vegetation : metallurgy : Department of mouth word : cleveland > leaf
Simplified Chinese:  ()Traditional Chinese: Pinyin: yè, shè, xié
Header: Total Strokes: 5Extra Strokes: 2
UTF-8: E5 8F B6UTF-16: 53F6UTF-32: 000053F6
GB 2312: 5022GB 12345: 8888Cangjie: RJ
Four Corner Code: 6400.0One word full code: ye4koushiOne word double code: yekosi
One word single code: yksCharacter structure: Left-(middle)-rightLevel of decomposition: 4
Strokes: 丨????一一丨Stroke sequence: 25112Stroke Description: vertical, turning, horizontal, horizontal, vertical
Others' sequence: 25112
Structure of components: 口(冂(丨????)一)十(一丨)
Simple Explanation
  Leaf (leaf) yè one of the vegetative organs of plants: leaves. Leaves. Leaves. Returning to their roots. Rather critical. Leaf cover head (figurative short-sighted, small things are often obscured by the immediate can not see far away, big place. Also known as "blinders"). Like leaves: iron leaves. Shutters. The same "page." The world, period: the early leaves. Last years. Name. Ye xié cordial, co: Ye Yun. Stroke: 5; radicals: port; stroke order number: 25112
Detailed Explanation
  〗 〖Shevillage koup name. Ye County of Henan Province in the south today. Chu during the Spring and Autumn are territories. Han home county. Such as: Ye County mallard (fondly refer to the magistrate by the emperor)
  (Now read yè) name. Such as: satirizes those who profess (metaphor-loving surface of something, in fact, did not really love)
  See yè; xié
  Cordial. With the "Association"〗 〖beharmonious
  Rhino corner of the leaf harp. - "Travels"
  Cheng Li Fung Kat and the same power, not leaves. - "New Book of Tang"
  Another example: Law leaves (leaf rhyme; rhythm); Ye Yun (co-Yun; rhyme); leaves (still moderate); YE Ji (and co-auspicious); leaves and (harmony; harmony; harmony; also made to be and) ; leaves Lease (Concord, with); Leaf Thai (Concord Aetna)
  Assistance; to help assist〗 〖. Such as: Yip (his assistant, with); Ye Qi (third line); leaf like (like collaborative Yi)
  Together, together together〗 〖
  Gu Gong Ye Mou, henchmen declared force. - "Old Five Dynasties"
  Another example: leaf power (third; together); leaves the heart (concentric); Ye Mou (conspiracy; conspiracy)
  See yè
  (Phonetic. From the Cottage, Ye (yè) sound. The leaves of plants. "Leaf", with "co", knowing the word, from the mouth from the ten. This is the word. The original meaning: the leaves of vegetation)
  〗 〖Leaf with the original meaning
  Leaves, grass and the leaves also. - "Said"
  The leaves Hu Die. - "Lie Zi Shui." Note: The "casual also."
  Leaves are not harmful. - "Poetry Taiga swing"
  Another example: tip (botanical term. Blade tip position); leaf arrangement (botany terms, the arrangement of leaves is called leaf stem sequence); bud (botany term. And flower buds relative. Development of the stem became , branch and leaf buds); leaf base (noun Botany. leaves the bottom part near the petiole)
  Metaphor of light is small, ethereal things like leaves leaf-likething〗 〖
  Miles storm leaf boat. - Yin "Untitled"
  Another example: blinds; a small boat; lobe
  Historical period of the sub〗 〖partofahistoricalperiod. Such as: the Tang Dynasty last years; 20th century
  World, on behalf of the generation〗 〖
  Xun contains two leaves. - Han "Qiu Liu W Monument"
  Following the German anterior lobe, Qing Yi Ting. - Han "in the hole praise Yuzhou Monument"
  Shu Li potential in both the long commitment by the tired leaves. - "Shi"
  Another example: leaf language (from generation to generation, said)
  Quantifier. Thin units of measurement objects. Such as: leaf (movie)
  〗 〖Yevillage koup name, in this southern Ye County in Henan
  Ban Gu and suddenly the public love Choi Yin, Ye of the good dragon. (Ye: whose real name is Shen Zhu Liang, Chu noble, leaves after his fief 。)--" Han Cui Yin Chuan "
  See xié
  Leaf spot
  〗 〖Leafspot parasite leaves due to infection arising from a class or fade at the environmental factors
  〖Leafstalk; petiole〗 support leaves a handle, usually cylindrical, sometimes flat, even with Alice
  〗 〖Sawfly insects a subject, the adult is black, head width, large compound eyes, antennae whip, rod-like or serrated
  Satirizes those who profess
  〗 〖LikeLordYewhoclaimedtobefoundofdragonsbutwasmortallyafraidofthem leaves, old time shè. Han Liu Xiang "The new five chores order": "Ye Gongzi high good dragon, hooked to write long, chisel to write long, housing room to write long Glyph. So the dragon heard down the husband, the first glimpse at the lattice window, Shi Mei on the Church. Ye see it, discard also go, missing the soul, not the main five colors. is not a good dragon Ye, like a good husband who is also the dragon instead of dragon. "after" satirizes those who profess "as a metaphor of something claiming to love actually not really love, or even fear
  〖Erythrophyll; phylloerythrin〗 see "carotene"
  Leaf monkey
  〗 〖Langur: Asian produced several long-tailed monkeys, and proboscis monkey and the colobus monkeys of Africa with the capacity to jointly form a Branch (colobus monkeys Branch Colobidae), body slender, usually gray or brownish gray, dense eyebrows and the chin hair down
  〗 〖Leafmonkey: Eastern production of a variety of any of langurs (leaf monkeys are Presbytis)
  〗 〖Xanthophyll pigment in plants, together with chlorophyll photosynthesis
  〗 〖Chlorophyll
  Green plant material, necessary for photosynthesis, usually present in the separation of the body, and only in a light and living cells can exist when there is iron, extraction of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b by a mixture, there are different amounts of other pigments ( such as carotene and lutein)
  Any of several fat-soluble pigment, the green substance of such form
  〖Impeller; vanewheel〗 wheel with a blade to produce power or to fluid motion
  Returning to their roots
  〖Whatcomesfromthesoilwillreturntothesoil; fallingleaveswillreturntotheroots〗 not forget the origin of metaphor. Multi-fingered guest in foreign land always eventually return to their homeland
  Returning to their roots, to when no mouth. - Hui Tang to "pay the Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra is a master of magic products"
  Yela Zhiqiu
  〗 〖Thefallingleavesannouncetheapproachofautumn-revealingsignsforetellthingstocome see the leaves start to fall, you know fall into. Analogy from small changes in the development of things can predict the development of things
  Leaves Zhiqiu, give a clear third. - Song Puji "Wu Deng Hui Yuan"
  〖Leafvein; leafvenation〗 botanical terms. Vascular distributed in the mesophyll
  〗 〖Surfaceofleaf propeller or rotor blades corresponding to the increase in the surface of the lower surface of wing
  〗 〖Vane: exposed to the air flow, air flow, or flow in a plane or surface, by air or liquid flow around the axis of rotation to promote
  〗 〖Blade: the leaves of plants while the flat part of the width
  〗 〖Leafsheath rice, wheat, barnyard grass and other parts of the leaf stems wrapped in
  〖Mesophyll; leafbladewithnovein〗 in leaf tissue between the upper and lower epidermis, in addition to vascular (vein) than the rest, mainly constituted by the thin-walled cells
  Folic Acid
  〗 〖Folicacid crystalline folic acid C19H19N7O6, belongs to vitamin B family, for the treatment of nutritional anemia and sprue
  Swiss chard
  〗 〖Leafbeet a biennial herbs (Betacicla), petiole length, leaf surface smooth and shiny, thick leaf, fruit brown. Is a high yield of feed crops. Leaves slightly sweet taste, can do vegetables. Some areas or thick vegetable dish called leather
  Leaf arrangement
  〖Leafarrangement; phyllotaxy〗 stems arranged in the form of leaves, a common alternate, opposite, whorled, etc.
  〗 〖Leaf leaves leaf pieces
  Leaf relative to traffic. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  〗 〖Leafaxil leaf stalk and the stem base at the medial phase
  〗 〖Leafybranch leaves the plants not only results of real branches (fruit or cotton)
  〖Leaf; foliage〗: generic term for plant leaves. Vegetative organs of plants, one on top of inclined stems born, Secretary assimilation, respiration, evaporation and so on, are generally divided into leaves, petioles, stipules of three parts
  〗 〖Leaf [dialect]: Card
  〗 〖Leaf: in ancient times that the page
More Simple Explanation
  Leaves (shape sound. From You, Ye sound. Leaves of plants. Leaves ", with the Association", knowing the word, from the mouth from the ten. This is the word. The original meaning of the leaves of grass and trees) with the original meaning of leaves, grass and the leaves also. - "Say" it leaves Hu Die. - "Lie Zi Shui." Note also scattered. "Leaves are not harmful. -" Poetry Taiga swing "Another example is the tip (botanical term. Blade tip position); leaf arrangement (botany terms, the arrangement of leaves is called leaf stem sequence); bud (botanical term. and flower buds relative. development became the stems, branches and leaves of the bud); leaf base (botanical term. leaves the bottom part near the petiole) metaphor of light is small, ethereal things like leaf storm leaf boat thousands of miles . - Yin "Untitled" Another example is the shutter; a small boat leaves xié ⒈ and just, together, together ~ and. ~ rhyme. ~ sentence. ~ Mou. leaf (leaf) yè ⒈ one of the vegetative organs of plants grown in stems, mostly flakes, green tea ~. tree ~ son. dish ~ children. ⒉ ~ round like a leaf. Fe ~. hundred ~ window. ⒊ during the early Qing Dynasty ~. twentieth century ~. ⒋ the same "page" . ⒌ ⒍ leaves shè 1. koup name. Ye County of Henan Province in the south today. Spring and Autumn when the county is home 『Chu Territory 2.. name. Spring Ye Chu has various beam. see" Zuo. given the public five years " .
More Detailed Explanation
  Ye ye
  Radical mouth radical strokes 03 strokes 05 total
  leaf; foliage; frondage; part of a hisorical period;
  Leaf 1
  Koup name [she village]. Ye County of Henan Province in the south today. Chu is the territory of the Spring and Autumn 『home county. If Ye County mallard (fondly refer to the magistrate by the emperor)
  (Now read yè) name. If satirizes those who profess (metaphor-loving surface of something, in fact, did not really love)
  See yè; xié
  Leaves 2
  Cordial. With the Association "[be harmonious]
  Rhino corner of the leaf harp. - "Travels"
  Cheng Li Fung Kat and the same power, not leaves. - "New Book of Tang"
  Another example is the law leaves (leaf rhyme; rhythm); Ye Yun (co-Yun; rhyme); leaves (still moderate); YE Ji (and co-auspicious); leaves and (harmony; harmony; harmony; also made to be and); Ye Qi (Concord, with); Leaf Thai (Concord Aetna)
  Assistance; help [assist]. If Yip (his assistant, with); Ye Qi (third line); leaf like (like collaborative Yi)
  Combined together [together]
  Gu Gong Ye Mou, henchmen declared force. - "Old Five Dynasties"
  Another example is the leaf edge (third; together); leaves the heart (concentric); Ye Mou (conspiracy; conspiracy)
  See yè
  Leaves 3
  (Phonetic. From You, Ye (yè) sound. Leaves of plants. Leaves ", with the agreement," knowing the word, from the mouth from the ten. This is the word. The original meaning of the leaves of grass)
  With the original meaning of [leaf]
  Leaves, grass and the leaves also. - "Said"
  The leaves Hu Die. - "Lie Zi Shui." Note also scattered. "
  Leaves are not harmful. - "Poetry Taiga swing"
  Another example is the tip (botanical term. Blade tip position); leaf arrangement (botany terms, the arrangement of leaves is called leaf stem sequence); bud (botany term. And flower buds relative. Development became the stems, branch and leaf buds); leaf base (noun Botany. leaves the bottom part near the petiole)
  Metaphor of light is small, ethereal things like leaves [leaf-like thing]
  Miles storm leaf boat. - Yin "Untitled"
  Another example is the shutter; a small boat; lobe
  Historical period of the sub [part of a historical period]. Such as the Tang Dynasty last years; 20th century
  World, on behalf of the [generation]
  Xun contains two leaves. - Han "Qiu Liu W Monument"
  Following the German anterior lobe, Qing Yi Ting. - Han "in the hole praise Yuzhou Monument"
  Shu Li potential in both the long commitment by the tired leaves. - "Shi"
  Another example is the leaf language (from generation to generation, said)
  Quantifier. Thin units of measurement objects. Such as the leaf (movie)
  Koup name [ye village], in this southern Ye County in Henan
  Ban Gu and suddenly the public love Choi liao, the good dragons the Lord Ye. (Whose real name is Shen Ye Zhu Liang, Chu noble, leaves after his fief 。)--" Liao Chuan Han Cui "
  See xié
  Leaf spot
  [Leaf spot] leaves infected with parasites as the emergence of a class or fade at the environmental factors
  [Leafstalk; petiole] leaves of a support handle, usually cylindrical, sometimes flat, even with Alice
  [Sawfly] a subject of insects, the adult is black, head width, large compound eyes, antennae whip, rod-like or serrated
  Satirizes those who profess
  [Like lord ye who claimed to be found of dragons but was mortally afraid of them] leaves, the old Reading shè 『* Liu Xiang" new order five chores "Ye Gongzi high good dragon, hooked to write long, chisel to write long, Glyph of housing room to write long. Then press down the dragon husband, the first glimpse at the lattice window, Shi Mei on the Church. Ye see it, abandoned and still go, missing the soul, not the main five colors. Ye dragon is not good, a good husband who is also like the dragon instead of dragon. "After satirizes those who profess" as a metaphor of something claiming to love, in fact, not really love, or even fear
  [Erythrophyll; phylloerythrin] See carotene "
  Leaf monkey
  [Langur]: Asian produced several long-tailed monkeys, and proboscis monkey and the colobus monkeys of Africa with the capacity to jointly form a Branch (colobus monkeys Branch colobidae), body slender, usually gray or brownish gray, dense eyebrows and the chin hair down
  [Leaf monkey]: production of a variety of oriental any of langurs (leaf monkeys are presbytis)
  [Xanthophyll] yellow pigment in plants, together with chlorophyll photosynthesis
  Green plant material, necessary for photosynthesis, usually present in the separation of the body, and only in a light and living cells can exist when there is iron, extraction of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b by a mixture, there are different amounts of other pigments ( such as carotene and lutein)
  Any of several fat-soluble pigment, the green substance of such form
  [Impeller; vane wheel] with a blade wheel to produce power or the fluid movement
  Returning to their roots
  [What comes from the soil will return to the soil; falling leaves will return to the roots] did not forget the origin of metaphor. Multi-fingered guest in foreign land always eventually return to their homeland
  Returning to their roots, to when no mouth. - Hui Tang to "pay the Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra is a master of magic products"
  Yela Zhiqiu
  [The falling leaves announce the approach of autumn ╠ revealing signs foretell things to come] See the leaves have fallen, you know fall into. Analogy from small changes in the development of things can predict the development of things
  Leaves Zhiqiu, give a clear third. - Song Puji "Wu Deng Hui Yuan"
  [Leaf vein; leaf venation] botanical terms. Vascular distributed in the mesophyll
  [Surface of leaf] corresponding to the propeller or rotor blades increase the surface of the lower surface of wing
  [Vane]: exposed to the air flow, air flow, or flow in a plane or surface, by air or liquid flow around the axis of rotation to promote
  [Blade]: the width of the leaves of plants, flat part of the
  [Leaf sheath] rice, wheat, barnyard grass, wrapped in leaves, stems and other parts of
  [Mesophyll; leaf blade with no vein] in the leaf tissue between the upper and lower epidermis, in addition to vascular (vein) than the rest, mainly constituted by the thin-walled cells
  Folic Acid
  [Folic acid] crystalline folic acid c19h19n7o6, are vitamin b family, for the treatment of nutritional anemia and sprue
  Swiss chard
  [Leaf beet] a biennial herbs (beta cicla), petiole length, leaf surface smooth and shiny, thick leaf, fruit brown. Is a high yield of feed crops. Leaves slightly sweet taste, can do vegetables. Some areas or thick vegetable dish called leather
  Leaf arrangement
  [Leaf arrangement; phyllotaxy] stems arranged in the form of leaves, a common alternate, opposite, whorled, etc.
  [Leaf] leaves of leaf pieces
  Leaf relative to traffic. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  [Leaf axil] leaf stalk and the stem base at the medial phase
  [Leafy branch] instead of the plants leaves only the fruit of the branches (fruit or cotton)
  [Leaf; foliage]: generic term for plant leaves. Vegetative organs of plants, one on top of inclined stems born, Secretary assimilation, respiration, evaporation and so on, are generally divided into leaves, petioles, stipules of three parts
  [Leaf] [side]: Card
  [Leaf]: refers to the page in ancient times
  Leaf 1
  yè ㄧ ㄝ ╝
  One of vegetative organs of trees ~. Food ~. ~ Son. ~ Off the roots. A ~ Zhiqiu. One ~ cover head (figurative short-sighted, often obscured by the immediate small things, can not see far away, big place. Also known as blinders ").
  Like the leaves of iron ~. Article ~ window.
  The same page. "
  World, during the first ~. The end ~.
  Zheng code jed, u53f6, gbkd2b6
  5 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 25112
  leaf; foliage; frondage; part of a hisorical period;
  Leaves 2
  xié ㄒ ㄧ ㄝ
  Cordial, co ~ rhyme.
  Zheng code jed, u53f6, gbkd2b6
  5 number of strokes, radical population, stroke order number 25112
Kangxi Dictionary
Ugly sets  Classical Association of jade articles】 【word. 【Notes】 After the Han Dynasty calendar month when the leaves are at. Six more than ten detailed painting. Also】 【_set_ with Xie Yun. 【Notes】 times before the five elements of Chinese Si Yue Xie in five discipline. 【Note】 division of ancient Yue, Xie said leaf reading. Also】 【Rhymes with juice. Xijing Zhang Heng Fu】 【juice of five phases in order to travel to Tung Cheng. 【Note】 juice, leaves the same. (Leaf) 【】 and involves cutting Tang Yun Ji Yun】 【【】 Yi Yun involved are cut, ???? tone Ye. Wen】 【that the leaves of vegetation. 【Note】 Poem by Lu You Sang Wu said that the leaves were straight. And the world also. The Book of Poetry】 【past in the middle of a shock and industry. And liberal arts】 【together also. And books. Tang Yue Xiu】 【books are for the scroll, after the leaves, it seems this policy sub. Another name. Annals slightly】 【Yip clan, the old sound camera, later homonym and Leaves. Also with 䔾 pass. Rites】 【instrument like Norris who wash in the room, the discretionary side of sweet wine, plus spoon, cover the surface of leaves. 【Note】 classical leaf 䔾. Another type involving cutting, sound camera. 【Note】 Zuo and Ye Ye, Nanyang Ye County today. Also make】 【Yun Ye, a reverse of about cutting, audio child. Sang Fang Yi Lin】 【will fall, the yellow leaves fall from the sky. And leaves the urgent. Yi Lin】 【differences with the leaves, the German musicians. East and thirst for righteousness, to Hing my country. 】 【Ji Yun and co-believers cut, audio dispatch. And 䈎 the same, the book Version. 【】 Or for ???? will rhyme, non.
Explain Word
Leaves  Cottage Wood leaves also. Ye sound from the Cottage. And involved cutting
Poet: Fang Nashan

  Late court level wind tree, leaves off branches to be difficult to nostalgia.
  Mo deep resentment to the fall of scattered, deep in spring when there is greenery.
Translated by Google
Poet: Shi Sizhi

  End of the World Who and send Acacia, sparsely fragments still love sticks.
  Le cold one from the west, the dying can be how often.
Translated by Google
Poet: Ted Hughes











No. 12
  Leaves can be divided into full leaf (complete leaf) and incomplete leaf (incomplete leaf). Leaves of each plant is often a certain shape. Leaf shape is also one of the basis for classification, but to most of the leaves in the observation form should prevail. Leaf started the leaf primordia growth cone tip. Leaves are seed plants manufacturing organic matter is extremely important organs. Leaves from the shape is divided into leaves, petioles and stipules of three parts.
  In angiosperms, for example, the structure of the petiole and stem similar to the epidermis, cortex and vascular cylinder composed of three parts; leaves the basic structure of the epidermis, mesophyll and vein of three parts.
  Water plants in the form of water vapor through leaf stomata workers lost to the atmosphere.
  The main role of leaf photosynthesis and transpiration.
  Green in the sunlight, will the outside world to absorb carbon dioxide and water, in the chloroplast, the use of light energy produced by carbohydrate-based organic compounds, and release oxygen. While conversion of light energy into chemical energy stored in the manufacture of organic matter into. This process is called photosynthesis. Reaction of photosynthesis can be expressed as:
  The energy comes from stored carbohydrates in the sun, so must be light to carry out photosynthesis.
  Photosynthetic carbohydrate made from glucose first, but quickly turned into glucose, starch, temporarily stored in the chloroplasts, and later transported to various parts of the plant body.
  In addition to photosynthesis in plants contain carbohydrates outside. Also contains protein and fat and other organic matter. Mostly based on carbohydrates, protein and fat, based on the formation of a complex change. In the manufacturing process of the protein, but also as a raw material inorganic nitrogen. Million dot com
  Photosynthetic organisms produced, in addition to the construction of plants and part of respiration, most are transported to plant storage organs stored, the food we eat and vegetables is that these are stored organic matter. Therefore, the product of photosynthesis is not only the activities of plant life necessary for their own material, directly or indirectly, services to other organisms (including humans), to be used by these organisms. Oxygen produced by photosynthesis, but also a source of atmospheric oxygen.
  Absorbed into the roots of plants from the soil water in the body, with the exception of a small part of the manufacturing supply organic plant life and photosynthesis, the majority are turned into steam, through the stomata on leaves to evaporate into the air, a phenomenon known as transpiration .
  Leaf transpiration of water and plant life are closely linked. Each plant has a lot of leaves, total leaf area of a large, sunlight, and this favorable for photosynthesis. However, plants absorb a lot of sunlight, plants will continue to increase in body temperature, if the heat accumulation, the plants will suffer from sunburn. During transpiration, the leaves in a large number of water continuously into steam, so that took a lot of heat, thereby reducing the plant's body temperature to ensure the normal life of plants. In addition, the leaves also promote plant transpiration of water within the water and dissolved salts in water increased role.
  〗 〖Shevillage koup name. Ye County of Henan Province in the south today. Chu during the Spring and Autumn are territories. Han home county. Such as: Ye County mallard (fondly refer to the magistrate by the emperor)
  (Now read yè) name. Such as: satirizes those who profess (metaphor-loving surface of something, in fact, did not really love)
  See yè; xié
  Cordial. With the "Association"〗 〖beharmonious
  Rhino corner of the leaf harp. - "Travels"
  Cheng Li Fung Kat and the same power, not leaves. - "New Book of Tang"
  Another example: Law leaves (leaf rhyme; rhythm); Ye Yun (co-Yun; rhyme); leaves (still moderate); YE Ji (and co-auspicious); leaves and (harmony; harmony; harmony; also made to be and) ; leaves Lease (Concord, with); Leaf Thai (Concord Aetna)
  Assistance; to help assist〗 〖. Such as: Yip (his assistant, with); Ye Qi (third line); leaf like (like collaborative Yi)
  Together, together together〗 〖
  Gu Gong Ye Mou, henchmen declared force. - "Old Five Dynasties"
  Another example: leaf power (third; together); leaves the heart (concentric); Ye Mou (conspiracy; conspiracy)
  See yè
  (Phonetic. From Lv, Ye (yè) sound. The leaves of plants. "Leaf", with "co", knowing the word, from the mouth from the ten. This is the word. The original meaning: the leaves of vegetation)
  〗 〖Leaf with the original meaning
  Leaves, grass and the leaves also. - "Said"
  The leaves Hu Die. - "Lie Zi Shui." Note: The "casual also."
  Leaves are not harmful. - "Poetry Taiga swing"
  Another example: tip (botanical term. Blade tip position); leaf arrangement (botany terms, the arrangement of leaves is called leaf stem sequence); bud (botany term. And flower buds relative. Development of the stem became , branch and leaf buds); leaf base (noun Botany. leaves the bottom part near the petiole)
  Metaphor of light is small, ethereal things like leaves leaf-likething〗 〖
  Miles storm leaf boat. - Yin "Untitled"
  Another example: blinds; a small boat; lobe
  Historical period of the sub〗 〖partofahistoricalperiod. Such as: the Tang Dynasty last years; 20th century
  World, on behalf of the generation〗 〖
  Xun contains two leaves. - Han "Qiu Liu W Monument"
  Following the German anterior lobe, Qing Yi Ting. - Han "in the hole praise Yuzhou Monument"
  Shu Li potential in both the long commitment by the tired leaves. - "Shi"
  Another example: leaf language (from generation to generation, said)
  Quantifier. Thin units of measurement objects. Such as: leaf (movie)
  〗 〖Yevillage koup name, in this southern Ye County in Henan
  Ban Gu and suddenly the public love Choi liao, the good dragons the Lord Ye. (Ye: whose real name is Shen Zhu Liang, Chu noble, leaves after his fief 。)--" Liao Chuan Han Cui "
  See xié
  Leaf spot
  〗 〖Leafspot parasite leaves due to infection arising from a class or fade at the environmental factors
  〖Leafstalk; petiole〗 support leaves a handle, usually cylindrical, sometimes flat, even with Alice
  〗 〖Sawfly insects a subject, the adult is black, head width, large compound eyes, antennae whip, rod-like or serrated
  Satirizes those who profess
  〗 〖Likelordyewhoclaimedtobefoundofdragonsbutwasmortallyafraidofthem leaves, old time shè. Han Liu Xiang "The new five chores order": "Ye Gongzi high good dragon, hooked to write long, chisel to write long, housing room to write long Glyph. So the dragon heard down the husband, the first glimpse at the lattice window, Shi Mei on the Church. Ye see it, discard also go, missing the soul, not the main five colors. is not a good dragon Ye, like a good husband who is also the dragon instead of dragon. "after" satirizes those who profess "as a metaphor of something claiming to love actually not really love, or even fear
  〖Erythrophyll; phylloerythrin〗 see "carotene"
  Leaf monkey
  〗 〖Langur: Asian produced several long-tailed monkeys, and proboscis monkey and the colobus monkeys of Africa with the capacity to jointly form a Branch (colobus monkeys Branch colobidae), body slender, usually gray or brownish gray, dense eyebrows and the chin hair down
  〗 〖Leafmonkey: Eastern production of a variety of any of langurs (leaf monkeys are presbytis)
  〗 〖Xanthophyll pigment in plants, together with chlorophyll photosynthesis
  〗 〖Chlorophyll
  Green plant material, necessary for photosynthesis, usually present in the separation of the body, and only in a light and living cells can exist when there is iron, extraction of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b by a mixture, there are different amounts of other pigments ( such as carotene and lutein)
  Any of several fat-soluble pigment, the green substance of such form
  〖Impeller; vanewheel〗 wheel with a blade to produce power or to fluid motion
  Returning to their roots
  〖Whatcomesfromthesoilwillreturntothesoil; fallingleaveswillreturntotheroots〗 not forget the origin of metaphor. Multi-fingered guest in foreign land always eventually return to their homeland
  Returning to their roots, to when no mouth. - Hui Tang to "pay the Sixth Patriarch Platform Sutra is a master of magic products"
  Yela Zhiqiu
  〗 〖Thefallingleavesannouncetheapproachofautumn-revealingsignsforetellthingstocome see the leaves start to fall, you know fall into. Analogy from small changes in the development of things can predict the development of things
  Leaves Zhiqiu, give a clear third. - Song Puji "Wu Deng Hui Yuan"
  〖Leafvein; leafvenation〗 botanical terms. Vascular distributed in the mesophyll
  Leaves, sub-parallel veins and stockwork variety.
  〗 〖Surfaceofleaf propeller or rotor blades corresponding to the increase in the surface of the lower surface of wing
  〗 〖Vane: exposed to the air flow, air flow, or flow in a plane or surface, by air or liquid flow around the axis of rotation to promote
  〗 〖Blade: the leaves of plants while the flat part of the width
  〗 〖Leafsheath rice, wheat, barnyard grass and other parts of the leaf stems wrapped in
  〖Mesophyll; leafbladewithnovein〗 in leaf tissue between the upper and lower epidermis, in addition to vascular (vein) than the rest, mainly constituted by the thin-walled cells
  Folic Acid
  〗 〖Folicacid crystalline folic acid c19h19n7o6, are vitamin b family, for the treatment of nutritional anemia and sprue
  Swiss chard
  〗 〖Leafbeet a biennial herbs (betacicla), petiole length, leaf surface smooth and shiny, thick leaf, fruit brown. Is a high yield of feed crops. Leaves slightly sweet taste, can do vegetables. Some areas or thick vegetable dish called leather
  Leaf arrangement
  〖Leafarrangement; phyllotaxy〗 stems arranged in the form of leaves, a common alternate, opposite, whorled, etc.
  〗 〖Leaf leaves leaf pieces
  Leaf relative to traffic. - "New Poems Poems for the Making up Wife"
  〗 〖Leafaxil leaf stalk and the stem base at the medial phase
  〗 〖Leafybranch leaves the plants not only results of real branches (fruit or cotton)
  〖Leaf; foliage〗: generic term for plant leaves. Vegetative organs of plants, one on top of inclined stems born, Secretary assimilation, respiration, evaporation and so on, are generally divided into leaves, petioles, stipules of three parts
  〗 〖Leaf [dialect]: Card
  〗 〖Leaf: in ancient times that the page
  Yeh ◆ Top
  Currently, hundreds of Chinese surname Yeh ranked in the 49th, especially in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Jiangxi the largest, most densely distributed. Overseas is still in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines largest Yeh Chinese, has many places around the world.
  ◆ Surname Origin
  Leaf (yè leaf) out of four named sources:
  2, from leaves of modulation power. Leaves notes of ancient name, the old haunt, or in today's island of Sumatra, Java, Indonesia, Han Yong-Jian of China envoy had six years to establish friendly relations, leaf States to Chinese immigrants adjust more to leaves as the surname, name of Bamboo and Silk mass.
  3, from ancient Chinese name. Ancient Chinese name of "Ye Yang's", "Yeda Fu's" Today has been not see. In accordance with the word name, the words name the law into words last name, Ye Yang's, Yeda Fu's later changed to Ye.
  4, and minority groups from other origins Yeh:
  ① According to the "last name Dynasty" _set_ in ancient China Southern Minorities at Nelson (now Viet Nam) were quite the name to leaf. Ye Xiong Wu, who as the Spring and Autumn is the descendants of Southern Minorities.
  ② Manchu satisfied La's, leaf Heller's, De'ang Helmholtz, Taiwan indigenous, Yi, Mongolian, Tujia, Xibe, security, Hui, Miao and other nationalities have the leaf name.
  ◆ species distribution
  A result, his death, through the Warring States Period, Qin Chu off the occasion, their descendants in order to avoid the scourge of genocide, in which one or several branch reform of Shen as the leaves, as the ancestor of respect for Shen Zhu Liang, moved in Hebei Hejian was removed , Shaanxi Yongzhou, Jiangsu Xia Pi. This is the surname Ye Ye County, although ancestral land, but not many ethnic Yeh, Yeh Henan area, mostly south to return home was the reason to stay.
  2, the Western Jin Dynasty, the central plains of the ethnic aspirations, were displaced to Shaanxi, Hebei, south part of the leaf surname descendants of movement, part of the return to the Central Plains, this time formed a "Nanyang Yip," the concept represented by prominent family.
  3, Yeh Tang and Song Dynasties is the most frequent period of migration, this time due to more branches, and from the uncertainty of movement, there to avoid the chaos of the late Tang, Song Shi has crossed over in the Song Dynasty official, in which from Henan Yexian moved Gushi, Guangshan of one pair of leaves were displaced after the name has a great influence. Aung Ye moved to Fujian Song, Ye-soo, Ye Ting, a safety handle, Buddha Ling, Lin Kai Yeh ancestor. Xia Pi in the leaves of native names, this time also moved a large number of states, including Zhejiang, Ningbo area. Tang and Song dynasties, but also the names of people come forth in large period of leaf, leaf of the book name into southern name.
  4, Ming and Qing dynasties, with the rise of Western industrial civilization, the coastal area of the lofty ideals, have to overseas development, among them the leaf name of stream. Ming Dynasty to the Taiwan people harbor the large number of the Qing Dynasty in Taiwan to create a foundation to more. It can be said of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong Hakka Yeh, there is no development of that branch is not the sea, now the residence, Macao and Taiwan are the descendants of the Yip around. Yeh in Taiwan more than 20 million population, ranked last name in the major 20.
  5, the Qing Dynasty, coastal and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan began to develop Yip descendants to Southeast Asia, especially Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines up to the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and other countries have also emerged the leaders of Yeh and elite. Yap Ah Loy lived in Malaysia, its descendants in Malaysia as Han.
  Currently, Yeh experienced several years of reproduction, this time is a footprint all over the world. Especially in Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Jiangsu and Jiangxi the largest, most densely distributed. Overseas is still in Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines largest Yeh Chinese, has many places around the world. Yeh in today's most common surname in China ranked fourth hundred nineteen, with larger populations, accounting for about 0.4 percent Han Chinese population one.
  ◆ historical figures
  YE: Wenzhou Yongjia (now Zhejiang) people, Song materialist philosophers, thinkers, a master of Yongjia School, the official Rites assistant minister, with a "learning school narration," "Water, Mr. Heart Collection" and so on.
  Ye Xin: Shanghai Songjiang people, famous painter in the Qing Dynasty, as "Jinling eight" one.
  Ye: Wujiang (this is of Jiangsu Province) who, in the Qing Dynasty writer, longer than the poetic, with a "poem" and other books.
  Ye Zi: Yiyang, Hunan people, the modern novelist. Works include "Harvest", "Village Night" and "Star".
  Ye Ting: Huiyang, Guangdong Province, Chinese proletarian strategist, founder of the People's Liberation Army. Led the "August" Nanchang Uprising, took part in the Guangzhou Uprising. He served as the New Fourth Army commander, was killed in a plane crash killed.
  Ye Ren event: the famous Song Dynasty painter, painted many subjects from the South City restaurants customs Tian Jiajing material. Faction: Song Wuxian, the famous writer, the official to the Ministry of chancery, with the "Stone Forest Spring and Autumn Annals", "Stone Linju Shi Jian Kang Collection", "Shilin word," "Poetry Stone" and other books.
  Leaves to high: Fuqing, Fujian people today, Ming Dynasty Wanli any rites, East Court, the rank of scholar, served as prime minister when Mitsumune, official Jhongcin upright, with a "that class" a book. Ye Xianzu: Zhejiang Yuyao people today, the Ming Dynasty opera house. There are seven works of the legendary, twenty-four kinds of drama.
  Ye Zaiqi: Longquan (now Zhejiang) people, the Ming Dynasty scholar, with a "grass Muzi" four volumes.
  Ye Shaoyuan: Wujiang (this is of Jiangsu Province) people, the Ming Dynasty writer, author of "Ye Tianliao four" and so on.
  Ye Yun to: Guangxi, Taiping generals fighting in Hunan entrenched in Anqing, who unfortunately lost city of death.
  By Ye: Guangdong Panyu (now Guangzhou) who, beginning in Hubei Agricultural School and dialects school teacher. Support of Yuan Shikai proclaimed himself emperor had, after serving in the KMT, with a "draft Jiang Um ya," Salvation of traffic "and other books.
  Yeh Chu rude: now Jiangsu Wuxian people, early into the Alliance, co-founded "National Daily", became the KMT officials, Chairman of the Jiangsu provincial government of the Kuomintang, the KMT rank of vice president of government legislation.
  Tao: Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, the famous writer, educator. Former member of the NPC Standing Committee, Deputy Director of Publication, Deputy Minister of Education, People's Publishing House and editor in chief and other staff.
  Ye: Mei County, Guangdong Province, the famous proletarian revolutionary, strategist and one of People's Liberation Army Ten Marshals. Any of the Whampoa Military Academy earlier Deputy Director, Professor, attended as the Northern Expedition, led Guangzhou Uprising. After the liberation, was an important party and state leadership positions.
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Leaf consists of:
  A typical leaf mainly by the leaves, petioles, stipules composed of three parts. At the same time with this three-part leaves as full leaf, the lack of any of them
  Composed of one or two leaves are not fully known. Leaves usually sheet, top support leaf petiole, and stem node connected to the bottom, was born in the petiole stipules
  Base on both sides or axillary, in the leaves when young, the role of protective leaves, leaves smaller than normal.
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Leaf shape:
  1. Leaves: Leaf shape, that is, leaf shape, type very much, on a leaf, the top known as the blade tip, the base called the leaf base, peripheral called the leaf margin; through the vascular bundles in the leaves was within the veins, which some have a lot of changes.
  (1) leaf: the leaf-shaped or basic outline of the whole common are: leaf
  Inverted ovate: length and width nearly equal, at its widest point near the top of the leaf (eg, Magnolia).
  Round: length and width nearly equal, at its widest point near the middle of the leaf (such as the lotus.)
  Ovate: length and width nearly equal, the widest point near the bottom of the leaf (such as the vest child).
  Obovate: length is about 1.5 to 2 times the width at its widest point near the top of the leaf (such as sumac blue).
  Oval: length is about 1.5 to 2 times the width at its widest point near the middle of the leaf (such as Euonymus japonicus).
  Oval: length is about 1.5 to 2 times the width at its widest point near the bottom of the leaf (such as privet.)
  Oblanceolate: length is about 3 to 4 times as wide at its widest point near the top of the leaf (such as Gnaphalium).
  Long oval: length is about 3 to 4 times width at its widest point near the middle of the leaf (such as Jin Simei).
  Lanceolate: length is about 3 to 4 times as wide at its widest point near the bottom of the leaf (such as willow).
  Linear: about 5 times as wide, widest near the middle of the leaf (such as Ophiopogon).
  Sword-shaped: about 5 times as wide at its widest point near the bottom of the leaf (such as gramineus).
  As for other shapes, there are triangles, halberd-shaped, arrow-shaped, heart-shaped, kidney-shaped, diamond-shaped, spoon-shaped, sickle-shaped, skewed shape and so on.
  (2) Tip: the upper leaves. Common are: Tip
  Mount point: the top of both sides of the angle of less than 30 ", tapered tip of the blade tip (such as Anemarrhena, Araceae).
  Cuspidate: acute angle between the top sides, tip leaf abrupt end tends to narrow tip (such as Ai Ma.)
  Tip: for the acute angle between the top sides, tends to narrow acuminate leaf side (such as the Northeast apricot).
  Acuminate: the upper angle acute angle on both sides, tip gradually pointed narrow leaves tend to side (such as tallow).
  Sharp tip: acute angle between the top sides, apex straight on both sides of the leaf tends to narrow pointed end (such as affinis).
  Convex angle: the angle between the top sides for the pure angle, facing the tip of the leaves for no reason, short-side (such as the stone toad.)
  Pure form: the top of both sides of the angle of the pure angle, the tip was straight or curved over on both sides of the leaf side (such as plum grass).
  _Truncate_: top _truncate_d, that leaves a little close to the boxer's side (such as Pyracantha).
  Emarginate: top down slightly concave, but not deep-Tip (Dichondra repens).
  Inverted heart-shaped: the top down to extreme depression, and heart-shaped leaves were down-side (such as the Bauhinia leaves the saddle.)
  (3) leaf base: the base of the leaf. Common are: leaf base
  Wedge: the angle between the base of an acute angle on both sides, both sides of the relatively flat, leaf petiole of the leaf base until no less than (such as loquat).
  Gradually narrow: the angle between the base of an acute angle on both sides, both sides of the curved tip gradually narrow down, but leaves no less than the base until the leaf petiole (such as camphor).
  Under the extension: the angle between the base of an acute angle on both sides, both sides of the straight or curved, narrow down gradually, and leaves the bottom of the next until the leaf petiole base (such as Gnaphalium).
  Blunt: at the base obtuse angle on both sides, or slightly rounded bottom of the leaf base (such as Wintersweet).
  _Truncate_: base near _truncate_d, or slightly past the boxer of the leaf base (such as gold, hanging turtle.)
  Arrow: the angle between the base of both sides of the sub-boxer was a large, slightly arrow-shaped bottom, tapering on both sides of leaves over the ear leaf base (eg, arrowhead).
  Ear: a large base of both sides of the angle was sub-boxer, the lower slightly ear, ear lobe on both sides of the leaf base than the blunt (such as white British.)
  Halberd-shaped: the angle between the base of both sides was significantly greater than the straight angle, the bottom slightly halberd-shaped, large ears on both sides of the leaf blade was shaped halberd leaf base (such as playing bowls of flowers.)
  Heart-shaped: the angle between the base was large on both sides of sub-boxer, slightly heart-shaped bottom, both sides of the ear lobe large blunt leaf base (such as velvetleaf).
  Deflection shape: the size of the base of both sides of the asymmetric shape of leaf base (such as the Mandala) Begonia).
  (4) leaf margins: the leaves around. Common are:
  All edge: peripheral smooth or nearly smooth leaf margin (such as privet.)
  Ciliary margin: Around the dentate, sharp teeth on both sides are equal, and very fine sharp leaf margins (such as pink).
  Tooth edge: peripheral toothed, sharp teeth on both sides of the same, and the leaf margin coarse (such as Nying Ma.)
  Fine serrated edge: peripheral serrated, sharp teeth on both sides and is usually tilted to one side, sharp teeth in the leaf margin taper (such as the madder.)
  Jagged edge: the surrounding jagged, sharp teeth on both sides and is usually tilted to one side, rough sharp tip of the leaf margin teeth (such as tea).
  Pure serrated edge: peripheral serrated, sharp teeth on both sides and is usually tilted to one side, more rounded cusps pure leaf margin (such as ground yellow leaves).
  Heavy jagged edge: the surrounding jagged, sharp teeth on both sides and is usually tilted to one side, sharp teeth on both sides of the leaf margin serrated on both sides was also found (such as Cephalanoplos).
  Qu Bo edge: peripheral curvelet-like, wave edge is composed of leaf margin convex wave interaction. (Such as eggplant).
  Convex wave edge: peripheral convex wave, full wave form for the convex wave. (Such as Glechoma).
  Au wave edge: peripheral concave wave, wave edge wave components are all concave, (such as the mandala).
  (5) vein: a vascular bundle located at the leaf veins. Common are:
  Second Qi branch vein: vein for dichotomous branching, a mesh is not without parallel, usually occurring from petiole with the Health Department (such as Ginkgo biloba).
  Palmately stockwork: interwoven reticular veins, several main vein, usually from near the petiole with the Health Department to issue (such as octagonal lotus).
  Pinnate stockwork: interwoven reticular veins, the main vein of a longitudinal length of clear separation of lateral veins on both sides of self-veins, slightly pinnate well (such as Maryland).
  Radiation parallel veins: veins are not woven into the mesh, the main lateral veins from the petiole the students were out of action, and radiate toward (eg palm).
  Pinnately parallel veins: veins are not woven into the mesh, the main vein of a longitudinal length of clear separation of lateral veins on both sides of self-vein, and parallel to each other, and slightly plumose
  (Such as turmeric).
  Arc parallel veins: veins are not woven into a network, a main vein, lengthwise clear, lateral veins from the lower part of the leaf, and slightly flared tip parallel to the direct
  (Such as the Po Duo grass).
  Straight parallel veins: veins are not woven into a network, a main vein, lengthwise clear, lateral veins from the lower part of the leaf, and nearly parallel to each other, and extending to the tip longitudinal straight
  (Such as affinis).
  2. Petiole: The stem was born to support the blade handle bar. Petiole addition to long and short, there is no difference, the main are:
  (1) basis with: the petiole was born on the holding edge of leaf base (Malan).
  (2) Shield with: the leaf petiole was born on the holding below the central or a bit more (such as lotus).
  3. Stipule: both sides of the petioles or petiole, or axillary with the Ministry of Health of the small green or membranous flakes. Stipules usually grow leaves before, and played in the early protection of young leaves
  And the role of buds. Presence or absence of stipules, the position and shape of stipules, often with different plant species and therefore also need to give proper identification of Chinese herbal medicine
  Note that one of the morphological characteristics. Stipules common are:
  (1) lateral stipule: Born in petioles as the two sides, not with healing into a sheath-like petiole stipules (eg psoralen).
  (2) lateral stipule sheath: for the Lord on both sides of the petioles and leaf sheath with the petioles to form healing such as stipules and leaf tongue (such as affinis).
  (3) axillary stipule: Born as the leaf axils petioles, but not healing stipules and petiole (such as Magnolia).
  (4) axillary stipule-like sheath: Born as the leaf axils petioles, and stipules sheath volt fused with each other and phimosis of the stipules (such as fleece-flower root).
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Leaves of absence split:
  Leaf blades in the process of evolution, the phenomenon of missing Au occur, this concave missing, called lack of cleft. Lack of crack is usually symmetrical. Common lack of crack are:
  1. Palmately lobed: the leaf with palmate veins, lateral veins well in the cleft between the absence occurred, but leaves no time short crack radius 1 / 2 (such as melon wood).
  2. Palmately deeply lobed: the leaf with palmate veins, and the lack of lateral veins asked cracking occurred, but the lack of blade radius of the crack is over 1 / 2 (such as yellow hollyhock).
  3. Palmately deeply divided: the blade County palmate veins and between veins occur in the short crack, and the lack of depth of crack is at the petiole with the students (such as marijuana).
  4. Pinnately lobed: the leaf blade with pinnate veins, and in lack of fracture occurred between lateral veins, but the lack of the main vein to the leaf edge crack no time the distance between 1 / 2 (such as Sonchus).
  5. Pinnately parted: the leaf veins with a feather, and in lack of fracture occurred between lateral veins, but the lack of crack has passed the distance between the main vein to the leaf margin 1 / 2 (such as shepherd's purse).
  6. All crack feather: a plume of leaf veins, and in lack of fracture occurred between lateral veins, but the lack of crack has been the main vein at a depth (eg Cardamine paddy field).
  In addition, lack of cracking in the plume, such as the lack of lobes of different sizes after the split, was ordered intermittent interaction, for the discontinuous crack missing feather; such as missing after the lobes crack inclined to the bottom, and was ordered backward, Backward plume splitting was missing; as missing after the split lobes, occur again missing the second or third split, and was two or three pinnate short back split.
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Single leaf and compound leaf:
  Students only on the petiole of a leaf is called a single leaf, petiole, leaf number on the students called fronds. Each leaf on the leaves, called leaflets,
  Leaflets with distinct petiolule was born in the main petiole, and the planar arrangement of non-small petiole axillary buds, and sometimes there are small stipules small petiole side.
  Single leaf by leaf through the various degrees of lack of crack evolved (such as no son for the whole edge of the primary leaf single leaf, later to split a single leaf feather missing, and finally
  Yu V compound to become fully). Cracking has occurred in all leaf parts missing is called lobes, each lobe at this time under the formation of no small petiole, so that
  Petiole no small degree of lack of variety is still the single leaf split leaf rather than fronds. Compound leaves with multiple leaflets, but in some species (such as Yichang Orange)
  The leaflets are reduced to a trend, this is only a simplified leaflet compound leaves, called single compound. Single compound is particularly citrus plants
  Sign. Many different types of compound leaves, common are:
  1. Three palmate compound leaf: with palmate veins by the addition of single evolved, there are leaflets 3 (such as wood sorrel).
  2. Five palmately compound leaves: also increased from a single leaf with palmate veins evolved, there are five leaflets (such as Vitex).
  3. Seven palmately compound leaves: also increased from a single leaf with palmate veins evolved, there are leaflets 7 (such as wilsonii Rehd.)
  4. A bipinnate: by the plumes of single leaf veins evolved through a general lack of crack formation) according to the odd or even number of leaflets,
  And the number of leaflets have:
  (1) a return to even pinnate: pinnate fronds that leaves an even smaller, which is the top of the leaflets for the two one bipinnate (such as Cassia).
  (2) a return to the odd pinnate: that is, a bipinnate leaves little odd, that is, as one of the top leaf of a bipinnate (as Rose).
  (3) a return to three pinnate: that is, a small bipinnate leaves only three of a bipinnate (such as the cut-off leaves the iron broom.)
  5. Bipinnate: Wing also increased from a single leaf pinnate leaves evolved through general lack of secondary crack formation, is also divided into even and odd.
  (1) two back to even-pinnate: the small leaves is even, that is, as two of the top leaf bipinnate (like a mountain trail.)
  (2) two back odd pinnate: the small leaves an odd number, that is, as one of the top leaf bipinnate (eg Salvia).
  6. Three bipinnate: also increased from a single leaf with pinnate evolved through three general lack of crack formation (eg, Thalictrum).
  7. More bipinnate: also increased from a single leaf with pinnate venation evolved several times through lack of crack formation in general (such as fennel.)
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Leaf texture:
  Common are the following types:
  1. Leathery: the tough and thick texture of the leaves (such as Gougu).
  2. Paper: namely, flexible and thin blade texture (such as hair betel).
  3. Meat: the texture is soft and thick leaves (such as purslane).
  4. Quality of the grass: the texture is soft and thin leaves (such as mint).
  5. Membrane: the texture is soft and thin leaves (such as ephedrine).
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Leaf metamorphosis:
  Due to different types of leaf and by the external environment, often have a lot of metamorphosis, the metamorphosis common are:
  1. Leaf petiole: the complete degradation of leaves, petioles, leaf-like expansion of green leaves, such abnormal leaves, the veins and petioles of plants with the same family sheath similar
  And its corresponding blade portion completely (such as ferulic, Bupleurum).
  2. Insect-catching leaves: the formation of palmate leaves and other insect or bottle-shaped structure, a sense of, the case of insects, touch, automatically closing the surface with a large number of glandular hairs that secrete digestive juice
  Or glands (such as the sundew.)
  3. Leaves leathery scales: the leaf stipules, petiole not developed completely, leaves leathery and scaly leaves, usually covered in the lateral buds, it is also known as the bud scales
  (Eg, Magnolia).
  4. Fleshy scale leaf: the leaf stipules, petiole not developed completely, leaves fleshy and scaly leaves (such as Fritillaria).
  5. Membranous scale leaves: the leaf stipules, petiole completely developed, membranous leaves and scaly leaves (such as garlic).
  6. Thorn-like leaves: the metamorphosis of the entire leaf-like thorns leaves (such as the porcupine spines.)
  7. Spiny stipules: the metamorphosis stipules leaf-like thorns, and leaves some have remained normal leaves (such as the vest child).
  8. Husk: that leaves only the leaves, and was born in the rachis, pedicel, or receptacle lower leaves. Was born in the inflorescence axis usually referred to as the total husk husk, was born in the stalk, or
  Lower bracts receptacle known as a small bract small bract or bracts (such as Chai Hu).
  9. Tendrils leaf: the leaf tip or part of the leaflets into tendril-like leaves (such as field peas.)
  10. Tendrils stipular: the metamorphosis of leaves tendrils leaf stipules (eg, Smilax).
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Leaf arrangement:
  Stem or branch that leaves the students in the arrangement and the law. Common are:
  1. Alternate: the leaves of the Health section of the stem or branch between the part of a long and clear, the internode only leaves one with the students (such as Aconitum).
  2. Opposite: that leaves the Health section of the stem or branch between the part of a long and clear, the internode on the relative leaf 2 with students (such as mint).
  3. Whorled: the leaves of the Health section of the stem or branch between the part of a long and clear, the internode above the wheel-shaped blade on the students (such as oleander).
  4. Clusters: the leaves of the Health section of the stem or branches without significantly shorter inter-section, the internode on the old leaves for one or a few pieces (such as porcupine spines.)
  5. Clusters: the leaves of the main section of the stem or branches without significantly between the part of the short, 2 or more pieces of leaf from the stem node issued a point (such as pine).
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Leaf tissue structure:
  Since the leaves to make a cross-section, can be observed from outside to inside see the following structure.
  1. Skin: the surface layer of the leaf tissue of primary protection, usually upper and lower epidermis of the points, on the epidermis in the ventral epidermis at the back. Flattened epidermal cells, closely arranged, normally does not contain chloroplasts, the appearance is often a layer of cuticle. Some differentiation of epidermal cells often protruding to form pores or the formation of fluffy.
  2. Mesophyll: the assimilation of the parenchyma of the epidermis, usually have the following two.
  (1) palisade tissue: close to the bottom of the epidermis, usually 1 to several layers of cells, long and cylindrical, perpendicular to the epidermal cells, and closely arranged in grid-like, containing more of the chloroplast. Needle-shaped leaves or in leaves on both sides of palisade tissue is also distributed in the skin under the epidermis or the entire inside of the top four weeks, but there are some aquatic plants and shade leaves is not fencing organizations.
  (2) spongy tissue: cell shape and more irregular, containing fewer chloroplasts, palisade tissue located below the level of clear, loosely arranged, like a sponge.
  3. Vein: To run through the mesophyll between the vascular bundle. Coarse part of the main vein vascular bundle, lateral veins and small vascular bundles in some smaller veins, usually limited to the xylem in the upper outer tough type, and less for the xylem in the middle of the double-tough type. Mainly around the vascular parenchyma, getting close to the skin is often collenchyma or sclerenchyma,
  These organizations, in the main vein below the bulge is usually more specifically developed. Calcium oxalate crystals in the leaf tissue is very common, various shapes, with the plant species
  Is rather different.
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Leaf culture
  【Age】: Gold
  】 【OF: Yuan
  】 【Works: not open with the children Begonia Fu generation
  Newly green branches of a heavy, Xiaolei points deep red.
  Mo Qingtu heart care, and education peach downtown spring.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Emperor Xuan Zong Gong people
  】 【Works: title leaves
  Water too fast, palace on idle.
  Gracious thank leaves, and go to the world.
  【Age】: Ming
  】 【OF: Gao Qi
  】 【Work: leaves
  Lin cream stained red, sun_set_ of Hsiao Shu.
  Autumn has resentment for the writing, out of the sun palace.
  【Age】: Ming
  】 【OF: Anonymous
  】 【Works: children hanging branches
  【Content】: Netherlands beads
  Lotus Pearl Dew is,
  Gut is Nujia silly to wear the line.
  Who knows your child and more water is more variable:
  Here scattered, drew round the other side.
  The enemy is also not true, as the wind turn.
  【Age】: Ming
  】 【OF: Tang Yin
  】 【Work: I love Surge
  I painted the blue river passed,
  Pavilion on the Maple Leaf late unhappy love.
  Moon Temple Rongrong Zhao,
  Cigarette curl around by the floor.
  【Age】: Yuan
  】 【OF: Anonymous
  】 【Work: Wu Ye children
  Autumn came, and gradually cool,
  Cold wild goose to Nanxiang.
  Plane trees, leaves to yellow.
  Good desolate, half sheets Xiubei children free.
  【Age】: Yuan
  】 【OF: Yang Chaoying
  】 【Works: Qing Jiangyin
  Autumn maple leaves deep is best,
  Through the blood of infected gorillas.
  Wind brewing Chutian Qiu,
  Wujiang cream dip months.
  Fallen flowers go in tomorrow and more!
  【Age】: Yuan
  】 【On: Rethinking Xu
  】 【Works: Water Fairy Night Rain
  Soon Wuye soon fall
  Worry a little bit banana,
  Midnight Dream Midnight return later.
  Chess is not closed down Deng Hua,
  Sigh Xinfeng Guguan left alone.
  Pillow ten things
  Jiangnan old couple worries,
  All to heart.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Yang Wanli
  】 【Works: Xiao Fang out of the woods to send Jingci
  After all, June Lake,
  Scenery and the seasons are not the same.
  Bi then endless days of lotus,
  Reflect on different kind of red lotus.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Wu Wenying
  】 【Work: high balcony
  Palace powder sculptor, Sin falling cloud shadow, no wild water shortages Bay.
  Stone buried in the West, Hong, Sands clavicle chain.
  Do not hate the south tower blown flute, hate Xiaofeng miles off mountain.
  Falling half, the evening before the court, on the cold railings.
  Luan Shouyang space management worry, ask who tune chalcedony, dark make up Hong mark?
  Rain Guihong, Gushan infinite cold spell.
  Qing Qian more difficult to recruit Soul, Dream onyx clothing solution stream.
  The most unhappy people, Tiniao Seimei, the bottom of clear round.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Kui
  】 【Works: Lake resident Zayong
  Liu Ming Ming Yuan wall after another,
  Ching Shan empty of people see a light.
  Fragrant lotus like clouds continued,
  Swaying boat into the Xiling.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Qingzhao
  】 【Work: sharing broken Huanxi Sha
  Broken light rubbing million points of gold,
  Jasper leaves cut into layers.
  The spirit of grace, such as Yan Fu,
  Too clear.
  Popular Ho Mei Rui very heavy,
  Thousands Results bitter clove rough life.
  Smoked through the sorrow of people dream of a thousand miles,
  Is relentless.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Zhang Lei
  】 【Works: Night ride
  No user Moon Ming court, night cream For the first clear off the gas.
  Xie Indus really unwilling to decline, the number of leaves the wind still sound.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Similarities
  】 【Works: Siyuan people
  Yellow autumn leaves late
  Read Xingke miles.
  Fei had to do, Guihong no letter
  Where Jishu too.
  Playing endless tears by the window drops
  Mexican Institute for Yan spin.
  Do not write to getting this feeling deep
  Hung 笺 is colorless.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Liu Yong
  】 【Works: Jade Butterfly
  Close look at the rain clouds break, lean on a railing quietly, watched the Autumn.
  Xiao Shu evening scene, worthy of moving Song Yu desolate.
  Water Feng Qing, Ping spent getting old, dew on the cold, Wu Ye floating yellow.
  Left hurt feelings. What enemy? Smoke water boundless.
  Unforgettable. Man of the reception, a few solitary love affair, repeated variable frost.
  Wide sea mountain away, where the unknown is the Xiaoxiang?
  Read Shuang, hard by far the letter, referring to twilight days, the empty knowledge homing.
  Dark sea. Hung off the sound, the legislation to make the _set_ting sun.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Lin Bu
  【Works】: Su Gong Xiao-dong
  Akiyama is not possible, Autumn Thoughts are boundless.
  Stream flow Pitt leaves, Qinglin point clouds.
  Cool shade under a bird, cicada points off the crystal disorder.
  The banana night rain, who heard the pillow.
  【Age】: Song
  】 【OF: Zhongyan
  】 【Work: Royal Street, the line
  Puzzle after another fall leaf fragrance,
  Silent night, cold sound of broken.
  Volume Yuk true bead curtain air,
  Galaxy fall to short days.
  Yuet Wah, such as training,
  Is one thousand miles long.
  Has broken free from the drunken feeling of sadness,
  Wine yet to come, first into tears.
  Can Deng Qi Ming off the pillow,
  Come to know to make Gumian taste.
  Have come to this,
  Glabella heart
  No account phase avoided.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Zhang Ji
  】 【Works: Akiyama
  Akiyama complex can be cloud-free air, Tou see moonrise subsoiling.
  Cottage is not static closed stone bed, leaves falling between the sound of heavy dew.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Yu Xuanji
  】 【Works: Jiangling Wang foster parents worry about safety
  Maple Leaf one thousand million sticks of complex,
  Jiangqiao _set_ off late evening sail.
  Yijun heart like the West River,
  No rest day and night when the east.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Xue Tao
  【Works】: Link sludge biogas
  Nymphoides led green algae floating water ramp, willows and leaves lying clean.
  When will the Hsitou tours, rafting rotary Abstract Linghua rotation.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Xu Hun
  】 【Works: autumn Fuque title Tongguan Station House
  Late autumn leaves rustling, the wine poured pavilion.
  Canyun owned by Ottawa, Shuyu over the bar.
  Color with the regression tree off the river into the sea away from the sound.
  Dixiang moon that Youzi dream fishing Qiao.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Xu Yin
  】 【Works: Gong remaining secret color tea cup
  Swiss finance bi-color blue transition and new
  Tao Gong Wu Jun as basis.
  How cut out moon dye spring water,
  Light ice Shenglv Yun Shi.
  When the gallery of ancient moss broken mirror,
  Nenhehanlou not Riverside.
  Zhongshan bamboo incense novo and
  A very sick nakan.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Wen
  】 【Works: Business mountain morning line
  Dynamic Duo Zheng morning, off-line grief home.
  Chicken sound thatch months, deserted bridge frost.
  Yela mountain oak, orange flower next relay wall.
  Yinsi Du Ling dream, full of back to wild mallard pond.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Yingwu
  】 【Works: Send a Taoist mountain Quanjiao
  Jun Zhai eras cold, suddenly read off the mountain.
  Jiandi beam Jing pay back cooking Whitehead.
  For who poured the wine, much comfort evening wind and rain.
  Leaves over the empty mountains, where to find the line trace.
  【Age】: Tang
  】 【OF: Wang Wei
  】 【Works: the mountains
  Clean river stone out
  Tian Han leaves thin.
  Shan Yuan, no rain,
  Air Tsui wet coats.
  Leaf /
  Baozhishiye [bào zhī shí yè]
  Still made forest for the trees. Do not grasp the fundamental aspects of metaphor, but only minor problems in the efforts.
  Bingxiaoyesan [bīng xiāo yè sàn]
  Metaphor of the collapse of things disappear.
  Changtiaoyeye [chāng tiáo yě yè]
  Initiative: pass 'prostitute'; rule: flirtatious. Graceful willow branches and leaves the original description. Fancy enjoying the pull down after the metaphor of flowers leaves and branches. By means prostitute.
  Chuiyejiaorui [chuī yè jiáo ruǐ]
  Refers to the playing and singing.
  No word leaves [cí wú zhī yè]
  Words: words, words. Described the text Conciseness, no dendrites of the speech.
  Speech has branches [cí yǒu zhī yè]
  Sloppy [cū zhī dà yè]
  Painting, painting trees, sloppy, do not meticulous. Rough analogy work, not careful.
  Rough strains of big-leaf [cū zhū dà yè]
  See "careless."
  Vatican Book Bayeux [fàn cè bèi yè]
  Refers to the Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist scriptures written in Sanskrit more than originally Beiduo Luo leaves.
  Gaikeyiye [gǎi kē yì yè]
  Refers to the leaves wither defeat. Analogy character transformation.
  Deeply rooted [gēn shēn yè mào]
  Mao: lush. Strike a deep root, leaf to flourish. Analogy solid foundation, it will prosper.
  Baozhishiye Bingxiaoyesan Changtiaoyeye Chuiyejiaorui leaves no words
  Vatican sloppy book is deeply rooted Bayeux Gaikeyiye poem leaves
  Huzhicheye Huzhicheye autumn winds sweep Jiazhitianye Jinzhiyuye
  Sticks and dry leaves with branches, leaves and leaf branch with two green leaves into a mesh shade cover
  Exuberantly roots leaves Zhiqiu mulberry leaf peony Mo identified, though good, has only green leaves
  Though good peony, green leaves eventually be broken superfluous Tong Ye Li Ye greenery of the Yeh Yu-Chiung-chih
  Autumn leaves autumn leaves autumn sweep sweep Ye Ruzhen deciduous leaves and tender flexilis
  Height Qian Zhang, returning to their roots by embellished Yetian Zhi Ye Ye Tianzhi Article access penetration into the leaf
  Concentric leaf leaf Amended consistent westerly force leaves the Indus Yela find a leaf branch Abstract
  Yang wore clover Yeyechangtiao Yela Zhiqiu satirizes those who profess returning to their roots
  Thin leaves in autumn to spend a reported Yela residual leaf autumn leaf fans know that the world mountain blinders
  Blinders, but could not root for Tarzan rather critical shift shift leaves a branch root then add leaves leaves
  Article has branches and leaves are rain sticks tobacco leaves of jade cloth Ye Ye Jinzhi Yugou points
  Sticks on the leaves of leafy branches than the branches with leaf loose leaf from the branch with leaves attached
  Zhifuyezhe Zhifuyezhe Zhiliuyebu foliage luxuriant foliage Fusu
  Chung-Shi tired Stalemate leaves leaves
  Regulation of climate, clean environment.
  In the green leaves, from time to time as the water discharge air like fog. The evaporation of water vapor into the atmosphere phenomenon called leaf transpiration. The formation of 1 kg of plant dry matter, about transpiration 300 - 400 kg of water. Leaf transpiration of plants, increasing the humidity in the air, resulting in cloudy, foggy, an increase of rainfall, changing the environment, microclimate, to prevent the occurrence of drought. Transpiration of green plants to yield Hanmo spit fog sowing rain.
  In recent years, scientists have found that the leaves of many plants can secrete spinosad, including pine, cypress, oak trees, eucalyptus, cedar and so on. According to the determination, 1 hectares of pine forest, the air every day and night can be secreted to about 5 kg of volatile spinosad. Secretion of cypress more than 30 kg, which can kill bacteria such as diphtheria, tuberculosis throat bacteria, microorganisms in a variety of dysentery bacteria. Therefore, in coniferous forest air in special clean, fresh.
  With the development of industry and agriculture, in the production process emit large amounts of harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride. These harmful gases, some of the leaves of plants can absorb. Such as oleander leaves, in the contaminated areas, can absorb 0.069 grams per day of sulfur. Paulownia, phoenix tree, yellow poplar and other strong ability to absorb the hydrogen fluoride, can also absorb chlorine. The leaves of these plants are natural air purifiers.
  Prevention and control of noise, they have to please the green leaves to help. According to the determination of a 40-meter-wide belt, you can keep noise 10-15 dB, 30-meter-wide belt can reduce 6-8 dB, the city park into a piece of a greater role trees can reduce the 26-43 dB. Green street, lush foliage, you can reduce the noise of 8-10 dB.
  (1) for human food and energy (2) the regulation of climate, clean environment, (3) do drink, do feed, processed into medicine (4) Inspection of Air Pollution (5) Bionic architectural use (6) weather forecasting, earthquake prediction (7) as writing paper, craft materials, as
  Lenovo leaves
  Little bit of milk from the yellow to the sound of the wind
  To spring from the precarious Manzhi
  Vision implies that the number of green
  Eventually lead to a number of first love's heart
  Star of the night regardless of Meteors
  Inflammation on the day regardless of scorched earth
  Cao allow passage around the monsoon
  Brisk allowed the dying green
  From the volume to stay together to the dry separation
  The feeling spread throughout the late autumn frost
  I do not know that a late fall deeper
  Reserved in the end for whom the final
  A sincere promise to all suspended mid-air Mody
  To seek the frost and dew dried Why all the crystal
  No - just a dream to watch
  Did a dream, the dream is now re-scheduled
  Lenovo leaves
  Gently falling leaves
  Love fading away
  Has come to late autumn
  Gradually, gaunt man
  Slowly withered heart
  Lost souls
  Will find each other
  In the vast desert
  What is the traction
  Let them close to each other
  Tell me
  How to find you
  Three green leaves, like three birds,
  Proudly stand on the stump.
  This issue only a green tree stump stem
  Green stems only three birdies.
  What a lovely little thing ah,
  They also cut off the stump to be singing.
  Even if only three green leaves have shouted to the world,
  Hopes that people will never be deprived of the full tree spring.
  Yuet Wah income, thin clouds Shuang Tian Shu, Jing-Qiu leaf. We are always thinking all in a season, what to think from the leaves, such as the late autumn. "May dew cold, Wu Ye floating yellow", "falling leaf fragrance puzzle after another, the cold sound of silence oblique night." "Boundless Xiao Xiao Lamu, the endless rolling to the Yangtze River." Ancient men of letters always in the leaves to express their emotions . When you fall in quietly and the leaves out of date, you again think of what? Facing leaf, tell their own inner joy, or will a touch of sadness, your thoughts have been given the value of life and poetry of the philosophy it?
  Perhaps you have wandering away from their loved ones or friends, also maybe it is maybe you have now. "Deciduous tree afar, cold night people light alone." Then take a leaf so that the endless thoughts you, save you the most sincere feelings under it. "Pik-day, yellow leaves, the Autumn with wave, wave on the Han Yancui." "Dark rural soul, chasing brigade think, every night except, dreams keep people sleep." It leaves to tell of it? Look at the leaves, you probably think of your childhood? This leaves a lot to tell you the same person?
  Fluttering leaves, whether it is a sad thing? The leaves falling from the branches, whether that is a decline? In fact, the leaf is also a thought ah!
  Returning to their roots, causing the number of wandering homesickness?
  Leaf off conditions, that is how deep and rich humanistic care
  Xiao Xiao Lamu, and how magnificent and desolate realm of life,
  Rather critical, but also contains a number of flies in which the time ... ...
  Spring leaves to drive away the cold, overshadowing a hot summer, golden autumn harvest, while winter leaves, but you gave birth to a new life ... ...
  Leaves, because personality and rich; leaves, due to dedication and colorful;
  Quest for and fulfilling life, life is wonderful because of fighting ... ...
  Wang Xi not only in the autumn leaves
  A very early age that "leaves Zhiqiu" the truth, it seems that the lush garden trees, late autumn in relation to one naturally goes away from the. So, always believed that life is the natural extinction, it is a non-shake, like a tree after the leaves fall naturally into the fall. The end of today, the young are far away from me.
  An occasional summer alone to a small walk in the woods, there is a leaf lightly brushed my face lower abdomen, took it was originally a good green. So passing touch the hearts of horror: a lush leaves the original actually fall in the summer, the original not only in the autumn leaves.
  Thought life was young, like walking can take a very long way to go, a very satisfying listening to music can be repeated, rarely think about taking advantage of what the young to grasp, or what special treasure . Many things have been squandered, many things have been abandoned, such as time, such as friendship, such as ideal and so forth. Look at the young sun eighty or figure, actually no regrets.
  Generally, the perfect life as a natural process, that is, slowly stitching ring with, such people live is a passive rather than active. Such people will not use a very short time to create anything, but spend a lot of time to wait for something.
  A young man, if that life is a distant travel, and can withstand delays casual, like a leisurely summer day watching the leaves fall, like I have is time. So, to say nothing of this is a mediocre, at least, I dare say that there would be no miracle of life, or should the age of miracles is not a miracle.
  Therefore, a leaf can sprout in the spring before the green, they can go after dying in the autumn, this is the continuation of life. So, a person's life so should not it?
  Second split of Ginkgo biloba
  Of: Goethe
  Students with the leaves of trees
  From the east moved into my garden atrium;
  It gives you a secret revelation
  Interesting, so exciting the know.
  It is an inanimate object,
  In his own body into two?
  Or two lives together,
  Is we look into one?
  Maybe I have found the right answer
  To answer this question:
  Do not you feel in my poem,
  I am only me and you and me?
Translated by Google
Leaves the extraordinary ability
  Regulation of climate, clean environment.
  In the green leaves, from time to time as the water discharge air like fog. The evaporation of water vapor into the atmosphere phenomenon called leaf transpiration. The formation of 1 kg of plant dry matter, about transpiration 300 - 400 kg of water. Leaf transpiration of plants, increasing the humidity in the air, resulting in cloudy, foggy, an increase of rainfall, changing the environment, microclimate, to prevent the occurrence of drought. Transpiration of green plants to yield Hanmo spit fog sowing rain.
  In recent years, scientists have found that the leaves of many plants can secrete spinosad, including pine, cypress, oak trees, eucalyptus, cedar and so on. According to the determination, 1 hectares of pine forest, the air every day and night can be secreted to about 5 kg of volatile spinosad. Secretion of cypress more than 30 kg, which can kill bacteria such as diphtheria, tuberculosis throat bacteria, microorganisms in a variety of dysentery bacteria. Therefore, in coniferous forest air in special clean, fresh.
  With the development of industry and agriculture, in the production process emit large amounts of harmful gases such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride. These harmful gases, some of the leaves of plants can absorb. Such as oleander leaves, in the contaminated areas, can absorb 0.069 grams per day of sulfur. Paulownia, phoenix tree, yellow poplar and other strong ability to absorb the hydrogen fluoride, can also absorb chlorine. The leaves of these plants are natural air purifiers.
  Prevention and control of noise, they have to please the green leaves to help. According to the determination of a 40-meter-wide belt, you can keep noise 10-15 dB, 30-meter-wide belt can reduce 6-8 dB, the city park into a piece of a greater role trees can reduce the 26-43 dB. Green street, lush foliage, you can reduce the noise of 8-10 dB.
Translated by Google
Plant diagram
  Chinese name: Ye (ferns, palms, cycads) English translation: Frond name interpreted: large split leaf; true fern or palm leaves. English explanation: A large, divided leaf; a fern or palm leaf. Icon diagram:
Translated by Google
English Expression
  1. :  ye��,  Yih,  Yeh,  Yip,  Leaves,  frond,  leafage,  lobe
  2. n.:  foliage,  page,  (surname),  part of a hisorical period,  frondage,  leaf
  3. v.:  (borrowed for) leaf,   unite,   harmonize, to rhyme
She Town
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Bay leafnervationgreeneryhingefoliageimpeller
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spirea piece of iron flakeminor detailsrachidesfrondagecataphyll
camflocculusfrontal lobecataphyllinsulatrilobate
cushiondefoliatefrondagesweepleafyflying leaf of a book
shallotsheathspirea deciduous treephyllodeblade
yehaiLeaf Mountainyetangleaf apexDa Yexiaoye
She YinShe LiYe Kungayeyeziyeling
yezhunYe ShuangyeranyeyanYe Xuanyeshuo
Ye Shengyepanyehanyeyanyegeyepan
yelingchiyeruoyeYe Yunyezhenyezhen
yeweiLeaf solitaryyeshunyechanyeyeyeming
yehuastem leaf
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