geology : medicine : agrology : Network Security : movie song and music > sport
No. 1
  ◎ variant biànzhǒng
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No. 2
  Taxonomy refers to species on the classification of the following units, in character and have some kind of difference between the original
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No. 3
  Compared with the original form but in fact things are different there is no ideological difference, schools, etc.
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No. 4
  Biological original species metamict new species. Jin Gan Bao "Immortals" Juan Liu: "Three seedlings will perish Xi, grain varieties. The grass also demon." "Book of Jin Chi in the five elements": "Miss Sun Liang Wufeng first year in June, cross site of barnyard grass for the rice. former three seedlings will perish, grain variety, this grass is also demon. "
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No. 5
  Former kinds of biological changes that students new species.
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No. 6
  Yu means certain to be evolving the ideas, genres, etc.. Often with derogatory. Qu "sea of literature on the Linengesi and mechanical theory": "According to him, such a variant of Marxism to Marx's criticism of the way into the 'arbitrary justice'."
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No. 7
  ① early Taxonomy referring to the classification of species in the following units, in the characteristics of a certain difference between the original species, and there is a certain geographical distribution. Now more than each other at a single mating and fertility in populations with non-continuous variation of the individual.
   ② analogy with the changes already have substantially the same form of error or reactionary ideas, schools and so on.
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No. 8
  Variation-differences in characteris caused by genetic and enviromental factors.
  Peter Hyams
  汤姆·塞兹摩尔 Tom Sizemore
  Penelope Ann Miller
  Linda Hunt
  类型:惊悚 / 恐怖
  Relikt, Das
  Das Relikt
  片长:110 min
  国家/地区:德国 / 日本 / 新西兰 / 英国 / 美国
  发行公司:Concorde Home Entertainment
  上映日期:1997年1月10日 美国
  剧情梗概:博物馆正筹备南美洲历史遗迹的古文物大展,馆长安卡斯伯(琳达杭特饰)为此次的盛大展出,设计各种令人叹为观止的展览馆,包括了巴西“卡索加”区、埃及古坟区、玛雅古坟区、巫毒教展示间以及迷信传说展示区等,以期在募款的开幕酒会中,得到各界瞩目,延续博物馆的命运。开幕酒会在即,博物馆内的谋杀案却未侦破,警方并进一步发现涉案的杀人魔手法惨烈,遇害者皆是头部断裂,头颅有5.5呎大洞,视丘与脑下垂体等具有管理荷尔蒙作用的脑浆凭空消失!这与玛歌博士在古迹上意外取得的卵细胞分子DNA不谋而合,原本深信科学而排斥迷信的玛歌不得不转而求教于指导教授佛洛克(詹姆斯怀特摩饰),探索他时常耳提面命的“卡索加”杀人魔传说。 开幕酒会人潮涌进,卡索加躲在历史博物馆迂回的展览屋内伺机而动,玛歌与文生警探正解开“卡索加”之谜,卡索加则已现身酒会会场,惨绝人寰的惊叫声在黑暗中此起彼落……
  Margo Green博士是一位进化生物学家,任职于芝加哥一个博物馆。一天她收到远在巴西作田野调查的同事寄来的包裹,里面是一种珍稀的的菌类生物。这种菌类把一种名为Kothoga的怪兽从密歇根湖引到了博物馆。Kothoga是一种类似于蜥蜴的动物,生长在巴西,随货船运到了美国。不久,连续有几名博物馆雇员成为了这只怪物的点心。不顾众人的警告,警探Vincent在Green博士的帮助下着手调查这几起可怕的命案。更糟糕的有一天,博物馆里的安全装置将Vincent和Green博士以及其他人反锁在大楼里,他们必须提防任何一个下水管道,因为饥饿的Kothoga随时会从那里出现……
English Expression
  1. n.:  sport,  strain,  variation,  variety,  mutation,  variant
French Expression
  1. n.  variété, variante
Break (a measure word, use with plants), mutant, Mutants, bianxing, anamorphosis, aberrance
denaturalization, Degeneration, degenerate, deteriorate, astray, pass into a worse physical, mental or moral state than one which is considered normal or desirable (, degradation, descend step by step aeration, degenerate, addle, condition, offence, decrease in quality, debase, abnormality, buckle, rot, rot, decay, backing, regress, backslid, move or turn back, feedback, regress, recover, bianzao, turn `sour become unfavourable or unpleasant, variation, variation, comedown, decrease, dilute, deadness, wane
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