zooplankton > Protomerite Crystal bag rotifer
  qián jié jīnɡ nánɡ lún chónɡ
  asplachna priodonta gosse
  Common name Crystal sac rotifers, gray water, is crystalline capsule round Branch asplancchnidae, crystal capsule wheel is asplanchna
  Domestic distribution of dry northern and southern freshwater; abroad in Asia, Europe and so on.
  Small individual, body length 0.3-1.2 mm, width 0.1-0.5 mm. Very transparent body, the pouch-shaped form, like a light bulb. Than the middle or latter part of the front wide. No foot, no anus. Head large and well-developed crown plate, top plate located on the mouth, slit-like shape of the trigeminal. Department of chewing typical anvil plate type; anvil base is relatively short, anvil branches developed, inside the front half of each anvil sticks with 4-16 uneven teeth. Spherical and cylindrical vitellarium ovary. When life takes the shape of pale or white.
  Living in all types of freshwater from the most shallow marshes to deep lakes have open water with traces of them. Camp planktonic life. Planktonic animals and plants for food. Breeding season in the spring and summer, autumn and winter, but also for breeding.
  Is widely distributed species, especially fish pelagic fish carp, bighead carp good natural foodstuffs. Meanwhile, they multiply in agriculture, the self-purification of water bodies can play a role.
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