| | - adj.: hard, caustic, acerb, acid, acrid, acrimonious, shrewish, sour, tart, unkind, vitriolic, waspish, mean, ungenerous
| | careful, cheeseparing, excessively careful with one's money, get across, pernickety, poor, antisocial, like a miser, vitally abstemious, petty, narrow, grudging, inconsiderate of others, miserly husky, acerb, tending to hurt other people's feelings, vulgar, audacious, bad-mannered, tasteless, unkind, unaccommodating, acid, impious, discourteous, discourteous, improper, apoplectic, barbarous, temper frequent, crabbed, rash, banal, shrill, angry, angry, bilious, snappish, crabbed, gentleman of (the) four outs crisp, unaccomplished, nervous, unable to relax, afraid, alarmed, featureless, mediocre, characterless, abashed, fenhende, reluctant, mordant, acid, nervous or frightened | | caustic | acidulous satire | speak with acrimony | caustic remarks | nit-picking | barb | a bitchy remark | |