County : China > Gansu > Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture > Zhuoni County
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  卓尼县地处青藏高原东部,甘肃省南部,甘南州的东南部,东接岷县、漳县,北靠渭源、康乐、和政,南邻迭部、四川省若尔盖县,西通合作、碌曲,中部与临潭县插花环接。全县总土地面积5419.66 平方公里。地理位置介于东经102°40′-104°02′,北纬34°10′-35°10′。东西长115公里,跨径1°22′,南北宽113公里,跨纬1°,海拔2000-4920米,县城海拔2540米,年均温4.6℃,麻路海拔2690米,年均温4.9℃。全县辖1镇16乡,98个村委会,469 个村民小组,总人口10万多人,藏族人口占总人口的62%,是一个以藏族为主体的少数民族聚居县,有汉、藏、回、土、苗等10多个民族。属国列牧业贫困县,也是全省十二个重点天然林区县之一。
  卓尼系藏语,汉意为两棵油松或油松。相传很早以前在卓尼大寺寺址处有两棵苍劲挺拔的油松。据《丹珠尔经纲目卓尼历史如意宝鬓》和《安多政教史》记载:1254年(藏历第四绕迥木虎年),萨迦派第五代法王八思巴被忽必烈诏请,在赴京途经卓尼时,见到两棵奇特的马尾松,便将寺址选在这里。当地藏族称马尾松为“召相”,此后寺院和地名因此而得名 ,“卓尼”是“召相”之变音。“卓尼”还有另一解释:相传卓尼土司的祖先当初从西藏盼包宗(今达孜县)起程东来之际,其所在部族的首领穆旺坚参告诉他们:“你们一直向东走,可遇到一条大河,那儿有很多的交相(油松)。”土司先祖率部辗转到达今卓尼时,果然遇见了滔滔东流的洮河,并有很多油松。于是,抑制不住喜悦心情,脱口说出“交相尼达”! 在这里“尼”可解释为“找到”、“寻见”。按寺址的土壤和当地气候来看,适宜油松生长 ,当时八思巴派人建寺,这里可能有很多油松。若只有两棵油松树,很可能是建寺前已有人栽培。
Zhuoni County
  县人民政府驻柳林镇,邮编:747600。代码:623022。区号:0941。拼音:Zhuoni Xian。
  2000年,卓尼县辖1个镇、15个乡、1个民族乡:柳林镇、木耳乡、纳浪乡、洮砚乡、藏巴哇乡、柏林乡、卡车乡、大族乡、申藏乡、恰盖乡、康多乡、阿子滩乡、完冒乡、扎古录乡、刀告乡、尼巴乡、勺哇土族乡。 根据第五次人口普查数据:全县总人口95659人,其中各乡镇人口(人): 柳林镇 14403 纳浪乡 7165 木耳乡 8952 大族乡 5570 卡车乡 4635 扎古录乡 6032 刀告乡 4419 尼巴乡 4390 完冒乡 3450 阿子滩乡 6779 申藏乡 7660 恰盖乡 3154 康多乡 2268 勺哇土族乡 1726 洮砚乡 6974 柏林乡 3653 藏巴畦乡 4426
English Expression
  1. n.:  Zhuoni County
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Containing Phrases
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Zhuoni county Nongfu Company distribute hospiceZhuoni county lorry Supply and marketing cooperatives
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Zhuoni county berlin Supply and marketing cooperatives salesroomZhuoni county Yongfeng packinghouse
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Gansu province Zhuoni county Kangduo credit unionZhuoni county baccy company Malu Job department
Gansu province Zhuoni county area just outside city gate credit unionZhuoni county Area just outside city gate Liangzhan hospice
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Zhuoni county Sanyou 1 farming Franchise factoryZhuoni county nine Hole mountain Dujia Village
Zhuoni county mu'er Township build the public works corpsZhuoni county nalang Township build the public works corps
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be affiliated to ErduiZhuoni county Cleanse river green Inkstone Co., Ltd.
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be affiliated to WuduiZhuoni county Xinsheng Mining Co., Ltd.
Zhuoni county Good Shangmao Co., Ltd.China post savings bank Co., ltd. Gansu Province Gannan tibetan Ziyezhou Zhuoni county subbranch
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Zhuoni county Zhejiang river hydroelectricity Development co., ltd. Lubasi hydropower stationZhuoni county berlin Supply and marketing cooperatives Tao inkslab retail shop
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Zhuoni county Hua'erqian Economics development Co., Ltd.China mobile communications group Gansu Corporation ltd. Zhuoni county Company Qiche business lobby
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China mobile communications group Gansu Corporation ltd. Zhuoni County CompanyZhuoni county Duoba Supply and marketing cooperatives Fushi salesroom
Zhuoni county Malu Supply and marketing cooperatives various household supplies salesroomZhuoni county Duoba Supply and marketing cooperatives chiefly salesroom
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Zhuoni county Taozhu Transit Co., Ltd.Zhuoni county Nongfu Company Fireworks and crackers Franchise department
China mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. zhuoni county company A sub- beach business lobbyZhuoni county berlin Supply and marketing cooperatives Lazha retail shop
China mobile communications group Gansu Corporation ltd. Zhuoni county Company Tao inkslab business lobbyChina mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. zhuoni county company Willow stand Elementary School business lobby
be affiliated to cohortZhuoni county Hongji Hydroelectricity Co., ltd. Zana power station
Zhuoni county Cangbawa Brightness Cultivate crop Synthesis fieldZhuoni county Malu Supply and marketing cooperatives Daogao retail shop
work-study program service centreZhuoni county Tong'an Automobile transport Co., Ltd.
Agricultural bank of china Zhuoni county willow stand a small local branch(of a bank)Zhuoni county Taolin Travel development Co., Ltd.
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be affiliated to LiuduiChina mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. zhuoni county company Maluxiang business lobby
China mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. zhuoni county company Wanmao business lobbyZhuoni county Kangxingbaojie Sterilization service centre
Zhuoni county Nongfu Company Various household supplies two salesroomZhuoni county Nongfu Local (native) product company Qiaonan salesroom
Zhuoni county Malu Supply and marketing cooperatives Piling salesroomChina mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. zhuoni county company Liulin Zhen business lobby
China mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. zhuoni county company lorry business lobbyChina mobile communications group gansu corporation ltd. zhuoni county company Jiudianxia business lobby
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Zhuoni county baccy company Qiaonan Retail salesroomGansu province Zhuoni County Credit cooperative Merger society
China merger network correspondence Corporation ltd. Pleasant southern states Branch Zhuoni County business lobbyZhuoni county Malu Supply and marketing cooperatives Department salesroom
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Sunan yugur nationality group autonomous county civil defuse product co., ltd. Zhuoni County BranchZhuoni county lorry Supply and marketing cooperatives Zhuoniqiaonan salesroom
Classification details
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