astronomical : Chinese mythology > constellations shen (Orion) and shang,(Antares),which never appear at the same time

shēn shāng
  Orion and commercial satellite. While the two stars do not appear in the sky, because relatives and friends separated by analogy may not meet, but also the feelings of people do not live metaphor
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  Participation, Business Award after another, not simultaneously appear in the sky, people can not meet because of an analogy or separated, such as were brought harmony.
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No. 4
  Life is not each other, moving as participating providers. - Tang Du Fu's "Eight gifts everywhere Wei Shi"
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No. 5
  Orion and business stars. Orion in the West, commercial star in the East, this out he did not, and never meet. See "Participation Chen."
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No. 6
  Yu against each other, not harmony. Language of the "first year Zuo Zhao Gong": "Xi digoxin's two sons, Peter said, shut Bo, Ji Shen said, really. Living Kuang Lin, phase can not have. Day search of arms, to phase crusade. Zang after the emperor is not , moved to shut Peter in Shangqiu, the main e, traders are due, so Chen was commercial satellite. moved to Shen in the big summer reality, the main parameters, Tang is due to serve the Xia and Shang. "Tang ang" public worship for the Yising Sweep Table ":" brother for no reason, and to participate in business. "" Tian Yu Hua, "the 18th back:" father and son brought together non-omen, home and all things natural interest. "Lu Xun" Letters To Lin ":" for the environment the differences, and ideological sense, then ... ... it will be different to each other were brought together in the end, no how. "
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Yu isolated from friends and relatives can not meet
  Yu isolated from friends and relatives can not meet. San Guowei Cao Zhi, "and Wu Chi-heavy book": "side there Pleasant View so fast, do not have brought together the broad." Jin Lu "as the Gu Yan gift woman," Poetry 2: "Ying-ying were brought good, sound information mine does not reach . "Southern Dynasties were" Boudoir "Poetry:" quite different three thousand miles, letters were brought hard. "Qing xian" Do Lai Yunzhi the same year, "poem:" Life is different each other were brought together, called on King is cheap to not relent. "
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Yu makes a difference; the distance
  Yu makes a difference; a distance. Liu Zhi Tang a few "history off limits": "they all surnamed Li Zhang, Shu, according to a cool, its Wei also, before and after school years are not connected, there were brought on to be special." Ming Hu Ying-lin, "Shao Shishan Huayang Bo Cong meeting house document under the ":" old saying goes, seen, not at all long will the first words smoke and Egypt, the hotbed Ji Ji, citing the source, or when brought together. "
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No. 9
  Participation Business (shēn-): Participation, Business Award after another, not simultaneously appear in the sky, people can not meet because of an analogy or harmony: every other business, such as participation.
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No. 10
  Yu against each other, not harmony. Language of the "Zuo. Zhao Gong first year ":" Xi digoxin's two sons, Peter said, shut Bo, Ji Shen said, really. Living Kuang Lin, phase can not have. Day search of arms, to phase crusade. Zang moved to shut after the emperor is not Peter at Shangqiu Lord Chen, businessmen because, it is business e-SING. moved to Shen in the big summer reality, the main parameters, Tang is due to serve the Xia and Shang. "
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No. 11
  ①[constellations shen (orion) and shang,(antares),which never appear at the same time] 参星与商星。辰星也叫商星,因此也叫“参辰”。参指西官白虎七宿中的参宿,商指东官苍龙七宿中的心宿,是心宿的别称。参宿在西,心宿在东,二者在星空中此出彼没,彼出此没。
  语本《左传·昭公元年》:“昔 高辛氏 有二子,伯曰 阏伯 ,季曰 实沉 。居於旷林,不相能也。日寻干戈,以相征讨。后帝不臧,迁 阏伯 於 商丘 ,主辰, 商 人是因,故辰为商星。迁 实沉 於 大夏 ,主参, 唐 人是因,以服事 夏 商 。” 唐 陈子昂 《为义兴公求拜扫表》:“兄弟无故,并为参商。”
  鲁迅 《书信集·致林语堂》:“因环境之异,而思想感觉,遂彼此不同……故必参商到底,无可如何。”
  三国 魏 曹植 《与吴季重书》:“面有逸景之速,别有参商之阔。”
  晋 陆机 《为顾彦赠妇》诗之二:“形影参商乖,音息旷不达。”
  南朝 梁 吴均 《闺怨》诗:“相去三千里,参商书信难。”
  清 黄遵宪 《别赖云芝同年》诗:“人生相见殊参商,吁嗟努力毋怠皇。”
  唐· 杜甫《赠卫八处处士》:人生不相见,动如参与商。
  唐 刘知几 《史通·断限》:“又 张 李 诸姓,据有 凉 蜀 ,其於 魏 也,校年则前后不接,论地则参商有殊。”
  明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·华阳博议下》:“昔人所见,岂必皆长,第文字烟埃,纪籍渊薮,引用出处,时或参商。”
English Expression
  1. :  Shenshang
  2. n.:  constellations shen (Orion) and shang,(Antares),which never appear at the same time,  animosity between two brothers