idiom > Man isolated city
Man isolated city
  Explanation: Man: the weak and helpless widowed army; isolated city: isolated and lonely city. Describe the forces and the garrison of the city isolated and helpless, weak forces, not foreign aid.
  Source: "Han Geng Gong Biography" Genggong to stick to isolated city of man, when the Huns of the red, on the tens of thousands of the public. "
No. 2
  【词目】: 单兵孤城
  【发音】: dān bīng gū chéng
  【释义】: 单兵:寡弱无援的军队;孤城:孤立无依的城池。形容军队及其驻军的城池孤立无依,势力单薄,没有外援。
  【出处】: 南朝·宋·范晔《后汉书·耿恭传》:“耿恭以单兵固守孤城,当匈奴之冲,对数万之众。”
  【用法】: 作宾语、定语;用于战争等。