prose in the classical literary style : a two-part allegorical saying : > go for very little
Work fruitlessly
  Explanation: Spend the effort, but did not receive results.
  Usage: Contraction type; as predicate, object, attribute; used to evaluate the effect of a person to do things
  Source: Qin Guan "pipe situation": "and not, the strong can not, sue I do not know, that's futile."
  Examples: Pay no attention to science, blindly rash, the result will be ~.
  Results: Zhuge Liang six Qishan
  Postscript: Zhuge Liang six Qishan
  Riddle: Snow filled wells
láo ér wú gōng
  Charge of the effort but did not receive effective
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No. 3
  And can not be strong can not, notice I do not know, that the expeditions. - "Pipe situation"
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No. 4
  That futile and ineffectual. "Chuang-day operation": "Artemisia line this week in Shandong, is still pushing boat on land also! Fruitless, and he must have calamity." Jiao Han Gan "Yi Lin Mingyi of leather": "dug wells were stone , fruitless. "" Beijing the wrong cut Cui Ning Popular Fiction ":" to ask for help if it is fruitless. "Lao She," Four Generations Living Together "16:" If he stood in her back, pointers pointing to her then she will certainly put the sins of the property of losing money on him, not only fruitless, but sin not forgiven. "
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No. 5
  发音 láo ér wú gōng
  解 释 劳:劳累,劳苦;功:成效,功效。花费了力气,却没有收到成效。
  出 处 《管子·形势篇》:“与不可,强不能,告不知,谓之劳而无功。”
  用 法 紧缩式;作谓语、宾语、定语;用于评价一个人做事的效果
  示 例 宋·刘恕《自讼》:“泥古非今,不达时变,疑滞少断,劳而无功。”老舍《四世同堂》:“她会一定把输钱的罪过都归到他身上,不但~,而且最在不赦。”
  近义词 水中捞月、枉费心机
  反义词 坐享其成、不劳而获
  歇后语 诸葛亮六出祁山
  灯 谜 扫雪填井
  故事 孔子作为有名的教育家、社会活动家,极力主张以仁义道 德来治理国家,恢复过去周朝的礼制。他认为统治者只要用“仁义” 来感化百姓,处理诸侯国之间的关系,恢复礼制,天下就会安定。为 此他曾周游列国,向各诸侯国国君宣传自己的政治主张,并请他们 采纳。遗憾的是,他的那些政治主张并不像他的教学见解那样受人 敬佩和欢迎,到处碰壁。 孔子的学生颜回便去问鲁国一个叫太师金的官吏:“我的老师 孔子到处游说,劝人家接受他的主张,可是到处碰壁。这次去卫国, 你看情况会怎样?” 大师金摇摇头说:“我看还是不行。现在战乱四起,各国国君为 争地盘都在忙于打仗,对你老师的‘仁义道德’那一套非常反感,谁 会去听那些不合时宜的说教呢?如蔡、陈两国就是如此。如果到卫国 去游说,肯定不会有什么好结果。” 太师金又举例作进二步解释:“船在水里是最好的运输工具;车 是陆上最好的运输工具。如果硬要把船弄到陆上来运货,那是白费 力气,劳而无功。你的老师要去卫国游说,好比是把船弄到陆上去运 货一样,其结果,必然是劳而无功,可能还会招灾惹祸。你们不要忘 了去陈国的教训,那时你们到陈国不是没人理睬,而且七天弄不到 饭吃吗?”
English Expression
  1. n.:  go for very little,  bay the moon,  work hard but to no avail,  accomplish little,  fool's errand,  milk the bull,  preach to the winds wash a blackamor white
  2. v.:   labor to no purpose,   make futile efforts,   plow the sand,   beat the air
_drop_ a bucket into an empty well, a cup of water can't put out the fire on a carload of wood, be of no avail (=without avail), put a halter round one's neck, make a law only to fall foul of it oneself; be hoist with or by one’ s own petard; get caught in one’ s own trap, suicide, Moths Firefighting, Coke boil lapidation, Eggs and stone fight, whoever plays with fire will perish by fire, Cannibalism undesirable consequence, dig one’ s own grave, bring blame on oneself, make self-criticism as one who draws a fire against oneself, art of writing a composition Self-harm, a _drop_ in the bucket
Fain hair, Highly effective, Chuikang See m, Soratani microphone, be immediately effective, Tatemi result, Effective
Containing Phrases
a vain attemptset a stone rolling