discipline of history > history
No. 1
  ◎ History lìshǐ
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No. 2
  Record and explain the process as a series of historical events of human activity is a discipline
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No. 3
  History, history
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No. 4
  Past events
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No. 5
  His history is very simple
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  The past record of the facts. "Three Kingdoms, Wu Chuan Wu Lord" "Naru Su in all products, is its clever too ... ... lean on His Majesty, is the slightly too" s Annotations cited "Wu Shu": "﹝ ﹞ Zhicun economic strategy for the king , although leisure time, Expo transfer books of history, by adopting strange, do not effect all students Xunzhangzhaiju it. "
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  Refer to the fact that in the past. Mao Zedong, "Agricultural Cooperation in a debate and the current class struggle": "Our intention is that the extinction of capitalism, to make it ... ... into the history of things."
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  Experience. "Twenty years have witnessed the strange status quo," the third back: "This is a history of pheasant Road station." Clear yellow people "<Qianmu Zhai text copy> order": "changes in its text is magnificent, with its lifetime of Since the trend of history. "Lao She" Camel "21:" Summer wife probably will not keep a servant to know her history. "
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No. 9
  Refers to the process of nature and social development. Jin "Literature": "ancient imperial industry, but nothing really to create a business with its bare hands, history, and more, but three or four." Mao Zedong "Long live the great unity of Chinese people": "China's history, from opening up a new era. "Han Zi" long ":" History in the developing enriching. "
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  Refers to historical subjects. Lu Xun's "Letters To Cao Juren": "Chinese scholarship, much has to be the new order, that is, such as history, on the other series 1."
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No. 11
  ① nature and development of human society, but also refers to the development of something and personal experience: Earth ~ ~ Your humanity.
   ② past fact: this has become ~.
   ③ past facts of record.
   ④ refers to history.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  history,  story,  past
French Expression
  1. n.  histoire
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