astronomical : hardware : armed police : commander : electronics : Vessel Ports : build > satellilte navigation
No. 1
  Use of aircraft or ship navigation satellite positioning navigation system. Two types (1) Passive. Users can not transmit signals positioning, unlimited number of users, and will not expose their own goals, such as the American meridian instrument satellite "navigation system; (2) the active type. Navigate the user need to transmit signals transmitted by navigation satellites to ground station, then worked out the location of the user and then notify the user by the navigation satellites, such as the United States NAVSTAR Global Positioning System ".
Translated by Google
No. 2
  satellite navigation
  weixing daohang
  satellite navigation
    系统组成 卫星导航系统由导航卫星、地面台站和用户定位设备三个部分组成(图1 卫星导航系统组成方框图)。
    卫星导航原理 卫星导航按测量导航参数的几何定位原理分为测角、时间测距、多普勒测速和组合法等系统,其中测角法和组合法因精度较低等原因没有实际应用。
    ②时间测距导航定位:“导航星”全球定位系统采用这种体制。用户接收设备精确测量由系统中 4颗卫星发来信号的传播时间,然后完成一组包括 4个方程式的模型数学运算,就可算出用户位置的三维坐标以及用户钟与系统时间的误差。
    参考书目 木村小一著,杨守仁等译:《卫星航法》,交通出版社,北京,1980。(木村小一著,□星航法,海文堂出版株式会社,□京,1976。)
English Expression
  1. n.:  satellilte navigation
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Inertia Aomiga satellite navigation systemRussia satellite navigation systemSatellite navigation system Analyze And emulation technique
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Gansu Zhonghuan Satellilte navigation correspondence Corporation Ltd.