penal code; criminal law : To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) study > to reform through forced labor (a Chinese Communist practice as a form of punishment)
No. 1
  劳动改造方针 劳动改造机关对罪犯在劳动改造中,贯彻“惩罚管制与思想改造相结合、劳动生产与政治教育相结合”,“改造第一、生产第二”的方针,既对罪犯实行军事管制、强迫劳动,同时又进行思想政治教育,在生活上给予革命人道主义待遇,促使他们改恶从善,重新做人。严禁虐待、肉刑。
  犯人管理 劳动改造机关对已判决的犯人,按照犯罪性质和罪行轻重,分设监狱、劳动改造管教队给予不同的监管。对少年犯设置少年犯管教所进行教育改造。劳动改造机关在刑罚执行过程中,如果发现判决有错误或罪犯提出申诉,应当转请人民检察院或原判人民法院处理。对于服刑期满的犯人,应发给释放证明,按期释放。对于确有悔改表现的犯人,应当给予表扬、物质奖励、记功、减刑或者假释等奖励。但减刑或假释应由执行机关提出书面意见,报请人民法院审核裁定。犯人在服刑期间又犯罪的,应报请人民法院依法判处。根据1982年第五届全国人民代表大会常务委员会通过的《关于处理逃跑或者重新犯罪的劳改犯和劳教人员的决定》规定:劳改犯逃跑的,除按原判刑期执行外,加处5年以下有期徒刑;以暴力、威胁方法逃跑的,加处2年以上7年以下有期徒刑。劳改犯逃跑后又犯罪的,从重或者加重处罚。刑满释放后又犯罪的,从重处罚。劳改期满释放后有轻微犯罪行为但不够刑事处分的,给予劳动教养处分。对于行凶报复的劳改罪犯,依法从重或者加重处罚(见量刑)。
  犯人的权利和义务 犯人在服刑期间享有下列权利:①选举权,没有附加剥夺政治权利的犯人可以行使选举权,但不享有被选举权。②人身不受刑讯体罚和侮辱虐待权。③合法财产不受侵犯权。④合法婚姻家庭不受侵害权。⑤申诉权、辩护权、检举权、控告权。但犯人不得借口行使权利无理取闹,或者捏造事实诬告陷害他人。犯人在服刑期间必须履行以下义务:①严格遵守监规纪律。②服从劳改工作干部的管教。③积极参加生产劳动。④接受政治思想和文化技术教育。⑤揭发检举监内外的违法犯罪活动。
English Expression
  1. v.:   reform through forced labor (a Chinese Communist practice as a form of punishment)
Containing Phrases
To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) studyLaodonggaizao VillageTo reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) law
to reform through forced labor (a Chinese Communist practice as a form of punishment) lawto reform through forced labor (a Chinese Communist practice as a form of punishment) bodyto reform through forced labor (a Chinese Communist practice as a form of punishment) conservancy
To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) Correct teamSoviet To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) CodeDuishifanlaodonggaizao Village
russia To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) InstitutionParticularly Get a grip on of To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) teamCommon Get a grip on of To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) team
Exact Get a grip on of To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) teamImpose Get a grip on of To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) teamThe people's republic of china to reform through forced labor (a Chinese Communist practice as a form of punishment) Act
Sichuan province Miaoxi To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) Correct Detachment HospitalSichuan Province To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) Correct troops forming a squadron HospitalShandong province Hutian To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) Correct Detachment Hospital
Hubei Province To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) Correct team Third troops forming a squadron HospitalLiaoning province Ann Shen To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) Detachment HospitalPanjin City To reform through forced labor (a chinese communist practice as a form of punishment) Correct troops forming a squadron Hospital