idiom > be sharp
Cut iron drunk
  Explanation: Chop chop cutting iron, as the same soil. Described Weaponry extremely sharp.
  Usage: The main predicate; as the predicate attribute; with compliment
  Source: Ming Luo, "Three Kingdoms" forty blunt sword cut back to that green iron drunk, very sharp. "
  Examples: This is not to say ~ mouth sword, sharp sword may also wish to take horse. ★ Yao Xueyin "Rereading," Volume I Chapter
xuē tiě rú ní
  Describe the sword so sharp incomparable
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No. 3
  Describe the sword sharp. Like Yao, "Rereading," Volume I Chapter V: "This I can not say that cutting iron sword while drunk, may also wish to take horses generally sharp sword." Xu Chi, "Goldbach conjecture" Six: "Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, thoroughly tempered; whisk bell silent, cut iron like mud. "
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No. 4
  词 目 削铁如泥
  发 音 xuē tiě rú ní
  释 义 切削铁器如同斩剁泥土一样。形容兵刃极其锋利。
  出 处 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第四十一回:“那青釭剑砍铁如泥,锋利无比。”
  示 例 这口剑虽不能说~,也似花马剑一般锋利。(姚雪垠《李自成》第一卷第五章)
  用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义
  成语名称 削铁如泥 汉语拼音 xuē tiě rú ní 成语释义 切削铁器如同斩剁泥土一样。形容兵刃极其锋利。 成语出处 明·罗贯中《三国演义》第四十一回:“那青釭剑砍铁如泥,锋利无比。” 使用例句 这口剑虽不能说削铁如泥,也似花马剑一般锋利。
English Expression
  1. n.:  be sharp
Emerging in whetstone, Hair can be broken, New whetstone
Containing Phrases
me be sharp