She Chucang
She Chucang (1887~1946) 江苏吴县

other classic《古戍寒笳记》

  Famous Poets of Southern Society, the KMT bureaucrats, political activists. Leaves the original list, were the source, with words, other words (pseudonym) Xiaofeng. Jiangsu Wuxian people. Native of Zhouzhuang, Zhouzhuang childhood growing up in the tall, burly, orange peel face, there Youyan of gas, as its name implies. Early to participate in League. After the founding of the Republic of China in 1912, has established in Shanghai, "pacific", "daily life." 1916, jointly organized with the Shao Lizi "Republic Daily", any editor, criticized the Monarchy. January 1924, was elected the first session of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, and served as the Executive Department of the KMT Standing Committee of Shanghai and young women ministers. Sun Yat-sen in 1925 to participate in joint Russia co-operating against the policy of Western Hills, Western Hills School was selected as the KMT Central Executive Committee of the Standing Committee, chaired by its "Republic Daily" also controlled for the Western Hills School, 1926, the KMT's second largest to stop its "Republic Daily" editor in chief. Northern Expedition began, working in the Chiang Kai-shek headquarters. A total of 1927 to participate in clearing the "412 Incident". After the founding of National Government, Government members of KMT, the KMT second alternate member of the Central Special Committee. After 1929, was selected as the KMT third, fourth and fifth of the Central Executive Committee, Standing Committee and the Political Committee, and served successively as President of the Jiangsu provincial government, the KMT Central Committee Propaganda Department, the Secretary-General, Secretary-General of the Central Political Council . KMT's vice president of government legislation in 1935. Spare part-time educational, founder of a large "Art Monthly", published "Literature Series", "reading magazines" and so on. After the war, was dispatched to Jiangsu Xuanfu. Ye Chucang author of "Shi Gao Shi Hui Tong," "Chucang text" and the novel "Old Xu Han Jia Ji", "Jin Chang of March in mind" and other works. Ye Chucang 1946 in Shanghai, died at age 63, buried in Suzhou public Mudu Lingyan mountain.
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No. 2
  叶楚伧(1887-1946) 著名的南社诗人,国民党官僚,政治活动家。原名单叶、宗源,以字行,别字(笔名)小凤。江苏吴县人。祖籍周庄,自小在周庄长大,身材魁梧,桔皮脸,有幽燕之气,恰如其名。早年参加同盟会。1912年中华民国成立后,先后在上海创办《太平洋报》、《生活日报》。1916年,与邵力子合办《民国日报》,任总编辑,抨击袁世凯称帝。1924年1月,被选为国民党第一届中央执行委员,并任国民党上海执行部常务委员兼青年妇女部长。1925年参加反对孙中山联俄联共政策的西山会议,被选为西山会议派的国民党中央执行委员会常务委员,其所主持的《民国日报》也为西山会议派所控制,1926年国民党二大停止其《民国日报》总编辑职务。北伐战争开始后,任职于蒋介石总司令部。1927年参加清共的“四一二”事变。南京国民政府成立后,任国民政府委员、国民党二届中央特别委员会候补委员。1929年后,曾被选为国民党第三、四、五届中央执行委员、常务委员和政治委员会委员,并先后任江苏省政府主席、国民党中央党部宣传部长、秘书长、中央政治会议秘书长。1935年任国民政府立法院副院长。公余兼职文教,创办大型《文艺月刊》,编印《文艺丛书》、《读书杂志》等。抗战胜利后,奉派为江苏宣抚使。叶楚伧著有《世徽堂诗稿》、《楚伧文存》以及小说《古戌寒笳记》、《金阊之三月记》等作品。1946年叶楚伧在上海病逝,终年63岁,公葬于苏州木渎灵岩山。
English Expression
  1. :  She Chucang
Containing Phrases
She Chucang Former ResidenceZhouzhuang Village She chucang Former Residence
Zhouzhuang Village She chucang Former ResidenceAgriculture economics History Chen Lubian She chucang school Shanghai business marking library photocopy