animal : aquatic feed : seafood > chinchilla White shrimp
No. 1
  白对虾南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei Boone,1931)学名凡纳对虾,属节肢动物门(Arthropoda)、甲壳纲(Crustacea)、十足目(Decapoda)、游泳亚目(Natantia)、对虾科(Penaeidae)、对虾属(Penaeus)、Lito-penaeus亚属,是广温广盐性热带虾类。俗称:又称白肢虾(white-leg shrimp)、白对虾(white shrimp),以前翻译为万氏对虾,外形酷似中国对虾、墨吉对虾,平均寿命至少可以超过32个月。成体最长可达24cm,甲壳较薄,正常体色为浅青灰色,全身不具斑纹。步足常呈白垩状,故有白肢虾之称。
Containing Phrases
chinchilla White shrimp collegeChinchilla white shrimp Hongtibing
chinchilla White shrimp Enteritidis illnessChinchilla white shrimp Hongtuibing
chinchilla White shrimp blotchChinchilla white shrimp Heisaibing
Chinchilla white shrimp Hongtibing prevention and cureChinchilla white shrimp Ruankebing prevention and cure
Chinchilla white shrimp Cultivate four noticeFreshwater Yekeyang Chinchilla white shrimp
Chinchilla white shrimp Miaozhong Cultivate technologyChinchilla white shrimp Disease And prevention and cure
Chinchilla white shrimp Disease of diagnoseChinchilla white shrimp low Salinity Cultivate technology
Chinchilla white shrimp Species disease controlchinchilla White shrimp And Boleophthalmus Hunyang
Yanfaqingtang Cultivate chinchilla White shrimpcornfield cultivate Chinchilla white shrimp technology
chinchilla White shrimp And River crab Hunyang high-quality, high-yield, cost-effective, eco-friendly and safe agricultureConsider Yanghao chinchilla White shrimp
Tantan Chinchilla white shrimp glom incurable diseasechinchilla White shrimp And River crab Hunyang technology
prevention and cure Chinchilla white shrimp SidiFengtai district chinchilla White shrimp college
Chinchilla white shrimp Sidizhengde Prevention and cure card researchraise, rear, bring up Chinchilla white shrimp Consider Economise feed technology
chinchilla White shrimp silkiness Bacteriosis very prevention and cureChinchilla white shrimp Duidan Cultivate Disease of prevention and cure
Differently District Cultivate Chinchilla white shrimp salt Degree regulate planChinchilla white Langoustine blotch syndrome of prevention and cure
reduce Chinchilla white shrimp Feed cost provide insurance againstChinchilla white shrimp Seedling Chong fang raise, rear, bring up technology marrow
Chinchilla white shrimp Species Disease control The new lawChinchilla white shrimp blotch synthesis prevention and cure card
improve Chinchilla white shrimp premunition approach toRoche macrobrachium Gaiyang Chinchilla White shrimp of Couple marrow
Chinchilla white shrimp Barricading ceremony Intensification cultivatePond Base Zengyang Cultivate chinchilla white shrimp
raise, rear, bring up Chinchilla white shrimp Consider Economise feed costcultivate Chinchilla white shrimp Economise feed approach to
Chinchilla white shrimp Freshwater Shuangcha Biology high-quality, high-yield, cost-effective, eco-friendly and safe agriculture Cultivate technologyChinchilla white shrimp And Tilapia Hunyang Trial
Brae pond Chinchilla white shrimp Cultivate technologySalinate fields District Consider cultivate chinchilla White shrimp
cultivate Chinchilla white shrimp Consider economise feedChinchilla white shrimp Cultivate Anaphase Chidi regulate
stocking Chinchilla white shrimp Seedling Ba da announcementsChinchilla white shrimp violent Pathogenetic Arise And prevention and cure
Chinchilla white shrimp Sidizhengtou Incurable disease of Prevention and cure card researchKnob Cornfield Keshiyang chinchilla White shrimp
Chinchilla white shrimp Pond Health Jingyang technologyChinchilla white shrimp High compactness Cultivate Beware Sidizheng arise
Chinchilla white shrimp Desalting Biaocu technology marrowChinchilla white shrimp Beef Whitish Bingji Twitch illness
Chinchilla white shrimp Sidizhengde Prevention and cure card research