Hundred Schoolars : geology : medicine : aesthetics > primitive
English Expression
  1. :  primordial
  2. adj.:  original,  ancient,  first or earliest,  existing from the beginning,  virgin,  simple,  savage,  protopathic,  pristine,  primal,  primitive,  ordinary,  medieval,  initial,  ignorant,  germinal,  fundamental,  chthonic,  antediluvian,  aboriginal,  prime
vital, Prime, grand, predominant, principal, foremost, original, foremost, prime, firstly and most importantly, most important, vitally valuable, sequence unitary, embryonic, clear, overt, apparent, extreme, opening, Originally of, plain, outstanding, ancient, antediluvian, primitive, connate, from, ace, Outstanding, demonstrable, self-evident, self-explanatory, severe, telling, classic, coherent, radical, radical, careless, simple, upper, can stated, sensible
customary, trivial, plain, of the ordinary or usual standard, common, quotidian, old, everyday, used or happening daily, conventional, green, orthodox, plain, so frequently seen, heard, etc that it is familiar and expected, expected, known for a long time, naive, commonplace, not decorated or luxurious, average, plain in form, design, etc, unexceptional, no special
Containing Phrases
aboriginesprimitive hag
(the) most Primitive hueprimitive ornithopod
primitive Ornithischia classprimitive Theropod
Primitive Xijiaoleirude stone implements
digging stickPrimitive agriculture exist
Primitive anthropophagy animalismPrimitive Flutter and Apprehend
Primitive Flutter and Apprehend thoughtfully
Primitive Flutter and Apprehend thoughtfully