Buddhist glossary : antimatter : aesthetics > antique
English Expression
  1. adj.:  antique,  ancient,  archaic,  hoary,  belonging to times long past,  of a much earlier or an ancient period in history,  palae,  of ancient times,  very old,  pale
  2. adv.:  early
old, old, old, aged, erstwhile
vitally old
Containing Phrases
Archaeo zoicproterozoic
anciently sonAntique State
Antique birdself antique
Antique treeAntique Canis lupus
catapultancient civilizations
the heroes of antiquitythe hoary ruins
a sloop of warantique doctor of traditional Chinese medicine
antique stone materialantique bigfoot
anciently dismantleantique gear
antique chalkChina anciently of
antique ambulatoryantique beam
antique stockantique timber
antique whiteantique cart
antique mortaranciently page
antique dethroneantique demos
antique stone mortaranciently of Arm
antique carved stoneantique ark
antique cushionantique china
necropolisAntique Machinery control
Antique Be buried with the dead productAntique Bonanza faith
Antique small penguinantique mammoth
Antique Crack bookantique urn
swastikaearly Chinese architecture
zitherChina anciently of analogue
Antique Machinery chariotAntique Machinery cavalier
Antique basilisk combatantAntique rudiment dict
antique Sheep beamAntique middle rank dict
China anciently of encylopaediaAntique Clunch Ziban
Antique paddy field remnantantique brand transmit
Our country anciently of vanillaAntique contraception plan
astrolabeChina anciently of bronze ware
We anciently of ideologistChina Circumstance anciently quote
antique cob caretakerAntique Lebanon Cedar
me Be anciently depilate family historyveda
China anciently of Economics elevateChina anciently of conservancy
China anciently of Official Zhidaoshipbuilding and navigation in ancient China
China anciently of physics knowledgeChina anciently of City appellation
China anciently of usurer capitalChina anciently of time appliance
China anciently of cultural relic preserveChina anciently The bamboo slips with carved stone
China anciently of Astronomical AND human cultureOur country anciently of carriage by sea communication
Antique Wheel consider employmentsemitic
China anciently of Promote Agency AND Anciently civilisationan ancient name for china Feast Hengcong Sherd See China anciently of diet culture
frae Sherd behold China anciently of diet culturean ancient name for china Feast frae Sherd behold China anciently of diet culture
Chinese certain Antique this Cultural tradition I don't mind if I do.China anciently of Cult And Ballad France Gerah Naizhezhangmingyuanyi Shanghai cameo house