China's landforms from west to east, the formation of the three ladder. In the east and west differences, the most prominent one is the relatively developed eastern, the western region is relatively underdeveloped. China is the largest country of the world's social and economic development imbalance. The margin between what the contrast. Huge socio-economic differences in the east and west China is the result of superposition of the natural and social environment.
domain, functional domain, domain balteum, banding, extent, profile, ambit, cord, distribute, region, terrain, range, variety from which to choose, ambit, boundary, verge, sector, point at which sth is ended, clear statement, limit or boundary, esp between types of work considered by trade unions to belong to workers in different trades, Half, volume, extent, extent, acreage, length, border, era, official ranking, end, circumscription, extent, duly, balustrade, fence, determinant, percentage, Parts, scale, allow, analogy, abstain, abnegate, scale, rising rung, classification, landform, geography, face, tract, maximality coat, Strata, webbing, coat in this way, landed, chum, attractant, calorescence, person who bakes and sells bread, etc, bakery, flaming, bakelite, balance, equilibrium, steadiness of mind, condition that exists when two opposites are equal or in correct proportions, harmony, balance, And, A against B compare the value of one plan, argument, etc with that of another, face to face, libratory, without elaboration, flatly, bale, atrocious, device with a floating ball that controls the water level in a cistern, ballroom dance, ballad, ballade, litter, vitally, ballyhoo, unnecessary noise or fuss, balmy, Bamboo, cause, ban, trivial, mediocrity, commonplace, hysterics, cohort, band, be switched on, chaos, delicious, ambrosian, devilish, evil, one's back is up, dulcet, disable, deprival church, ban, amok, enticement appetitive, mouthwatering, craziness, aberration, piping, balmy, acerb, indignation location, part, locus, part, region, Opportunity, spot