cameo : math and applied math : geology : drawer : metallurgy : If Chaoshan : Cantonese > card
kǎ piàn
  Used to record all kinds of items for alignment check, reference information ~ Your ~ directory paper. [Card, English card]
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No. 2
  Used to record all kinds of information in order to retrieve the hard disk categories. Hong Shen, "drama directed by the initial knowledge" on the article: "For example, the counter card that specifically Sheng, although the audience may not see the cabinet things, but the cabinet was still filled to overflowing with cards: while each card and are really written doctor of those symptoms! "Ying" Grey House ":" came in a young Chinese, a hard book under his arm, holding a bunch of police stations to switch to a card on us. "
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No. 3
  Means the use made of ordinary cardboard paper.
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English Expression
  1. n.:  card,  chart,  fiche,  greeting,  piece of this for writing or printing on, used to identify a person or to record information or as proof of membership
French Expression
  1. n.  carte, fiche
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