vegetation > capsuled seed
bāo yī zhǒng zi
  The surface layer increases by artificial seed capsules wrapped. Capsules in this layers add the pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and plant growth regulators and the attenuated virus, in order to protect and reminders into the germination and growth, greatly increased the germination rate of seeds
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No. 2
  bāo yī zhǒnɡ zǐ
  包衣种子(pelleting seed, coating seed):又称大粒化种子。在种子外面裹有“包衣物质”层的作物种子,使原来的小粒或形不正的种子加工成为大粒、形正的种子。是现代种子加工新技术之一。在“包衣物质”中含有肥料、杀菌药剂和保护层等,包衣种子可促进出苗,提高成苗率,使苗的生长整齐健壮,也更适于机械化播种。常用于莴苣、芹菜、洋葱等蔬菜,或花卉、烟草等种子。
English Expression
  1. n.:  capsuled seed