3.2 hectares for the activities of a variety of birds fly freely, and the other 0.5 ha is Hornbill House. Opening hours: daily 9 am to 5 pm. Admission: RM 3 per adult; RM 1 per child.
  National Monument (National Monument)
  This by the famous sculptor Felix de Weldon monument brass design, up to 15.54 meters, is built in 1966 to commemorate the Period of the Communist Party as a sacrifice for the country's heroes; is the world's largest independent sculpture one.
  Asean Sculpture Park (Asean Sculpture Garden)
  Park land and water scenery and sculptures harmony, seamless to the national monument is located in, under, many of the ASEAN region by the number of award-winning fine artist to create a masterpiece.
  National Museum (National Museum) is located in the edge of Lake Park, the National Museum is the major museums. The grand design of the building are in accordance with the classical Malay architecture. There are many exhibition halls are using the simple and interesting layout, to help visitors perspective the history of Malaysia, political development, culture, economics, art and animals and plants. The open areas of the museum and various static exhibits, including old locomotives, classic cars and an antique Malay palace. Opening hours: daily 9 am to 6 pm. Admission: Adult RM 1 yuan; Children under 12 free.
  Kamei g Mosque (Masjid Jamek)
  In the eight students Creek and Goose Mark Creek intersection, with the nearby modern buildings appropriate as interest, built in 1909, is Kuala Lumpur's oldest mosque, to the graceful arches dome known, fully reflect the Moorish architecture style.
  National Palace (Istana Negara)
  Palace Road is located in a hill beside the city center, the land of the grass, flowers and garden in full bloom, many palace entertainment, banquets, and festivals are conducted here. In addition, to this day, visitors can watch the ceremony of the palace guard shift
  Kuala Lumpur Tower (Kuala Lumpur Tower)
  Kuala Lumpur is located in the vicinity of the hotel coffee mountains (Bukit Nanas) on this 421 meters high concrete tower, is currently second in Asia (after 468m of the Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower) is the world's fifth highest in the tower. Visitors can in its revolving restaurant and observation deck to make Kuala Lumpur City Yiren Jing Lan To, KL Tower is the telecommunications, radio and television communications tower. Opening hours: daily 9 am to 10 pm; weekends 9:30 am to 10 pm. Admission: RM 8 per adult, RM 3 per child (4-12 years old children).
  Petronas Twin Tower (Petronas Twin Towers)
  88 layer Petronas Twin Towers is highest in the world two separate towers, 452 meters from the ground, the sky. This magnificent architectural design inspired by the Islamic Five Pillars, is ultra-modern "Kuala Lumpur City Centre" (Kuala Lumpur City Center) The main part of the plan, the tower has an internal Petronas Philharmonic Hall, the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Petronas Performing Troupe's headquarters.
  Kuala Lumpur City Centre of the city within a city (Kuala Lumpur City Park)
  An area of 20 hectares, by the late Roberto? Max (Roberto Burl Marx) original designed inlays, a busy urban residents the gift of a space. This park is a Flora to collect about 1,900 kinds of native trees and palm species, species diversity, the Park offers a collection of areas, parks Linqing Ya, beautiful scenery, the breeze of flotation, it is a cozy downtown fun park. Garden sculptures, wall books and Suria KLCC shopping mall outside of the recreation field has two fountains, showing the "pond Symphony" will also make lyric by King.
  Petronas Art Gallery (Galeri Petronas)
  International level the oil gallery is located in the National Suria KLCC, the state oil company want to build a world-class museum intention, with the Philharmonic Concert Hall, adjacent to complement the national oil company, the design space is the main attraction, use diversification. Gallery is divided into three parts: the main galleries, art and experimental side of City Hall, while a number can be easily displayed. Opening hours: 10:00 to 20:00 (Monday to Sunday), Friday closed
  Petronas Philharmonic Hall (Dewan Filharmonik Petronas)
  This is Malaysia's first classical music concert venue, designed to take the 19th century popular type of shoe box type concert hall in Europe oval shape, integrated design of traditional and modern arts in Malaysia, which can accommodate 885 people, including the main hall box seats, 20 second floor and third floor, luxury box seats. A magnificent pipe organ. Chamber Orchestra of these make up the breathtaking scenery but then affinity.
  Malaysia Tourist Information Centre (Malaysia Tourism Centre)
  This 1935 building was originally a prominent businessman Eu Tong Sen's residence, during World War II, was a British war office and the headquarters of the Japanese army, and later became the first in Malaya and several countries convened the Congress venue Wang Dadian . After renovation in 1988, do present purposes, that is, a full service tourist information centers, and facilities are available, gift shop within the exhibition hall shows and restaurants. Opening hours: daily 9 am to 6 pm. Cultural performances, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and Sundays from 3 pm to 4:15. Admission: RM 2 yuan.
  National Science Centre (National Science Centre)
  Standing in the northwest of Kuala Lumpur (Bukit Kiara) area of a hill, an area of 8 hectares of beautiful scenery, was established in 1996 to promote understanding and awareness of science and technology interests. Its appearance is like cutting open the vertebrae, and crowned dome, very attention. More than a dozen galleries are very attractive exhibition themes, including environmental journey, exploring the ways, the future world and thinking machines. Opening hours: daily from 10 am to 5 p.m.; Friday closed. Admission: Adult RM 6 yuan, RM 3 per child (4-12 years old children).
  National Zoo and Aquarium (National Zoo and Aquarium)
  Located 13 kilometers northeast of Kuala Lumpur, there are about 200 species of animals, birds, reptiles; aquarium, there were 80 species of marine and freshwater creatures. In its wide range of sea lions also has a museum, visitors can watch them feeding during the most active moment. Park is also available for children to take a small train. Opening hours: daily 9 am to 6 pm. Admission: Adult RM 5 yuan, RM 2 million children.
  Museum of Islamic Art (Islamic Arts Museum)
  Jalan Lembah Perdana is located in the museum of Islamic art, the collection of many of the themes gallery, there are many famous Islamic architectural design models, such as the Taj Mahal, Islamic clerics over the mosque and Abdul Ahmad Islam Islamic Erdi Mo literature, including the 30 Ming Judz Koran Address: Jalan Lembah Perdana, 50480 Kuala Lumpur. Opening hours: every semester two to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm; Closed on Mondays. Admission: Adult RM 8.
  Central Market (Central Market)
  This building was originally a busy historic buildings wet markets, now is the concentration of many specialty shops, selling all kinds of giving the tourists love the items, such as, classic clocks, jewelry, wood carving, batik cloth and tin, etc., interested in looking new things people can choose all kinds of diverse range of quality, such as Yushu and blown glass souvenirs, enough to spend a morning. Square in the arts, the tourists also can visit the impromptu brush painting teacher, or technician to see glass blowing performances, as well as understanding how the white cloth dyed batik maker of colorful works of art; also choose a restaurant to rest, and enjoy local or Western food , 7:30 p.m. every weekend has cultural performances. Admission: Free Tel :03 -22,746,542
  Chinatown (Petaling Street)
  Petaling Street is Kuala Lumpur's Chinatown, the Chinese living area rich in unique style. This colorful street of shops, restaurants or hawker stalls, full of vibrant atmosphere. Walking Among them, around the Feast are fascinating, and even herbal types of goods by the fabric has a really dazzling, there are many authentic Chinese restaurants, offers a variety of local cuisine.
  Church Road, back in India (Jalan Masjid India)
  Here is the street performers, roadside vendors and shops concentrated, because there is a mosque named after India. You can shop along the street to buy Indian brass oil lamps, silver tableware, glass Jinzhuo and gold and so on.
  Handicraft Centre (Komplex Budaya Kraf)
  Handicraft Centre Road in Conlay gathered the most famous handicrafts of local companies and brands, where you can _select_ exquisite fashion batik clothing, all kinds of home decorations or souvenirs, are Jiaoren MUSIC islands. Ground floor at the center, not only beautiful scenery, visitors can try their own production of dye and wax batik creation. The other end is an artist's world, you can watch them to concentrate on the creative, there are paintings available.
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Kuala Lumpur Twin Towers
吉隆坡 双塔
吉隆坡 双塔
吉隆坡 双塔
吉隆坡 双塔
吉隆坡 双塔
  Since 1997 has been completed, the twin towers of Kuala Lumpur city to become the standard, the owner of the twin towers is the Petronas, total height 1483 feet, the twin towers when the free bridge between the open, but the number and time of day restrictions, you need to get up early morning to queue up votes. Twin towers inside the bottom of a shopping center, above a scientific exhibition, on display on some knowledge aspects of offshore oil. An aquarium near the twin towers.
  Although the city has become a modern, Kuala Lumpur retained the old style of the times, which can be inherited from her grand old building to show it.
  Kuala Lumpur Tower. 421 meters high, the world's No. 4 tower, visitors can look to the top of the tower observation deck around the scenery and not far from the twin towers. This tower is also a telecommunications network broadcast stations. Tower has a revolving restaurant, visitors can dine side, one side stunning scenery.
  Kuala Lumpur, clean environment, attractive garden city, after dark is more diffuse E Na wonderful. Pin neon palm tree, hanging, hotel, shopping mall, cafes, bars of light projected blooming, traffic to and from drag out the red and white band of light complexion, string one place, like colorful stars on earth, regardless of which corner, can see the twin towers were decorated with lights crown the unfathomable sky, it seems to provide visitors a bright day of laying order. Really is a peacefulness that never sleeps. Kuala Lumpur is a shopping paradise, famous shopping malls all the way along the Avenue of Stars, display dazzling, cheap goods for you to choose.
  Malay palace. Is a magnificent palace, is supreme head of the Malay house. Its doors for the gold hollow carved doors, very significant style. Majestic palace with beautiful gardens and within the lush green grass. Whenever there are special events or important ceremonies, the palace around the colorful, dazzling show a brilliant look. There is also a tourist must dos.
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Town Planning
吉隆坡 城市规划
  Malaysia Administrative Division
  State: Johor | Kedah | Kelantan | Malacca | Negeri Sembilan | Pahang | Perak | Perlis | Penang | Sabah | Race Blue Ge | Sarawak | Terengganu
  Federal Territories: Kuala Lumpur | Labuan | Putrajaya
  State of Malaysia
  States in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
  Established 1957
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Kuala Lumpur Transportation Introduction
  International train travel
  From Kuala Lumpur to the main bus station around the
  Malaysia and bus transportation to the most developed, Kuala Lumpur is the center of a highway network, the main bus station 4.
  Pudu Raya bus station is located in the city's east end, Purdue Road and the intersection of Luoyang Road, for traffic to be in Malaysia. Buying the ticket booth on the first floor, car, 1-17 in the ground station. The third floor of the banking and travel companies, taxi ride at the fourth floor, then the above is Purdue Raya Hotel.
  The first floor of the ticket booth the most noise. Hall with selling bread, dessert and beverage store, easy to passengers traveling in the preparation of food. There is also a luggage storage, would like to make Kuala Lumpur, travelers can tour this luggage, each piece of luggage per day, a horse, open until 22:00. The car companies have their own ticket booth windows, fares, departure time, route varies when buying tickets must ask what the departure time and platform number.
  Many taxi drivers often near the ticket office and a number of suspicious people, if the length of stay for too long, they are likely to be entangled, so be careful. Of course, some people will tell you where the buying enthusiasm, but occasionally there will be chaos guiding beggars and those who.
  Koran south side of the bus station is located in Mohamed Sultan Road, the main directions of traffic to the satellite city of Port Klang and Petaling Jaya. Port Klang and Petaling Jaya to Kuala Lumpur with links belonging to Le ring, morning and evening rush hours is particularly crowded.
  Qiu Jie Putra bus station is located near the Putra World Trade Centre Road, opposite to the express terms of the East Coast from the grid.
  Pahang bus station is located in the northern end of the Kuala Lumpur General Razak Road, commonly known as the Pine Forest Road open. Starting from a car bound for Malaysia, the main mountain - Pahang direction, generally only local car, so car is empty.
  Big Bus and CMB
  Big Bus
  Ordinary city buses from the large Sri Gaja, Ling students and other private companies operating, the company has covered the city line (in the City area who repeatedly been many), and extends to the outskirts of towns and villages in Kuala Lumpur.
  Written on the front and both sides of the car terminal name and road number, and, like China and Pakistan to write the Malay and Chinese by the name of each station. Affixed inside the fare table, and the CMB is at a different distance pricing, on the bus pay to get tickets to the conductor is. The first 0.2 l km Ma Yuan, then every 2 km 0.5 Ma Yuan.
  Major urban locations such as Central Station West Side, Chinatown, Pudu Raya Bus Station near the Purdue Road, which have the bus station. These stations tend to have many people in other cars, you can go there to check carefully the destination, or to inquire about pedestrians.
  Kuala Lumpur Taxi
  Kuala Lumpur can be assured that the city is basically a taxi ride. The number of taxis a lot, the meter charges, prices are reasonable, it is convenient for visitors of transport workers
  With. Fare in the first 2 km of 1.5 ringgit, after 0.1 per 200 Mega Ma Yuan, the night (0:00-6:00) increased by 50%.
  Take a taxi, the taxi ride in the nearest point or hotel next to the wait, and wait when you can call - the taxi vehicle crossing. Thunderstorm or in a taxi the next few passing places, take the wireless rental is very convenient. This car fare to an increase in Ma Yuan as a unit, usually on call.
  At the central station by taxi, you need to site in 4 extraoral taxi ticket ticket ticket, tell the conductor to go to the destination, buy a ticket can only ride.
  When a taxi Note: some drivers to look for foreign tourists not to play table or deliberate detour. So the car must look after the meter switch is open, if not open display to remind the driver. If the drivers bad attitude, you can pretend to write off the way numbers, drivers for fear of complaints, usually yield. Car crossing the road sometimes rejection, in particular, especially in the evening shift hours.
  From the airport to the city
  Malaysia's Subang International Airport (Subang International Airport), Malaysia, the door can be said, Kuala Lumpur, which is located about 26 km west urban area, the airport equipped with the Information Office, where you can obtain city maps and tourist brochures from the airport to the urban transport, a bus or taxi, bus ridership in the second floor of the hall in front of the station, the bus to the urban areas, there are 47 and 61. Arrived in the central city market (Central Market) need 30-45 minutes to get around 61 cars away. Says "KamPongSubang" word, is bound for the car outside, do not take. If you do not know, be sure to ride before the first driver to confirm the place to go.
  Airport taxi, charges taken to the vote, so do not worry about being ripped off, the ticket office on the first floor lobby of the right-hand side, you can first lift ticket and then go to designated locations.
  Airport bus $ M $ 1.6 6:00-22:0 O night operating hours to arrive, it can only take a taxi into town.
  Airport Taxi $ M $ 25.30:00-6:00 into the night with 5
  Domestic ride
  Between the International Airport and domestic airport, with free shuttle bus, by car about 5 minutes. If you want to switch to the domestic lines, between the best two flights to reserve a half hours.
  Pudu Raya Bus departure of long-distance (the bus company charges some differences)
  Kuala Lumpur - Singapore M $ 20, about 8 hours drive
  Kuala Lumpur - North M $ 17.10, 8 hours drive
  Kuala Lumpur - Ipoh M $ 9.40
  Kuala Lumpur - Kuala Terengganu M $ 21.60, 8 hours drive
  Kuala Lumpur - Kuantan M $ 12.1O
  Kuala Lumpur - Penang M $ 18.50
  Bus Terminus
  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from all over the leading long-distance bus terminus in the urban area Puduraya (Puduraya Bus Station), here is the hub of transportation in Malaysia. Platforms located in the basement, ground floor there is the ticket window, craft stores, restaurants and cloakroom, etc., often overcrowded. The third floor of a bank and travel agency, above the fourth floor of hotel, one night will take about M $ 90, are intermediate hotels, if the late arrival or early departure, living here is very convenient. Puduraya to Kuala Lumpur from the Central Station, walk about 2O minutes, along with the economy hotel.
  Outer or satellite access to the city of Klang Klang station, located near the central station. City bus terminus and taxi stand are also in this band. To Kota? Lu Donghai take. Heng Tian station located in the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC) the opposite.
  Kuala Lumpur Central Station
  Kuala Lumpur Central Station, is a fabulous building, it has a pure white dome and a round tower, is Moorish architecture, it was said, it is also like a mosque than a mosque. The train station itself has four units, the west side of the ticket window, reception room and newsstands. The east of the locker and coffee shop; The railway station, but did not see the crowd and from the lively scene, seemed a bit idle, therefore, the Malaysians do not heat loyal to train travel.
  Out from the train station's west exit, is Malaysia government's Bureau of MTPB's tourism service center, where you can obtain city maps, and contact the accommodation and other related issues, the other, side by side with the MTPB is against the currency office, and the 24-hour fast food restaurant. To go to the lodging place, the platform shall be through the underpass, turn left to East estuary, this area can be found walking the economy hotel. Gone up, so find out about tickets should be preceded.
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Beijing Olympic Games in Kuala Lumpur
  Beijing Olympic torch relay through Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Time April 21, 2008
  Kuala Lumpur around the university:
  Public universities:
  Universiti Malaya (University of Malaya) University of Malaya / um
  Universiti Teknologi Malaysia University of Malaya, Malaysia University of (Note: the main campus, new campus in Johor Bahru)
  Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia) National University of Malaysia
  Universiti Putra Malaysia (Putra University, Malaysia) Universiti Putra Malaysia
  Private universities and colleges:
  Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia University of Construction
  Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology Malaysia Limkokwing University / art
  Taylor's College (School of Hotel Management) Hotel Management School Taylor / taylor
  Taylor's College Taylor's College
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Wikipedia Daquan
吉隆坡 百科大全
  Kuala Lumpur
  Kuala Lumpur
  ! IlongPo
  Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur) Malaysia's most
  City, the capital, the Air Force base. Malay Peninsula West
  Central Coast, Klang River and its tributaries, Gombak (J4JlJ Barker)
  River Interchange, north latitude 30 08 N, 101 "43 '.
  Maritime gateway to southwest from Port Klang, Kuala Lumpur, about 40 km
  Near the Strait of Malacca, an important strategic position. Even rural areas
  Area 243 square kilometers, 200 million people l MA (1995), which
  Urban area of about 100 square kilometers, population 1.5 million
  (1994), the Chinese accounted for about 2 / 3. Located in the central 11_! Pulse (Ji
  Paul mountains) west, west, north and east for the hills and mountains on three sides
  Around the clock, more caves and waterfalls. Tropical rain forest climate,
  Year-round high temperature and rainfall, the annual average temperature of about 26.9-
  28 ℃, the average annual precipitation 2440 mm. Kuala Lumpur, the original
  Small villages, from 1857 onwards with the exploitation of Chinese laborers to come here
  Tin, and gradually developed into the city. 1896 for the British Horse
  To the federal capital. 1957 for an independent Malaya
  State capital. Capital of Malaysia, in 1963, the National
  Political, economic and cultural center and transportation hub. City
  Klang River east of downtown, west of the government agencies. Suburb
  Area and more rubber plantation, oil palm plantation and factory. West will hit the southern suburbs of
  Jaya is the first industrial satellite towns. Batu Asia
  Lan's coal and coal-fired power station near Klang, a guitar
  Kuala Lumpur's main energy base. Industrial grease, machinery,
  Rolled steel, motorcycles, cement, chemicals, refined tin, rubber, electric
  , Plastic, wood and food processing. To Kuala Lumpur for the
  Center, runs through the north-south rail and road, connecting the Malay half
  Around the island of West Malaysia, and Thailand and the newly added access
  Slope. Sea and air routes link the main East Malaysia in Borneo
  To town. City, 3.5 kilometers south of the three states Air Force Base
  The former British air base, in October 1960 transferred to the Malay
  Asia. Elevation of 34 meters. Asphalt runway 1870 meters wide,
  37 meters. For light bombers and fighter jets from the
  Down. City, 22 kilometers west of the Subang International Airport, the surrounding
  Flat open terrain, good clearance condition. Elevation of 27 meters.
  Has two asphalt runways. The main runway 3,475 meters, width 45
  Meters, the protection of well-equipped, but also for military flight
  Machine landing port (Mudun Wei)
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English Expression
  1. lat.:  Kuala Lumpur
French Expression
  1. n.  Kuala Lumpur (Malaysie)
Kuala lumpur Commonwealth straight popedom
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Kuala Lumpur independence SquareKuala lumpur hibiscus GardenKuala Lumpur lakeside Park
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Kuala lumpur haste departureKuala Lumpur Stock ExchangeChangchun Kuala Lumpur Hotel
Kuala lumpur commemorate LibraryKuala lumpur Commonwealth straight popedomKuala lumpur country mosque
Kuala Lumpur HotelKuala lumpur Majiesite Hydro HotelKuala Lumpur Urban centre Park
Malaysia Kuala lumpur Construction UniversityKuala lumpur India Return church RoadKuala Lumpur Moslem art Museum
Kuala Lumpur Craft Center
Classification details
Kuala LumpurMalaysia Moslem art Museum
Malaysia Royalty beagle Museumtextile Museum
Biochemistry medicine MuseumMalaysia deforest Academe Museum
Lanli MemorialTunku Abdul Raman Memorial
Maya Western asia International Ship International Company Museumtelecommunication Museum
honest Adou lhasa MemorialMalayan banking berhad coin Museum
Central bank coin museumAsia art Museum
Islam display CenterMalaysia the Royal Air Force Museum
Malaysia arm MuseumCountry history Museum
country Museum