Literary Writing > cut the feet to fit the shoes; act in a procrustean manner
  Explanation: Suitable for adaptation; shoe shoes. Big feet because shoes to his feet and shoes were cut a piece to the size of the hash. Analogy led to improvise or unreasonable regardless of the specific conditions, be applied mechanically.
  Usage: -Linked; as predicate, object, attribute; containing derogatory
  Source: "Said Lin Huainanzi training" while her husband kept a disaster has raised, Pi still cutting the feet and appropriate shoes, decapitated and then the crown. "
  Examples: Borrowed, which inevitably have ~ "and exhaustive," the wrong with. ★ duo "Four"
No. 2
  Slashing the part of the foot to fit shoe size. Analogy to accommodate the existing conditions or unreasonably disregard the specific circumstances of the rote learning of foreign experience must be combined with the actual situation in the region, must not procrustean | If we had to use exactly the same way copy, it is procrustean.
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xuē zú shì lǚ
  In order to Bigfoot cut into the small shoes and feet small. Yu means not blindly applied according to the actual situation
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No. 4
  Analogy still cutting the feet and appropriate footwear, beheaded and then crown. - "Huai Lin Xun said,"
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No. 5
  Inappropriate analogy to accommodate existing conditions, or regardless of objective reality, barely make do. "Said Lin Huai training": "Cardiff so harm the care of their support, adequate and appropriate analogy still carry out cuts, beheaded and then crown." Lu Xun "how to write the three leisure collection": "If the author describe the case at the expense of freedom, even if very small part, it is tantamount to procrustean's. "also for" cutting toe fitness sandals. " Seiwa state the amount of "Night with the recorded Dongru Biao Tan": "sister as fantasy, then strongman appropriate cut toe sandals."
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No. 6
  【发音】xuē zú shì lǚ
  【释义】 比喻不合理地迁就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套,不懂得变通,不尊重客观事实。
  【出处】 西汉·刘安《淮南子·说林训》:“骨肉相爱,谗贼间之,而父子相危。夫所以养而害所养,譬犹削足而适履,杀头而便冠。”
  【用法】 连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义
  【近义词】 生搬硬套、杀头便冠 、刻足适屦。
  【反义词】 因地制宜、量体裁衣 。
  【典故 】
  成语名称 削足适履 汉语拼音 xuē zú shì lǚ 成语释义 适:适应;履:鞋。因为鞋小脚大,就把脚削去一块来凑和鞋的大小。比喻不合理的牵就凑合或不顾具体条件,生搬硬套。 成语出处 《淮南子·说林训》:“夫所以养而害所养,譬犹削足而适履,杀头而便冠。” 使用例句 是借用,就难免有“削足适履”和“挂一漏万”的毛病了。
English Expression
  1. n.:  cut the feet to fit the shoes; act in a procrustean manner
  2. v.:  (literally) to trim the foot to suit the shoe--to do something very foolishly or in an impractical manner
read item by item from the text, rote, draw a tiger with a cat as a model, copy, (literally) to trim the foot to suit the shoe--to do something very foolishly or in an impractical manner, Decapitate Will crown, Cheng, people are buying to fulfill, Death move credenda, mechanically, By mode Drawings, (surname) Marrow Gourd painting, Yuezhishilv
When in Rome do as the Romans do., When in Rome do as the Romans do., Asked the customs entry, Actually cut into the question, Into the state asked the customs, take such measures as one suitable to local conditions, shutter walk, Shutter Moving, when in Rome do as the Romans do, cut one'scoataccording to one's cloth, Shenliqianjie, Exaggeration, quote one's words out of context