be sure to
《be sure to》
Poet: Han Wei

  I re-Huai Qieqie earnest today go when the last month.
  Dream Car no longer the old course, the tears and blood stained the old line of empty frog.
  Yan wind is shooting a human face before, but worry about freezing to split hooves.
  Lift head and open head worry overcast, sad embrace carved chest intestinal frost.
No. 2
  What to earnestly so
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No. 3
  Earnestly and destroyed within the heart
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No. 4
  Earnestly to hate
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No. 5
  Earnest until my heart
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No. 6
  Sure; must - are used for correspondence
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No. 7
  Earnest must not forget
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No. 8
  Used in the notice, regulations and other end, said repeatedly warned
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No. 9
  Earnest this fabric
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No. 10
  Describe the light thin and sharp sound
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No. 11
  To string earnest. - Tang Bai "Pipa (and order)"
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No. 12
  Cao Cao earnestly mixed shells.
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Encouragement of mutual respect demonstrate their appearance
  Encouragement of mutual respect demonstrate their appearance. "Guangya interpretation training": "honestly, respect also." "Great things stand Zengzi Rites": "guided by Road not freeze too strong, the palace Yong Yong, Yan Su Su outside, brother Xi Xi, friend earnestly. "Jin Ge Hong" Baopuzi disease absurd ":" friend of the set, class taste of the tour, Mo Qieqie Jinde, Yen Yen duration, attack against the over Bute, preaching the essence. "
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Urgent; urgent
  Urgent, urgent. Han Huan Kuan, "Salt and Iron Country diseases": "Cardiff Debate countries political affairs, gains and losses on the ruling, why not gently reason with metaphor, how to honestly so Down?" Song Xi "Horse Ying Zhao Feng things": "earnest However, a Chao down today, tomorrow, regarding the line. "Ming Zhi" A Geng Sikou book ":" and I have heard that Kim; I greater odds are, the public honestly Yan For the lecture, is what idea? "
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Sad, sad appearance
  Sad, sad appearance. Han Zhao Ye, "Annals of Wu and Wang Liao to Prince-light": "Zixu know well of the king, each entry with the words, then brave strong atmosphere, and slightly Road, their feud, and there is honestly the color." Southern Liang Jiang Yan "injury Aiko Fu ":" form Qiongqiong suits the facilities, within hearts honestly and destroyed. "Tang Wei Xiaqing" Do Jia Zhang "Poetry:" honestly do not think wrapping, Xiao Xiao Zheng ride trouble. "Songmei Yao Chen," Si Gui Fu ":" Yu Huai earnestly, wish to address official seal. "" Dream of Red Mansions "second six back:" independent, under the corner edge Hua Yin, Beibeiqieqie sobbing. "
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  Kindliness. "Later Han Dou Wu Biography": "The edict honestly, still to Jiushi fields and houses in the statement." Songmei Yao Chen, "free Yu Yu Jae-Han 6 Qiantang" poem: "Today more than two decades, voluntary only earnestly." Ming Li Dongyang "Park Ruins" Poetry: "Comrades in Arms Wutai Yan, until my heart earnestly." clarify and state the amount of "Night Tan registered with small year": "master conscientiously retain, not heard response."
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  Deep. Song Zhouhui "kiyonami other blog," Volume: "Wang Jinggong retreated to Zhongshan, earnestly to Lvji Fu to hate." Yuan Anonymous "freeze Su" Third off: "I think one other brother, already three years before the project, often earnest heart, Failure to have forgotten. "Ming Yuan Hongdao" Syria plum champion draft process ":" plum reading of her poetry, but also earnestly However, the late well-known hate. "Qing Yu Yue" tea room Cong Chao Yi Home ":" Since to put their lives during the quarter, not specifically, earnestly to hate. "
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No. 18
  Repeatedly warned of the story. Documents are used for downstream end. Qing Lin, "the throne to the sea to Guangdong investigating the incident pass the cards issued": "stand behind its words, the compliance should not violate the awe-struck. Honestly!" Taiping Rengan "military time Record": "Have to stay a few words, Dole thought to make, or have quickly for Gordon, executive this ask to see, but still Turkish people have to spend. honestly. this encyclical. "Mao Zedong" Border Region Government, the Eighth Route Army behind the rear Department Notice ":" If there are unscrupulous The Christians, who dare to plot trouble, the Department of the Government stand behind its words, not to say that we do not advance. honestly. this cloth. "
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No. 19
  Onomatopoeia. Described the light sound fine. "Su Shi Gui Guan" "I Heart Yun Jie Xi" Biography of Mao: "Assistance piano and strings, earnestly and sorrow for." "Later Han Dou Wu Biography": "outside the idle earnestly, requested the Royal Deyang ago Hall. "Tang Bai" Pipa ":" Great chord Cao Cao, such as pelting rain, honestly, such as small strings whisper. "Qing Pu" Liao Qing Feng ":" through floor and over, celebrity earnest words. " Lu Xun's "Wandering blessing": "She approached the two steps, drops his voice, like honestly say very secret, 'is dead after the Soul is there?'"
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No. 20
  切切 [qièqiè]
  (1).急切,急迫。 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·国疾》:“夫辩国家之政事,论执政之得失,何不徐徐道理相喻,何至切切如此乎?” 宋 朱熹 《壬午应诏封事》:“切切然今日降一诏,明日行一事。” 明 李贽 《答耿司寇书》:“且吾闻 金吾 亦人杰也,公切切焉欲其讲学,是何主意?”
  (2).哀怨、忧伤貌。 汉 赵晔 《吴越春秋·王僚使公子光传》:“ 子胥 知王好之,每入与语,遂有勇壮之气,稍道其讎,而有切切之色。” 南朝 梁 江淹 《伤爱子赋》:“形惸惸而外施,心切切而内圮。” 唐 韦夏卿 《别张贾》诗:“切切别思缠,萧萧征骑烦。” 宋 梅尧臣 《思归赋》:“切切余怀,欲辞印绶。”《红楼梦》第二六回:“独立墻角边花荫之下,悲悲切切呜咽起来。”
  (3).恳挚。《后汉书·窦武传》:“而诏书切切,犹以舅氏田宅为言。” 宋 梅尧臣 《送韩六玉汝宰钱塘》诗:“今逾二十年,志愿徒切切。” 明 李东阳 《泊故城》诗:“同袍乌台彦,待我心切切。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·小年》:“主人切切挽留,不闻应答。”
  (4).深切。 宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷中:“ 王荆公 退居 钟山 ,切切以 吕吉甫 为恨。” 元 无名氏 《冻苏秦》第三折:“我想兄弟一别,早已三年光景,时常切切在心,未敢有忘。” 明 袁宏道 《叙梅子马王程稿》:“ 梅子 读其诗,又切切然痛恨知名之晚也。” 清 俞樾 《茶香室丛钞·义居》:“自以身在季,不得专,切切为恨。”
  (5).再三告诫之词。多用于下行公文结尾。 清 林则徐 《奉旨前往广东查办海口事件传牌稿》:“言出法随,各宜懔遵毋违。切切!” 太平天囯 洪仁玕 《军次实录》:“兹留数语,令尔细思,或有幡然之悟,执此求见,仍不失为中土花民也。切切。此谕。” 毛泽东 《陕甘宁边区政府、第八路军后方留守处布告》:“倘有不法之徒,胆敢阴谋捣乱,本府本处言出法随,勿谓言之不预。切切。此布。”
  (6).象声词。形容声音轻细。《诗·桧风·素冠》“我心蕴结兮” 毛 传:“援琴而弦,切切而哀作。”《后汉书·窦武传》:“外闲切切,请出御 德阳前殿 。” 唐 白居易 《琵琶行》:“大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私语。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·青凤》:“穿楼而过,闻人语切切。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“她走近两步,放低了声音,极秘密似的切切的说,‘一个人死了之后,究竟有没有魂灵的?’”
  (7).象声词。形容声音凄切。 南朝 齐 谢朓 《宣城郡内登望》诗:“切切阴风暮,桑柘起寒烟。” 唐 皇甫冉 《魏十六还苏州》诗:“秋夜沉沉此送君,阴虫切切不堪闻。” 前蜀 贯休 《夜夜曲》:“蟪蛄切切风骚骚,芙蓉喷香蟾蜍高。” 宋 罗烨 《姑苏钱氏归乡壁记于道》诗:“碧落翩翩飞雁过,青山切切子规啼。”《醒世恒言·独孤生归途闹梦》:“切切夕风急,露滋庭草湿。良人去不回,焉知掩闺泣。”
English Expression
  1. n.:  be sure to,  used at the end of regulations or a notice,expressing the notion of urging again and again,  earnestly; urgently,  worried,  earnest and sincere,  deep; profound,  pathetic,  touching
  2. adj.:  urgent,  important