landscape plant > Indian corn
No. 1
  <Fang> corn. Also for Baogu.
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bāo gǔ
  Maize (Zea mays) in the dialect name
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No. 3
  The corn. Qing Wu Chi-chang, "Qin Liangyu Kingdoms passenger window sequel gossip": "traverse hills, the land was not the main number 10 ares ... ... to buy taro Health Su, a corn. This cheap they pass into things." Ai Wu "tempered into a steel" Chapter XI: "I looked boundless corn, sorghum, millet, green leaves, like a sea wave-like play." Ling, "a not shell leaving the bullet": "Someone sent corn to make the bread, was also sent to to a bowl of pickled cabbage. "
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No. 4
No. 5
  ◎ 包谷 bāogǔ
  [Indian corn] 玉蜀黍( Zea mays )的方言名,即玉米。
  包谷是玉米的方言,流传在河南省东南地带。陕西南部地区也称玉米为包谷。云南、贵州、四川一带也大量种植,也称为“包谷” 。
  宋 文天祥 《出真州》诗序:“ 苗守义 遣衣被包复等来还。”【包谷】即玉米。
  清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话续集·秦良玉遗事》:“遍历荒山,得无主之地数十顷……使生置芋粟,一名包谷。此贱而易成之物。”
English Expression
  1. n.:  Indian corn,  maize,  corn
French Expression
  1. n.  maïs
Indian corn
corn, corn, Pearl Metre m., baolu, big sorghum, club, stick, Indian corn, yuling, yumai, six crops, lushu, Jade sorghum, fanmai, yumai, xifanmai, yushushu, rongshu, hongxumai, Coix lacryma Mi Bao, Pearl Lusu, Bud Lu, Deer Kok wheat, rice for the emperor's kitchen, lugu, yushu, xitianmai, Gyokuro Shushu, xiansu, sumi, corn, baomaimi
Containing Phrases
mutton corn